Y48 Slytherin Quidditch Try Outs

Horror Zhefarovich

captain ⛧ bored
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Vine Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Horror Zhefarovich was leading the team on his own this time, which he felt was a little odd. Whatever, he was not going to complain about it. He did not mind the extra responsibility. He did not have anything else right now going on anyway. He put up flyers to let the students of Slytherin knew that they were going to have try outs that day. It was a cold day. A bit breezy. Basically, it was a miserable day. And that is why Horror chose this day to get people to the field. If they were willing to come during this weather, that meant that they would be assets to the team. Maybe. Once he felt that it was time to start, he shoved his hands in his pockets and announced in a cold, monotone voice. "In case you didn't know, I'm Horror Zhefarovich, and I'm the captain. Returning members, just practice and help the hopefuls. New ones, tell me your name and what you are trying for." Horror looked up to the sky to see the balls were already up and around.
Horror ZhefarovichKeeper & Captain
Terror ZhefarovichChaser
@Enoch Goldewyn Chaser
@Ignatius Wolffort Seeker
@Alana Cosgrove Beater
@Vanity Mettlestone Beater
OPEN (3)Alternates

OOCOut of Character:
Returning players, just post a quick one to keep your place. Alternates will have to try out again. And new players will. Just 1 post! Any questions, feel free to reach out!
Vanity grumbled as she headed to the pitch. The weather sucked. Couldn't Horror have scheduled tryouts at a better time? Vanity kept grumbling under her breath as she got on her broom and started flying around. She would warm up a bit first before she would hit bludgers at the people trying out.
Sybil had been unsure about trying out for the quidditch team but after thing about it all holiday she knew she had to at least try. She made sure to show up early so she was one of the first to step up. "Hello! My name is Sybil St. James and I'm trying out for chaser!" she said excitedly before taking to the air. She had always loved flying and chaser made the most sense for her. She was a little hesitant at first but finally she got hold of the quaffle and raced to the other end of the pitch to throw it through the hoop. Her first shot missed but she tried again soon after and managed to make the goal. It was a rush and she wanted to do it again and again. She had to fight for the quaffle a few times and she tried to use her small size to her advantage and wiggle through the rest of the team. By the end she had made quite a few goals and was feeling very pleased with herself.
Enoch arrived at the pitch and looked to the captain. He had his broom in hand and then headed into the air the moment he could. He didn't really care about what the captain was saying, it didn't matter what was said, they just had to practice.
Logan knew first years didn't usually get to try out, but he had gone to the captain to ask if he could try. The guy was kinda scary, but he had said yes so here Logan was. He didn't think he'd make the team on his first try, but maybe he could be an alternate? He hoped so. He wasn't sure what position he'd like to play, but he had eventually settled on trying out for chaser. When it was his turn, he tried his best to look taller. "Logan Ashworth, trying out for chaser." He said, hoping him being a first year wasn't completely obvious. He got to the air and grabbed the quaffle, taking it to the hoops. Logan had played many practice games, but this was still different. Uncanny. So his first attempt to score went a bit off, as he wasn't used to the hoops being quite that far apart. He grimaced, then flew around until he got the quaffle again. This time, he did manage to score. He managed one more time before his time was up. He could only hope it was good enough.
Ignatius had to play better this time, he knew. No, that wasn't right - the snitch had to respect him. He had to project more confidence than he obviously was. His parents had bought him flying lessons over the break so he could improve and reassured him that he was clever and talented and powerful. He set about practising catching the snitch, dodging bludgers along the way. He got a couple of grazes for his trouble but didn't cry and did manage to catch the snitch, so he thought he was doing quite well.
Ruth didn't have a whole lot of expectations for Quidditch, but she was going to try out. She had practiced flying over the break, but didn't want to make it look like she was trying that hard. She'd insisted she was mostly going along to support Sybil, who she really hoped made the team, but if she managed to snag an alternate spot that wouldn't be so bad. And if she didn't, it was fine, it would look like she had only been there to make Sybil look better. Foolproof.

"Hey, I'm Ruth Thorne," she greeted, twirling a strand of hair around her finger in a nonchalant way. "So, like, I'll try out for beater, I guess? I can go wherever," she added, not being especially committed to one thing in case she really did fail. She picked up a bat and took to the skies with the others, on a quest to hit bludgers around. She mostly followed along with Vanity, who seemed pretty cool, and managed to get a few hits in (both defending and also grazing their weird seeker). She took a few of her own, but did her best to play them off like they didn't hurt. They really did hurt, although that wasn't the point.
Kanako had discovered last year that she liked quidditch well enough, and maybe she'd embarrass herself by trying out for the team but she was determined to at least give it a try. Maybe she'd make more friends. She'd look more important anyway, and that certainly counted for something. "Kanako Kurosawa, trying out for beater," she said, even know she knew that was an alternate role. She wasn't sure she was ready for the big time yet anyway.

