Connor Holland

🌼aussie🌼trying🌼sensitive🌼 vibez asst. man
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
6/2038 (25)
Connor felt deeply insecure standing before his team without Amy. Even though he felt like he had proven his mettle last year, everything was different now. He knew there were people who thought he didn't deserve to be standing here, even on his own team, and it was hard to push those thoughts down. Connor took the time as the Quidditch hopefuls were assembling to collect his thoughts, only speaking once he was sure nobody else was coming. He plastered on a big smile and put as much enthusiasm as he could into his voice, trying to look anywhere but at Lucas. "Hi everyone, welcome to tryouts! I'm Connor Holland, and I'm going to be your captain for this year. We won the cup last year, and I just wanna congratulate the returning team members for that victory again. This year, we're gonna do our best to keep that streak up, so I want everyone to play their hardest today. If you're here to try out, please step forward once your turn comes, say your name and which position you're trying out for, and then show us what you've got. Our returning team members from last year will be in the air to help you out and check out your skills." He gave the assembled crowd an encouraging smile, remembering how small and young he had felt at his own first tryout. "Most importantly, just get stuck in and have fun. Quidditch is a game at the end of the day, so I wanna see you guys enjoying yourselves." He smiled cheerfully before giving a blow on his whistle, indicating for the hopeful new team members to begin.

SeekerLucas Fletcher
KeeperLinden Cullen
BeaterTilly Drage
BeaterConnor Holland (Captain)
ChaserHunter Robinson
ChaserJordan Harris
OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to tryouts! For those unfamiliar with how this works, please begin by having your character state their name and the position they're trying out for, followed by RPing them trying out in that position.

Returning team members listed above must post attendance at tryouts to retain their positions, returning alternates must try out again.

First years may not try out without first PMing me for permission, no first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students to fill the team.

Please seriously consider your availability before trying out for or returning to the team, Quidditch can be a substantial time commitment and people missing practices or games can seriously affect the team's chances, as well as taking away spots from other people who may be eager for a chance to play.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me any time. Good luck!
Leonardo Orr had always enjoyed sports, he'd always been good at running, obstacle courses and on the rare occasions he played it, quidditch too. He liked the way it made him feel, the wind and just the fun of it. He'd unfortunately always played alone, which meant that he knew his skill was a bit lacking, but he wanted to make it better and perhaps try to make more friends by joining the house team. Which was why he found himself nervously stood amongst people who were bound to be better than him, waiting for things to get started. He knew that hufflepuff being a winning team put the pressure on everyone to be better so he was a little nervous about if he did manage to do well here that he might fail come the next step of this and be forced to leave the team in shame. The hufflepuff boy nodded to the captains words, trying his best to absorb them. Eventually though it was to them, and eventually Leonardo was able to step forward.

"Good day captain, I'm Leonardo Orr, and I'm here to try out for chaser," as the words left his mouth, Leonardo cringed, he had address this boy so formally and it had sounded so awful. He felt his cheeks go bright red and he just ducked his head and got on the broom and flew up into the air. Immediately in the air he felt a little out of his depth, there was a lot happening and a lot of people flying around, but he reminded himself it wasn't so different from the flying lessons. He urged the broom forward and was able to fall into a formation with other prospective chasers. He caught the ball when it was thrown to him and passed it along to another to get it more forward and this turned out to be the right move as the person scored. He caught the ball a few times when it was thrown out, a few times he tried to score, sometimes he tried to pass, his passes were more on targets than his attempts at scoring, but he did manage to make a goal or two.

Leonardo found himself relaxing as the try-out went on, he flew with increasing confidence. He passed the ball quicker, was less indecisive between what to do, and he found himself smiling easily. It was really fun to play with other people. He'd always enjoyed quidditch but god was it fun to play with other people, to celebrate with them, to be celebrated by them. They were fighting for spots on a team, but Leo knew if he didn't get on the team now, he'd be back every year to just enjoy the try-out each time. By the end of the try-out Leo had managed a last goal and a few more misses but flew down to the ground satisfied, if he didn't get in that would be okay, he'd had fun anyway.
Even though it was his third year trying out for the team without a secured position, after last year there was no way René wasn't going to be sticking it out. He knew if he'd switched back to Chaser, he'd probably be playing as a starter by now, especially with Tilly and Connor on the team, but having watched the two in action, René was never more sure about his drive to stick it out as a beater.

