Plot development!

Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ DADA 1-4 [ilvermorny] • former auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (32)
I don't think I've done one of these for years, however, I'm very keen for my current students to have a bit of development, and there are a few adults in here too that I'd love to throw into the mix :D

Starting youngest to oldest!!

Eoghan Blyth - Ravenclaw Firstie
Eoghan grew up with his grandmother and twin sister Imogen, however when he turned eleven he realised while he was magical, his sister was not. As far as he's aware, he's the only magical person in his family. He really struggled with other people, making friends, and letting his guard down for a number of reasons, but this makes him come across as cold and unapproachable to most they first meet him. However once they get to know him and Eoghan trust them, he is very kind and loyal. He also loves finding meaning in the things around him.
What I'm looking for: Eoghan loves people who can challenge him and show him something new. He's here to learn as much as he possibly can, and regardless of whether or not he becomes friends with other students, he would like to learn from others. Students who are very loud or outgoing are likely to make him quieter because he'll find them overwhelming and intimidating.
Felix Layton-King - Gryffindor Firstie
Felix is currently stuck in the shadow of his older sister Amortentia / Ten. Before coming to school, he would spend time with her and other members of their family and create mini home movies, usually horrors because they're his cousin Wendall's favourite :3 Ten often uses Felix to be the victim of her "jokes" and she doesn't understand that Felix is becoming resentful of the way she treats him. Ten is also incredibly loud and so he feels as though he's lost whenever he tries to say anything for himself. Felix is beginning to learn more about the world around him and wants to step out of his sisters path, stand up to her, and make sure others don't feel as trapped as he does.
What I'm looking for: More or less everything! I'd love Felix to break away from Ten's influence, and while he's starting to make a couple of friends for himself I'd love him to be more involved with others so he can fully begin to grow on his own.
Demi Zephyr - Ravenclaw Firstie
Demi is the second daughter of Aion and Cyan Zephyr, little sister to Iris Zephyr. Demi has surprised me the most because the more I'm writing her the more I'm finding personality traits I didn't know she had aha. She's very outgoing and loves to meet new people, however she can quickly become jealous if she feels like she's not getting enough attention. Her family live in a cabin and house many magical creatures, which means Demi adores animals and thinks she had a good grasp on how to look after them. Growing up, she was also the one to get "hands on" and help her dad out with things around the house, and as such she loves to fix things, especially anything to do with machinery. She's not against getting dirty, and she also has an adrenaline streak, trying to do anything that means she can go very high or very fast.
What I'm looking for: Primarily friends or enemies for Demi, she's the only student I have who already has romance plots planned for the future, but everything else is open. I think it would be fun to find some more risky plots for her and some friends to try out too, and (apologies professors) trying to do things without getting caught would be right up her alley.
Ten Layton-King - Gryffindor Fourth Year
I would just like to say sorry for anyone who has come across Ten recently >> The older she gets, the more of a menace she's becoming, but I'm really hoping that's because she's a teen and she'll grow out of it! She's incredibly loud (she's incapable of whispering) and she grew up being able to get away with a lot so she doesn't really understand boundaries, personal space, or manners. Ten however does mean well, and she does care about people, especially her friends. She also cares about Felix although he wouldn't agree if you asked him. She's been a plant lover for the majority of her life, and this is about to come into full force as she's starting to realise there's no point trying to be a potioneer only to be close to her late mum. Working with plants is going to calm her down a bit, and give her a new boost towards something that genuinely interests her.
