Another One Added to The Mix

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
Hello! I hope you all are having a good day or night whenever you are reading this! Trying to kill time as I wait for the new year haha! These are all my students! Im very keen to do unsorted character plots too! So please do hit me up! I'm also happy to do plots with characters that aren't displayed here, but a few discussions would be great!


Valencia Addington
7th Year | Prefect | Muggleborn
Valencia is finally in her last year of Hogwarts and she's really happy about it. She's closer to leaving the magical school and heading back into the muggle world. She's very curious and loves to learn about everything. She's very into history and astronomy. Valencia is also friendly and expressive and is very opinionated, especially when it comes to the magical world. Valencia has slowly been thinking about her future career and what she wants to do once she leaves.

Needs: Friends, development on friendships she's already made, drama, anything really!


Nolan Burke
6th Year | Prefect | Mixed-Blood

Xiuying Huang
6th Year | Prefect | Mixed-Blood
Nolan is inching his way closer to his last year of Hogwarts (And im a little sad about it omg) - Nolan's still a little bit blue from all the drama from his parents. He avoided his mum during the break and stayed at a friend's house, though he's kept in contact with my father. Nolan is a little quieter this year and is slowly picking up on music again, this year.

Needs: Friends, development with friendships he's already made, romance (males only) -> flings or short-term relationships. No finals yet, but am happy to discuss things!
Xiuying is the eldest sister of Jingyi (Charlie's character) and Xinyi (Jess' character) and is in her second to last year at Hogwarts. She's the new Ravenclaw Quidditch captain and is honestly stoked about it. Xiuying is massive on Quidditch, even though her parents don't really approve of her being on the quidditch team. They much rather have her study and for her to keep up with her grades, as they haven't really been that good.

Needs: FRIENDS!!! Anything quidditch related would be awesome! Romance! (M/F) - No finals as of yet, but happy to discuss!


Molly Burke
5th Year | Mixed-Blood
In all honesty, I cannot believe this girl is in her fifth year at Hogwarts now... She's still a wee small first year to me!! Molly is still her happy, giggly self, whose always unaware of her surroundings. She loves her pet cat, Gumdrop dearly and will do anything for that poor cat. She's currently in a relationship with Felix (Kadi's character) and she's really happy about it. Home life is a different story and its ruined her mood a little for the upcoming year. There's a huge rift in the family dynamic and it hasn't been the same anymore.

Needs: Friends!!! Development on friendships she's made, drama, anything! I would love for her to guide or help younger students as well! Whether it be for studying or just in life in general, I'd love to put a student or a few under her wing!


Abigail Payne
4th Year | Unknown
Abigail is in her fourth year now (I honestly cannot believe it, they all grow up so fast, what the heck). She's been enjoying her time at Hogwarts most of the time. She's been slowly making friends throughout her time at Hogwarts so far! She's slowly opening up and coming out of her shell. But not fully just yet! Abigail is slowly becoming curious about her birth parents but doesn't really know where to start if she's being honest. Abigail is still into her art projects and everything else related to them.

Needs: Friends, development of friendships she's already made, a lil bit of drama! Anything really!!


Joshua Lynch
3rd Year | Muggleborn
Joshua is in his third year in Hogwarts and he cannot believe he's made it this far into Hogwarts already. Josh is slowly getting the hang of the magical world - Though he is always excited when he learns something new about the magical world. Josh is very keen with Quidditch and really wants to be part of the team. He was an alternate chaser last year, which he thought was great! Josh can be quite rowdy and energetic but can quieten down when told or asked to. He doesn't want to make his peers uncomfortable or anything. I would love for him to do some chaotic adventures this year! He's also very protective of his friends!

Needs: Friends, development on friendships he's already made, drama?? Quidditch threads, chaotic adventures! Anything!


Conan Burke
2nd Year | Mixed-Blood
Conan really enjoyed his first year at Hogwarts and is pleased with the friends he had made this year. He's still into his shell collection, which has grown a little more during the break. He's very enthusiastic about his shells, and could talk about them for hours. Conan is afraid of what is going to happen between his parents as they have been constantly fighting during the time he was back for his break. He is a very curious kid and wants to be knowledgeable on things. He's always keen on making new friends and is protective over his friends too.

