y41 Semester 2 Arts Club Meeting: The Gallery

Casper Kinnek

Artist- Growing- Found
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 Inch Swishy Wenge Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
6/24/2038 (22)
((Open after Eugene posts to the arts club and to anyone who'd like to come see their work))

Cas had spent most of the day setting this up, with help from a few others. He'd had the arts club informed before the first semester let out, and he'd done his best to set up the courtyard. He'd done dozens of paintings for the event, filling the empty booths to make their presentation appear fuller and to take pressure off of the club members. Of course, that meant he'd spent way too much time locked up in the arts room without much sleep or food, though he'd managed well enough.

He stood up in front of the gathered crowd now, the art clubs gallery full and bustling. He had a table with snacks and drinks readily available and charms in place to protect everyones work. He was carefully dressed, wanting to look nice for the affair. He smiled shyly. "Hello, everyone! Welcome, and thank you for coming to the Art Clubs Gallery. Thank you to everyone who contributed, I've never seen so much talent and hard work in one place before. I'm proud of everyone, you've all done so well." He took a breath. "As many of you know, this is my last event as the King of Crafts, as this is my last semester here at school. I'd like to thank everyone. The Arts room, the club, it's been a safe haven for me. I'm honored to have spent so much time with all of you."

He smiled shyly. "Enough with the sentimentality from me. Please, mingle, look around, just have a good time and enjoy yourselves! I'll be around for anyone who would like to chat." He waited to see if Eugene had anything to say before jumping down from his platform and starting to walk around the fair, making sure everything was going well.
Eugene arrived at the arts club gallery, having helped earlier in the day to set it up. It had been cool out of his usual wheelhouse but cool nonetheless. Eugene had never been part of an art gallery before. Casper had mentioned dressing nice, but he didn't particulat have formal or nice clothes to wear but he had put on his shirt and his school trousers. He had his camera too, willing and ready to take pictures of people admiring their art work, there wasn't much for the musical portion to do, but they could appreciate in the art and maybe come the next time he'd be more on it to have some form of musical show case. He cheered loudly for Casper and the words he said, it had been cool to get to known him in working together on this. "Thank you Casper," he said loudly.
Sky had been looking forward to the gallery. Usually she loved her music but she had recently started painting. It was still music but she was painting the songs. She had done a couple and she was proud to see them hanging up next to the other works of art even though they were a far different kind of art than the beautiful landscapes that were taking up many of the other booths. It was going to be weird next year without cas there running the arts club he had made It such a safe haven for many students. She just hoped that she would be able to keep that legacy going.
She listened to the speeches and then started to wander through the booths holding her viola under her chin and playing it every now and then when an art piece sent a melody into her head. Eventually she ended up next to Casper and linden. And stopped to talk to them. Well casper and lin was there. thank you casper. The gallery is beautiful. You know your pictures have changed. All your old work sounds like it is in a minor key. But your new ones are painted in a major one. she said. She didn’t know if that made any sense and she wasn’t sure how visible it would be. It had taken her a while to work out the difference but now she saw it it was undeniable.
@Casper Beckett
Renata thought she had to be cursed. That had to be the explanation. That was the only way to make sense of how things seemed to go wrong right when expectations were high. She was honestly shocked she'd made it through Yule and Valentines without incident, though she thought back to her Ancient Runes assignment and shuddered. This felt so much worse, though.

