Open Y46 Club Fair

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (50)
It was a little chilly out today, Winter still clinging to the ankles of September enough to make Angel pause at the idea of setting up the Club Fair out in the Courtyard again instead of inside. But the weather seemed like it was going to hold and Angel was sure the students spent enough time inside already and decided to push through, setting up the usual array of tables, chairs and booths for the various club leaders to get set up with.

Once that was sorted, he made sure to summon a comfy arm chair for himself, considering for a moment before conjuring a few floating jars with bluebell flames inside to provide a little extra ambient heat about the place before getting settled.

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to the Y46 Club Fair! To sign up or find out more about one of HNZ's clubs simply @ the club leaders listed below.

Club NameLeader(s)
Accio!*@Rosie Archer
The Brotherhood of Magic@Soren Gates
Conglomerated Arts Club@Marnie Frogg
Heta Omega@Penelope Marshall
Hogwarts Monthly@Margo Fox & @Hugo Stark-West
Student Defence Association@Monday Weeks
The Wild Patch@Kiara Thompson & @Rosie Archer
*Requires OOC approval to apply
It was weird without Sky running the club but Marnie was more than thrilled to run through some her ideas for this year already. If anything she had too many ideas, for the club, for the booth, in general, and naturally had spent so long thinking about them she'd nearly forgot to prep anything for the club fair today, grateful that Penny was also leading a club this year so she had a built in reminder to head down to the courtyard and set up.

Marnie made sure to deck the Art's Club booth with as many colours and textures as possible, stringing lines of various pictures and art works from the club member's works or performances across the top before covering the top in various pots of paint, instruments, yarns, stickers, glitter, clay, pieces of driftwood, and even a smattering of leaves and sticks she had admittedly found this morning on her way over here. Still, she hoped it provoked an inspiring scene for folks to sign up, belatedly realizing she'd need to clear as least some space for a sign-up sheet and awkwardly struggling to do so without spilling anything as students began milling around.

OOCOut of Character:
@ Marnie if you'd like to ask about or join the Conglomerated Arts Club!
Rosie was manning two stations at the club fair once more. She had stuff for both the wild patch and accio. She was eager to get to both. She'd requested, like the previous time to put the two stalls next to each other because it would make it so much easier for her to go between them. Rosie had the previous accios on one stand and had some flowers for the other. Rosie had Kiara coming along to help with the wild patch, but no one for Accio. But it didn't matter.

OOCOut of Character:
If you would like to join the wild patch please tag Rosie. For Accio, please see this thread first and PM me before hand
Hugo didnt quite know how he had ended up edited of the monthly. He couldnt remember anyone actually asking him before it had been published in the last edition. Maybe they had and he just hadnt been paying attention. while he was pleased to be selected he was slightly nervous he hadnt even made it to staff writer yet and somehow he had managed to skip staff writer, senior staff writer and assistant editor to become co-editor. and to make it even weirder he only wrote his book club. which wasnt really news. either way he was pleased that geulia had trusted him and Margo with the paper.
one of the responsibilities of being an editor was the club fair. while he was only a fourth year he had been to a few of the fairs in the past so know kind of how they ran. he had stopped onto way down from Ravenclaw house to pick up some copies of papers from the last couple of years and some small notepads and pencils as he knew that was how people tried to bribe new members into joining.

OOCOut of Character:
feel free to @Hugo or @ margo to talk about Hogwarts monthly.
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Margo shouldn't have been surprised but the responsibilities she now found herself with. After years of throwing herself into her club activities she should have expected it to turn into something. While she was content to continue in a supporting role with Heta Omega she was most excited to be taking over the Hogwarts Monthly, with Hugo's help of course. The boy was a bit younger and quiet but he was reliable and that's what she needed. In addition to the old issues of the paper and the notebooks, she put out a small bowl of sweets and a small vase of flowers. Neither had anything to do with the club exactly but she wanted something to liven up their table. The paper wasn't exactly the most exciting club but it was important. Once everything was in place she smiled and turned to Hugo. "So are you ready for this?" she asked, sounding as nervous as she felt, which was quite a lot. @Hugo Stark-West

