
  1. Norton Gillespie

    Closed Daisies

    Norton was in slight disbelief at the fact that this was his final yuleball. He had been to every single celebration since arriving at the school and it was pretty sad to him that this was the last one. He had of course asked April to the fance with him, feeling the importance of actually asking...
  2. Charles Abberline

    Closed Back to Where It Began

    It felt nice to set foot in the village again after such a long time. He had left the school so abruptly that he never got the chance to say goodbye to it and its surroundings properly, which he regretted greatly as it felt more like home to him than the school and the village in Scotland ever...
  3. Nicole Fisk

    Friends That Craft Together

    Nicole had started to settle in a lot better after the first month or so of school. She felt more comfortable with her friends and her house, even if Professor Styx still seemed pretty spooky. The only thing that was still bumming her out was their dorm room. She and her roommates had made a...
  4. Elliot Briar

    Closed Raincheck

    Since they'd kissed, things between Elliot and Lars had been...weird. There was no getting around that. Admittedly, sometimes Lars made things weird just by existing, but Elliot was used to that kind of weird. This was a whole new kind of weird where Elliot didn't know the rules any more, and he...
  5. Jerara Tapsell

    Closed Living How I Want

    Jerara had been awake most of the night, his hours after leaving school had definitely shifted quite a lot, without school to keep him to a schedule and the only thing he had to worry about being work, which wasn't always consistent, it just gave him so much more time to read at all hours of the...
  6. Solomon Tofilau

    Open Styx and Stones

    Open after Daphne and Kaitlyn Sully hadn't forgotten Aisa's dare from last year, he'd just been waiting for the perfect opportunity. They didn't have Defense this semester, but they hadn't had it at the end of last year either, so Sully felt like he'd already used that excuse. Besides...
  7. Agnes Baros

    Open Better out than in

    Of all people she felt like helping, Tyler was at the bottom of her list. Agnes however had found herself supporting the boy as she helped him to the hospital wing though after another girl in their year had decided to attack him. His actions better have warranted such an retaliation otherwise...
  8. Sierra Woodlock

    Closed Kissing and Telling

    After kissing Deepa, Sierra had figured out that it was definitely something she liked to do. She understood now, why her brothers and other people kissed all the time. Sierra knew that some people didn't always love hugs as much as she did, but she had quickly come to realize that it wasn't...
  9. Lauren Carter

    Open Irritations

    Lauren tried to avoid Aonghas. She really liked him as her friend, but she just could not face him. She had slept so worse, she thought it would be better while being on Hogwarts again her home. But she had nightmares lately and woke up in the middle of the night. She didn't want anyone to know...
  10. Elliot Briar

    Closed Downpour

    It was still early in the year, but Lars and Elliot had agreed to meet up and get some homework done today. Elliot was always happy to get an early start on things and he was looking forward to the chance catch up with Lars. The holidays seemed to go so fast but Elliot still found he missed his...
  11. Derek Tahana

    Closed Miscommunications and Misunderstandings

    Derek’s mind had been so wrapped up with everything he was thinking about when it came to Emilia. They had always been so good together, things had been so easy to start with and then things had gotten more and more difficult, now he wasn’t sure he even still felt the same way about her, but...
  12. Kasim Safir

    A Little Charity

    With a pile of knuts next to him, Kas had settled on his stomach on the balcony, peering down at the crowd passing by below. He almost certainly shouldn't be up here, but if they hadn't wanted someone getting up here, they shouldn't have put a staircase somewhere so easily accessible to kids...
  13. Jerara Tapsell

    Open Burning All Bridges

    With the ceremony over, Jerara could feel the eyes of people glancing towards him. He’d certainly made quite a splash in finishing his time at hogwarts, he hadn’t actually planned to write a speech like that, but it had been what he’d ended up writing. Whenever he’d tried to write something like...
  14. Jazmine Della-Robbia

    Closed Seeing How This Goes

    Jazmine Della-Robbia had to keep fixing everything that Vincent broke, and she was tired of it. He was still new to the company, but he kept playing around like the entire family's livelihoods weren't counting on this company. She had to often consult Ignacio on how to fix the many mistakes...
  15. Sierra Woodlock

    On the hunt

    Sierra was on a mission. Armed with her pink rose, she was eager to find out who sent it to her. Sierra was definitely curious about other people, but she didn't think that she felt any way other than a yellow rose. She was wondering if she should send out pink roses herself, instead of yellow...
  16. Vader Hume

    Open Rose Pink Rose

    Open After. Pink rose for @Abian Hunter Vader certainly knew who the next rose recipient was, though Vader could admit that he hadn't been a particularly good friend to Abian he was still excited to deliver the rose. Vader had taken a break since the last one, tiring himself out after...
  17. Cyzarine Haden

    Open Wait Up! Rose Incoming!

    Open After. Yellow rose for @Jasper Night Cyzarine knew the next person she needed to give a rose to. Jasper Night was a good friend. She liked him, though perhaps she didn't see him nearly often as she'd maybe want to. The gryffindor had spotted him, heading on to the second floor. "Hey...
  18. Cyzarine Haden

    Open Independently Yellow Rose

    Open After. Yellow Rose for @Aisa Hunter Cyzarine was so excited to be able to give out roses again. She'd put on the hand made flower crown that she had done herself, it wasn't quite as nice as some of the other flower crowns, but it had a personal touch. Cyzarine had gotten her roses from...
  19. Willow Cullen

    willows and waterways.

    There was a willow tree sitting by the lake. this tree was much like many other trees graceful and old. it had a sort of welcoming feel to it as if asking students to sit under it in the summer for a little bit of shade or to climb it. in return it had surely heard its fair share of gossip...
  20. Kengi Smile

    Closed We'll See...

    Kengi Smile was sitting on a couch in the Student Lounge reading. He was doing good in his classes so far, so he was pretty relaxed. The only thing that was stressing him out at the moment was Jacob. He and Jacob just did not know what they were doing, which was frustrating to Kengi. He was the...