How many plots do I want? ...Yes.

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
I don't have a lot to do, so let's have some more stuff. I have several who need things, so I'll list them below. If this is still up when the new year starts, I will edit the years.

students and future firsties
monday weeks

fifth year • ravenclaw • muggleborn
monday here is my little brilliant teen that is starting to
come into his own. he is crazy enough to take all classes
because he just wants to learn absolutely everything. he
is the only brother of his group of sisters, and is overly
protective of them. he is nice, but knows how to handle
himself well against those that seek to do harm.
what do i want? romance (short term), friends, enemies
chaos zhefarovich ii

fourth year • gryffindor • pureblood
this here is my transfer from home and he has never
been around a school prior to that since his dad is a bit
overbearing with his oldest son. chaos isn't mean but he
is two-faced. he will be pleasant if it will benefit him, and
he won't reveal his true intentions at all. overall, he does
like to use people to test their limits. he is prejudice too.
what do i want? romance (short term), friends, enemies
cassius styx

third year • slytherin • pureblood
don't look at this image and think "omg he is so rude
and looks like a bad kid!" well, disregard that because
i will tell you the truth. he is worse. the only word i can
use to describe him an "a**hole". good thing is that if
he does not like you, he doesn't hide it. he lets you know
real fast. definition of pride and arrogance right here.
what do i want? well, anything?
terror zhefarovich

third year • slytherin • mixedblood
whereas cassius is physical when it comes down to his
methods of violence, terror is much worse. he prefers
psychological warfare. he does not have a long-term
plan for what he does. he just does what he wants and
finds it enjoyable. terror does not tolerate the weak and
will mess with their heads. that is just what he does.
what do i want? all the things honestly, he's fun
loki styx

second year • ravenclaw • pureblood
if you wanted to get to know styx as a kid, well, this
is a pretty close indicator. loki is ultimately a loner
and hates loud people. he prefers his own company
because he feels not many will reach his standard.
because of his parents, he does feel pressured to do
well in school. he just isn't as mean as cass is.
what do i want? friends, enemies
horror zhefarovich

second year • slytherin • mixedblood
this is terror's twin, horror. which one of them is worse?
well, both love psychological warfare, but terror is more
expressive whereas horror mainly holds a poker-face. he
does not give away his emotions. he can be outspoken
and crosses boundaries at times. he also doesn't believe
in rules that do not make sense to him.
what do i want? friends, enemies, victims?
dante styx

first year • slytherin • pureblood
yay what we need, another brother of cassius! but
fret not, dante is not that bad at all. he is a rebellious
kid with loads of energy. he does not like to share at
all. what is his is his. he knows nothing about muggles
or their world. he is sheltered, and does not know how
to socialize outside of his family. can be awkward.
what do i want? friends? help me discover him!
artemis vasilakis

first year • hufflepuff • muggleborn
this here is the youngest sister of apollo vasilakis. she
is the epitome of sweet. she hates people that will make
fun of others. she is also artistic and loves quidditch. she
loves all things magical so she was excited to learn that
she is magical. she will join many clubs, and is not a fan of
her parents. if you read apollo's bio, you will see why.
what do i want? just all the things

isabella romanes

hnz nurse • b. 2013 • pureblood
mother to 8 kids, divorced once, widowed once and
now she is dating misha haden. not exactly subtle as
they are seen dancing during the events hosted at the
school. isabella is more of a stern, disciplined mother.
she specializes in injuries - especially quidditch. so, she
can be seen in the hospital wing most of the time.
what do i want? old hnz classmates, friends, etc
chaos zhefarovich

sahp & chef • b. 2026 • pureblood
i recently brought this guy back for osw so idk if i
will box him up. if anyone recalls, he was expelled
for attempting to set a student on fire and kill them.
in his third year. he is the father to terror and horror.
he blames them for his hair turning gray early. he has
calmed down a lot since he left the school.
what do i want? old hnz classmates, etc
apollo vasilakis