What I'm looking for: Again more or less everything. The spot of best friend is already filled by Eluned with whom she's joined at the hip, however she definitely needs to meet new people. Those who could put her back in her place, tell her when she's being out of line, or can encourage her with Herbology would suit best!
Ilija Olaf - Writer + Training to be a psychologist
Okay we're into the adults now! 27 year old Ilija (former Hufflepuff) is currently a reporter and co-editor of the Upturned Lion, a newspaper run by Leda Layton that focuses on the "truth" (totally fictitious paper, I just use it for the workplace roles). He lives an incredibly peaceful life, has his own little flat, goes on walks to the park, and writes, however he's realising he'd quite lonely. For a long time that was okay, however he's recently started talking to Rowan Baros whom he was friends with at school and he's feeling as though it wouldn't be bad thing to start to branch out, especially because he no longer struggles with social anxiety as he did during his school days.
What I'm looking for: Friends mostly! I would love Ilija to be able to meet a few more people that he could call friends, either those he used to know or new characters. He's also training to be a psychologist now, so anyone else in this field he could get to know would also be a bonus!
Elio Zephyr - Former photographer
This poor guy needs a lot of love. He has just split from Rowan Baros and is not taking it very well at all. He's not been on his own since he was a fourth year, so this is quite a struggle. He's almost 28, and while he ran a photography business with Rowan they've now closed this down. Unemployed, lost and confused, Elio is currently is not having a great time. I will say that I do have an arc planned out for him in terms of what he'll be pursuing next and he'll be in a new role in the coming weeks (finally moving on from the photography!) and his unofficial ward Honey will play quite a large part in that, however as things are Elio is more or less in limbo.
What I'm looking for: I'd quite like for Elio to meet people he's never met before because he's about to go into a new phase in his life. There are some pencilled-in plans for his future romance, however there's currently no specific time scales so I'm pretty open to seeing where things take him!
Leda Layton - Writer
Leda hired Ilija to be her co-editor when she had triplets five years ago, and is now balancing a work and home life. She and Mervyn are also bringing up Eluned, so they definitely have their hands full. That being said, she's one of my steadiest characters at the moment, and I would love to see a side of her that moves towards helping other people. She's a former Slytherin, Head Girl, Captain, and Hogwarts Monthly editor, so I feel like she is in a good place to be able to advise, especially as she gets older and is more involved with future children/students. I love writing Leda, and would love to see how her perception of things now that she's grown up! She is almost 30.
What I'm looking for: It would be fun for her to interact with those she met at school, or those who are also interested in writing. Additionally I love to see more of "parent" Leda because I have barely written any of that at all, so perhaps something where she can be involved with other parents would be fun too!
Geovanna Adler-Cade
Last but not least, Geo! Geo is now married to James Cade and the pair are bringing up their children while working as hard as ever. She took a small break from being an Auror when her daughter was born, but will soon be looking to jump back into work. Geo is just as outgoing and determined as she ever was, however being a mum and having a family of her own she is also now much more protective of those around her.
What I'm looking for: I'm incredibly keen for Geo to reconnect with those she used to know. If your character ever attended one of Geo's New Years Eve parties, I think it would be fun for them to rekindle a friendship because these may well be making a come back soon :3 Additionally of course, anyone who is an Auror / was an Auror / wants to be an Auror, would be someone Geo would love to talk to because it's been her passion since she was about eight!