She'd been hard at work on her cake, making it as pretty as she could for the event, and it had been disastrous. Burned chocolate, cracked fondant, and every attempt to fix it had just made it worse. The cupcakes were okay, but the elves had shooed her out and fixed the icing just to prevent further waste and disaster. The ine thing she'd felt capable of presenting in the event as something people could enjoy and it had failed. Renata had taken her time dressing up, finding as much makeup as she could to cover tired, crying eyes, putting on a plain black dress and putting on the best brave face she could to go support her friends. If they'd even want to be her friends if she wasn't useful. The show must go on, she knew, and she took her time to steady herself and wander through the gallery, absorbing the works quietly in awe.
Linden had never intended to join that arts group. In fact it had been one of the places that up until this year he had avoided letting cas have his space. The. Earlier this year things had changed and cas had said he didn’t need to give him the space. So it had become his study room. Sitting on one of the desks in front of the fire place had fast felt more like home than almost anywhere else in the castle. He had helped setting up the gallery helping with the booths. It seemed he had at least inherited some of his dads practical skills. He had contributed one piece to the gallery. A drawing of a dragon that he and cas had worked on. It was only small but it was something.
he waited and listened to his boyfriends speech feeling so proud of him and everything he had achieved. Before walking over to him and putting his hand around his waist and giving him a light kiss on the cheek. im proud of you casopiller” he said before letting him go as sky approached so that he could bask in his own lime light. He smiled at her comment and looked at cas. He could feel himself glowing with pride. your pictures are pretty sky he said.

@Casper Beckett @Niamh Eriksen
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Casper smiled shyly as Linden appeared, leaning into the man. He turned to Sky as she appeared, and offered out his hand. "Thanks, Sky. And thank you for agreeing to take over the club." He told her with another shy smile. "Eugene is always around if you need help, you know, and so is Jordie, he's been hanging out helping me this year," He told her, obviously fretting. He rubbed the back of his neck, starting to worry. @Linden Cullen @Niamh Eriksen
Sky watched linden and casper. Renata was right there was something between them that seemed casual but oddly intimate for such a small gesture that made her want to look away. it was clear they cared a lot for each other and it wasn't just them dating for the sake of dating. she smiled as casper greeted her and congratulated her on the contribution. "Thank you. i hope i can do half as good a job as you do. and i am sure i will be needing help from both of them" she said smiling weakly. she felt very unprepared to the club. she had no idea what she could do as events. and she had a long time ahead of her to run it. she smiled at lindens comment. "Thank you. I know they are very different to caspers paintings but it is what some songs look like in my head i wrote the song underneath if you know them. did you submit anything?" she asked. there were so many pictures here that she couldn't remember them all. she listened and nodded at the seventh year's answer "that's nice. i will have a look for it" before she spotted renata nearby. "Sorry i have to go" she said making a move towards her friend.
As she reached her dorm mate she smiled at her "Hej Renata. have you..." she stopped the expression on her friends face stopping the train of thought. her friend's eyes were red and puffy and she had more make-up on than usual. "Renny, What's wrong?" she asked putting an arm around her friend while her other hand rummaged in her pocket to try and find a tissue.
@Casper Beckett @Renata Stepanova
Renata thought she'd done a good enough job, but apparently looking at all of Casper's beautiful art made her emotional again, and she wished she knew a charm to right herself. She wanted to be here for her friends, astounded even that she had friends to support, but she had to tread carefully lest she set herself off again. Maybe her father's family were right. Maybe she was pathetic. She thought she'd be able to get away with it until Sky noticed her, and she put on the bravest smile she could muster at the time. "Oh, no, I'm okay, I'm just impressed by all the art here and everyone's hard work is making me all emotional and..." she blathered, trying to justify it before slumping slightly, swallowing. She couldn't exactly start lying to Sky. "Okay, I had been working really hard on making something for the club and it, um, failed." Renata whispered. She blinked a few times, carefully dabbing at her eyes with a tissue of her own, careful to try not to smudge anything. "But it's okay, I promise. Besides, I really wanted to see what you did." She put a smile back on, trying hard to ignore the nagging feeling of self-doubt in the back of her mind.