quidditch player • b. 2033 • muggleborn
this is my newest family, and boy do they have a lot
of baggage. to know more, read apollo's bio. apollo
himself is a flirt, cracks jokes, and loves to have a
good time. he is funny to hide his inner darkness so
there is a lot to unpack with this one. believe me, he
is a really good guy. just traumatized.
what do i want? romance, friends, enemies, etc
killian borisyuk

hom professor • b. 2033 • partgiant
this guy puts me in mind of styx because of their
similar ability to just not smile or laugh. killian is very
stern, cold, and otherwise uncaring. he is the oldest
and grew up early. just for the sake of his job, he will
come out to chat to others, but otherwise, he is often
found in his office, or working out in the forest.
what do i want? anything but romance
kaelan borisyuk

st mungo's healer • b. 2033 • partgiant
think of killian in personality, and flip it, and you get
kaelan. killian is reserved, and kaelan is open and will
talk to anyone. he also loves to have a good time and
enjoy life to the fullest and what it has to offer. he can
get violent if his temper rises enough, but he got a job
as a healer. at least his temper isn't as bad as killian's.
what do i want? pretty much everything!
daemyn knight

borgin&burke's owner • b. 2037 • pureblood
believe it or not, this is cassius' older brother. daemyn is a
prodigy in the family. talented from the start, and had a road
planned out for him. daemyn dropped his surname because
he wanted to earn his living not piggy-backing from it. he is
not the most friendly (he works in bleak street so) but he is
very serious about his job, and dueling.
what do i want? all the things but romance
wolfgang baros

obliviator • b. 2037 • pureblood
recently joined the ministry to help obliviate muggles
if they have seen too much - but for other reasons.
wolfgang loves the muggle world, and is fascinated
by it. he is brilliant with potions, so he thinks of ways
to erase memories using potions - but fails. he is a bit
eccentric and is prone to giggling at the wrong time.
what do i want? coworkers and stuff
kade borisyuk

tattoo artist • b. 2037 • mixedblood
this here is a uni student studying marine biology.
sorry there's no gif, his face doesn't have options. but
kade is a scitorary member and hates the ministry with
a passion. he is also not partgiant like his brothers. he
is tall though (father's side). he is passionate about the
ocean and anything anarchy.
what do i want? things in general honestly
kalif styx ii

zhefarovich heir • b. 2038 • pureblood
oh hey, it is literally liusaidh's fiance here in the mix of
people. he was a slytherin once upon a time, and left
when styx left. he is stone cold as they come, and does
not see worth in many at all. how liusaidh managed to
get him is a mystery. he doesn't come to nz often but
he is bound to drop in for a week or two for family.
what do i need? whatever except romance

And here is a list of those that I either don't know too much about because they are young, or extremely rare in the wild (see: Entei in Pokemon Silver/Gold).
  • Kalif Styx
  • Sumner Jusantra: Sorted Y48
  • Osiris Vale: Sorted Y45
  • Kharon Styx: Sorted Y46
  • Saturday Weeks: Sorted Y46
  • Samael Styx: Sorted Y47
  • Ravage Zhefarovich: Sorted Y47
  • Reine Chamberlin: Sorted Y48
  • Jean Lancaster-Snow: Sorted Y45

I absolutely do not expect to get offers for every single one, but wanted to have a variety out there because I do have a variety (ish?). I got bored and wanted to have some fun and I did, writing this out! So, happy plotting!
Last edited:
Same deal as I gave to Mia, can't offer too much in this last stretch of college, can't guarantee my ADHD will have me remember to actually do things, but wanted to offer a couple either now or for the leadin to the new year:

Obviously Chaos and Yuelia have to meet properly - they'd probably know each other's names from classes - and I guess probably just be perfectly pleasant to each other...for now. :r

If Terror (and possibly Horror) want to mess with Dahlia a bit they're welcome to, lol. Don't have anything specific in mind (and I say this when I'm like Dahlia's more fun when she's bright and positive) but it could be fun when eventually she learns the truth. They can also mess with Oz if they want, someone make him feel miserable for the part-goblin thing. (Though that might be more in Cass's wheelhouse, up to you if that's something you'd be interested in!).

