House Points Board

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Y33 Sorting Reactions!

Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
Sorting is still a few days away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun sorting chat here! :D

We love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers. :party:

Are you having a character sorted or transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are. :p )
Are you going to try for an exchange student? :o

Where do you think they'll end up? Do you think they'll be happy about it? How is it going to color their first year? Do you think the sorting hat will have a difficult time placing them?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that?

Happy Sorting! ^_^
Yaaaaaay sorting! :party:

I'm only sorting Shale this year because I am now a man of Restraint and Self Control and Minimalism. (Let's see how long that lasts :r ) I honestly don't know where she'll wind up, Gryffindor feels most likely, but I could see her winding up in Hufflepuff as well. I don't think she's subtle enough to be a Slytherin, or clever enough to be a Ravenclaw, but I'm excited to see whichever way things fall!
I don't have plans to sort because I want to bring out the students I've been neglecting.
Although, I thought Alexei was going to be sorted.

I might transfer Aciano (Vi's brother) to cause a bit of trouble (Scit hopeful). :r
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I love seeing all the characters (new and old 👀) come out of the woodwork around sorting time.

I'm sorting two kids this round!
I've got Sydney, who I'm pretty sure will end up being a Ravenclaw, but she has some Slytherin in her too so we'll see..

And then I have Sully, who's on the opposite side of the spectrum and is probably almost certainly a Puff or Gryff. It's fun going into it all being so unsure where they'll end up and how that'll affect future developments aahh
I'm only sorting Shale this year because I am now a man of Restraint and Self Control and Minimalism.

one day i hope to manage this, but not this day
I'm sorting two kids. Eric Holland and Aisa Hunter. I'm excited for them both! But also a bit sad that neither of them are very friendly people. It'll be hard to RP them making friends xD

Eric is just a ball of anger and Aisa is a bit of a loner. But I'm excited to see how they'll develop over the years! For Eric I'm thinking Slytherin or Gryffindor are likely. I have no real idea for Aisa. I can see her anywhere but Gryffindor, maybe?
Omg so fast is this going! I'm gonna sort one boy! I have only two boys so it's time for more. Gonna sort the brother of Liam and Beaubelle. I loveeee the faceclaim. I think he either will be a gryffindor or hufflepuff. But I'm not aiming for anything. It will be a suprise.
I've got Sydney, who I'm pretty sure will end up being a Ravenclaw, but she has some Slytherin in her too so we'll see..
For Eric I'm thinking Slytherin or Gryffindor are likely.

Hahahaha oh how much fun it would be if they were all housed together :lol:
Nova is either Slytherin or Ravenclaw! No hecking clue, but the Pokemon theme song is her life song :lol:
Super excited to be sorting Olivia. I've been waiting forever. House wise, I think she'll take after one of her parents, her father was in Slytherin and mother was in Ravenclaw. At the moment I can't see her in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff.
I’m sorting my dear terrible Aegerine this year, and I’m so keen, especially since this seems to be a year full of kids who will get along very badly in the most entertaining ways.

I’m thinking Ravenclaw or Slytherin are most likely for Aegie . . . I’d love her to be in the same house as Sydney, since they both have that pretentious smarter than you vibe going on

Bring on the drama
I just found out one of my character's kids is getting sorted! :party:
So I'm very excited to see where she ends up. Her dad is hoping for Ravenclaw.
Yess I'm so excited for this too!! :party:

I'm thinking she will either get Ravenclaw or Slytherin, mostly because she can be really bossy sometimes, but I'm honestly fine with whichever house she gets :D
I don't have anyone to sort. but i am looking forward to reading the sorting thread, reading the hats comments and seeing where people end up. ooh the excitement.
I'm probably going to end up sorting two, neither of whom have names yet xD but here we go

Girl: precocious, manipulative as heck; gets a kick out of watching people suffer; blames other people for everything; craves attention she doesn't get at home; and uses guilt as a device to exact revenge on people who don't give her what she wants. Obviously going to be a Hufflepuff :r

Boy: confident; kind of stupid but has no idea he's stupid, in fact probably thinks he's some sort of genius, and probably actually comes up with some good ideas sometimes but only out of sheer dumb luck; always trying to come up with a master plan to do something or other; sweet at heart but offends people all the time by accident. I'm gonna say Gryffindor but could be a Puff or a Claw for various reasons :lol:
Claire, she will be a Hufflepuff? <_< Me like. xD
I have two newbies but I'm not really certain where they belong - which is my favourite type of character because you have less preconceived ideas about what they're going to be so you can plot nearly anything as they develop. It's why I don't do finals anymore.

My first is Cressida Wells. They are the child of two freewheeling, hippies and raised by a polycule. They are naive in the sense that Cressida hasn't much dealt with people outside of those they've known since they were a child and probably speaks their mind too freely. It will very likely get Cressida into trouble later. They are fairly kind but is true to their self to a fault where the problem can lie.

Then I have Geraldine Wieck who goes by Bucket because when she was little was fussy so fussy bucket which turned to Bucket. She's outgoing and adventurous but can be shy and sensitive. She's really protective - maybe even a little jealous when it comes to new people coming around her family and really close friends. She can be pretty private for someone who does exhibit extraverted qualities most of the time.

I'm taking bets on these two kids if anyone wants to give me a prediction for their respective houses?
While I have the option to sort almost 10, I am sorting only one this year. It is this guy Cyrus. No idea where he will be since he isn’t really like either his mom or dad who were both Ravenclaw and Slytherin respectively.
This is the first year since Lily (current 7th year) that I've not sorted anyone! Very interested to see how this year turns out though :D
This is the first year since Lily (current 7th year) that I've not sorted anyone! Very interested to see how this year turns out though :D
Sort someooone, sooort, doo itt :r

I'm taking bets on these two kids if anyone wants to give me a prediction for their respective houses?
Cressida sounds maybe like a Gryffinpuff and Bucket a Slytherpuff?? I'm terrible at predictions don't ask me :lol:
No Claire don't tempt me I've already moved most of my current students =))
This is the first year since Lily (current 7th year) that I've not sorted anyone! Very interested to see how this year turns out though :D
I lied. Couldn't even make it 24 hours =))

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