The Stands

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
OOCOut of Character:
Here is where you can roleplay your character(s) reacting to games.

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Audrey was as busy as ever, of course, but she had plenty of time to go watch the Quidditch game. She would be cheering on Gryffindor today, mostly to support Teddy but privately because she had small grievances with a few Slytherins. She didn't really care that much for the rest of Gryffindor either, in all honesty, and in a way hoped they lost so she could go on the attack against Slytherin when Ravenclaw won, but let it never be said Audrey couldn't be a good friend. She'd put on a red sweater and was ready to cheer whenever goals were saved.
Quidditch season was always a stressful time for Conan. On top of worrying about his kids falling off brooms courtesy of bludgers, he had to worry about how to cheer for his kids because they were all in different houses. At least he didn't have to cheer for Ravenclaw anymore because Eli had told him that he was weird for even attempting to cheer for the Ravenclaw team since Eli wasn't even on the team. So Conan was not going to be cheering for Ravenclaw this year. However, that did not help his predicament in the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff game. And so, in all his boldness which he thinks could totally pass him off as a Gryffindor (no, not really, this was a totally Hufflepuff thing to do), he parked himself in the Gryffindor stands in full Slytherin colors, holding a banner that was alternating flashily between "GO GO GO ROSE!" and "SCORE SAYURI SCORE". All the other kids around him might be cheering for Gryffindor, but he was definitely there to cheer for both his kids and he would be shouting their names as loud as he could, once the game started.
There was absolutely no chance that Miles was missing any of the quidditch games. He made sure to show up bright and early, decked out in everything red he could possibly find and waving his Gryffindor scarf around like a banner as he made sure to get good seats. "LET'S GO GRYFFINDOR!" While, of course, he wished he had made the team and could be out on the pitch playing, he was still going to try and enjoy himself watching the game instead.
Susie was getting much more heavily invested in Quidditch than she'd anticipated. She took her seat on the stands, where she had an excellent view of the pitch. Purely because she knew more Gryffindors than Slytherins, she had painted lions on her face and put her hair up in red and gold scrunchies. Would she soon be firing bludgers at the very same people she was cheering on? Absolutely. But they would also be firing bludgers at her, so it probably evened out, or something.
James was always excited to watch Gryffindor play, he just wished he was watching his daughter do anything other than sit on the bench. It was disappointing that she continued to be overlooked for a place on the team despite her trying out for an open spot two years running. James settled into a seat in the stands surrounded by his fellow professors and staff and watched as the teams started to assemble. “LET’S GO GRYFFINDOR!”
Ruth was glittery and full of pep, appropriately, for cheering with the pep squad today. Of course, she'd cheer on Slytherin perhaps a little more than Gryffindor, but she wasn't going to not cheer for Gryffindor as well. That's what the pep squad was for, wasn't it? Not necessarily taking any sides, just bringing the hype for everyone playing. But three of her dormmates were in the Slytherin team, so she had put a green ribbon in her hair that was sprayed with plenty of glitter spray. It would be a pain to wash off, but she was having fun. She wasn't sure if Sybil, Kanako and Sayuri were starting but she'd cheer them on anyway. She had also put together one red and gold pom-pom and one green and silver. They weren't great, but Ruth, as usual, wasn't exactly trying very hard. "LET'S GO!" she called, waving her arms in the air.
While definitely not on Emery levels, Briony wasn't exactly a huge Quidditch fan. She was a fan of Vanity though so it was easy enough to feel excited getting to see her play; she really seemed to be in her element causing chaos out on the pitch and Briony wondered idly if it was cathartic for her to do it up in the air instead of unleashing it on her classmates.

"Oh, she's not doing so great so far," Briony said, half to herself, half to Audrey who'd she'd sat next to before realizing she was cheering for Gryffindor, giving her Slytherin pennant a little wave. "You're a beater right, is it hard to hit a moving target at another moving target? Seems like it. Maybe everyone should just aim for the keepers?" She mused, watching the blur that was Vanity moving across the pitch.