Happy to throw Audrey at either of the unsorteds for next year, she might vibe a bit better with Dante also not being that familiar with muggles but she could always be toxic female friend (TM) to Artemis (or genuinely get along with her, she could probably stand to actually hang out with some girls and they have Quidditch and parental issues in common). She gets bored easily and mostly likes to be a nuisance for attention but she's clever and she's not intentionally cruel.

That's about what I have for the moment, I don't have much muse for adults right now or I'd offer some but hopefully it'll come back down the road.
I have a couple of things!

Artemis could be good friends with my Dominic. He will also be attending Hogwarts next year and is also one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. Perhaps because they're so similar they could clash at times? Would be interesting.

For Apollo we could try him and Gwen? She's either his age or a year younger (can't remember) and is currently travelling the world until she finds somewhere that she would like to settle. She's full of energy, also likes to be sarcastic and crack jokes, and would be a massive flirt with him as well.

If we want a little bit of drama I'm thinking Chaos II and Ruto. Maybe we could even have something romantic going on with them later on? I imagine it would be a short fling or something as I don't imagine the two personalities would handle each other for very long, lol. Ruto is very weird and unpredictable, and she would take everything he says with a grain of salt, but would just be happy to date someone attractive.

Let me know what you think!
Sorry I got a wee bit busy the last couple of days!

@Aine Thompson
That is perfectly fine since I know how that is! I've been there myself! Anyway, let's see what you said below since I've actually not read it (I quote and then read it).
  • Chaos II x Yuelia: Most certainly. And then they can do the things that we discussed in discord!
  • Dahlia x the Twins: Considering how they love to screw with people psychologically, unless she shows weakness, that might be hard to really mess with her. Terror might call her out and tell her how much of a terrible friend she is toward Gregory that might help her crack to where the twins could then squeeze in and continue their games.
  • Oz x Cassius: Horror wouldn't really care about part-goblins since he sort of assumes their insides are the same as humans. Cass, on the other hand, would be freaked out if Oz came near him. How dare something so inferior be in his presence, you know?
  • Audrey x Dante/Artemis: Honestly, yes. Dante might be more of a nuisance himself since he can be a bad kid in general. But yes, be a toxic friend to Artemis. Their friendship could develop into something genuine down the road, but start out badly.

@Professor Landon Carter
Hi! I cannot remember if we have had anything for a while (my memory sucks honestly).
  • Artemis x Dominic: Honestly, it would be hard for Artemis to not be good friends with people unless they are bullies or just very rude xD If he loves quidditch, he has a new best friend.
  • Apollo x Gwen: Since Apollo travels a fair bit, there is a chance where he would run into her. Apollo could definitely use more interactions. I think he is mainly in NZ unless the team is traveling internationally.
  • Chaos II x Ruto: That could work, especially in the drama department. His final is in her house and a year younger, I think. (Ruto is a second year right?) We can see how their personalities work out before trying them out as a fling down the road - which he might just use her for entertainment and discard - sounds like what his dad would do honestly.
Yesss I'm so glad you're up for it!

I can start something for Artemis and Dominic and Apollo and Gwen if you wanted to start something for Chaos and Ruto? (that's if you're comfortable doing all 3 at once. Otherwise, I'm happy to do one at a time) ^_^
Yesss I'm so glad you're up for it!

I can start something for Artemis and Dominic and Apollo and Gwen if you wanted to start something for Chaos and Ruto? (that's if you're comfortable doing all 3 at once. Otherwise, I'm happy to do one at a time) ^_^
I actually don't have a lot going on right now with lessons winding down, so I am glad to have them all at the same time. I'll start the one for Chaos and Ruto and link it here!
Start with 1 or 2 and go from there? Considering where we're at with end of the year maybe start with the unsorted kids (your preference as to who you feel like RPing more, either could be interesting) because knowing people before sorting is fun. Not sure if you want to squeeze a school thread in or just wait a week or two and start something set in the next IC year. Probably leaning to Chaos II and Yuelia for now unless you are really in a headspace for being mean, haha.
Start with 1 or 2 and go from there? Considering where we're at with end of the year maybe start with the unsorted kids (your preference as to who you feel like RPing more, either could be interesting) because knowing people before sorting is fun. Not sure if you want to squeeze a school thread in or just wait a week or two and start something set in the next IC year. Probably leaning to Chaos II and Yuelia for now unless you are really in a headspace for being mean, haha.
Hmm, I would probably be keen for Chaos II x Yuelia and Cassius x Dahlia since she needs to know how terrible Terror actually is.

