Y47 Electives Fair

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (49)
The weather had been dark and threatening all day and Angel eyed the grey clouds overhead suspiciously as he helped finish setting up the last booth with a flick of his wand, the attached banner with the subject names unfurling with a final flourish as a finishing touch. It was still humid and Angel brushed a fuzzy curl from his forehead with a huff. Even if the wands were doing all the heavy lifting, he hoped the second years still appreciated the hard work of their professors to get the fair together for them.

With that in mind, Angel conjured a lawn chair for himself, summoning a large umbrella for it despite the lack of sun, just in case, before settling down to let his colleagues to the real heavy lifting of discussing their various subjects with a gaggle of 12 year olds while he was content to relax and keep an eye on things from the side.
Minnie was ready for this electives fair, the last lot of arithmancy student were not numerous in number so she was hoping for a slightly better draw this time around. She had books of interest on arithmancy and was looking forward to trying to entice students to the class. She also had a handy list of what careers that this class would help with. She stood at the arithmancy stall and waited to see how interested these second year students were.
Ben remembers the Electives fairs from when he used to attend the school. He's not really all that surprised that they don't really seem to have changed much. He's attending mostly as back up for Eleanora because the students will mostly be dealing with her before they come to him. He doesn't really know the protocol from this side of the hall since the last time he was here he was... what, thirteen, fourteen? It's been a long time and as the very newest member of the club, he doesn't want to be stepping on anyone's toes. He hasn't brought any of the creatures with him today, because most of the creatures they will be dealing with would be far too dangerous, but if Eleanora decides to bring one of them then he's happy to help her with whatever she needs help with. Instead he's come up with a little quiz with a pictures of some of the creatures they could encounter and trying to figure out what their classification would be. He also has a list of what jobs they can do with their course and what grades will be required. He's as prepared as he can be.
Cairo had done a few of these fairs now and knew more or less what to expect from them. She found her station and neatly set out some muggle specific textbooks on topics like muggle history, general knowledge, and a couple of magazines about cars and the latest technology that students could take away with them if they wanted to. She glanced up at the threatening clouds overhead and really hoped the weather would hold out for them because her defensive spells were rusty and she did not want to get wet, worst case she'd huddle under Angel's umbrella if it came to it.

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