@Audrey Beauchamp
Professor Edward Pirrip arrived when the game had already started, his bad leg causing him to take longer than most to reach the top of the stands. Once there, he spotted a place beside James and made his way over with a polite nod, lowering himself into the seat with a soft grunt. His eyes already scanning the field for Teddy and spotting him almost immediately saving an early goal. He swelled with pride at the site of him. He barely had time to take it in before James cheered loudly beside him, making Edward chuckle. He expected nothing less from the head of house to cheer on Gryffindor. Edward cupped his hands around his mouth and chorused, "GO GRYFFINDOR!"
Ben liked to watch the games when he could, even though it wasn't his old house playing, he still wanted to watch them. His father had always been a Quidditch person and his sister still played often too, half of his family had played Quidditch professionally at one time or another so what was another game to him? He made his way up to sit with the other Professors, and rested forward on his seat slightly to get a good look at the game. It was always good to have the professor supervising the kids in the stands anyway, just in case.​
Eli definitely thought his dad was weird even when he wasn't trying to be, like decking himself out in both colours so that neither Rose or Yuri got upset. He didn't think Rose would be upset if he wasn't cheering for the game she wasn't playing in, but what did he know sometimes, his family was really funny about Quidditch. So he headed up to sit in the stands with his dad, so that he could watch the game play out and mostly ignore him whilst it did. He couldn't decide if he wanted Slytherin to win because she was actually in the game, or Gryffindor.​
Conan was glad that at least this game was easy for him to choose a spot to sit. Eli had even reminded him that he didn't need to cheer for Ravenclaw since he would not be playing for the team. That left Conan free to cheer for Hufflepuff - his own house. He certainly felt like a student again, decked out in Hufflepuff colors as he was and hollering for Hufflepuff and Jonah.
Eoghan had watched the first game because now that he was writing the Quidditch article for the school paper, he needed to. He was watching the second game however, because there was a chance that his girlfriend was going to end up playing the most important role on the team. It occurred to him too that Susie was the beater for the Hufflepuff's, and he certainly hoped she wasn't going to intentionally hit Lilith with a bludger if she got the chance, or any hope of them becoming better friends would have been off the table. Eoghan knew he had to remain unbiased for the paper, but that didn't stop him wanting Ravenclaw to win.
After the last Quidditch games and his article in the Hogwarts Monthly, Eoghan was back taking yet more notes for the paper in case he was asked to write for it again. He'd made some mistakes, the Ravenclaw could admit that, but he'd also considered that he'd done a thorough job of telling the story of what happened throughout the games to those who'd missed it. If anyone else had a problem with what he was going to say, well, he supposed now would be a good time to let him know as he rested a notebook on his lap.
It was hard to really support either team when one of his best friends was playing and both team carried Mikael's relatives. So he was wearing one of Mikael's ties and one of Bailey's ribbons to show his support. He didn't have anything else that was green or yellow and it was subtler than people calling him a house traitor or whatever. He didn't know if people called people that, but either way he was here now to support both sides and so that was what he was doing.​
Eli was here to support Lili, since none of his siblings were playing in this game. Well he was sort of here to support Rose and Lili both, since neither was playing, except before the game started it appeared that the starting seeker Savannah, wasn't playing, and they'd swapped out Lili instead. Huh. Nice.​
"YEAH LILI! WOOOOO GO LILI! WOOOOOOO!" She supposed she could be subtle about it, but Lili was her best friend, one of her best friends, she wasn't going to pretend she didn't want her best friend to get the Snitch, even if she was up against Gryffindor. She liked Teddy well enough she supposed, but it wasn't like Jasper was playing, then she'd be conflicted. This was easy, Rose was on the bench, so she definitely wanted Lili to win. "GO LILI! WOOOO YOU GET THAT SNITCH GIRL! YEAH!"

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