Hogwarts Monthly: Y37 Semester 1

Nell Night

🐇 curious 🐇 annoying 🐇 🐇 prophet journalist 🐇
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Jasper) (Pansexual
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
4/2036 (25)

A Bright New Year
By: Nell Wright
Kia ora koutou katoa, welcome all and welcome back to a new year at Hogwarts! In addition to the brand new students who are walking our halls for the first time this year, Hogwarts also welcomed several new Professors! If you somehow haven't become acquainted with them in the last semester, keep an eye out for Professor Blaze wrangling creatures, Professor Green introducing us all to the wonderful world of Muggles, Professor Mercury calculating life's mysteries, and Professor Cade brewing up a storm (though hopefully not literally!

With all the new faces among us, this year has gotten off to as busy a start as usual. The club fair was as busy as ever, and I'm sure nobody who attended could possibly complain of boredom, as the school's clubs have been keeping us all busy with plenty of activities to choose from! The race to the Quidditch cup is underway, and you can read all about the drama on the pitch in today's issue. And as always, between feasts and balls and meetings galore, there's plenty of time to forget all about your overdue homework and the exams on the horizon. With all that going on, thank you for choosing to sit down and spend your afternoon with this semester's issue of Hogwarts Monthly!

All Hallow's Eve
By: River Hopkins-Vance
Halloween is known as one of the more magical holidays, always associated with witches and wizards. All Hallow's Eve marks the end of the summer and the harvest season, making way for the darker, colder nights of winter. For centuries this holiday has been celebrated by the magical community. It is often said the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest, allowing ghosts and those who passed on return to the land of the living.

For a holiday with so much expectations set, Hogwarts New Zealand did not let us down. The Great Hall had turned into a spooky paradise. The decorations and activities were endless on this hallow night. The Great Hall sky had transform into an eerie image, clouds moving over a full move, bats flying into the air. All the house banners were changed into the classic Halloween colours of orange and black; it was difficult to even see houses, as we were all one group celebrating a classic Halloween. The lack of house banners was not the only thing confusing House roles this magical night. Many of the students came dressed up as students from other houses. The costume pool did not end with changing houses, however, there were many ghouls, ghosts, and monsters hanging around. Scary could not describe even half the costumes, some students opting for the more comedic route, others choosing down right adorable costumes.
Everyone seemed to be getting into the spirit, the Great Hall full of students and staff alike. Between bobbing for apples, a pinata in the form of a grindylow, and a world changing spooky tent, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The spooky tent drew masses with its fun house mirrors and jump scares. It certainly had a few students' screams fill the air in the Great Hall! For those who did not enjoy a good scare for fun, the snack table was the place to be. All the Halloween desserts and drinks you can think of were there to be devoured, from pumpkin juice to cauldron cakes, obviously accompanied by enough candy to give you a stomach ache.

Overall, the Halloween celebrations were a success! The staff, house elves, and students put all the work in to make it a special time for all. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on this night, including the first year Herbology students and their amazing pumpkins. The night was one to remember for students of all years. The big question remains; How will Hogwarts top it next year?
Club Events
By: Nell Wright
By: Thalia Pourroulis
Though not quite the frenzy we witnessed last year, this year's club fair was as busy as ever, and with the calendar of events we've seen this year it would be hard to be disappointed with the activities on offer, no matter what clubs you signed up for! As always, we at Hogwarts Monthly have all the scoops you may have missed on what went on this semester, so come next year's Club Fair you'll know exactly which organisations are fitted to your interests.

Before the club fair even started though, the Student Defense Association brought in the year with an exhibition duel between the club's two leaders, showing all the prospective new members what they could learn by signing up. The showdown between club leaders Tyler Lee and the Monthly's own Sydney Townsend was thrilling from start to dramatic finish, ending with Lee triumphing over his co-leader. The club followed this event up with an open practice session, where the two leaders helped club members perfect their duelling skills ahead of next semester's tournament. Even for the most pacifist-minded, it's clear that this year's tournament will be one to keep your eyes on for sure!

As usual, there isn't much to be said here about the school's two publishing clubs, Hogwarts Monthly and Accio!, our student yearbook. Creating a magazine or a yearbook takes a lot of time and effort, and while we might not be putting on the flashiest meetings, we hope our work behind the scenes speaks for itself. The Accio team have been hard at work on their own, and the Monthly staff opened the year with a casual social meeting, before getting hard to work on this very issue. The Conglomerated Arts Club has also held an event, but you can read all about that elsewhere in this issue.

