chloe thompson

  1. Harper Alston

    Closed Keep On Sending Those Words

    There were a lot of things Harper would miss about Hogwarts next year. Writing letters was not one of them. She was looking forward to texts and calls and instant messages and even emails. Of course, she would continue writing letters to all her magical friends who didn't have cell phones, but...
  2. Harper Alston

    Closed To Go Back to the Younger Days

    Harper had known that going back home would be difficult, but she hadn't been prepared for how off-kilter everything felt. The problem was her, of course. She could tell that no one in her family knew what to make of this new, more subdued version of herself. Her parents had tried to ask about...
  3. Harper Alston

    Closed Life in Letters

    It was nearly three weeks into the school year before Harper finally made her way to the owlery, hands clutching a thick stack of envelopes. This was unusual. Normally, she sent out the first wave of letters to her family and friends within the first week of the semester. Those letters were her...
  4. Hayzel West

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow in the tower of the Red

    There was no better place to look for the head girl except her own house. Being a Gryffindor, Hayzel knew exactly where to look for Chloe. She just did not want to go into the common room so here she was, waiting for the girl to either come out of the common room or come up the stairs. "Paging...
  5. Harper Alston

    Closed In This World It’s Hard to Get It Right

    When Harper was younger, her oldest brother had once jokingly compared her to a shark. Like a great white, she needed to constantly be on the move in order to survive, he had claimed. He wasn't entirely wrong. Harper often had an excess amount of energy she needed to burn, and she did feel...
  6. Nikko Blackwood

    Closed Inevitable Change

    Nikko was glad that Gryffindor didn't have the first game of the season this year. It gave them plenty of time to practice before they would face of against Slytherin, and it was time they would definitely need. His mind was racing with all the possibilities of what could go wrong when he...
  7. Kiara Wood

    Closed Settling Back In

    Kiara now had a bit more time than she did in the previous year because she stepped back as a co-leader of Conglomerated Arts Club even if she loved being in the lead of it. However, now she knew what she wanted, she had enrolled in really serious courses that if she passed the required exams...
  8. Harper Alston

    Open Nothing But Stars in Our Eyes

    ((Open after Marijke posts with Chloë Thompson)) Aside from watching games, Harper didn't spend much time at the Quidditch pitch. She much preferred flying across the lake, over the castle, above the cliffs — really anywhere that might have interesting scenery. Plus there was almost always...
  9. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Closed Patrolling Under The Night Sky

    Samantha had gotten used to her job as a Prefect for a bit now. There were many responsibilities to being a Prefect, but she had enjoyed the job. However, the Hufflepuff was always nervous for patrol nights. The girl wasn't a stern figure or didn't have the heart to tell people off. Tonight was...
  10. Kiara Wood

    Open Excuses Are Better Than Work

    Kiara had been tossing around for too long now, she was always trying to find the best excuses to don't actually learn something she really needed. She had read up everything for Charms, Herbology, and Arithmancy, as it was her favorite lessons, but she didn't repeat anything for Potions, DADa...
  11. Issac Jacobs

    Closed The Nervous Feeling

    Issac always had this idea that he was going to try out for the Quidditch team for his house. However, his nervousness would get the best of him and he would end up not trying out. At all. Maybe this year was the year? He honestly wasn't sure. Any even if he did try out, what position would he...
  12. Harper Alston

    Closed Got to Figure Something Out

    The Electives Fair had been less helpful than Harper had expected. She'd gotten to catch up with some friends and talk to one of the Divination professors, but she still wasn't any closer to deciding her classes. Harper knew she still had the rest of the semester and the break before she had to...
  13. Paige Thompson

    Closed An Attempt at Friendship

    It was a couple of days after the Quidditch match against Gryffindor and Paige could still hardly believe that she had managed to catch the snitch and win the inter-house championship for Slytherin. And while it was nice that they had won, she didn't really have anyone to talk to it about -...
  14. Chloe Chan

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for a Lion

    Chloe entered the student lounge, hoping to find her next recipient here. She was slowly getting there with her deliveries, although she didn't mind them at all considering so far it had gone smoothly. And she planned to keep it that way. Chloe was convinced she knew the other Chloe from...
  15. Poppy Perkins

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Roses, Red Hair

    Poppy was making good progress with her deliveries and quickly made her way to the gryffindor table. She tried to scan along the table looking for familiar red hair, that wasn't Emma's. She was just about to stand on one of the the benches to get a better look when she finally spotted Chloe at...
  16. Beau Chamberlin

    Open A gift of yellow to a red

    Walking to and from the house tables, and even to the courtyard was a little boring for the Ravenclaw, but the faces when he made the deliveries were worth it. He held up a sign that read CHLOE THOMPSON and said hey loudly to get her attention, from somewhere.
  17. Andrea Turner

    Open We'll Be the Stars

    At some point, the blush had strayed from his company of today, whose composition changed slightly from time to time. Someone joined, someone left. It seemed like an eternity had passed since Ajax and Chloe had met at the party. The girl still couldn't forget that they both spoke French near her...