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag @ Margo or Hugo if you are interested in joining the Hogwarts Monthly newspaper!
Soren was surprised to get the Brotherhood, after Xinyi's brother had it, but that worked for him. He had plenty of thoughts, though not all of them would be approved by the climate of the brotherhood. Somehow mens fashion didn't seem like it would be a popular session. So, he had to pick something else. He made it down to the club fair and stole the spot on the other side of Accio, and once his stuff was set and his table ready, he leant over. "Pssst, Ro!" He called for her, giving her an easy grin. "I got you," He threw her a playful wink, just making sure she knew he would back her up if she needed him- especially with Xinyi graduated. @Rosie Archer

OOCOut of Character:
Please tag @Soren Gates if you want to join the brotherhood.
Monday Weeks did not think that he would have been made president of SDA. Perhaps it was because he won two dueling tournaments, but so had others. He thought that he might have had enough on his plate. Oh well, he just had to do his best, right? He set up his table and wondered who would want to sign up this year. He did have some ideas on what to do, though a tournament seemed to be the go to. However, he had some twists he might want to include. He would keep it to himself, for now.
OOCOut of Character:
If you want to sign up for SDA, or have questions about it, please tag Monday!
Kiara knew Rosie probably had already brought some flowers for their table and yet she couldn't refrain from bringing a few extra plants just to make the table look full. If it already was, she'd just put them on the ground. No harm done. She smiled happily at Rosie when she joined her at the table, putting the few little plants down as she wondered how her friend managed to juggle two clubs at the same time and do a good job at it too.
Ambrose had no idea what sort of the clubs the school had, truthfully he didn't even know for sure if they had clubs, so he was eager to get to the club fair on time. He walked around the courtyard and glanced at the different tables, stopping when he noticed one called the Brotherhood. "Is this like.. an all boys club?" He asked the older guy behind the table. "What sort of things do you guys do?" @Soren Gates
Penelope had been happily surprised to be asked to be in charge of Heta Omega. She hadn't expected it, but it was nice. She had prepared for the club fair, making a bunch of cute friendship bracelets for new members to take. She also decorated the stall nicely and put up a few photos. Penelope made sure to put her stall next to Marnie's, as it was fun that they were both running clubs. She grinned at her friend before focusing her attention on the people walking around the courtyard. She hoped plenty of girls would sign up for the club.

OOCOut of Character:
please @ Penelope if you'd like to join Heta Omega
Sunny circled the fair, stopping at the friendship bracelets stall that had an older girl stood at it, "Hi, oooh these are cute." She said, admiring the friendship bracelets "What's Heta Omega?" She asked with interest.
@Penelope Marshall
@Ambrose Webb

Soren sat up when someone immediately joined him, smiling easily. "Yeah, pretty much," He offered with an easy smile. "Heta Omega is an all girls club. The brotherhood usually tries to pair you up with someone- an older brother, of sorts, or a younger brother for the older kids," He offered. "We pretty much just hang out and get this cool common room all to ourselves." He winked playfully. "Looking to sign up?"
Rosalind knew exactly what club to go for as soon as she saw all the plants. Plants were one of her favourite things, especially flowers. Rosalind approached the table. "Hey, so, we get to garden in this club, right? And grow different plants?" Rosalind asked with interest. She loved the idea - she was going to miss her roses at home most of all, and this was an opportunity to get stuck in without having to go to herbology class.
@Rosie Archer
Ambrose listened as the boy explained, nodding along as he took the information to him. "Yeah, sure." He responded. A full on boy club had to be fun, right? @Soren Gates
Soren smiled, and slid the sign up sheet over to the boy. "Cool, sign your name here. I'm Soren, by the way." He introduced himself with an easy smile. "Welcome to the brotherhood."