Heta Omega and the Brotherhood of MAGIC have been making waves throughout the student body, and it would be downright irresponsible not to cover the juicy details in this issue. Both clubs started the year off with fairly standard meetings to welcome members new and old, and introduce new members of the clubs' leadership. The two clubs, known for working together, had something extra up their sleeves though; a blind dating scheme for the Yule Ball. Members looking for someone to spend the dance with signed up to be matched with members of the opposing club. While as a queer woman I have questions about the heteronormativity of this scheme (could I have been matched with another girl if I had specifically asked? Why should I have needed to ask?) as a single woman I must admit I'm excited both for my own date and to see the outcomes of the other club members. Whether the scheme will be a rousing success or an absolute catastrophy will have to be decided on the dancefloor.

And last but by no means least, the Wild Patch club. King of the Trees William Kaimarama treated us all to a feast of foraged goods, imparting his knowledge about surviving in the wild to the club's members, and giving them a jolly good lunch while he was at it. The club has taken several recent detours from its usual repertoire of simply keeping the garden, to give us deeper insights into our roles as guardians of nature, the different roles plants can serve in our own lives, and how to care not just for our plants but the ecosystem around them, and it's been fun to learn the bigger picture.

The variety of clubs on offer is part of what makes Hogwarts the place it is, and if you're looking for a way to enrich your mind and social life, I hope this article has given you ideas of which club or clubs you would benefit from the most! I hope to see you at next year's club fair! I'm Nell Wright, and I joined every club so you don't have to.

With a new season of Quidditch comes a fresh start for all the teams. The tension and determination are high with the first game of the season approaching. Most people wouldn’t know this, but there comes a lot of pressure with playing a sport. Especially with a sport as competitive as Quidditch. The teams to start off the season are Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Both teams have strong players, and both determined to win. It seems as though there are quite a few new players on the Hufflepuff team, and some new additions to the Slytherin team too, so it should be interesting to see how the match goes.

Hufflepuff chaser Hunter Robinson is quick to take possession of the quaffle first; and is soon followed by both the Slytherin chasers and his own teammates. Luckily for Hufflepuff, Robinson manages to score, making that the first goal of the season. Not long after, however, Hufflepuff seeker and co-captain Elliot Briar gets hit by a bludger. One could say it is karma. Or plain bad luck for having scored. Either way, if the Hufflepuff beaters do not pull their weight soon and protect their sekeer, it might not end well for their team. Jasper Night grabs the quaffle, ready to even out the score. And indeed, he scores. Hufflepuff co-captain Abian Hunter is the next person to take possession; and puts his team ahead by ten points as he scores! The chasers are definitely having luck on their side today. The bludgers, on the other hand, are struggling to hit their targets. Maybe they should have gotten some more practice in before the game. In fact, it is going so badly that one of the Slytherin beaters attempted to hit a bludger but it hit her instead. Ouch.

Next to catch the quaffle is Tres Bear the second…or however you pronounce it. She gets close to the hoops and tries to score…but fails. The first unsuccessful score of the season. It looks like everyone is getting a shot at holding the quaffle as Amy Jewel from the badgers team heads off into the opposite direction. Another unsuccessful attempt. There seems to be some action from both seekers as they almost crash to the ground. Meanwhile, one of the Slytherin beaters gets hit by a bludger a second time. That must not be any fun. Cue the Slytherin Keeper being hit by a bludger too. Just as the seekers are about to have a repeat of last year’s collision, Slytherin Captain and seeker Blake Irons suddenly shoots back up into the air holding out the snitch – securing the win for the snakes. It was a tough game, very well played, and a well-deserved win for Slytherin.

The second game of the season has the Gryffindor chasers getting possession of the quaffle before any of the Ravenclaws even get the chance – myself included. One of the Ravenclaw beaters sends a bludger towards one of the Gryffindor beaters. I know from experience that getting hit by one is painful, to say the least. Meanwhile, Gryffindor manages to score, making them ahead. The game has just begun and yet the Ravenclaw Seeker and Co-Captain Minnie Calida gets hit by a bludger. For some reason none of the chasers on Ravenclaw scoops up the quaffle, and Gryffindor steals it before they can. Gryffindor score again. Either they are really skilled, or the Ravenclaw Keeper has bad luck on his side today. With Ravenclaw finally in possession, myself and Teodora Pourroulis head to the other side of the pitch, hoping to score at least once. There’s some passing back and forth, and finally, when an attempt to score is made, it is worth it. The beaters’ aim is fairly off this game, as the wrong targets are hit by those nasty bludgers. Gryffindor tries to score once more but this time the quaffle does not go through any of the hoops. No sign of the snitch from the sekeers just yet. I grab the quaffle as soon as it is thrown back into play, hopeful to even out the score this time. On another side of the pitch, Juniper Zumwalt somehow manages to hit teammate Chloe Chan with a bludger…something you do not want to happen during an important game. These bludgers sure are going haywire.

