Call it a day

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Hey guys,

No idea if anyone noticed or not, but I've been slowly backing away and relieving my responsibilities on the site for a little while now, from less characters, less students, less threads... Life has become rather hectic, and all I have muse for nowadays is my series of books that I've been working on for many, many years now. This has been a hard decision, but ultimately, it has been worth it.

Long story short: this is my final goodbye.

I've met several people on this wonderful site, made what appears to be lifetime friendships, and it has enhanced my writing sevenfold. However, my habit for killing characters have extended to my series (just killed off several others just the other day to overcome a writer's block). I also have several characters in the book with the same first name as the ones that I have made on HNZ (Axel, Asparuh, Kalif, Ivaylo). Anyway, because of my leaving, and my 300+ characters, whew, let's see what happens to them.

Styx is retiring before he kills the entire bloody school. He takes his family, essentially all, back home to Bulgaria. So, the Zhefarovich family would leave NZ. NZ's population drops by about 100. Um, that is pretty much my major family. The others won't really impact much, I don't think. If anyone else have people tied with mine or my families, let me know and I'll help you out with an ending that doesn't end with death, unless you want it to.

I still write. I am willing to write with others privately if they so wish. I am no longer on skype, so if people want to reach out to me, my discord is: sirkaitlyn#2134
I'll check in here on occasion, wrapping up loose ends, and after that, I'll be off.

Thanks for everything, HNZ and its community. It has been awesome staffing it and being a part of it.
Oh my, Kaitlyn! We may never have lots of topics together but I seriously enjoyed Styx's lessons back when Alexis Kramer was a student. Nevertheless, I'm so happy to have met you here on site. Also, I'm looking forward to reading your books. Until then, wish you all the best in the next chapters of your writing journey.
HNZ will be very different without Styx around. But I completely understand your reasons for leaving. Thanks for everything you've done for HNZ over the years and good luck with your writing!
Talk about end of an era. Always sad when someone leaves the site but glad you're doing what's best for you and your well being. Take care, Kaitlyn and thanks for all your hard work and everything you brought to the site over the years!
I know we'll be talking on discord so I'll see you around. Good luck with the book series, and thank you for all of the fun RPs, plots, and chats. It's been fun getting to know you on site and off. ^_^
Love you, Kaitlyn! :wub: It's been amazing getting to know you as both a person and a writer over the years. We have had some fantastic plots together. I will miss you around the site although I support you 100% in your decision. We will stay in touch!
Wow, HNZ is going to be very different without you! Wishing you nothing but the best for the future Kaitlyn, in all endeavours writing or otherwise. Thank you for all your work over the years to keep HNZ running, and all the awesome plots you've contributed over time!
Aww Kaitlyn! :hug: You will be missed! I really appreciate everything you have done to make this site as amazing as it is!

I wish you the best moving forward. Good luck with your book series! One day I hope I will be able to read it! You're writing style has always been amazing, so definitely something to look forward to :)

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