@Niamh Eriksen
linden felt casper relax into his touch and he let his hands linger for a few moments longer than he intended part of him wanting to savour the moment of contact and let cas know he was there if needed. he was a little supprised when cas thanked sky for taking on the club. she seemed so young what was she? Second, third, maybe fourth year at a push? but he trusted caspers judgement and knew she was often around in the rooms. Congratulations Sky. I am sure you will do" he said looking at the girl. she certainly had a passion for atys as she described what she had submitted. a painting which was unusual as he had always thought of her as oneof the music people not a painting one. but the concept sounded good. "that sounds really interesting, I only did one small thing, a picture of a dragon that cas helped me with" he said. it wasn't the one that he had drawn on the class trip but a retry that cas had then added the finishing touches to once he had done. and by finishing touches he meant well over half of the work. he noddded as sky excused herself and made her way over to one of the girl who he realised was renata. he looked back at cas saw he looked uncomfortable he lightly touched his wrist and smiled reasuringly mouthing the words "I Love you" to him,
@Casper Beckett
[[edit: fixing bold code]]
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Marnie had been well aware of the deadline for the Arts' Club gallery and yet she'd still somehow nearly completely blown by it without finishing anything. It was only thanks to some help from Wish and Yuelia that they'd managed to get anything done at all and she surveyed the somewhat lumpy quilt she'd stitched together from the groups' knitted yarn squares proudly. The colours clashed in odd places, some of the squares had attempted patterns or multiple dropped stitches where Marnie could see right through to the other side, the over-all effect being loud and more than a little garish. Marnie loved every stitch.

After checking the plaque next to the quilt had all their of their names on it, Marnie shifted her gaze around the rest of the gallery, unsurprised to see many of Casper's paintings around the area, lingering in front of a few of the more elaborate landscapes with wide eyes before trying to find Casper himself. He seemed to be talking to another seventh year, Linden Cullen, and Marnie hung back, watching the two talk quietly, though she only really had eyes for Casper, sighing wistfully as she watched him in the late Autumn light of the courtyard.
Valeria had put on her cutest outfit for this. It wasn't the first time she'd shown art but it was different given that this was at school. She'd put a lot of work into her piece and was very happy with how it turned out. She hoped that she'd be able to take it home and show her dad but she wasn't sure if she'd be able to. Valeria glanced at the other pieces as the two leaders spoke. She applauded for the leader and was sure whoever took over would do a good job. As she stayed close to her art, she spotted a young girl who was watching the leaders. "Hey there, which one is your piece?" she asked the girl.
@Marnie Frogg
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Eugene glanced between the people in the courtyard. He spotted Renata and had been about to approach her as someone else did. A younger girl, the new leader of the club if he was remembering right. He wasn't sure whether to go over to them or to not bother. Eugene stood awkwardly for a moment trying to decide what to do, and just decided to approach. He was friends with one and looking to be friends with the other. "Hey." his voice trailed off, spotting that Renata didn't look to happy, and feeling now even more awkward that he approached. "I can...ehh..come back later," he said a little awkwardly
@Renata Stepanova @Niamh Eriksen
Renata kind of hoped the ground would swallow her up right now. Likely her parents would roll their eyes and be unsurprised that she couldn't even successfully act and that crying would do her no good. She knew that. It was probably just exhaustion combined with disappointment. But it didn't help that standing next to both Sky and Eugene she felt horribly plain and talentless. She considered both of them friends but was sure they thought far better of her than she deserved. And they probably thought she looked incredibly ugly right now even as she had covered the worst of it.

"Oh, Eugene, hi!" Renata managed, sounding a little brighter still and looking between the two shyly. "No, it's okay, I'm alright," she insisted. "My, um, contribution had to be scrapped. I'm really sorry for letting the club down," she rapidly apologized, before looking back to Sky, now she'd be leading it, and gave an embarrassed look, before drawing a deep breath and smiling again. "Why don't we all look around?"
Sky put her arm Aroind renata and was about to pass her a tissue when she realised that she already had one of her own. ”renata. It’s art. You can’t fail at it. Even if it isn’t what you intended it is still art there is no right or wrong way to do it. she said she smiled shyly when renata said She wanted to see her work. ”you already did. You were there when I painted it. You picked the song for it she said.
it was then that Eugene approached them. She glanced at renata to see how she would react. hey Eugene. You are okay. Did you bring anything to display? Or ar you playing something?” she said. Though as renata stated talking it was clear she didn’t mind the older boy aroind. you are not letting anyone down. I’m glad you are here. Artwork or not you are a good friend. And we can put your name on the One we did together if you want to. she said hoping that would make her feel better.
Eugene smiled at them both, he was glad that he was told he wasn't interrupting but he wasn't sure he believed it. "Oh I didn't bring anything to display...I'm awful at painting...," he hadn't really tried to be fair, knowing that he could do something with music instead. He gave a little frown at renata, shaking his head lightly. "You didn't let anyone down," he was quick to assure her, at the same time as the other girl did. "I'm happy to look around, maybe I'll bust out the guitar in a bit, maybe we could drag the drums out too?" he was sure that was the instrument that Renata played.
Cas smiled, listening to Sky. He knew she was the right choice to take over. His eyes trailed over to Renata as Sky excused herself, and he made a mental note to check in on the girl later. He averted his eyes to give them privacy and spotted Marnie nearby. He smiled. He turned back to Linden, unable to help the warm smile that slipped across his lips. He rolled his eyes playfully, and grabbed Lindens hand, pulling him to follow before exploring a bit to see how everyone was doing.