Horrifyingly, the Ravenclaw seeker is taken out of the game as she is hit three times. Now that is tragic. I do hope she recovers soon! Lily Harbour, alternate seeker, takes her spot, despite Ravenclaw’s chances of winning decreasing a great deal. However, Lily gets hit by a bludger almost as soon as she is up in the air. That lion beater Lysander Summers for sure lives up to the expectations of being an amazing player with some serious skill. Once again, my fellow Ravenclaw chaser and I take the quaffle, certainly confusing the opposite team by passing to each other, and to my relief I am able to score. It seems all too familiar as the Ravenclaw seeker gets hit yet again. One more, and she’s out. At last, Ravenclaw succeeds in hitting one of the Gryffindor beaters, though it isn’t enough to throw him off his game. Gryffindor beater Emma van Houten is taken out of the game after being hit three times. That is two players out of one game. Finally, after a long and intense match, Sierra Woodlock wraps her fingers around the golden ball, making Gryffindor the winner and preventing any more injuries.

Overall, both games were intense to say the least, but I admire the commitment and determination of every single player. It is never easy to go out there and attempt to win, especially in front of the entire school, which puts us under a lot of pressure. Most teams have many new members and it is amazing to see the talent that everyone brings to their team. That is all from me for now, and may the best team win the cup next semester!
Conglomerated Arts Club:
The Revival Continues
By: Estella Fuentes
Stressed Out: Picking A Career
By: Violet Fields
When you’re wanting to take your mind off classes, Hogwarts always provides some distractions. There are plenty of clubs within Hogwarts, some have come and gone, and one club in particular is continuing to make themselves known again. The Conglomerated Arts Club was a club that had been around for quite some time when our parents were still at school. The room continued to exist however, and until last year, it had been collecting dust and not many people even knew about it. This semester the club had their second event since coming back, and it was definitely lots of fun!

After putting together some Christmas Baubles the year prior, The Conglomerated Arts club decided to make their own things instead to celebrate the season - Christmas Cards and Yule Ball invitations. Some new people attended, and not everyone was good at it, showing that even the least creative of us are welcome. With delicious cookies and hot chocolate from the house elves to keep everyone motivated, the Conglomerated Arts Club really pulled it off thanks to their club leader and sixth year Ravenclaw Emily Underwood, whom I think deserves a lot of credit for finally getting this club up and running again! There was plenty of glitter and construction paper to go around, and some people came out with quite peculiar creations in the end, which really showed everyone’s character and hopefully motivated others. I hope that whoever received them really liked them!

This keeps me wondering, where will the Conglomerated Arts Club go next year? Maybe they could put together another talent show? Or start a sewing class? The revival of this club brings on so many new opportunities for everyone at Hogwarts, allowing them to show their true colours and gain some new skills, and perhaps it could give others some motivation to revive some other clubs that had ceased in the past, which would definitely be interesting to see! There are plenty of ways this could go and I know I’m not the only one that is still excited about it!
I hope that I’m not alone in saying that picking out a career can be the most trivial, the most stressful time ever when it comes to deciding a path to your future. To many, it’s not a problem. It’s not an issue. Some can follow a familiar road, go on to do something they already understand due to a parent or relative working in that same field. They’re either influenced or dictated to choose this path. And then there are others who find a career path on their own by exploring their options. Becoming great in something they picked up along the way in the course of their seven years at Hogwarts. I’m sure there are many other ways one can choose a career. If I knew every single one of those ways perhaps I wouldn’t have the need to write this article at all. And, I might already know where my future lies if I get there.

The stress is there. With or without picking a career, some form of it is present. And I ask why do we have to pick such a choice so quickly? In the time we’re trying to figure out who we are as a person, what we stand for in our own skin. Why do we have to make a choice so sudden, so hasty without a second thought? And I say this as a skilled duelist, there so much more that needs to be learned when it comes to harnessing our magic. Personally, I partly blame these outdated traditions that remain intact in our school curriculum. Most of it stems from that or simply the fact that there has been no significant change in such a long time.