For the unsorteds, we can try Artie and Aubrey. Maybe do them on the train to HNZ, and maybe Dante and Aubrey shopping?

Isabella x June: Would be fun to let them meet at Hogwarts perhaps.

Also June x Horror/Terror would sure run into eachother again.
Hi Kaitlyn! I have Harper here, who is 19-year-old muggleborn who recently joined the Ministry as a trainee auror. She's pretty laidback and friendly and her interests generally revolve around transfiguration and sports (mostly muggle, but she also enjoys flying and dueling). I had some ideas for your adults, but no worries if you don't think any of these would work out!

Wolfgang - Coworkers!! Even though they're not in the same department, I think they'd probably know each other by virtue of both being relatively new and around the same age. Also, I imagine aurors and obliviators occasionally work together. Anyway, Harper would be happy to talk about the muggle world with him and would appreciate his expertise in potions (though she's more interested in transfigurative ones than memory ones). I haven't explored this as much, but the idea of obliviating muggles does make her uneasy, so there's potential for some ethical debates if you want.

Daemyn - Mentioning him because I saw that he's a duelist. If he frequents wizarding gyms or dueling halls, then that would be a way for them to run into each other since she's really trying to improve her dueling skills. Also, I think she'd be interested in trying to build connections with the owner of Borgin and Burke's. (She's too new of an auror to do anything yet, but my general goal for her is to eventually do a lot of undercover/surveillance work.)

Kade - Also mentioning him because they're close in age, and Harper enjoys the ocean and spends a lot of time in the muggle world. She could even run into him on campus since she has family/friends who are uni students who she visits often. Anyway, it could be fun if they met, develop some sort of relationship (friendly or not), and one or both of them discovers later on that the other person is an auror/scit.

I also have Celia Vuong, who is captain of the Slytherin team and the new SDA president, so if any of your students want Quidditch or dueling plots, she's available. She would also be very happy to yell at/take points from your Slytherins if that's ever of interest :r

Isabella x June: Would be fun to let them meet at Hogwarts perhaps.

Also June x Horror/Terror would sure run into eachother again.
Isabella x June: Since her and Misha have been together for a while now, it might be time to start introducing kids though she's hesitant so June seeking her out seems more reasonable. Can't say how she will react xD

Horror x June: It would be more likely for her to run into Horror than Terror because of the year but he might be amused by her confusing his twin for him.
Now if you want June to be terrorized by Terror as well, by all means! He probably compares her attitude to Cassius in his mind during their encounter.

Hi Kaitlyn! I have Harper here, who is 19-year-old muggleborn who recently joined the Ministry as a trainee auror. She's pretty laidback and friendly and her interests generally revolve around transfiguration and sports (mostly muggle, but she also enjoys flying and dueling). I had some ideas for your adults, but no worries if you don't think any of these would work out!

Wolfgang - Coworkers!! Even though they're not in the same department, I think they'd probably know each other by virtue of both being relatively new and around the same age. Also, I imagine aurors and obliviators occasionally work together. Anyway, Harper would be happy to talk about the muggle world with him and would appreciate his expertise in potions (though she's more interested in transfigurative ones than memory ones). I haven't explored this as much, but the idea of obliviating muggles does make her uneasy, so there's potential for some ethical debates if you want.

Daemyn - Mentioning him because I saw that he's a duelist. If he frequents wizarding gyms or dueling halls, then that would be a way for them to run into each other since she's really trying to improve her dueling skills. Also, I think she'd be interested in trying to build connections with the owner of Borgin and Burke's. (She's too new of an auror to do anything yet, but my general goal for her is to eventually do a lot of undercover/surveillance work.)