((Feel free to have Cas approaching your character in your post))
Gwen had joined the arts club mostly for something to do. She did like drawing and coloring, to be fair. She liked making things cute and pretty and loved decorating her notes and planner, but she wasn´t really the type to put her work in a gallery. She had decided on a few of her drawings to put up, the ones she was proudest of. Gwen stood near her own booth as she listened to Casper speak about this being his final event. She wondered idly who would take over next year, he didn't mention. She stayed near her paintings, for now, watching the other guests. She spotted Renata, who was talking to a few other people. Gwen waved from a distance but didn't approach just yet. She wasn't the biggest fan of Niamh and wasn't particularly keen to involve her in conversation.

@Renata Stepanova
While he knew the club did it's best to integrate the musical side of the club with the arts side he did sometimes wonder the wisdom of having every creative pursuit mushed into one club. At least today it was easy enough to do something musical along side the gallery, even if most people were preoccupied with the various works spread about the courtyard.

Sawyer himself had sequestered himself off to the side, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible as someone could while sitting at a piano. He had a lot of things on his mind lately with Essie, mulling them over as he rested his fingers on the keys for a moment before starting up something soft and unobtrusive while the club and viewers mingled.
Renata was a little surprised that that was the painting Sky had picked. She hadn't seemed too happy with it at the time but she must have gotten it to a point she was happy with. She took a deep breath, putting a more genuine smile back on. She had to pull it all together. She didn't want to look bad in front of anyone, especially not Eugene, but she already looked bad enough in front of Sky. Renata gave Gwen a small, shy wave, making a note to go check out her art when she was a bit more together. Gwen was so fashionable and cool, Renata absolutely didn't want to look too messy in front of her. She gave a light shake of her head. "Oh, no, it's okay, that one is yours, I'm just glad I could help a little." Renata gave a light giggle at what Eugene said, unable to help herself. "I guess it's good to know that there's some things you can't do," she admitted, though she said it warmly. It was kind of a surprise to hear that Eugene wasn't good at painting, but she was also terrible at it herself. He was good at so many things, though, that it was maybe a little bit of a relief to know he wasn't quite some superhuman good at literally everything. "I'm sure we could liven it up. It, um, might not match the atmosphere, but we could all do something, right?" she said, hearing the sounds of a piano and looking over to where one of the older Ravenclaw students was playing.
Angel liked to think he was putting in the effort to be more involved the student's activities outside of just supporting the Slytherin quidditch team which was why he was out perusing the courtyard today. It also didn't hurt that Morchella was teething and Angel might have made some fast excuses after dropping her with Josephine for the afternoon just so he could get some space. Hopefully there would be significantly less crying out here.

"Any of this your work, Gwen?" Angel asked after a moment, stopping by the Slytherin and peering at some paintings she was standing by. @Gwen Goodwin
Weston's talents did not lie in the visual arts, but that hadn't stopped him from contributing to the Conglomerated Arts Club's gallery. During one of his eel-watching excursions with Indi, he had tried to sketch the lake. He had then brought the sketch to the arts room and covered it so much watercolour that the paper had threatened to tear. The result was blotchy mishmash of colour that did not even come close to resembling a lake.

