Y41 Slytherin Quidditch Try-Outs

Liusaidh Styx

100% defeated styx
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Kalif II
Knotted 12" Flexible Chestnut Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
7/2040 (21)
Liusaidh walked onto the pitch, looking at the students who were looking to try-out. She could see some familiar faces in the crowd and some that she was a little less happy to see others. The teen looked to Eleanor beside her and thought she could do this alone, but she was there next to her. Liusaidh felt confident in her position as captain, they'd won a victory and were a strong team. She couldn't help but be excited for them hopefully winning again. "Right, tell me your name, position and then in the air," she glanced at Eleanor before motioning people to get in the air.

SeekerIvelisse Burleigh
KeeperLucie Vernier
BeaterAres Kuya-Tine
BeaterCelia Vuong
ChaserIndira Khatri
ChaserLiusaidh Fergusson (co-captain)
ChaserEleanor Kingsley (co-captain)

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to tryouts! For those unfamiliar with how this works, please begin by having your character state their name and the position they're trying out for, followed by RPing them trying out in that position.

Returning team members listed above must post attendance at tryouts to retain their positions, returning alternates must try out again.

First years may not try out without first PMing me for permission, no first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students to fill the team.
Indi always felt like try-outs for established team members was a waste of time. She had already proven herself plenty of times but she figured it was at least a chance to scope out what new blood might end up on the team. She wondered if Natalia would try out again and was equally pleased and relieved at her luck. She was glad Liusaidh didn't waste time with a speech and they got right to it. Indi took to the air and grabbled ahold of the quaffle as soon as she could and made quite a few goals before the time was up. She was curious to see how this years team would shake out. They had a quidditch cup to live up to after all.
Seamus had been looking forward to trying out again, he knew he was unlikely of him to get into the team as more than an alternate, but Seamus would be happy with it. He was stood amongst the rest of the students, glancing about for his friend Avery, since he knew the other boy was a great seeker, even if he wasn't fully on the team. He was glad it was nicely short, so he was able to step forward. "Seamus Reid, trying out for beater again," Seamus said. He grabbed his broom and then the beater bat and shot up into the air.

Seamus immediately knew he had improved on his flying, on his beater practice. He was much better at it now he'd had a little bit before. Seamus flew towards the nearest bludger and was actually tried to hit it. He was glad that he actually managed to hit it and though it didn't hit someone he was still glad he managed to hit it. Seamus continued to fly around, he managed to find another bludger to hit and this time actually managing to hit someone. Seamus knew that if he was full member on the team he would have to hit his brother, but he would continue to try to deal with it later. He continued during the try-out, he was hitting the bludger in the right direction. He wasn't hitting as much as he wanted to, but most of the ones he did hit were almost always on target. When the tryouts were drawn to a close Seamus flew back down to the ground.
Although she wouldn't ever want to show it Ivelisse was slightly nervous for tryouts. She knew she had her spot on the team and it likely wouldn't be taken from her, but what if someone who happened to be an excellent seeker suddenly showed up? What is Liusadh suddenly decided she wasn't good enough anymore? She had won them the championship game with speed and ease but there was no doubt she would have to try even harder this year. If their beaters would continue to fully ignore her presence on the pitch than she had to be able to switch her attention between looking for the snitch and making sure she dodged every bludger that came her way. She'd have to be faster, stronger. Ive made her way onto the pitch and gave the captains a small nod before taking to the air, flying a lap to warm up before focussing on finding the snitch. If anything, this was just an additional practice.
After a lot of consideration, Akihiro had decided to try out for the Quidditch team. He walked down to the pitch, knowing from a look at the roster he would only have a shot at being an alternate this year. But he hoped that would help his position next year. He stepped up with the others. "My name is Akihiro Chen, and I am trying out for the chaser position." He announced, before taking off into the air. He tried his best to be a team sport. He fumbled the ball a few times, and only made about half of the goals he tried, but he felt like he did alright for his first time. He set down, then nodded a farewell to the team, walking back to the castle.
Natalia was still feeling frustrated with her position on the team. She was still an alternate after being on the team for years. It seemed unlikely to change anytime soon, though. And by now she was too used to playing chaser to switch.

