rose giving y40

  1. Jordan Harris

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for Green

    Jordie felt like he was receiving a rose for every one he delivered. With a few blossoms tucked into his messy curls, Jordie bounced down to the dungeons. "Avery?" He called, looking around. He'd heard from a younger student he might find the boy down here.
  2. Jordan Harris

    🌹 Rose Giving Professor Your Rose is Here!

    Jordie knew exactly who the next person on his list was. What was with all the Gryffindors? He hummed as he walked to the Great Hall and up to the Professors table. "Excuse me, Professor Kingsley?" Jordie smiled widely. "I've brought you a rose!" He announced.
  3. Jordan Harris

    🌹 Rose Giving Turn Around, Make a Crown

    Jordie finished delivering his rose to Blue and turned, looking at the next name on his list. He didn't quite recognize it. "Is there a Hildegard around here?" He asked, looking around. "Or does anyone know where to find Hildegard?" He asked everyone in general, hoping for some directions.
  4. Jordan Harris

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for Red for Blue

    Jordie couldn't be more excited about rose giving. He already had one rose of his own, woven into his dark curls. He hummed as he skipped up to the seventh floor. After asking around he'd found out he was looking for a Gryffindor. "Blueeee! Blue?" He called, looking around to see if anyone would...
  5. Gwen Goodwin

    🌹 Rose Giving Blooming Buds

    The next person on Gwen's list was an older boy she didn't know that well. From asking around, she heard the boy was a Gryffindor and was part of the paper. She finally found him after asking a bunch of people if they had seen him, glad someone pointed him out to her. She smiled brightly...
  6. Gwen Goodwin

    🌹 Rose Giving Grateful Gardening

    Gwen's third target was one of her classmates, which made things easier. Gwen hadn't spoken to Timothy much, but she thought he was nice enough and pretty cute. Gwen had peeked at his note, curious who was sending him a rose. Unfortunately, it wasn't very interesting. She was a bit sad she was...
  7. Gwen Goodwin

    🌹 Rose Giving Loyal Letter

    After asking around, Gwen had heard that the next person on her list was also delivering roses. She was vaguely aware of the older Gryffindor boy, he was pretty cute and on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. So when Gwen spotted him, she put on a bright grin before approaching him, glad she had put...
  8. Gwen Goodwin

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendly Flowers

    Gwen was glad that she knew the first person on her list, she was Rosie's sister Aurora. Gwen had seen the two together, delivering roses, so she just had to catch them somewhere in between deliveries. When she spotte them in the first floor corridor, Gwen hurried forward, careful not to upset...
  9. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving A Final and Most Beautiful Red Rose

    Rosie was very sad that they were delivering the last rose, she would've delivered all the roses if allowed. But of course that wasn't possible and definitely would take too much time. She hadn't recognised the name of the boy they were delivering this last rose to, but it was a beautiful rose...
  10. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Finally A Red Rose for A Friend!

    The next name on the list had been very familiar to Rosie, she was friends with Slate and in the moment before she remembered her rose to him had been yellow, thought perhaps she was delivering her own rose. However, her friend was proving difficult to find, and Aurora kept asking for them to...
  11. Aurora Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Rose For A Familiar Name

    Aurora felt the name after Harper's was familiar. She'd taken the liberty when they'd been looking up the last person to just check where this person perhaps was, and it was a slytherin. She wasn't sure why the name was vaguely familiar to her, by the picture the girl hadn't been someone in...
  12. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Rose Over Lunch

    The next rose, wasn't to anyone they were familiar with. But after stopping at the library, where Rosie had watched her sister do the work, they'd realised she was a gryffindor a few years above them. It was just the beginning of lunch time, so Rosie had suggested they go to the Great Hall and...
  13. Aurora Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving A Smudged Pink Rose

    After the first successful delivery, Aurora had taken a look at the name on the list and suggested the quidditch pitch, but had been quickly overruled and found herself in the wild patch. It wasn't a place Aurora had come but she knew immediately why Rosie loved it, the lush and rich garden...
  14. Sadie Gates

    🌹 Rose Giving An Ambrosial Yellow Rose

    And again, Sadie was back to not knowing who her next delivery was. She decided to take a new window in another corridor and loudly shouted. "LOUIS ALCOTT! YELLOW ROSE FOR LOUIS!" She hoped that the boy won't have any problems with her shouting his name and that he was at least there. @Louis Alcott
  15. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving A Double Yellow Rose

    Rosie had decided signed up herself and Aurora for the rose giving, they were sharing one basket and doing it together. Which was probably just ore than Rosie was always going to hand out roses and Aurora was always going to just tag along. Rosie insisted on them both wear the red rose flower...
  16. Sadie Gates

    🌹 Rose Giving Delightful Yellow

    And again, Sadie kinda knew who Juniper Zumwalt was, wasn't she the captain of Ravenclaw team? She totally was. And also the leader of SDA, would be awful not to know her. "Hey Juniper! I am Sadie and I have a rose for you!" Sadie excitedly approached the Ravenclaw team captain, knowing that it...
  17. Valeria Iglesias

    🌹 Rose Giving A Dreamy Yellow Rose

    Valeria had freshened herself up after the last rose, though she'd had one more, she still had the rest of the day to contend with. She had freshed up her make up and adjusted the rose in her hair. Then finally she made her way to the Great hall, and over to the Gryffindor table. "Nathaniel...
  18. Sadie Gates

    🌹 Rose Giving The Prettiest Pink

    Well, Sadie was pretty sure that she knew the next delivery. Wasn't René the keeper on Hufflepuff Quidditch team? Sadly, Sadie knew only his name, it was hard to see him while he was playing. "RENÉ TOFILAU! WHERE IS RENÉ?" She loudly shouted his name, holding up a pink rose. She loved delivering...
  19. Valeria Iglesias

    🌹 Rose Giving A Heavenly Yellow Rose

    After being in the dungeons Val had been directed back up and to the library. A young ravenclaw she'd been informed that this girl was. She was going around the library, twirling every so often to dramatically make her way down the aisles of books. Until she spotted a young girl in a ravenclaw...
  20. Sadie Gates

    🌹 Rose Giving Adorable Yellow

    Sadie was absolutely back to her first plan, just calling names out. "Estella Fuentes! Is Estella Fuentes here?" She loudly shouted standing on the window, trying to get as much attention as she could. @Estella Fuentes