But Weston didn't care. He'd had fun making it, and it was better than not have a piece at the gallery. After listening to Casper kick off the event, he decided to make a round and look at all the other artwork. However, his attention was immediately captured by an older Ravenclaw playing a piano, and he decided to head there instead. "Are you doing a performance art piece or something?" Weston asked curiously. He was impressed the boy had managed to get a piano out into the courtyard.

@Sawyer Carnahan
Linden bit his lip slightly at caspers eye roll the small gesture making him have to suppress a blush. before he knew it caspers was taking his hand and dragging him through the gallery brushing past his work the land scaps that he had so carefully worked on layering details upon details as if they were nothing pausing to stop in front of someone else's work. Lin wanted to stop and examine them, trace his fingers over the shape of castle and trees. they stopped in front of not a painting but a blanket and a young girl standing in front of it. "Hello, It's Marnie right, or was it, Marlie?" he asked not certain of her name. she had heard it before. but couldn't remember. "did you make this? It looks so cozy" he asked looking at the blanket, the textures, the bright colours. he couldn't tell if there was meant to be a pattern to it, but it didn't matter as it looked like it would be so warm and fluffy
@Casper Beckett @Marnie Frogg
Yuelia wasn't really artistically minded. She'd never learned to draw, or paint, or do anything of the sort. That didn't really bother her, as it hadn't been something she was interested in as such. And when she'd tried, scribbled on the back of a muggle notebook, it had been really bad and she'd been awfully embarrassed about it. If it was something she didn't master right away, she stopped being interested. That said, knitting with Marnie and Wisteria had been pretty fun, even if that other boy was rude about it. And even if her attempts had been a bit holey and lumpy. She had eventually made some squares that weren't as terrible looking though they certainly weren't exactly good. Normally, she would've been upset that what she'd done was a mess, but in actuality by the time she'd finished she was having too much fun to care. And now she saw the whole quilt she saw that it was quite...something. It was messy, and it clashed, and Yuelia thought her eyes might ache if she looked at it for too long. But even she could tell that Marnie had put a lot of passion into it and Yuelia was pleased that she'd been able to help, even just a little. She hung back as some of the older boys went to talk, giving Marnie a tiny, shy wave as she looked around at some of the other pieces.
Sky smiled as eugene agreed with her and also reassured Renata. it made her feel like maybe she could lead the club alright seeing as Eugene was one of the leaders already and he also ran the yearbook. she chuckled slightly at renata's reply giving her a look that she herself wasn't sure what she meant. "If you can get a brush against paper or canvas you can paint. it doesn't have to be some masterpiece like Caspers landscapes. I don't think my pictures make sense to anyone other than me but it's art. anything goes." she said.
she nodded at the idea of getting some instruments out. "that sounds like a plan. I got my viola. just in case" she said. her plan had been to play the music her pictures had been created from. but as she said that she heard a melody winding through the courtyard like blue satin ribbons in the air. "It sounds like someone else had the same idea" she said "maybe t we could join and sort of jazz and jam it up" she said not necessarily playing jazz music but just layering in with each other. she looked at the others not sure if they would come with her before starting to walk towards the older ravenclaw "Do you mind if we join you? she asked
@Renata Stepanova @Eugene Nestor @Sawyer Carnahan
Eugene laughed lightly at her statement, "You've seen me dance," he joked, he wasn't great at dancing, but not terrible and more it was just to continue making jokes and perhaps help things feel better. In his mind it certainly was something else he was bad at. He glanced towards where Sawyer was at the piano and nodded, there was no reason they couldn't join in. The music was not his strong suit but he could jam, figure it out, blend himself into it. He wasn't about to stop Sky as she went over to him, asking if they could join in. he thought it could work, could help make the atmosphere more and give them something else to do. He was musical after all, it made sense to do it like that.
@Renata Stepanova @Niamh Eriksen @Sawyer Carnahan

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