Kade - Also mentioning him because they're close in age, and Harper enjoys the ocean and spends a lot of time in the muggle world. She could even run into him on campus since she has family/friends who are uni students who she visits often. Anyway, it could be fun if they met, develop some sort of relationship (friendly or not), and one or both of them discovers later on that the other person is an auror/scit.

I also have Celia Vuong, who is captain of the Slytherin team and the new SDA president, so if any of your students want Quidditch or dueling plots, she's available. She would also be very happy to yell at/take points from your Slytherins if that's ever of interest :r
I'm doing this on my phone so I'm hoping I don't miss anything.

Wolfgang x Harper: I imagine that they would work together at times! Wolfgang would be honored to pick her mind on muggle things because he does have a muggle he has his eye on currently, so he literally needs all the help he can get xD

Daemyn x Harper: He does go off to dueling tournaments (not famous or anything because I'm not applying for that anytime soon if ever). He does go to those areas frequently so it would be easy to run into one and another. I can warn you that he won't be nice to know if she is an auror and a muggle born considering his background.

Kade x Harper: I know of any auror knows a scit will likely need an admin approval on that so it might be better for it to be vice versa. Kade hates the ministry and aurors so having them build a relationship and then destroy it will be great fun! He bonds with anyone who loves the ocean and stuff and is otherwise an easy going lad.

For Celia, the closest in age I can find would be Monday. He won out in the dueling tournament in Y43 but isn't sure if he wants to continue that (he has a talent for it so she could think he is wasting potential maybe)? I can give her a headache with Dante if she wants to assert her authority over a kid that will climb trees and won't get down willingly - even in the forbidden forest.

Wow I cannot believe I typed that much up!
Isabella x June: Since her and Misha have been together for a while now, it might be time to start introducing kids though she's hesitant so June seeking her out seems more reasonable. Can't say how she will react xD

Horror x June: It would be more likely for her to run into Horror than Terror because of the year but he might be amused by her confusing his twin for him.
Now if you want June to be terrorized by Terror as well, by all means! He probably compares her attitude to Cassius in his mind during their encounter.

Isabella x June: Sure June would pay an visit at the hospital wing perhaps. Since she would have asked Misha about it for sure. Since she could have seen stuff at the dance. June would just want to know who she deals with and stuff. Would be fun!

Horror x June: I guess June would be carefull now more and tries to find the difference between the two. She is very observing. We could perhaps see how things go through the year and will sure in class and stuff have something to go from. And with Astraea for sure too.

I can start something for Isabella x June in hospital wing? Or do you feel like another place could work better? Perhaps on the way to Misha's office would be funny too. Like one leaving other planning to go in?
Isabella x June: Sure June would pay an visit at the hospital wing perhaps. Since she would have asked Misha about it for sure. Since she could have seen stuff at the dance. June would just want to know who she deals with and stuff. Would be fun!

Horror x June: I guess June would be carefull now more and tries to find the difference between the two. She is very observing. We could perhaps see how things go through the year and will sure in class and stuff have something to go from. And with Astraea for sure too.

I can start something for Isabella x June in hospital wing? Or do you feel like another place could work better? Perhaps on the way to Misha's office would be funny too. Like one leaving other planning to go in?

I am thinking Hospital wing for Isabella x June because she probably doesn't go to visit Haden's office often. That would be a little too obvious and he needs time for kids too. :r If you want to know exactly the type of person Isabella is - she was one of the original writers for Rumor Has It (but was never caught).

I think the only appearance difference (except their style of clothes but during school, it is uniform) would be their eyes. Horror has a small dot of purple in his left eye, so unless she got super, super close - but he would push her if she did xD Mannerisms are different but need more interactions with both to really tell them apart. Horror will most certainly play on that. I can start that one!
I'm doing this on my phone so I'm hoping I don't miss anything.

Wolfgang x Harper: I imagine that they would work together at times! Wolfgang would be honored to pick her mind on muggle things because he does have a muggle he has his eye on currently, so he literally needs all the help he can get xD

Daemyn x Harper: He does go off to dueling tournaments (not famous or anything because I'm not applying for that anytime soon if ever). He does go to those areas frequently so it would be easy to run into one and another. I can warn you that he won't be nice to know if she is an auror and a muggle born considering his background.