Needs: Friends, development on friendships he's made, a little bit of drama? Anything really!


Eliza Reynolds
1st Year | Half-Blood
Eliza is my firstie for the upcoming year! She's a fairly new character, so I'm still figuring things out with her. She's totally not new to magic. Her family dynamic is a little complicated. She lives with her dad and her maternal grandma. Her mother leaving her and her dad when she was barely one. Eliza is happy all the time, but deep down she resents her mother a lot. She honestly doesn't want anything to do with her mother aside from her grandmother. Eliza is very geeky. She loves comics, sci-fi and superhero films. She's not really into sports but has been curious about quidditch.

Needs: Friends, drama? anything for my little firstie here!

And these are all my characters! If you have any questions or want to discuss anything, please don't hesitate to pm me or message me on discord or skype!
I do not remember if we ever plotted (no offense to anyone it is just my memory is absolute crap).
So, regardless, we should. I don't have much to offer but I will try!

Monday x Abigail: If Abigail is needing friends, so is Monday to keep him from going down a dark path. I don't know how much he can help with finding her birth parents, especially since he hates his dad, but yeah xD

Larissa x Conan: Someone else who loves swimming and collecting shells? Larissa will love to see his collection and she will show off hers! She even makes pieces of jewelry out of shells! I feel like these two would be instant friends just because of this.

Horror x Eliza: I don't know how these two would end up since their interests are very....varied. But we can try them out? He's a bit off the wall, but his twin likes Quidditch and flying. He might find her interests to be interesting though, especially with sci-fi.

So, that is what I have!
Monday x Abigail: If Abigail is needing friends, so is Monday to keep him from going down a dark path. I don't know how much he can help with finding her birth parents, especially since he hates his dad, but yeah xD

Larissa x Conan: Someone else who loves swimming and collecting shells? Larissa will love to see his collection and she will show off hers! She even makes pieces of jewelry out of shells! I feel like these two would be instant friends just because of this.

Horror x Eliza: I don't know how these two would end up since their interests are very....varied. But we can try them out? He's a bit off the wall, but his twin likes Quidditch and flying. He might find her interests to be interesting though, especially with sci-fi.

So, that is what I have!
Hi Kaitlyn!! I don't think we ever plotted tbh! My memory is just as bad lmao!

Monday x Abigail - Oh! I would love to try out this dynamic! Abigail is in need of some friends, so im keen to try this out!!

Larissa x Conan - OMG!! This would be awesome!!! Conan would totally love that she makes jewellery out of shells! He'd think its pretty cool! He'd love to talk to someone who also has an interest in shell collecting! I can defs see them instantly being friends!

Horror x Eliza - Oooo! I haven't really figured out Eliza out yet, so I'm keen to put these two together and see how that goes!

What ones were keen on doing or starting? I don't mind either way on how we do it hehe!
Hi Kaitlyn!! I don't think we ever plotted tbh! My memory is just as bad lmao!

Monday x Abigail - Oh! I would love to try out this dynamic! Abigail is in need of some friends, so im keen to try this out!!

Larissa x Conan - OMG!! This would be awesome!!! Conan would totally love that she makes jewellery out of shells! He'd think its pretty cool! He'd love to talk to someone who also has an interest in shell collecting! I can defs see them instantly being friends!

Horror x Eliza - Oooo! I haven't really figured out Eliza out yet, so I'm keen to put these two together and see how that goes!

What ones were keen on doing or starting? I don't mind either way on how we do it hehe!
Since it is just 3, I won't mind doing them all at the same time. I know I owe a starter for Horror for someone else, and I can crank out one for him and Eliza as well. I can also start one for Monday and Abigail.

If you start Larissa x Conan, I know she'd approach him because she doesn't know strangers. I think I accidentally made my dog into a character.
Since it is just 3, I won't mind doing them all at the same time. I know I owe a starter for Horror for someone else, and I can crank out one for him and Eliza as well. I can also start one for Monday and Abigail.

If you start Larissa x Conan, I know she'd approach him because she doesn't know strangers. I think I accidentally made my dog into a character.
Okay sweet as! That sounds good to me! I'll get started on the Larissa x Conan thread when I can and link it to you! :D
I'm summoned.

Nolan/Charlie. Either dorm besties or a rebound fling- did we do that already? Again. Charlie had a bad breakup and he's denying he cares.