Natalia waited for her turn, then spoke. "I'm Natalia Novak, and I'm trying out for chaser." She said firmly. With that, the girl took to the air. Thankfully, it didn't take long for her to get her hands on the quaffle, and she flew over to the hoops. Her first attempt to score was blocked, but she managed to grab the quaffle again soon after and scored that time. Natalia scored four more times, and then landed back on the ground. She didn't think it was likely she would make it, but at least she had tried again. She just hoped she could keep her spot as an alternate.
Avery wasn't sure he'd have his mother's approval to return to the Quidditch team, but after winning two of their matches, she'd tearfully accepted that it was what he wanted to do. All that was left now was to see if the team would be accepting him again. He headed to the Quidditch Pitch for tryouts, broom in hand, and gave Seamus a brief smile when he caught sight of him returning for another year. He was a little surprised to see their other dormmate also turning up. He had not taken Akihiro to be the flying type. When it was his turn, he stepped up to Liusaidh. "Avery Lancaster, trying out for seeker." He said, and took to the sky to begin seeking. It didn't take too long to hunt down the snitch. He'd proven he was quite good at it already, like his father had been, and so he pursued the glint of gold until it was finally caught, resting in the palm of his hand. He held it up, and returned to the lawn by the time tryouts had come to a close.​
Last year, Celia had felt pretty smug about not having to try out for the Quidditch team. But this year, she wished she was being forced to try out again. She wished everyone was forced to try out again. The team had a lot of dead weight that needed cutting, and what better time to do some spring cleaning than the beginning of a new year? The team had done well last year, but that had been in spite of, not because of, certain underperforming players.

Celia glanced over at the captains, wishing, not for the first time, that she had some say over what the team did. There were so many improvements she could make to tryouts, to practices, to game strategy — everything. But she knew she was stuck with the current captains for two more years. She supposed she should be grateful that at least one of them was somewhat competent. At Liusaidh's signal, Celia took to the air and started hunting for bludgers. She lobbed most of them towards the other beaters and seekers and was greatly disappointed when she failed to knock out anyone. That would have been one way to stop certain people from rejoining the team.
Atlas was a late bloomer when it came to Quidditch, at least from the perspective of her father's side of the family. So many of her older cousins had played during their time at school it felt almost compulsory for her to do the same. Finally deciding to learn the game, Atlas had worked hard over the winter break to hone her skills and by the time she returned to school she was convinced she was good enough to at least try out for the Slytherin team. She made her way down to the pitch and went to stand with the other hopefuls while she waited for her turn.

Finally, it was her turn so she stepped forward. "Atlas James-Cade, trying out for chaser," She knew she didn't have much hope of making the actual team but if she could make it on as an alternate then maybe she could get better and take a spot when one of the captains graduated. She climbed onto her rackety school broom and climbed up into the air with a quaffle in hand. She took turns attempting to shoot goals at the keeper. She missed her first attempt which put her in a foul mood but she knew she had to quickly turn things around if she wanted a chance to make the team. She was successful with the remainder of her shots which made Atlas feel a lot better about her chances of making the team. She returned to the ground and once the tryouts were complete she left the pitch with the rest of the trialists.
Ares quite enjoyed his time on the quidditch team last year, so he was hoping that the new players on the team were going to be good. He didn't want any new players ruining the game. The teen made his way onto the quidditch pitch for the tryouts, eyeing the new faces that he saw. When the captain instructed everyone to begin, Ares mounted his broom and just practiced, hitting some bludgers in every direction, hoping to create some good obstacles for the people trying out.
Lucie made her way to the quidditch pitch for the tryouts. She didn't care too much about the new people that would be joining and just wanted to get it all over and done with so they could get started on the season. The teen mounted her broom when the group dispersed, heading straight over to the hoops so she could block some shots from the people that were trying out as chasers. She managed to catch the first few shots that came at her, but a few then went past her as she was becoming a little tired. Soon enough it was all over and Lucie headed back to her dormitory for a shower and to freshen up.
Eleanor stood beside her co-captain as she got tryouts started. She didn’t particularly like Luisaidh but it didn’t matter. Eleanor would never say differently to anyone. They won the House Cup, and Eleanor wanted to repeat that victory. She made notes of the names and positions as she watched tryouts.
Folks, Try-outs will close tomorrow midday (GMT)
Slytherin Try-outs are now closed, check back soon for the line up
Everyone, thanks for trying out heres the team:

SeekerIvelisse Burleigh
KeeperLucie Vernier
BeaterAres Kuya-Tine
BeaterCelia Vuong
ChaserIndira Khatri
ChaserLiusaidh Fergusson (co-captain)
ChaserEleanor Kingsley (co-captain)
Alternate ChaserNatalia Novak
Alternate SeekerAvery Lancaster
Alternate BeaterSeamus Reid

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