Help a pretty lady out?

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Emmanuelle Faraday

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Willow Wand 14 1/2", Veela Hair Core
Okay hi. I know I made a couple of these but RPing at school (as in Hogwarts) is haaaard.

Anyway. This is Emmanuelle. She's travelled around a lot, having gone to three different schools (Beauxbatons, HNZ and HS). She was a Hufflepuff and she graduated fairly recently, with decent marks in most things - not outstanding, but she was never an outstanding intellectual, especially with her difficulties in mastering the English language. Her English is still not perfect but it's way better than it was. Now she's a little bit aimless. She wants to work eventually but she isn't sure what to do. Her father was Minister for Magic in England so he could get her in to the Ministry, but she isn't sure she's ready to settle in to a desk job. After all, she's just turned eighteen. She doesn't know what to do.

So she's going to travel a bit and work out what to do with the rest of her life. Talk to people and get some ideas, that sort of thing.

So if anyone's interested in roleplaying they are most welcome. Flings are definately encouraged - with both genders (Emmanuelle is part-Veela, and while she doesn't really play that up, she's gotten better at making herself look beautiful). She's incredibly friendly and a little quirky, too, so friendships are more than welcome.
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