Nolan/Jordie. I forget the exact thought but I noted it and I still think they'd be fun. Discuss?

Xiuying/Xinyi. You know that she's going to want to check in on her newly returned brother. Since he left without telling anyone.

Molly/Maisie. Still bestie vibes

Abby/Evie: They would still get on great, I think.

Josh/Kyon. I think this would be fun, aren't they roommates? Chaos ensues.

Conan could go with either Zerrin, my bubbly dorm mom, or Zion, my... regular, totally normal kid lol.
I'm summoned.

Nolan/Charlie. Either dorm besties or a rebound fling- did we do that already? Again. Charlie had a bad breakup and he's denying he cares.

Nolan/Jordie. I forget the exact thought but I noted it and I still think they'd be fun. Discuss?

Xiuying/Xinyi. You know that she's going to want to check in on her newly returned brother. Since he left without telling anyone.

Molly/Maisie. Still bestie vibes

Abby/Evie: They would still get on great, I think.

Josh/Kyon. I think this would be fun, aren't they roommates? Chaos ensues.

Conan could go with either Zerrin, my bubbly dorm mom, or Zion, my... regular, totally normal kid lol.
Hi Jess!

Nolan x Charlie - I would love for them to be dorm besties! And I'd be keen to do more threads and stuff between these two! I don't think we've done much for these two!

Nolan x Jordie - Yepp!! My discord is always open and free! So lemme know!!

Xiuying x Xinyi - Yes, she very much would! She's very protective of both her brothers, so she'll defs would wanna know whats been going on with Xinyi hehe

Molly x Maisie - Yes!! I think there energy's and personalities are similar, so i'd be keen to do something!

Abby x Evie - I think we've discussed things on discord about things with these two, but only vaguely! But defs!!

Josh x Kyon - Yep! They're roommates! I would love to get the ball rolling for these two! I'm sure there would be a lot of chaos lol!

I'm happy to offer Conan to either or both! I don't mind!

I can offer June for Eliza. I don't know how she would think of her, but she just wants to meet as many peeps from the year. So would love to try them out.

Also got Crystal for Nolan or/and Xiuying. Same house as Xiuying and probably they have known eachother from when she was at Hogwarts in first years. I can't remember if we plotted before with one of them. But I'm open for either both or which you prefer.
Hi Jess!

Nolan x Charlie - I would love for them to be dorm besties! And I'd be keen to do more threads and stuff between these two! I don't think we've done much for these two!

Nolan x Jordie - Yepp!! My discord is always open and free! So lemme know!!

Xiuying x Xinyi - Yes, she very much would! She's very protective of both her brothers, so she'll defs would wanna know whats been going on with Xinyi hehe

Molly x Maisie - Yes!! I think there energy's and personalities are similar, so i'd be keen to do something!

Abby x Evie - I think we've discussed things on discord about things with these two, but only vaguely! But defs!!

Josh x Kyon - Yep! They're roommates! I would love to get the ball rolling for these two! I'm sure there would be a lot of chaos lol!

I'm happy to offer Conan to either or both! I don't mind!
okay so there are eight of these, how many do you want to do?
Hi Maria.
I have a selection of options for you

for nolan. I have Sky. I love their quasi-sibling relationship. and am happy for more threads with them.
for Molly, I also have sky. dorm mates and friends. I figure molly probably was a bit left out with the relationship between sky and Renata but of course, my girl's daydream never lasted and molly was probably lucky not be be in the middle. though i am sure she picked up on some weird vibes. they could certainly have some girl talk time. and i cant remember if sky has told molly about her relationship issues. but if not that could be a good idea.
For Conan i have Hugo. he is a first year raven and a bit geeky. he loves his books. and is often found curled into a corner with one. they were his way to escape his family drama. and his safe place.
For Eliza i have hugo. they met on the train. but could always interact once they get to school.
okay so there are eight of these, how many do you want to do?
Maybe we could start with four in one semester and four the other semester? So at least its somewhat spread out?

