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  1. Tilly Drage

    Open Rock head

    The reality was, Tilly couldn’t be on the pitch smacking iron all day. So she had to settle for other ways to get stronger. She had stuffed all of her books into one bag for the extra weight, but she could use more. The Hufflepuff girl found herself at the Lakefront, picking out smooth rocks and...
  2. Poppy Perkins

    Open Saving Snidgets

    Poppy stood in the middle of the entrance hall during the lunch rush, and tried to get anyone to pay attention to her. "Please, if you wouldn't mind signing my petition to keep Golden Snidgets a protected species." she called out as an older student brushed past her with out a single word. She...
  3. Poppy Perkins

    Open Unforeseen Consequences

    Poppy loved Halloween. She loved the decorations, the costumes, and the snacks especially. This year she was pretty excited about her costume and she had put a lot of work into it. She had carved the pumpkin and enchanted it so the eyes glowed as if there was a light on the inside. It had taken...
  4. Indira Khatri

    Open Calculated Risk

    Indi stood at the edge of the forest and crossed her arms over her chest as she weighed the pros and cons of what she was about to do. She had spent the first few weeks at school exploring and looking for any hidden spaces or secret tunnels or whatever she could find with in the castle. Her...
  5. Delilah Thorne

    Open Inked Soaked Letter

    Delilah liked the student lounge, it made her feel social even if she ended up sitting by herself. She had been trying to write this letter to Caleb for a while now but she wasn't sure what to say to him. Her year had been off to a fairly boring start, Brook and Ivy were fine and up to their...
  6. Poppy Perkins

    Open Signs for the Times

    Poppy had quite the ambitious task ahead of her. While she had never been very interested in quidditch it hadn't stopped a lot of her friends and classmates from joining their individual house teams. Objectively she could recognize that it took a lot of skill and talent to play the sport, even...
  7. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Seriously?

    Yep, it was official, everyone hated him. All of his friends had left, all of them. Elsie had died, Elio had f*cked off to somewhere with Rowan, so they’d both left. Sapphire had graduated though he wasn’t sure if she was even considered a friend after everything. Luna had transferred out, the...
  8. Lars van Houten

    Open Drops of Paint

    While Lars often made do with sketches or doodles in between his notes, his true passion was painting. So whenever he had some free time, he found his way to the Conglomerated Arts Room and grabbed a canvas and some paint. Usually he painted nature, flowers and plants, beautiful backdrops with...
  9. Abian Hunter

    Open Brainstorming Ideas

    The new school year had started, and for Abian it would also be the final school year at Hogwarts. It was wild to him, as he felt nowhere near ready for graduation. He sometimes even forgot he was one of the older students at Hogwarts, at least until he noticed that most of the other kids around...
  10. Poppy Perkins

    Open World of My Own

    Poppy waded into the the water, her boots long forgotten on the shore. She had rolled up the bottoms of her pants over her knees but it wasn't quite enough and the water brushed them, slowly soaking them through. But Poppy hardly noticed as she kept her eyes out for just the right plants. She...
  11. Ruben Right

    Open PALentine's Day

    Ruben dressed up nicely for this ball, he took advantage of the Christmas break to go to the villages near Hogwarts and renovate his wardrobe. One of the many thing he bought was a new suit for the Valentine's Day dance. He wondered how many of his friends were there and if Veronica was there...
  12. Beckett Harrington

    Open I should be studying instead

    Beckett entered the great hall, he wasn't exactly in a party mood but everyone seemed to love the dances and he had been encouraged by basically everyone he met to just have more fun. He was dressed simply as he didn't really cared much about these event, he probably used more formal clothes in...
  13. Catherine Barrington

    Open New Sights

    The draw of Valentine's Day was one Catherine had been unable to ignore. Almost without realizing it, she had found her way at Hogwarts castle for the celebration. The spirit usually haunted in Brightstone Village, but it seemed like tonight the temptation of romance and celebration was too...
  14. Abian Hunter

    Open Jumping Into Things

    Abian was trying not to let the lack of pink roses or dates to the dance get to him. He was determined to have fun tonight, even if he was on his own. The Hufflepuff had dressed up nicely for the dance and was looking forward to dancing and hopefully spending time with his friends tonight. He...
  15. Jasper Night

    Old School Week Harmless Prank

    Jasper had been a bit bored lately, and finding an old pack of canary creams in his trunk over the break had given him an idea. Hogwarts needed some livening up, and Jasper was the person to do it. He'd taken the canary creams with him, and was now lounging around on the second floor looking for...
  16. Simone Moreau-Chen

    Old School Week finir avec un grand éclat

    Simone was nearly out of breath after rushing from her dorm room down to the lawn. She had completely forgotten about the fireworks she had bought last summer with the intention of some kind of forgotten senior prank. That was until she found them under her bed after she went searching for her...
  17. Saira Lykims

    Old School Week A letter to my parents

    Saira called for Henry as she entered the owlery. An owl came swooping down on her arm, flapping it's wings wildly. "Hello to you too, Henry." She gave him a mouse treat that she had bought a while ago and watched as he devoured the treat.
  18. Ana Sofia Burleigh

    Old School Week Flowery Paintings

    Ana Sofia had been bored, which could only mean one thing for the young girl: it was time to get her painting supplies out and find something good to paint. With the weather being as nice as it was she packed up her paint supplies and headed out of the castle, her feet subconsciously taking her...
  19. Emilia Manning

    Open Fluttering Wings

    The Heta Omega meeting had gone without a hitch, for the most part. She had known Athena wouldn't be happy about the change of position without a word to her, but somehow she hadn't expected her cousin to challenge her on it. But maybe, deep down, she had hoped she would. It was lonely, not...
  20. Iris van Houten

    Open Trying Tea Leaves

    Iris was impatient with her third year so far. It seemed to be going slowly, when she had been looking forward to this year for ages. But the biggest factor in that was that Iris simply couldn't wait to get to Divination, which she had next semester. Iris had Ancient Runes now, which she enjoyed...