I hope that I’m not alone in feeling this way.

There is so much more to be said, but I think I’ve summarized and stressed my point quite enough.

This opinion piece does not reflect anyone else in Hogwarts Monthly but my own.
Interview Spotlight: Professor Kahurangi Josephs
By: Adorah Zumwalt
When I was deciding what prominent member of Hogwarts I wanted to interview, I couldn't find anyone better than my own head of house, Professor Kahurangi Josephs! She was kind of enough to sit down with me and chat in between her duties for Ravenclaw and teaching Ancient Runes. Below is the transcript of our interview. Thank you again, Professor!
Adorah: Thank you for meeting with me today, Professor Josephs! I'm glad we're able to spotlight you so the students, including myself, can get to know you better.
Professor Josephs: Thank you for asking! I only hope I don't make too much of a fool of myself.
Adorah: Oh, I'm sure you won't! We can start with some of the fun questions I've written down to maybe ease into the interview? How about - what food do you dislike the most?
Professor Josephs:Dislike? Oh dear... well, I've never liked asparagus, no matter how much my dad insists it's delicious.
Adorah: Oh, well, who really does like asparagus? [laughs] It has such an odd texture. Now that we are asking questions, I was wondering if you could tell me more about yourself as a student like where you went to school and your successes during that time.
Professor Josephs: I went to school right here at Hogwarts, and I was a pretty average student. I was never a Prefect or Quidditch star or anything of the like, I was still figuring out what I wanted to do with my life. I didn't really become a good student until I was almost thirty. The one fun fact students might not know actually is that Professor Ward and I were classmates, we've been good friends since our own days at Hogwarts.
Adorah: Wow, that's awesome to hear that many of our professors understand exactly what the students are going through. You say you weren't a good student until you were older - does that mean you pursued more schooling after Hogwarts?
Professor Josephs: I did! I went to a muggle university immediately after Hogwarts, but I didn't have the background I needed in a lot of muggle subjects, and I wound up flunking out entirely. I took a couple of years off to figure things out, then went back and finished muggle high school as an adult, then got my teaching degree in my early thirties. It's never too late to figure out what you want to do with your life, or pick up goals you had abandoned earlier on, and success at Hogwarts isn't a requirement for success later on in life.
Adorah: I think your perseverance and positive spirit are something we all can hope to work toward! That being said, what would be your biggest piece of advice for Hogwarts studnets as they enter the real world?
Professor Josephs: Thank you so much! I think the most important things for everyone to remember are to reach out for help when you need it, and be compassionate with yourself. Growing up doesn't mean you stop needing help, and it's important to know where you can go when you do need it. And when things do get rough it's much too easy to add to that roughness yourself. You are the only friend you'll have for your whole life, so when you're struggling show yourself the same aroha and tautoko* you would show any other friend. Get the help you need, go at your own pace, and forgive yourself things that go wrong.
Adorah: That's wonderful advice, Professor. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you some more lighthearted questions again to round out our interview!
Professor Josephs: That sounds wonderful!
Adorah: Awesome! My first one is popular, but I think it tells so much about a person. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be, and why?
Professor Josephs: Oh, that's a hard one! It might be a bit cliche, but I reckon Freddie Mercury would be a lot of fun to have dinner with. My mum and dad brought me up on his music, and he seemed like a great bloke to spend time with. Terry Pratchett would be fun too, I love his books and I'm always curious when it comes to fantasy authors about whether they're aware of our world or not. Would be a lot of fun to pick his brain.
Adorah: That sounds very interesting. My parents played a little Queen when I was growing up, as well! Next question: if you could have any magical creature as a pet (whether it's legal or not), what would it be? And what would you name it?
Professor Josephs: Oooh, that's a good question! I mean, the tempting answer is a dragon I could fly around on, but it would probably eat my dogs. I'd probably name it Tāwhirimātea though, it'd be fitting since my brothers are named for Tāne Mahuta and Tangaroa.
Adorah: That sounds dangerous! Maybe you could get those miniature dragons that don't hurt anything or your dogs. Alright! Last question: what would it take to have a trampoline added to the Ravenclaw common room?
Professor Josephs: Oh dear, that's a dangerous question. I've avoided the trampoline question so far, but I suppose my response would be... why does it have to be in a common room? If I were a student I would be angling for a trampoline somewhere open to the whole school, and somewhere it could serve a dual purpose... the ground of the quidditch pitch. Propose the idea as a safety measure, and you're much more likely to succeed. But don't tell Katherine [Alicastell] I said that.
Adorah: That's actually a really good idea. Maybe some of the students who are invested in the idea will pursue it that way. I think that about wraps it up as I have to head to class. Thank you for letting me get to know you more and speaking with me today!
*Aroha - Love
Tautoko - Support