Arriving on the pitch and listening as Connor greeted everyone, René couldn't help but look around to see if tryouts would be more popular this year, considering they were the reigning champions and all. Competition scoped out, René stepped forward to introduce himself again before shooting into the air. "I'm René Tofilau and I'm trying out for beater. Uh. Again." Enjoying the feeling of being back on his broom, René was glad to be back in the air without worrying about flying too high and being spotted by the neighbors. He shot around the pitch, getting used to the feel of the game and how the bludgers moved before taking swings at them. His aim was a bit off to begin with, mostly send bludgers spiraling harmlessly away, but René was determined to show he could be as effective as Connor had played in their match with Ilvermorny, readjusting his bat and going on the offensive. He was definitely more successful near the later half of tryouts, landing a few hits before moving to the defensive for a bit and following Lucas around with a shy smile. The team probably had its fill of offensive beaters, so René thought it couldn't hurt to show he could do both as he knocked one last incoming bludger away before touching back down.
Felix could not wait for quidditch try outs. He had spent a lot of time practicing with Sawyer and he wanted to try being on a team for himself. He had the most experience trying to score goals on his brother so chaser would have seemed like a natural fit but he wanted something a little more exciting. "Hi! I'm Felix Carnahan and I'm trying out for seeker!" he announced proudly when it was his turn and he took off into the air. He wasn't sure how this would go but he did his best to stay calm and focused. Unsurprisingly his mind did start to wander but as his eyes feel towards the ground he saw a flash of gold and dove for it. The chase went on for longer than he would have liked since he had to ungracefully dodge out of the way of the other players. Eventually his hand grabbed hold of the snitch and he held it up proudly for the captain to see. He let it go and got ready to do it all over again. The second time took longer and he wondered if the snitch was somehow getting smarter. By the end of practice he was content with how he had done and just hoped the captain was impressed enough to put him on the team.
Jordie wasn't really feeling like himself. He was quiet and withdrawn as he arrived at the Quidditch pitch. He had been much more reserved since Nate had broken things off between them. He took off into the air without a word. He worked well with Hunter, but he tried to work with any new chasers, letting them take the lead. When try-outs were over he headed back to the castle, his broom in his hand.
Blair was convinced that this year she will make it to the team. She came to the pitch absolutely ready. "Blair Bianchi, chaser," she said quite unused to saying her new last name. However, she mounted her broom and flew up. She fastly got the ball and by the end of the try-outs she had a few fails, tho, she wasn't surprised knowing that Linden was an amazing keeper, tho, she managed to get like three goals in, and worked on her working-together, passing skills. She did her best and really enjoyed the try-outs, tho, she was a bit worried whether she will make it to the team again, even as an alternate. She enjoyed being on the team last year.
Quidditch would be a bit weird now that Connor was the only captain, but Lucas knew he'd manage. He now had a reputation to uphold, and he really wanted Hufflepuff to win the cup again. He flew up into the air to practice while tryouts were going on. He kept an eye on anyone trying out for seeker, as he was aware he would only have two more years on the team and would need a good replacement.
Unlike previous years, Tilly felt that she was part of the fabric on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. It was weird to be one of the older students. Even weirder was the absence of Amy and the fact that Connor would be graduating after this year. She and Connor had started their career as beaters together and after the last season, it felt like they were an unbeatable defensive duo. Tilly didn't want to think about the fact that this time next year, he'd been gone. Of course, she had high expectations of Rene.

She joined the practice and watched as the new talent tried out. Smashing bludgers towards her previous teammates and those vying for a spot, she circled the pitch. Tilly figured it would be safer not to use her full strength today. After all, she didn't want to send anyone to the Hospital Wing.
Linden headed down to the quidditch pitch. he was wondering what was happening with the team now may have graduated. would they have a new co-captain? if so who would it be. he would have thought Lucas or even himself would have been the most likely candidates for the job but as neither of them had heard anything he wasn't surprised that Connor was standing waiting on his own. "Hey Connor, what a great day for try outs" he said as he arrived waiting next to Lucas as they were introduced to the tryouts. "Good luck guys" he said mainly to Rene Blare and the other players who had spent last year as alternatives. "Chasers, I will be keeping the north goal if you want a go at scoring" he said picking the goal so that he had the sun more behind him than in front. he took to the sky and hovered watching the players try out there seemed to be a lot of new people trying for chaser this year which was good as that was the position they needed most of. it also meant that he was kept busy guarding the goals. "Good shot" he called as one of the quaffles sailed past him even though he had been actually trying to save that one. he kept going letting some goals through on purpose especially from the newer players. between short he hovered his watching the players trying out, his eyes lingering longer on the figure of Lucas than it really should be seeing as he was a mainstay on the team already. but when someone was as easy to watch as Lucas why wouldn't you let your eyes linger. the reason came as a thrump in his side as a ball slammed into him.
Tryouts will be closing tomorrow, last chance to join the team!
Tryouts are now closed! Thank you to everyone who tried out and joined the team for this year!

SeekerLucas Fletcher
KeeperLinden Cullen
BeaterTilly Drage
BeaterConnor Holland (Captain)
ChaserJordan Harris
ChaserBlair Bianchi
ChaserLeonardo Orr
Alternate BeaterRené Tofilau
Alternate SeekerFelix Carnahan

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