Kade x Harper: I know of any auror knows a scit will likely need an admin approval on that so it might be better for it to be vice versa. Kade hates the ministry and aurors so having them build a relationship and then destroy it will be great fun! He bonds with anyone who loves the ocean and stuff and is otherwise an easy going lad.

For Celia, the closest in age I can find would be Monday. He won out in the dueling tournament in Y43 but isn't sure if he wants to continue that (he has a talent for it so she could think he is wasting potential maybe)? I can give her a headache with Dante if she wants to assert her authority over a kid that will climb trees and won't get down willingly - even in the forbidden forest.

Wow I cannot believe I typed that much up!

Wolfgang and Harper - Haha she will gladly give him all the background information he needs to talk to and woo this muggle. Maybe they meet when she delivers some sensitive documents to the Obliviator Headquarters and they get to talking? Also happy to say they already know of each other and have them chat literally anywhere.

Daemyn and Harper - Yeah, I figured he would not be happy if he ever finds out she's an auror or muggleborn. She's much more likely to accidentally reveal her muggleborn status, so it could be a good wakeup call if he's awful to her. Maybe we start with them meeting at a magical gym and just seeing how they interact?

Kade and Harper - Ooh, I didn't know of that rule, so we can definitely have him eventually learn of her affiliation. She probably wouldn't think twice about letting a friend know that she works at the Ministry (especially early on while she's dumb and naïve). It sounds like the easiest way for them to bond would be to have them meet at a beach?

For Celia, I'm not sure she'd seek Monday out though she might make a passing comment if she runs into him and he hasn't signed up for the tournament yet. I do kind of love the idea of her yelling at Dante while he's in a tree and him absolutely refusing to get down xD (Also, didn't mean to force you to come up with plots or anything. Just wanted to make sure you knew she was available since she's got a number of leadership positions).

Not sure how many/which ones you want to start with, but I think I'm most excited for Wolfgang/Harper (if that sounds good to you). And then happy to do however many additional ones you want!
Wolfgang and Harper - Haha she will gladly give him all the background information he needs to talk to and woo this muggle. Maybe they meet when she delivers some sensitive documents to the Obliviator Headquarters and they get to talking? Also happy to say they already know of each other and have them chat literally anywhere.

Daemyn and Harper - Yeah, I figured he would not be happy if he ever finds out she's an auror or muggleborn. She's much more likely to accidentally reveal her muggleborn status, so it could be a good wakeup call if he's awful to her. Maybe we start with them meeting at a magical gym and just seeing how they interact?

Kade and Harper - Ooh, I didn't know of that rule, so we can definitely have him eventually learn of her affiliation. She probably wouldn't think twice about letting a friend know that she works at the Ministry (especially early on while she's dumb and naïve). It sounds like the easiest way for them to bond would be to have them meet at a beach?

For Celia, I'm not sure she'd seek Monday out though she might make a passing comment if she runs into him and he hasn't signed up for the tournament yet. I do kind of love the idea of her yelling at Dante while he's in a tree and him absolutely refusing to get down xD (Also, didn't mean to force you to come up with plots or anything. Just wanted to make sure you knew she was available since she's got a number of leadership positions).

Not sure how many/which ones you want to start with, but I think I'm most excited for Wolfgang/Harper (if that sounds good to you). And then happy to do however many additional ones you want!
Let's see, I am most excited about Kade/Harper, Wolfgang/Harper and Celia/Dante. We can start with them and do others if we want to later on. If you want Harper to venture down Bleak Street or what interactions with Monday!
Do you have a preference on which ones you want to start? I am making a list now because I will forget.
I have your list:

Monday and Evie could be interesting, if he's wanting to experiment. She's very shy though so that could be something. She's a Gryffindor somehow.

Kyon and Chaos are roommates. I suggest we throw them together and see what happens.

Terror and Zion, isn't he supposed to be teaching Zion how to stand up for himself?