Top 10: Holiday Treats
By: Adorah Zumwalt

Recipe: Spider Biscuits
By: Mary Lou Prindeou
As the holiday season approaches, I thought that we could all use inspiration for desserts! So, here is a ranking of the top ten holiday treats!

10. Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Fruitcake - Coming in at dead last is this fruitcake. Sure, sometimes you get a bite that tastes somewhat pleasant (because let’s be honest - it’s still fruitcake), but MOST of the time, you get the weird flavor. Who wants a cake that they expect not to taste good? I’ll pass.

9. Christmas Triple Berry Pavlova - I’m not a huge fruit person. Save the healthy stuff for later. Pavlovas are simple desserts, but there’s nothing exciting about it that really screams “fun.”

8. Fizzing Whizzbees Lolly Cake - Lolly cakes already have a lot going on, but adding this beloved wizarding candy keeps things spicy (not literally.. although, you could go that direction).

7. Peppermint Toad Afghans - The extra pep in your step that these yummy cookies provide are make it the perfect “lighter” dessert.

6. Frozen Butterbeer - No celebration is complete without this cold treat! For special occasions, get the frozen stuff and drink it along with your main course (so you can save room for second dessert.

5. Mock Cream Donuts - I could eat like five of these things. They’re so light and fluffy but not overly sweet. They are also kid friendly, and I’ve seen many families try to make these together on Christmas Eve.

4. Hokey Pokey Ice Cream - Even though I’ve lived in New Zealand for a while, I’m not sure I quite understand why this ice cream is so popular. But I can’t deny that it is delicious! Add it to treat #3, and you’ve got yourself a party!

3. Acid Pop Apple Strudel - I spent the first half of my life in Germany, and this was a treat my mom made every Christmas. It also goes great with ice cream. My favorite version has to be the wizarding candy additions, though!

2. Chocolate Yule Log - A light sponge with cream, and it’s chocolate? This is one holiday classic that I look forward to eating at Christmas Dinner. You can never have too much, and the decorations are endless.

1. Gingerbread - The last classic is definitely gingerbread, which some of you reading this may be why. Well, gingerbread is the only treat that I enjoy eating and building with! I’ve never made a gingerbread house that didn’t collapse, but the process to get there was fun. Plus, there’s a ton of candy involved.

Sugar Cookies for Base

Ingredient Checklist
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract
  • Step 1. In a medium-sized bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
  • Step 2. Using an electric stand mixer, beat butter and sugar until smooth and creamy, about 2 minutes. Add eggs, vanilla extract, and almond extract; beat until combined. Reduce mixer speed and gradually spoon flour mixture in with butter mixture, beating on low speed until dough is smooth and well-blended.
  • Step 3. Turn dough out on work surface. Cut dough in half and shape each portion into a compact disk. Wrap separately in plastic wrap and chill for 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Step 4. Preheat oven to 375°F. Unwrap 1 dough disk and roll on lightly-floured work surface to 1/4-inch thickness (lightly coat rolling pin with flour to prevent sticking). Cut into chosen shapes and place cookies 2 inches apart on parchment paper-lined baking sheets. Refrigerate cookies on baking sheets for 5 to 10 minutes to help them keep their shape when baked.
  • Step 5. Bake in preheated oven for 8 to 10 minutes, or until cookies just start to turn golden around the edges, rotating halfway through baking. Cool cookies completely on wire racks, about 20 minutes. Repeat process with remaining dough.

