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  1. E

    New Year's Eve - an event for the adults of HNZ

    I should also make this an opportunity to plug for RPs as it is. :r If anyone wants to RP with either Tyrone or Emmanuelle, they could use friends/romance. Probably more flirtation in Emmanuelle's case, but still. :lol: (this isn't really a development or an asking for RPs I shouldn't make it so.)
  2. E

    Graphics Request [C]

    Thank you both to going to the effort for me! I think I'll go with Kate's 1st one. :) I liked them all, though, thanks! (y'all can close the topic now)
  3. E

    That Awkward Moment When...

    OOC(possibly IC): That awkward moment where you sleep through your alarm and wake up after your class for the day has started. Oops! :lol:
  4. E

    Graphics Request [C]

    Yes, it's a font. :P
  5. E

    Emmanuelle Faraday

    The Basics Character's Name: Emmanuelle Aurélie Faraday A name loaded with symbolism, born from a rather sinful-seeming woman, fallen from grace. She took up the surname Faraday when she legally became an adult, choosing to carry her father's name instead of her mother's. Character's...
  6. E

    Last BOOK you read

    I just recently read a book called 'Entertain Us!' by Craig Schuftan, about alternative rock in the 90s. It was very interesting. He's written a couple of others - one about modern art and modern music, the other about music that drew of Romanticism (like The Cure and My Chemical Romance). I...
  7. E

    Graphics Request [C]

    I would like absolutely anybody to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Emmanuelle Faraday Banner Type: Standard/blend whatever works best :P Celebrity you're using: Bella Heathcote Images on banner: any from this photoshoot are good, if they don't suit let me know Text on...
  8. E

    What are you listening to?

    Hello I Love You - Ima Robot
  9. E

    Help a pretty lady out?

    Okay hi. I know I made a couple of these but RPing at school (as in Hogwarts) is haaaard. Anyway. This is Emmanuelle. She's travelled around a lot, having gone to three different schools (Beauxbatons, HNZ and HS). She was a Hufflepuff and she graduated fairly recently, with decent marks in most...
  10. E

    What are you listening to?

    Girlfriend In A Coma - The Smiths
  11. E

    Dear [Whomever]

    Dear Work You suck. I want more money per hour. $10 an hour is terrible pay. I got round to the next stage for another job so I think I might continue along that path. I'd earn a whole lot more for the same amount of work, by the looks of things. Also, I don't like being in charge of CPD. It...
  12. E

    Alone In A Foreign Land

    Emmanuelle felt really quite out of place here. While it wasn't as bad as Beauxbatons, there was the fact that her English wasn't brilliant and as such she wasn't great at holding down conversation. She really wanted to make a few friends - she'd always been such a loner at Beauxbatons - but...
  13. E

    Religion: What do you believe?

    Catholicism is the same as "Christianity", remember :r In fact it was the original form, it was just that Henry VIII created the Church of England (the Protestants), thus splitting Christianity in to two main branches. today's historic facts brought to you by xD
  14. E

    Religion: What do you believe?

    I am still very much the same. Nowadays, though, I just don't care. :P
  15. E

    What's your 2010 Summer getaway?

    We're coming in to winter here. <_<
  16. E

    New Pictures!

    Sadly, no. Though there were a few cute nerds I was willing to show my magical panties to. Like the one at the Mana Bar. Who was totally in to me until he saw me hanging with my ex. bawww. xD
  17. E

    New Pictures!

    Get used to it. I want to do moar. xD
  18. E

    New Pictures!

    Ta daaa! I had white gloves, but I wasn't wearing them until I got there. Also I had grey boots. They're supposed to be white but eh, they worked well enough.
  19. E

    Make a Wish

    My wish is to find happiness and love. Success and fortune would be nice too - more the former than the latter. I mean, I really want to go back to uni and do Education and not fail, and get a better job now...but really, I want to be happy. I want to feel loved and appreciated. I feel like a...