@Ambrose Webb
Rosie smiled at Soren, pleased to see his offer of help. But was quickly distracted by a girl approaching the wild patch club. "Yeah!" she said. "We have areas to plant whatever we want - within reason of course," she said, hoping that this would entice the girl to sign up.
@Rosalind Montgomery
Magne had been guided to the club fair, and wasn't sure which of these things he wanted. He did however spot Ambrose over by an older boy with a stall that said brotherhood. He was momentarily distracted and confused by the Sisterhood, which had used Heta, and the greek letter, but he walked over to Ambrose. "Yiasoo," he greeted his dormmate. "Club for...brothers?" he asked, both to Ambrose and to the boy that was there.
@Ambrose Webb @Soren Gates
Valerius hadn't bothered with paying attention to school events for a while, but now that he'd taken on Magne, well... something told him he should be a bit more mindful. So, he'd made his way down to the fair, with his chunky black buckled boots, skinny jeans, silver belt, and his black and white swirled pattern button up with the sleeves rolled up and the top three buttons undone. He'd left the jacket on his bedpost, doing his best to still lean into that 'rockstar' look this year. He ran a hand through his hair, sneaking up next to Magne and leaning over a bit. "That would be a club just for the boys," He told Magne in greek, an impish smile on his lips as he looked to Soren. "If he's signing up, so am I." He announced. @Magne Kleos
Soren was quickly distracted by another boy walking up, and then Valerius Bianchi coming up quickly behind him. Soren raised a brow and looked the boy over. Had he... done a makeover or something? "Well, thats definitely a look, Val." He smirked. "I love it," He sat up a bit to peek at the boys shoes. "Whoa, those are custom and expensive, aren't they?" He looked back up, completely thrilled. "You better be free after this club, we have a lot to talk about," He gave his new friend a wide smile, before looking to the boys. "I have no clue what Val just said, but this is the brotherhood, it's the best place to hang out with other boys without the girls around," He declared. @Magne Kleos
Ambrose quickly signed his name on the sign up sheet and looked back up at the older boy. "Ambrose." He replied with his own name in response. "And thanks." He grinned. He was about to respond to Magne's question when an older boy said something in a different language which almost had to be greek. It sounded interesting and he wondered if perhaps that should be his new project. Learning Greek. Magne was trying to keep up with them in English after all so it would only be fair for him to the same in Greek. "Yeah, you should totally join. It'll be fun, aye?" He smiled at his dormmate. @Magne Kleos @Soren Gates
When Thomas had heard that the school held clubs, to be honest, he was a wee bit hesitant to join a club, Though there were a few that piqued his interest as he looked around the club fair. The plants, art and what looked to be some sort of boy-like club. Thomas quickly headed towards the plant club first. He loved plants, and he knew he had to join it. However, the first hurdle he had to jump over, a few times actually, was the speaking bit. "H-Hi... What do you do in this club? D-Do you tend and plant plants?" Thomas softly asked one of the club leaders, as it looked like the other one was busy with someone else.

@Kiara Thompson
Tanith was running a touch behind, having been lost in a book she was reading. She realized then that she was late. She rushed down to the Great Hall, out of breath by the time she'd spotted Thomas. She hurried over to him, panting as she came up beside him. "I'm here," She gave him a breathless smile and turned to the club leader. "Can I sign up too, please?" She asked. @Thomas Fitzgerald @Kiara Thompson
Kiara watched as a young girl came up to their table and chatted to Rosie, focussing her attention on another student that had headed up to their table. "We do!" She smiled in respone to the boy's question. "We plant them, take care of them and just in general make sure the patch is doing alright and being tended to." She elaborated. "Of course!" Kiara nodded when a girl came up beside the boy and asked if she could sign up. "You guys might just have to wait a second though, because Rosie here has the sign up sheet." She added in a friendly tone, nodding towards Rosie.

@Thomas Fitzgerald @Tanith Whitlock @Rosie Archer
Magne hadn't expected Valerius to come over, but was thankful for the explanation given to him in greek. He was surprised that the older boy hadn't been a part of it before and was willing to sign up with him. It helped that Ambrose had signed up too. He didn't mind hanging around girls, but was obviously keen to make any and all friends he could. The encouragement from Ambrose was enough to have Magne nodding. "Fun, aye," he tripped a little over the last word, echoing back what Ambrose had said before glancing back at the club leader. "I like become brother," he said not sure how else he was supposed to sign up. "Name there?" he was sticking to english, it would be easier to speak in Greek and use Valerius as his translator, but he knew he needed to get better at english.
@Ambrose Webb @Valerius Bianchi @Soren Gates
Penelope smiled at the young girl that approached. "Take one." She said encouragingly. All the bracelets had 'heta omega' on them, so it'd be like free advertising. "It's a club for girls, like a sisterhood." She told the girl. "We do a lot of fun activities."

@Sunny Day

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