Spider Icing
Ingredient Checklist

  • Easy Sugar Cookies
  • Royal Icing
  • 4-inch circular cookie cutter
  • 3 disposable piping bags
  • Black food coloring
  • Toothpicks
  • 2 small round piping tips (#2)
  • Step 1. Make Easy Sugar Cookies, cut into 4-inch circles. Make Royal Icing.
  • Step 2. Separate Royal Icing into 2 small bowls. Leave one bowl of icing white; use black food coloring to dye icing in second bowl black. Load half of the piping-consistency white icing and all of the black icing into respective piping bags, both outfitted with small round tips (#2). Mix additional tablespoons of water into remaining half-bowl of white icing gradually, until it reaches a flooding consistency. Load flooding-consistency white icing into piping bag (no need to fit the bag with a metal tip; simply snip the tip of the piping bag to create a small opening, approx. 1/8 inch).
  • Step 3. Outline perimeter of cookies with white piping-consistency icing. Let set for 1-2 minutes.
  • Step 4. Flood cookies with white piping-consistency icing. Do not let dry; immediately use black icing to pipe three concentric circles radiating out from the center of the cookie. Use a toothpick to drag 8 lines out from the center of the cookie, creating a webbed effect. Let dry for 1-2 hours.
Ask Aunt Meg

By: Anonymous (OOC: Sydney Townsend)

By: Poppy Perkins
Dear Agony Aunt,
My boyfriend is in the year below me. He's absolutely wonderful, and I'm already sad at the idea of graduating at the end of the year and being separate from him. Do you have any tips to cope with the distance?
-Happy Hufflepuff

Perhaps it’s cynical of me, but consider if this relationship is really something you want to hold onto once you graduate. You may find, come year’s end, that you’re ready to let go of your attachments to this place, including your boyfriend. Are you really sure you want to be tethered to some immature kid when you start your brand new life as a fully fledged witch or wizard? My advice is to save yourself the trouble and end things now.

Dear Agony Aunt,
What is up with this Gryffindor girl living in a tent by the lake? Help me understand. Does she intend to create a new Hogwarts house? Is this part of some funky religion? Is it an artistic statement about the Ministry's mistreatment of homeless people?
-Amused & confused

Well, I’ve got to join you in being confused about that one, but I respect any student making a stand, whether it’s just because they feel like it or if they’ve got some kind of statement. I think we all know we’re kidding ourselves when we think that our houses mean anything other than a way to split up who sleeps where, so I say more power to anyone who dares try to live outside the system! I do hope they know how to water-proof that tent though.

Dear Agony Aunt,
I am sort of seeing this boy, but we're keeping it secret. I think I like him a lot, but it's becoming difficult to hide all the time. Being out in the open is not an option for him, but it's also difficult to hide it from my friends. Do you have any advice?

My advice is always don’t waste your time on idiot boys who clearly can’t see when they’ve got a good thing going. You’re not obligated to share your personal life with anyone, but anyone who makes you hide something about yourself, especially an entire relationship, is not worth your time. It’s time to give them an ultimatum and either clarify your relationship or break up with them. Don’t ever waste your time with cowards.

Dear Agony Aunt,
My sibling and I have a tense relationship. I’ve been trying to connect with them since we both started attending school together, but they’ll barely even be in the same room as me. How can I get through to them?
Solitary Sibling

Firstly, writing into the school newspaper about your problems isn’t going to fix anything. If your sibling won’t come around on their own, you need to sit them down and make them listen to you. If the rift is your own doing, then you need to make sure you do right by them first, or they’ll never give you the time of day. That being said, family isn’t everything, and if your sibling is really a lost cause, you can surely find better ways to spend your time at school than chasing after them.

Dear Agony Aunt,
I don't usually do this, but my brother is an idiot and my sister is a little heart broken and I don't want to bother her. My cousin and his best friend are kind of jerks- they've bullied me for years. Nothing really mean, but they have used my fears against me before. I've always been a little cautious of them, but I've... Had a bit of a crush on his best friend for a while. I've tried to ignore it, but last week he kissed me and told me he likes me. He wants to go to the ball with me. I want to go, but I'm a little worried it could be a prank. What do you think?
-Confused Lion

I often do this, but I have to question your judgement for having a crush on someone who clearly thinks so little of you. Consider this both advice to you and the general school population: Stop wasting time on idiot boys who treat you like dirt. You can all do better. If you’re intent on actually dating this scum, then ask them point blank about their intentions. Hopefully you’ll be a better judge of character this time round and will be able to decide if going anywhere with them is really a good idea by their answer. If not, I can’t say I imagine you’re missing out by just skipping the ball all together.

