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  1. Professor Grace Holland

    Old School Week Like the Good Old Days

    Grace had been putting away the brooms after the first year's flying lesson, when the urge to fly had come over her. She had kept one broom behind when locking them in the shed, then grabbed a quaffle as well. As much as Grace enjoyed teaching, she did sometimes miss playing. She still followed...
  2. Iris van Houten

    Old School Week Sort-of Studying

    While Iris knew she had a lot of homework to catch up on, she couldn't quite resist the pull of the Divination books in the library. It started when she saw one interesting title, and before she knew it she had a whole stack. She carried it over to a nearby table, barely able to see in front of her.
  3. Josephine Arora

    Old School Week Quiet Day

    It was a quiet day in the hospital wing, and Josephine hoped it could stay that way. She was lost in thought as she worked on changing the sheets on the beds, using her wand to do most of the work. She hoped she could have dinner with Angel tonight, but he was pretty busy now that he was head of...
  4. Augustus Westwick

    Old School Week Hiding Away

    While Augustus loved spending time with Addison and enjoyed hanging out with Ryan and Finn as well, sometimes he just needed time to himself. He had decided to go to the cliffs, which overlooked the lake. He was still sort of hoping to spot the eel. He had brought a book and made himself...
  5. Poppy Perkins

    Open Y40 Muggleborn (and Raised) Support Group

    Poppy tapped her fingers together as she went through her checklist of things to do in her head. Snacks were setup, check. Chairs were arraigned, check. She wanted this meeting to be the best one yet. She had learned a lot at the last one and since this was the last one she would host, she...
  6. Margo Fox

    Open Head in the Clouds

    Margo was glad it was finally summer and she could sit outside and read her book while Gram did whatever it was she needed to do in town. She didn't mind coming along when there were errands to run but as she had gotten older she liked small taste of independence that came with doing her own...
  7. Louis Alcott

    Open Outlet for Anger

    It had been months now since Louis had been rejected for the Quidditch team, but there were still moments it made him incredibly mad. He had been thinking about the upcoming finale of the Quidditch season next semester and how Gryffindor would face off against Hufflepuff. From what Louis knew...
  8. Natalia Novak

    Open Tending to Flowers

    Natalia had been glad to join the Wild Patch club. She wasn't much of a club person, but she did really enjoy plants and nature. The Wild Patch club space was wonderful, with a garden and a greenhouse, which reminded Natalia of her garden at home. She knew her mother had never quite approved of...
  9. Delilah Thorne

    Open Just One Moment of Peace

    Delilah couldn't believe how quickly the break had gone. It almost felt like she blinked and it was over. Their cousin had come to visit briefly but she had the feeling New Zealand was the last place Gemma wanted to be, but she had brought Delilah some of her favorite romance novel which was a...
  10. Jasper Night

    Open Expecting a Patronus

    Ever since the last Charms lesson, Jasper knew he needed to work on his patronus. It wasn't just a cool spell, it was something he needed to know for his career. He knew it could be useful and would likely get him an advantage in Auror training. Also, Jasper was very curious what sort of animal...
  11. Indira Khatri

    Open Practical Magic

    Indi had been trying to find the perfect place to study for a while now. The library was the obvious location to go and while she did like it there it was getting crowded this time of year as everyone started to cram for exams. She didn’t find it very fair that people who had been going there to...
  12. Caleb Thorne

    Open Don't Look Down

    Caleb felt fairly confident he had gotten all he could out of the castle. He had spent almost all of his free time trying to find overlooked places that could be useful to him eventually. But he and come to the concussion that if there were secrets he hadn't uncovered yet he wasn't sure he...
  13. Poppy Perkins

    Open A Little Off the Top

    Poppy had always loved the school's garden. It was one of the most peaceful places on the whole school grounds and this year when she needed a place to just be it had been there for her. It was full of flowers and other pretty things and provided her a place to study or simply think. Today she...
  14. Augustus Westwick

    Open An Awkwardly Tall Wallflower

    Augustus was confused. He knew he and Addison hadn't actually technically agreed to go together, but they always went together to dances and events. He remembered how upset she had been the one time he had gone with someone else. But tonight... Augustus could only conclude she hadn't shown up...
  15. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Open Specks of the Lake

    The second semester had arrived, which meant that the school year was going to be over in a flash. Samantha didn't like the idea that she was going to leave school soon, though it was only another year away. The sixth-year Hufflepuff also had no idea what she wanted to do when she left Hogwarts...
  16. Emma van Houten

    Open Unadvised Adventure

    Emma was glad to be back at Hogwarts, though she wasn't very excited for her classes or the OWLs. She was hopeful for this semester, though. There was a Quidditch game soon and she was hoping that she could spend some more time with Issac. The night at the yule ball had been a lot of fun, though...
  17. Tyler Lee

    Open Wandering Worries

    Tyler had been feeling strangely restless since returning to Hogwarts for his final semester. He still felt awkward around Blake and had been avoiding him, but he also felt oddly melancholy at the idea of leaving Hogwarts without repairing that relationship. Tyler also felt the pressure of the...
  18. Selene Le Fey

    Open runes homework.

    Selene sat in the ancient runes classroom listening as professor Josephs asked them to go outside and do a rune reading. Selene made her way outside stopping in the garden. She had always liked the garden. she liked the smell. the earth the flowers. it was relaxing. She spent the time shaking...
  19. Delilah Thorne

    Open Maybe It's Me

    Delilah was grateful for the abandoned classroom. For all its dust and emptiness it really was the perfect place to come if you wanted any kind of privacy. And she was certain she wanted no one to witness her failure like this. She had been coming her to practice since last semester yet she...
  20. Tilly Drage

    Open Well-behaved women something something

    Tilly walked along the line of the Forbidden Forest with a lamb and mint pasty in hand that she’d snatched from the house table and pocketed over lunch. She wasn’t technically over the boundary, but she was darn close. The Hufflepuff peered through the trees, seeing nothing. In her year and a...