Airen and Horror. You said you wanted a victim, didn't you?

Dante and Elodie could be fun, lets have them meet.

Isabella and Mallory. Mallory considers Misha a friend, they should hang out.

Apollo could meet Dimitri? I think I saw that Apollo hung out with Ares at one point, so similar circles.

Kaelen is working as a healer, I've got a healer in training in Miran, they could meet?
I have your list:

Monday and Evie could be interesting, if he's wanting to experiment. She's very shy though so that could be something. She's a Gryffindor somehow.

Kyon and Chaos are roommates. I suggest we throw them together and see what happens.

Terror and Zion, isn't he supposed to be teaching Zion how to stand up for himself?

Airen and Horror. You said you wanted a victim, didn't you?

Dante and Elodie could be fun, lets have them meet.

Isabella and Mallory. Mallory considers Misha a friend, they should hang out.

Apollo could meet Dimitri? I think I saw that Apollo hung out with Ares at one point, so similar circles.

Kaelen is working as a healer, I've got a healer in training in Miran, they could meet?
I'll just say yes to everything. Although I have no idea who Evie is. I can't guarantee Monday would develop romantic feelings, but with him, things would be short term because academics > romance in his eyes.

Do you have a preference on which ones you want to start, do immediately, make others wait, etc?
1. Dante and Elodie
2. Kaelen and Miran
3. Monday and Evie
4. Kyon and Chaos
5. Terror and Zion
6. Airen and Horror
7. Isabella and Mallory
8. Apollo and Dimitri

feel free to rearrange, i'm open to what you have muse for, the only one i wanna do like right now is dante and elodie, the rest is flexible
Okay I'm back to catch up on these and write down what threads need to be done so I will maybe be somewhat organized (watch as I don't stick to this). I will get a response up to Cass on Dahlia too to wrap up that thread this weekend.

Would you like me to start one and you start the other when you feel like it? Happy to start Chaos II and Yuelia, doesn't necessarily have to be duelling chamber could just be outside a class and set it at the start of the new year?
Let's see, I am most excited about Kade/Harper, Wolfgang/Harper and Celia/Dante. We can start with them and do others if we want to later on. If you want Harper to venture down Bleak Street or what interactions with Monday!
Do you have a preference on which ones you want to start? I am making a list now because I will forget.
I have a dumb idea for a Kade/Harper starter, so I can take that haha. I think it might make most sense for you to start Dante/Celia? (Just so you know, I'll probably wait until prefect/head student selections before I reply to that). For Wolfgang/Harper, I'm fine either way. I can start it but am also fine if you want to start it instead!
Okay I'm back to catch up on these and write down what threads need to be done so I will maybe be somewhat organized (watch as I don't stick to this). I will get a response up to Cass on Dahlia too to wrap up that thread this weekend.

Would you like me to start one and you start the other when you feel like it? Happy to start Chaos II and Yuelia, doesn't necessarily have to be duelling chamber could just be outside a class and set it at the start of the new year?
If you need help with organizing, I can assist with that. I think I've shown you my spreadsheets xD
Let's see, we had ideas for a few. Cass x Oz can sit on the backend for now, but Dahlia needs to confront Terror for what he did to Gregory. Then there was Chaos x Yuelia (could be creepy how he ambushes her after a class but that is sort of his family trait). Then there was Audrey and Artie, who needs a negative interaction.

I have a dumb idea for a Kade/Harper starter, so I can take that haha. I think it might make most sense for you to start Dante/Celia? (Just so you know, I'll probably wait until prefect/head student selections before I reply to that). For Wolfgang/Harper, I'm fine either way. I can start it but am also fine if you want to start it instead!
I'd love to read the starter for Kade/Harper. xD

Yeah, I can do the other two since I'm going to be starting a bunch within the next couple of days - if I can keep my playing the switch to less than 3 hours.
Cool, I can start something for Dahlia and Terror then now I'm on her. :r

I'll try and think of something for Artie and Audrey to have friction over and can discuss in discord, but I've added Yuelia and Chaos II to my list.

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