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Things are looking good for you Aries, and the universe seems to be on your side. Now is the time to do something for yourself. Nothing is better than a job well done, except if it's at the expense of others. So keep that in mind. Thursdays look lucky for you.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Are you in the middle of a mess that was avoidable? Take it as a moment to learn from your mistake, look back at your actions and consider what you could have done differently. Bulls tend to be stubborn but there is strength in admitting you were wrong.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): There seems to be a lot going on for you. Just take things as they come and solve one problem at a time. If feeling stressed, take care of yourself first. Do things you like and the rest will follow. Be aware of any Scorpio who might be helpful to you during this time.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Expect big highs and dramatic lows. But don’t worry, you are creative and will figure out your way through it all. Seek out the people that mean the most to you to find comfort and to help celebrate when things are on the upswing.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Don’t back down from being honest with others. Even if it’s bad news it is better to know things then to have secrets. But don’t forget to be kind, there is no need to be negative. The energy you have can be felt by others, so be mindful. Your lucky number is 11.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): You are very good at keeping things to yourself and bottling up your emotions. It's normal to be angry sometimes and if you’re open about it you’re less likely to blow up at the people who care about you. Sundays are looking good for you, go outside.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): There is no one quite like you, which is great! If you were looking for a sign this is it. If there is a decision to be made, do it now and follow your heart. There is no need for a second opinion, only you know what you want.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): It’s never a bad time to learn a new skill. You never know when that skill might be needed. Keep an eye on your family and friends and reach out if they look like they might need help. Also watch out for the color purple, it may be significant.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Sometimes it can feel like we are always running out of time but don’t worry. You are just waking up, the day has barely started and you can do anything you put your mind to. Try something new or finish a project that’s been lying around while you’re at it.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): There seems to be something frustrating you lately. You may want to express it violently but that will only cause more problems. Try venting your problems more constructively and watch out for the Virgos in your life, they might not be on your side.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): You have a creative way of thinking that people tend to take notice of. Your opinion is valued just make sure you aren’t sticking your nose where it doesn't belong and are of no concern for you.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Are you afraid of failing at something? Don’t worry it’s normal to feel that way about big changes. Take some time to get back to nature and reflect on what is actually bothering you. Try to look on the bright side of things.
Branson's Book Club: The Song Of Achilles
By: Branson Archer
"Name one hero who was happy"

My biggest passion is reading as anyone who knows me will be able to tell you. So for my articles in the Monthly, I’m going to be reviewing a book each semester. This semester unfortunately no one will be able to read along with me, but in future ones I’ll always include the next book, so you can read along with me and give some thoughts it you would like.

In my first ever book club at Hogwarts, I deeply wondered which book I would cover, but upon my first journeys into the great Hogwarts library which has many muggle and magical non-fiction novels, I found a muggle book written in 2011 (which is a LONG time ago) called The Song of Achilles by muggle author Madeline Miller. It is an old book which recounts an even older story. The book is in part a retelling of the even older story of the Iliad. The story is written from the perspective of Patroclus who was Achilles’ life long companion. It follows them from when they are young boys until unfortunately both of their deaths. Anyone familiar with the Iliad will be familiar with this aspect of the original story and thus this one. Knowing that the characters will die at the end doesn’t detract from the story only adding the heartache of both the characters and the readers. I won’t spoil anything in regards to the plot, but people familiar with the Iliad will know what's coming, but the novel is at its core a love story.

Two of my favourite parts of the story are when Achilles to Patroclus laments his divine lineage and the fact he has to be a hero of the greek people saying, “Name one hero who was happy." and he says to Patroclus in that moment that he will be the first hero to be happy, though as this book is a tragedy, as the reader you know he wont’. But you feel his youthful desire, to follow his path of a hero and to be happy as he does so. The second is near the end of the novel where Patrolces writes, “I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.” just showing the depth of their love and their bond. It is a wonderful book, written in a wonderful manner and though a tragedy, the love story is one for the ages.

I would definitely recommend this book to people who enjoy greek myths, romance and don’t mind a little tragedy. Next time we’ll be reading City of Ghosts, which is another muggle book. There are a few copies in the library and plenty of time to read it before the next issue. For now I will leave you with one last quote from the Song of Achilles.

“We were like gods at the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.”