Wew okay I think that's everything for now xD
Let me know what you think!!
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Im at work so please forgive me whilst i figure out what Im doing lmao

Okay so Eoghan doesn't agree probably, but Tori really wants to be his friend, so getting them into a thread at some point is important.

Demi + Tori - I would like them to have a thread on their own at some point, i want to establish the kind of relationship they will have going forward

Leda + Zennon bear with me on this one im still formulating but he owuld like to see his best friend.

I have more that I want to say but im at work so i need to get my head in it lol
Im at work so please forgive me whilst i figure out what Im doing lmao

Okay so Eoghan doesn't agree probably, but Tori really wants to be his friend, so getting them into a thread at some point is important.

Demi + Tori - I would like them to have a thread on their own at some point, i want to establish the kind of relationship they will have going forward

Leda + Zennon bear with me on this one im still formulating but he owuld like to see his best friend.

I have more that I want to say but im at work so i need to get my head in it lol


Eoghan + Tori - I'm very interested to see how they're gonna react next after Eoghan's recent realisations. I can start something for them later today if that works :3

Demi + Tori - I'm also down for this because I think Demi is gonna end up getting a lot more jealous than I originally realised =)) Perhaps we should do it after the next Gryffindor/Ravenclaw class (I think potions) and have Demi maybe pull Tori to the side for a little chat?

Leda + Zennon yes please ohmergawd I think Leda needs to see a lot more of Zennon especially after everything with Rowan! It will be fun to see how their dynamic has changed over the years too ehehe

Vanity is very unhappy Ten is back, we could do something with them? I don't think friendship is very likely between them, unfortunately.

I also have my transfer Alicia who is a year above Ten now, they might be a good mix for friendship?

It also might be fun for Sophie and Geo to catch up at some point, though I'm also happy to say they kept in touch. She'd be completely baffled by Geo's million stepchildren :p

Also have Jasper as an auror, no real ideas for that but he's there if you need

Vanity is very unhappy Ten is back, we could do something with them? I don't think friendship is very likely between them, unfortunately.

I also have my transfer Alicia who is a year above Ten now, they might be a good mix for friendship?

It also might be fun for Sophie and Geo to catch up at some point, though I'm also happy to say they kept in touch. She'd be completely baffled by Geo's million stepchildren :p

Also have Jasper as an auror, no real ideas for that but he's there if you need

Omg yasssss :wub:

Vanity + Ten - I agree, I think it would be interesting to see how they react six years or so after their zoo encounter xD Ten is definitely going through a bit of a wake up call, so I'm curious how they get on but expecting it to be chaos =))

Alicia + Ten - Oooh yes! It would be good for Ten to meet someone fresh, and because Ten's been away for a couple of years perhaps she would relate to Alicia and want to help her feel settled in?

Sophie + Geo - Yasss! Maybe we can say every now and then they have had little chats over the years to keep one another updated? Maybe during their next chat she can let Sophie know she's expecting another one of her own eheheh xD I think Geo would love the fact they kept in touch and that she's one of her oldest friends, it would be fun to see where they're at now and go from there!

1. Jonah and Felix

2. Maybe we can try Eoghan and Sayuri? She's the quietest I got among the firsties and she's interested in learning but not as much as her Ravenclaw brother. She's a bit more goal-oriented. I'll be happy if she finds a person she doesn't hate really.

3. I maybe have Zara Woodlock for Elio as a potential friend? She's a photographer too and just recently returned to New Zealand. They don't know each other so that's something xD

1. Jonah and Felix

2. Maybe we can try Eoghan and Sayuri? She's the quietest I got among the firsties and she's interested in learning but not as much as her Ravenclaw brother. She's a bit more goal-oriented. I'll be happy if she finds a person she doesn't hate really.

3. I maybe have Zara Woodlock for Elio as a potential friend? She's a photographer too and just recently returned to New Zealand. They don't know each other so that's something xD

Yayayay ;D

1. Yes

2. Oooh yes for sure, I can get behind that plan :3 What sort of things is Sayuri interested in?

3. It will be very interesting to see how Elio views photography at the moment. I think it's something he'll be moving away from as a career at least but I'm curious to see how they get on talking about it :3 Definitely down to have them meet and see how they go!
Also have Jasper as an auror, no real ideas for that but he's there if you need

Additionally, I am down for doing some Auror plots / interactions if you like? :teehee:
Geo will more often than not be found in the Auror offices these days, but it could be fun to get them involved with something ^_^
Omg yasssss :wub:

Vanity + Ten - I agree, I think it would be interesting to see how they react six years or so after their zoo encounter xD Ten is definitely going through a bit of a wake up call, so I'm curious how they get on but expecting it to be chaos =))

Alicia + Ten - Oooh yes! It would be good for Ten to meet someone fresh, and because Ten's been away for a couple of years perhaps she would relate to Alicia and want to help her feel settled in?

