Global Moderator Appreciation Day

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)

Every year on the 1st of June, the HNZ admin ask that members take a small moment to consider all of the work that goes into running HNZ, keeping the site and the community thriving. Some of the praise for keeping the community active is on our members who RP and work on different aspects on the site but another porton of that is done behind the scenes and a lot of that work is done by our wonderful Global Moderators. So June 1st has been dubbed - Global Moderator Appreciation Day [GMAD]. :party:

It can sometimes be easy to forget all the little jobs they do, from gathering information for the Bi-weekly update, taking the time to write lists of professors or other members that need reminding about things, posting and grading lessons when necessary, moving topics, moving your bios and much more. These are just a few of the tasks that the GMs take on to help keep the site going smoothly. It's awesome that people would be willing to volunteer a little of their fun HNZ time to do that, isn't it?

lthough you may not have been around for the tenure of some of the GMs- we do want to take a moment to recognize them all - Abby :abby: , Linda :linda: , Kaitlyn :kaitlyn: , Pat :pat: , Donna :donna: Kait :kait: , Marga :marga: , Claire :claire: , Lovi :lovi: , and last, but certainly not least, Maia :maia: . All of these incredible women have helped us to create a site that has functioned well (if we do say so ourselves :p ) for a nice amount of time.

To commerate this day, and to remind them of their true nature on HNZ they will be in the evil hat gang! When you become a GM you put on your evil hat, so you'll spot the GMs around the board with a little hat beside their username and a new group for the day. We've also written some letters of appreciation to our lovely GMs and encourage our members to do the same if they wish or just leave them a little appreciation!

From us to you, our great GMs, Thank you, for everything. :hug:

:cyndi: , :nick: & :emzies:




YAASS GIRLS!! :party: :hug: You guys work so hard to help keep HNZ running smoothly and to make it a fun place for us all. I don't know where I'd be without the friends I've made here and the skills I've developed and none of that would be possible without y'all. Thanks so much for everything you do!! :hug: You're amazing!

Also I love the evil hats =))
Guys! Thank you so much for your hard work :hug: You deserve this very much. Enjoy your time in the spotlight :D :woot:
Thanks for your hard work guys :hug: It's much appreciated!
Thank you guys so much for all your hard work and everything you do to make this site what it is :hug:
Hahaha love the hats!! Thanks everyone :wub:
Thank you girls for your dedication to the site :hug: We all really appreciate the hard work you put into it and you are all really nice and understanding, so thank you :wub:
Aww thanks guys! :wub: :hug:
Omg the little hats are so cute!!! xD

Being a GM is so much harder than people think, I appreciate all of y'all who keep the site running every day! :hug: :hug:
These hats are EXCELLENT :wub: Thank you guys!! :hug:
Thank you guys for all your hard work! You're all so easy to approach and talk to, and your help and dedication to the site is so appreciated :wub:
Thanks for all the work you guys do for us and the forum :) Big hug to you guys
I'm late to this, but these notes are so cute and well-deserved! I know I have no idea how much work actually goes on behind the scenes, so thank you all of you for all the work that you do to keep the site running smoothly!! :wub:

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