Y47 Electives Fair

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (50)
The weather had been dark and threatening all day and Angel eyed the grey clouds overhead suspiciously as he helped finish setting up the last booth with a flick of his wand, the attached banner with the subject names unfurling with a final flourish as a finishing touch. It was still humid and Angel brushed a fuzzy curl from his forehead with a huff. Even if the wands were doing all the heavy lifting, he hoped the second years still appreciated the hard work of their professors to get the fair together for them.

With that in mind, Angel conjured a lawn chair for himself, summoning a large umbrella for it despite the lack of sun, just in case, before settling down to let his colleagues to the real heavy lifting of discussing their various subjects with a gaggle of 12 year olds while he was content to relax and keep an eye on things from the side.
Minnie was ready for this electives fair, the last lot of arithmancy student were not numerous in number so she was hoping for a slightly better draw this time around. She had books of interest on arithmancy and was looking forward to trying to entice students to the class. She also had a handy list of what careers that this class would help with. She stood at the arithmancy stall and waited to see how interested these second year students were.
Ben remembers the Electives fairs from when he used to attend the school. He's not really all that surprised that they don't really seem to have changed much. He's attending mostly as back up for Eleanora because the students will mostly be dealing with her before they come to him. He doesn't really know the protocol from this side of the hall since the last time he was here he was... what, thirteen, fourteen? It's been a long time and as the very newest member of the club, he doesn't want to be stepping on anyone's toes. He hasn't brought any of the creatures with him today, because most of the creatures they will be dealing with would be far too dangerous, but if Eleanora decides to bring one of them then he's happy to help her with whatever she needs help with. Instead he's come up with a little quiz with a pictures of some of the creatures they could encounter and trying to figure out what their classification would be. He also has a list of what jobs they can do with their course and what grades will be required. He's as prepared as he can be.
Cairo had done a few of these fairs now and knew more or less what to expect from them. She found her station and neatly set out some muggle specific textbooks on topics like muggle history, general knowledge, and a couple of magazines about cars and the latest technology that students could take away with them if they wanted to. She glanced up at the threatening clouds overhead and really hoped the weather would hold out for them because her defensive spells were rusty and she did not want to get wet, worst case she'd huddle under Angel's umbrella if it came to it.
Marigold has never been to an elective fair before so she's not really sure what to expect. She has a couple of notes from her predecessors time, but she can tell that the woman who came before her was a bit of an old hat, so she had stopped keeping extensive notes at some point and now Ari only really has the dregs that managed to make it from years past. She has brought a bag of runes that she can use if anyone wants to see how they work. Eager to get some new students into the class.
Hinata probably should have tried harder stopping her dad from bringing so much stuff to the Fair. But, her dad was prone to getting too excitable about muggle items that’d she’d just smiled unsurely and offered to help him carry stuff. She got the lighter bag at least - bunch of random muggle stuff. After dropping it off, she bowed to the professors and left.
Conan had never gone to the Electives Fair seeing as it didn’t exist yet back when he was a student in Hogwarts. Merlin he was so old. Since he had never been to one, he was sort of just going on what he was told - they were to attract students and explain their classes. Hopefully. He thinks he’s been doing well in his classes. How hard could this be? And so, for this he’d decided to bring board games, card games, and random knick knacks that he’d collected working for the ministry. He’d basically filled three whole bags with loot. Thankfully, Hinata had offered to go with him to the Fair, not that he would need help carrying them, but he appreciated her company so he gave her a small bag to carry. By the time he’d approached Professor Keller, he blinked. He blinked at the textbooks and magazines that he did not consider bringing. Oops. Maybe he should have paid attention to what Hina-chan had been saying. “Uhhhh… I brought games?” he says pulling out one of the many games he brought - Battleships - and a pack of Uno cards. He brought more like Yahtzee, Cards Against Humanity, Monopoly, and Snakes and Ladders. Maybe the skateboard and fridge magnets and rubber ducks were too much?
Kahurangi's eyes flicked up to the storm threatening from above as she joined her colleagues in the courtyard, bag of well-used fair decorations in hand. It was jarring, looking for what felt like the thousandth time this year expecting Cyndi and seeing Ari instead. She knew she would get used to it eventually, but after twenty years working side by side with someone it wasn't so simple to adjust to their absence. Still she gave Ari a cheerful smile as she sat down, quickly casting a shield against the weather over their table. "Never trust the clouds." She said with a light chuckle before laying out her own side of the table, surprised to see Ari's so bare. Kahurangi had brought her usual stock - different kinds of runes in bags (including her own if anyone wanted a reading), books and fliers about rune reading and crafting, a necklace tree adorned in bind rune amulets made by her sixth years.
Yvonne managed to be the first of the divination professors down to the courtyard. She knew the drill at this point and was able to set up the table in no time. Tarot cards, crystal balls, and some palmistry charts were set out for the students to inspect and ask questions about if they wanted. Or even get a reading if they asked nicely. She wondered if she should have brought some snacks but she figured Elvera could cover that if she wanted. With all that done she took a seat and tried to catch her breath before even more students arrived.
Cyrus knew he had to pick electives next year, so going to the electives fair just made sense. It was a logical next step, but he was also partly there because professor Josehps had said it was mandatory. The weather wasn't very nice, and Cyrus hoped it wouldn't rain. He wandered around the courtyard, looking at the different booths. He stopped at the Runes booth and looked at the stuff on display. He glanced up at his head of house, one of the few professors he knew. "Hi Professor Josephs." He said quietly. "What are these?" He gestured to the rune amulets.

@Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Rosalind was a little unsure about picking electives. She didn't know that much about them and wondered how she'd balance subjects if she took one up. She wandered around the courtyard, nothing particularly piquing her interest. She was definitely going to be taking herbology after all, and did any of the electives really have anything to do with gardening and stuff? She spotted Cyrus but it looked like he was talking to a professor and Rosalind didn't want to interrupt.

Looking further, she found one table that was decked out with magazines, books, and of all things what looked like different kinds of games. She looked at them curiously, eventually realising this must be the muggle studies table. Rosalind knew a bit about muggles but not that much. She wondered if it was worth taking. She picked up a magazine about cars - obviously she knew what a car was, but she didn't know that much. There were lots of different types from what she knew, and they even ran on different fuel sources. That was about the extent of her knowledge. "Do we learn a lot about muggle technology?" Rosalind asked one of the professors standing there. "It looks kind of complicated."
@Professor Cairo Keller
Kahurangi was always pleased when her Ravenclaws stopped by her table at the club fair, and she gave Cyrus a cheerful grin as he approached. "These are bind runes." Kahurangi explained, taking one down to show him more closely. "Different runes have different properties, and a bind rune is a symbol designed to combine the properties of two runes to enhance their benefits." She opened an information pamphlet to show him. "This is a combination of Wunjo and Sowelo, which are both runes dealing with joy and happiness. Wunjo also represents wishes coming true and Sowelo represents resistance against death and dark forces, so this rune might be worn by someone wishing to have a long, happy life." She explained, pointing out the runes in the pamphlet as she described them.
@Cyrus Thorne
Ari laughed lightly at Kahurangi when she noted not to trust the clouds, well she was happy to take the woman's word for it as she probably knew this place a lot better than Ari did. She smiled brightly as one of the younger Ravenclaws approached them, choosing to chat with his head of house. That made sense to her, she would have done the same, as she was very much a new face. Not to mention that Kahurangi's table looked much nicer than hers did and she was a little jealous, she made notes to make sure she was better prepared next time when this fair came around, she hadn't been quite sure what to expect from it, so she was glad she had some understanding of what was happening as she listened to her coworker explain runes to the student, nodding along at the explanation. She hoped she could talk the boy into joining their course, because Ari was very excited to get to know the students from their first year in the study.
Sunday arrived fairly early for the electives fair, seeing a few other students there. She was hoping to make a good impression- her hair was carefully styled and she was in a pristine uniform. With her best smile in place, she checked her notes and decided to go to the first table on her list.

"Hello, Professor," She asked. "Thank you for taking the time to explain your course," She offered, hands folded demurely behind her back. She looked over the table contents. "What exactly is arithmancy?" She questioned as if she didn't already know the answer, wanting to appear the eager student. @Professor Minnie Calida
Minnie was watching as student explored and smiled at the one who approached her, "Arithmancy is the study of numbers," she started and then launched into an easy definition of it. Hoping to entice this student to try the class. "Hopefully that answers the question,"
Sunday listened intently to the answer given, and smiled brightly at the Professor as she spoke. She nodded. "Oh, that makes perfect sense- I would love to learn more about that," She agreed, looking for the sign up sheet to add her name. "How intensive is the course? Is there any spellwork involved?" She asked, trying to keep her tone both interested and casual. @Professor Minnie Calida

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