Until next time, book club!
"What do you miss most from home when you're at Hogwarts?"
By: Nell Wright
Noah Mendes
Gryffindor First Year
"I miss my parents and brothers... but please don't tell them that."
Jade Winters
Slytherin Second Year
"My great grandpa. He has the best stories."
Teodora Pourroulis
Ravenclaw Third Year
"What I miss most? Well, my parents of course! I've already got the rest of my family at Hogwarts."
Iris van Houten
Ravenclaw Fourth Year
"Well, my parents of course. And the books I can't take with me because my trunk is too full."
Olivia Woodlock
Slytherin Fifth Year
"The thing I miss most from home is my dad, especially now all my siblings are at school I know he must be lonely at home on his own,"
Clifton Ward
Hufflepuff Sixth Year
"Well, my parents, obviously, but I suppose also my comic collection. I can't really take them all with me all the way to New Zealand, but I do rather miss having them around."
Avaria Lockwood
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
"I miss cuddling on the couch with my dad, and cooking dinner with my stepmom, and playing with my baby twin brothers. Oh, or going over to Vader's house for dinner, his parents are always really sweet so when I'm here I have two homes to miss instead of one."
Professor Kalif Styx
Defense Against the Dark Arts Years 4-7
"The quiet."
Editor's Note
By: Nell Wright
Another semester finished, and another issue under our belts! All I really have to say here is that I want to thank my entire Hogwarts Monthly team from the bottom of my heart. This paper is made possible through the hard work of ordinary students doing extraordinary things, and those people deserve all the appreciation in the world. From our hard-working veterans who've been on the paper for years, to the brand new members who've come in this year with fresh perspectives and ideas, the Hogwarts Monthly team continues to amaze me every issue, and they should amaze you as well! Thank you to my team, from the bottom of my heart, and thank you all for reading! We'll see you with another issue next semester as always.
Sully didn't read the paper all too often, usually only just skimming it to check the Quidditch section, which he was doing today. "Hey, who do I have to talk to about media bias," He asked the Gryffindor table at large, tapping the Quidditch article with annoyance. One of the Ravenclaw players had covered Gryffindor's match against them and Sully was annoyed to find only Lysander and Emma got their names printed besides Sierra, but the seekers always got covered. Sully and Chloë had kicked butt in that game and barely gotten mentioned. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Sully folded the paper in half, chucking it back on to the table and returning to his food.
Juniper didn't realize her sister had joined the paper until she picked up a copy. She never knew Adorah was much of a writer but was impressed the newbie had written two articles. Making a note to actually read them later, she sifted through until she found the Quidditch section. Someone had told her that she had made the paper, but in her opinion, it was a terrible reflection of her playing abilities. Why did they have to include the part where she accidentally hit Chloe? And it was written by a member of the Ravenclaw team?? She didn't know Thalia other than through the sport and the fact that she was twin, but she wished the girl had tried to paint everyone in a more positive light. Scrunching up the paper, Juniper headed out to the courtyard, as she was no longer hungry.
Lysander always read the Monthlies, mostly to check his horoscope in case it predicted anything for his future, but there was always a lot of fun stuff covered he wouldn't have known about otherwise. He read slowly, only halfway through the club events before he overheard Sully complaining about media bias. He skipped straight to Quidditch to see what the issue was. A Ravenclaw player had covered the article, talking a ton about their own team. Sander had been on board with complaining too, until he got to the end. His opinion flipped completely and he leaned back in his seat, reading over the words with a broadening grin. He cleared his throat loudly to get everyones attention. "That lion beater, Lysander Summers, for sure lives up to the expectations of being an amazing player with some serious skill." He announced proudly. He dropped the newspaper back onto the table, and gave a mock bow, before looking back at his teammate. "What do you mean, Sully? This is some great writing. It sounds fair and accurate to me." He teased jokingly.​
@Solomon Tofilau
Chloë quite liked reading the hogwarts monthly, especially since a couple of people she knew worked on it. She was always curious to see what they wrote about and how they wrote it, even if she mainly liked to read about the quidditch matches when those had passed. She hadn't even picked one up yet though when she heard Sully complaining and Lysander disagreeing as he quoted what was written about him in there. "I dunno, I think they got you confused with someone else or something." She joked at Lysander before picking up the monthly Sully had tossed back into the table and looking up the report on the quidditch matches. It surprised her to see Thalia was the one who had written it when she had also been playing one of the matches herself. As she read the story Chloë had to admit she was slightly disappointed that names were being thrown left and right, yet they didn't get a mention even if they managed to score twice. Even if she wasn't too bothered by it, what was written next did bother her somewhat. "Either they are really skilled or the Ravenclaw keeper has bad luck on his side today?" She quoted as she looked at her friends with the slightest disbelief. Way to play down their solid chaser work. She stared at the page for a second before putting the monthly down again with a little shrug. Story or not, they still won. @Lysander Summers @Solomon Tofilau

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