She got into the air, bat in her hand. She'd practiced a little during the break and she liked the idea of hitting things and more importantly, hitting people. It was satisfying. She remembered being on the softball team at primary school so it wasn't like she was a stranger to it either. Kanako had a knack for home runs and she assumed it was somewhat similar - transferrable skills and all that. Kanako didn't hold back, as soon as she found a bludger she swung hard for it, bat colliding and zooming in the direction of another player who managed to avoid it at the last minute. Kanako scowled, but continued her search for bludgers to hit. She caught someone out on her third try, privately cheering to herself. All in all, Kanako was good at hitting the bludgers but her ability to aim at other players was somewhat more diminished. She avoided a few herself, ignoring the pain when one hit her knee and taking the pain in stride. Coming down to the ground after tryouts were over, she knew she at least didn't look stupid.
Alana was excited for a new year, whenever there was new captain it always brought new optimism, even if Horror had been co-captain the year before. She arrived at the pitch and joined her teammates waiting for the tryouts to start and would help out where she was needed.
Sunny had been an alt beater for the Slytherin team last year and it was annoying that she had to tryout again to keep her position, but no point complaining she supposed. She had to just suck it up as it was like that for all alts. "Sunny Day trying out for beater." She announced while loosely swinging her beaters bat at her side. Then she tucked the bat under one arm, mounted her broom, and kicked off the ground.

Her eyes scanned the pitch, for bludgers. Spotting one coming towards her, she leaned forward, gripping her bat tightly. The first hit was clean, sending the bludger across the pitch although not at the intended target. The second wasn’t as powerful but still made a satisfying thunk as it headed in the right direction.

It was the third swing that reminded her why she enjoyed this position so much. The bat cracked against the bludger, sending it hurtling straight toward another player. Sunny's wicked little smile grew, it was almost criminal how much she enjoyed whacking bludgers at people.
Quidditch was something that Sayuri had tried to decide on during the holidays. Last year, she'd tried out to be part of the Slytherin Quidditch Team. And while she did manage to get into the team, it wasn't the most pleasant of things because she'd landed an alternate seeker position. While being an alternate wasn't bad, it was the seeker position that she had an issue with. Growing up as the daughter of a professional Quidditch player, she'd known from years ago what position she preferred if she were ever to play. All of them knew. While they could play all of the positions relatively fine - her mother made sure of that, they all had their preferences. Sayuri was a chaser. She made a fair beater. She found being a seeker annoying. And she hated being a keeper. Hopefully, Horror would be a much better captain and would actually place her in a position that she was the best fit for.

"Sayuri, Chaser," she didn't think there was a need to give him her full name. She was on the roster last semester. If he couldn't even remember a few names on the same team as him, then he probably wouldn't make a good captain anyway and all hope for Slytherin was well and truly lost. With that introduction out of the way, it was time to get up into the air. The wind and cold would make anyone miserable. The captain sure was a sadist for hosting tryouts on a weather like this. Still, Sayuri tried her best. She'd successfully received all the passes thrown her way and even sent some to the others. Scoring goals was a little more complicated against the captain himself. It was definitely one way to see everyone's performance. Still, she tried and tried until it was called off. All in all, she'd managed to sneak three goals past Horror - not a bad count, she thinks. Especially since her brother had managed to score against him last semester too. She better not be seeker again.
Terror Zhefarovich walked onto the pitch, still bitter about Horror getting captain over him. Horror didn't even care about Quidditch so why the hell was he loving this? He sighed but listened to Horror give them instructions. He mounted his broom and went up to start practicing.
OOCOut of Character:
Try-outs will conclude in 24 hours so anyone who wants to try out will need to post ASAP!
OOCOut of Character:
Okay, try outs are done, so be on the look out for a PM from yours truly, with a link to a practice within a few days. Alternates, since no one tried out for seeker, in a game, be prepared for your student to be substituted in place of the seeker.

Horror ZhefarovichKeeper & Captain
Terror ZhefarovichChaser
Enoch GoldewynChaser
Sayuri EdogawaChaser
Ignatius WolffortSeeker
Alana CosgroveBeater
Vanity MettlestoneBeater
Sybil St. JamesAlternate Chaser
Sunny DayAlternate Beater
Kanako KurosawaAlternate Beater

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