Hi Maria.
I have a selection of options for you

for nolan. I have Sky. I love their quasi-sibling relationship. and am happy for more threads with them.
for Molly, I also have sky. dorm mates and friends. I figure molly probably was a bit left out with the relationship between sky and Renata but of course, my girl's daydream never lasted and molly was probably lucky not be be in the middle. though i am sure she picked up on some weird vibes. they could certainly have some girl talk time. and i cant remember if sky has told molly about her relationship issues. but if not that could be a good idea.
For Conan i have Hugo. he is a first year raven and a bit geeky. he loves his books. and is often found curled into a corner with one. they were his way to escape his family drama. and his safe place.
For Eliza i have hugo. they met on the train. but could always interact once they get to school.
Hi Mia!!

Sky x Nolan - Yessss!!! I really love the sibling-like relationship they have between these two and I would love to keep that going between these two!

Sky x Molly - Yes!! I'm always keen for threads between these two as well! Molly would defs be up and interested in girl talk, so yes this could defs be something! I don't think Sky has mentioned about her relationship issues, but I think that could defs be something! Molly would defs be up to listening to her friend.

Hugo x Eliza - Yessss! They defs met on the train, I love the fact that both of them are geeky, so they defs have something in common! Would love to do more of that!
Hi Mia!!

Sky x Nolan - Yessss!!! I really love the sibling-like relationship they have between these two and I would love to keep that going between these two!

Sky x Molly - Yes!! I'm always keen for threads between these two as well! Molly would defs be up and interested in girl talk, so yes this could defs be something! I don't think Sky has mentioned about her relationship issues, but I think that could defs be something! Molly would defs be up to listening to her friend.

Hugo x Eliza - Yessss! They defs met on the train, I love the fact that both of them are geeky, so they defs have something in common! Would love to do more of that!
I think that we should maybe start with one or both of the sky ones and then maybe do hugo/eliza a little later. would you like me to start something, would you like to start something? i am up for either way around.
I think that we should maybe start with one or both of the sky ones and then maybe do hugo/eliza a little later. would you like me to start something, would you like to start something? i am up for either way around.
Yes that sounds good! I'm happy to do the eliza/hugo one a little later! I can start one sky thread and I can start the other? You can pick what one you wanna start and I'll do the other one hehe! :D

I can offer June for Eliza. I don't know how she would think of her, but she just wants to meet as many peeps from the year. So would love to try them out.

Also got Crystal for Nolan or/and Xiuying. Same house as Xiuying and probably they have known eachother from when she was at Hogwarts in first years. I can't remember if we plotted before with one of them. But I'm open for either both or which you prefer.
Jamie!! I'm so sorry that I completely missed your reply!

June x Eliza - I would love to do something with these two! I haven't really done much with Eliza yet so I'm quite keen to do so!

Crystal x Nolan/Xiuying - I'm happy to do both! Maybe we could do one semester with each? Like Crystal/Nolan in one semester and Crystal/Xiuying in the other semester? Xiuying would defs remember Crystal since they were in the same house and dormmates, and all. I don't think we've done anything with Crystal/Nolan though!

Did you wanna start one and I can start the other?
Jamie!! I'm so sorry that I completely missed your reply!

June x Eliza - I would love to do something with these two! I haven't really done much with Eliza yet so I'm quite keen to do so!

Crystal x Nolan/Xiuying - I'm happy to do both! Maybe we could do one semester with each? Like Crystal/Nolan in one semester and Crystal/Xiuying in the other semester? Xiuying would defs remember Crystal since they were in the same house and dormmates, and all. I don't think we've done anything with Crystal/Nolan though!

Did you wanna start one and I can start the other?

June x Eliza: Great! Would you mind starting something for them?

Than I will do Crystal and Nolan!
Maybe we could start with four in one semester and four the other semester? So at least its somewhat spread out?
ok. do you want to pick two and I'll pick two?
June x Eliza: Great! Would you mind starting something for them?

Than I will do Crystal and Nolan!
Sounds good! I start something once the semester is underway and send it your way! :D
ok. do you want to pick two and I'll pick two?
Ooopsss forgot to reply to this one too!

Yes sounds good! I can start something for Abby and Evie? Aaaaaannnndddd.... Molly and Maisie?
I'm going to go forrrr.... Nolan/Jordie and.... Xinyi/Xiuying?
Yes thank you. the arts room works well.

Edit: here is for Molly and Sky
Thread for Nolan and Sky!

Lemme know if you want me to change anything!

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