Sophie + Geo - Yasss! Maybe we can say every now and then they have had little chats over the years to keep one another updated? Maybe during their next chat she can let Sophie know she's expecting another one of her own eheheh xD I think Geo would love the fact they kept in touch and that she's one of her oldest friends, it would be fun to see where they're at now and go from there!
Glad you like these ideas! I am happy to throw both girls at Ten, maybe we each do one thread of those two? I don't mind starting with Vanity or Alicia.

I'm happy to say Sophie and Geo kept up over the years, maybe they're catching up somewhere?

Additionally, I am down for doing some Auror plots / interactions if you like? :teehee:
Geo will more often than not be found in the Auror offices these days, but it could be fun to get them involved with something ^_^

Haha congrats on the auror, was she an auror before or not? I can't remember 🙈
Glad you like these ideas! I am happy to throw both girls at Ten, maybe we each do one thread of those two? I don't mind starting with Vanity or Alicia.

I'm happy to say Sophie and Geo kept up over the years, maybe they're catching up somewhere?

Haha congrats on the auror, was she an auror before or not? I can't remember 🙈

Yassss perfect!! I feel like Ten is going through a phase of realizing she's hurt people in the past, so maybe we could start with Ten and Vanity for any residual tension and growth? :r

For Sophie and Geo, I feel like maybe over the years they've now solidified their "usual meet-up spot" in town between where they work. Perhaps it's a park they meet up in, or they could have a picnic (in which case how would you feel if NPC Eden was there too?)

Hehe yeah Geo's been an Auror since graduation but took a little break recently to settle into a routine with Eden (aka Zephie took a break and Geo went inactive :shy:) She's more office based but I'd love to figure out some kind of Auror related plot we could do!
Yassss perfect!! I feel like Ten is going through a phase of realizing she's hurt people in the past, so maybe we could start with Ten and Vanity for any residual tension and growth? :r

For Sophie and Geo, I feel like maybe over the years they've now solidified their "usual meet-up spot" in town between where they work. Perhaps it's a park they meet up in, or they could have a picnic (in which case how would you feel if NPC Eden was there too?)

Hehe yeah Geo's been an Auror since graduation but took a little break recently to settle into a routine with Eden (aka Zephie took a break and Geo went inactive :shy:) She's more office based but I'd love to figure out some kind of Auror related plot we could do!
Yess I thought the color looked familiar, I just wasn't sure if I remembered correctly.

Am happy to start with Vanity and Ten, though I don't think Vanity is the best person for growth since she doesn't do growth :r

Picnic is cute and I don't mind Eden, though I can't vouch for Sophie :r

Should we start these two plots first? Do you have a preference which you want to start?
Yess I thought the color looked familiar, I just wasn't sure if I remembered correctly.

Am happy to start with Vanity and Ten, though I don't think Vanity is the best person for growth since she doesn't do growth :r

Picnic is cute and I don't mind Eden, though I can't vouch for Sophie :r

Should we start these two plots first? Do you have a preference which you want to start?

Hahah that's fair! Residual tension it is =)) Ngl I'm very interested to see how this is gonna go though because Ten is for sure not the same person she was a few years ago (Although still as arrogant >>)

Yay :D Okay perfect! I could do the one for Vanity if you're happy to start with Sophie?
Hey Zephie :wub: :hug:

I do have a few ideas for Ten and Geo!!

The first idea is for Ten and Miro to be friends! If I remember right way back when we talked about them being friends for a long time, I am happy for this to continue but I am also down for them to start becoming friends now that they're both in school, I'm happy either way as long as they end up friends somehow :p I do think it would be fun to rp them anyway, Miro has been having a bit of a mean streak recently but he is slowly (possibly?) becoming more calm and I think he'll become super interested in herbology this school year so maybe they could bond over this? Let me know your thoughts :hug:

The second idea is for Geo and Flavio to catch up!! They have both gotten married and had kids and Flavio has recently become a dad again and I think it could be fun for them to catch up and reconnect and talk about all that's changed in their lives, and talk about Auror stuff of course!​
Hahah that's fair! Residual tension it is =)) Ngl I'm very interested to see how this is gonna go though because Ten is for sure not the same person she was a few years ago (Although still as arrogant >>)

Yay :D Okay perfect! I could do the one for Vanity if you're happy to start with Sophie?
Sophie Picnic!
For Vanity!! :r

Hey Zephie :wub: :hug:

I do have a few ideas for Ten and Geo!!

The first idea is for Ten and Miro to be friends! If I remember right way back when we talked about them being friends for a long time, I am happy for this to continue but I am also down for them to start becoming friends now that they're both in school, I'm happy either way as long as they end up friends somehow :p I do think it would be fun to rp them anyway, Miro has been having a bit of a mean streak recently but he is slowly (possibly?) becoming more calm and I think he'll become super interested in herbology this school year so maybe they could bond over this? Let me know your thoughts :hug:

The second idea is for Geo and Flavio to catch up!! They have both gotten married and had kids and Flavio has recently become a dad again and I think it could be fun for them to catch up and reconnect and talk about all that's changed in their lives, and talk about Auror stuff of course!​

Oh my gosh I've only just seen this!! x_x
Yessss definitely! I'd be very down for Ten and Miro be friends, I can also offer Felix for him cause he's only a year younger too ;D Am I right in thinking they would have only become friends on their own while at school, I don't think their parents knew each other right?

Also yes Geo and Flavio should have an update :D A lot has gone on and I think it would be fun since they used to be Auror partners too :wub:
Yayy glad you're down for the ideas!!

I am happy for Miro to be friends with Ten and Felix since being in school/to start a friendship now if this makes more sense :D Did you want to have a roleplay with just Ten and Miro and Miro and Felix or all 3 of them together? What do you think will be best? I'm happy either way to just throw them in an rp however it works and see what happens.

Yay I am super down for Geo and Flavio to catch up, do you think we could have them chat over lunch or coffee/tea or something? What do you think will be best?
Yayy glad you're down for the ideas!!

I am happy for Miro to be friends with Ten and Felix since being in school/to start a friendship now if this makes more sense :D Did you want to have a roleplay with just Ten and Miro and Miro and Felix or all 3 of them together? What do you think will be best? I'm happy either way to just throw them in an rp however it works and see what happens.

Yay I am super down for Geo and Flavio to catch up, do you think we could have them chat over lunch or coffee/tea or something? What do you think will be best?

It might best to start with Felix x Miro because Ten is going through some things and until the Christmas break she's a little bit spikey =)) Felix can always introduce her properly in S2 if they become friends first? Felix tried out for the team this year and will probably try again next year, so maybe Quidditch is something they can bond over.

Re Flavio x Geo, maybe they have a catch-up over lunch but it's during their lunch break at work? I'm really enjoying doing more things around the office ahaha xD

I'm excitedddd :lol:
It might best to start with Felix x Miro because Ten is going through some things and until the Christmas break she's a little bit spikey =)) Felix can always introduce her properly in S2 if they become friends first? Felix tried out for the team this year and will probably try again next year, so maybe Quidditch is something they can bond over.

Re Flavio x Geo, maybe they have a catch-up over lunch but it's during their lunch break at work? I'm really enjoying doing more things around the office ahaha xD

I'm excitedddd :lol:
This sounds great for both ideas! Miro would for sure spend a lot of his time practicing on the pitch whenever he can, so I can see him and Felix meeting there :D

I am also down for Geo and Flav to catch up on their lunch break, did you want to start this one and I can start the one for Felix?
This sounds great for both ideas! Miro would for sure spend a lot of his time practicing on the pitch whenever he can, so I can see him and Felix meeting there :D

I am also down for Geo and Flav to catch up on their lunch break, did you want to start this one and I can start the one for Felix?

Perfect ;D Sounds good!!

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