Y38 Electives Fair

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley was happy to take her turn in setting up the tables and chairs for the electives fair this year. She hummed to herself as she used magic to move the furniture around, and then doing it again when she was unhappy with the first results. Hanging the banner that welcomed everyone in, the professor then moved on to fill bowls with snacks to place on each table.

Making sure she had all of the placecards ready, the woman made sure to keep an eye on the entryway as she began to set up the Ancient Runes table. She'd be doing double duty today, serving as both host and electives professor. Still, she was ready for a fun afternoon answering questions and hopefully giving a reading or two.
Jordie was excited for the fair. He grabbed a notebook and hurried down to the Great Hall. The first person he spotted was Professor Kingsley, and he hurried over to see the woman. "Hi! I'm Jordie! Can I ask what all your stuff is?" He asked, looking over her table eagerly and opening up his notebook so he could take notes. @Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Elvera reached the courtyard and emailed. It was a beautiful sunny day far better weather than the fair had been the other year when there had been a constant thrum of rain on the magical roof. It made her miss being back home in the garden looking after her herbs and plants. good afternoon cyndi. It’sa lovely day for it she said as she passed where her friend was setting up the ancient runes table. She stopped at the next table and put down the bag she was carrying before spreading a velvet purple cloth accross it before unloading her tools on top. A large teapot and a selection of cups. One tap later and the pot was full of tea. A couple of crystal balls, some sorting mirrors a candle two packs of tarot cards and no divination class was right without a tray of her home cooked blueberry muffins. Once she was happy with the results she took a step back and waited for Yvonne and the students to arrive.
"Isn't it, Elvera?" she replied to the Divination professor. It really was a beautiful day. Cyndi Kingsley finished setting up her table, having forgotten for a moment that she wouldn't be joined by her colleague as she usually was. It was going to be odd doing this event without her. She knew Kahurangi loved it. To fill the space that usually was set for her colleague, she'd spread out her things, needing to summon some extra flyers that spoke about Ancient Runes. Smiling at the first student to arrive, the professor was happy for a question already. "Nice to meet you, Jordie. I'm Professor Kingsley, one of the Ancient Runes professor. These are some samples of different kinds of runes" she explained. She had some glass, wood, and clay ones. "And these are some photos of your classmates doing some activities in the course" she added. "And these are some flyers that explain what careers ask for Ancient Runes marks."

@Professor Elvera Le Fey
@Jordan Harris
Jordie smiled brightly, listening eagerly and looking over what she'd provided. "Is the Ancient Runes class really hard? What do you mean one of? Is the other one Professor Josephs? I forgot what class she has. Is there tutoring available? I like school but, I'm not actually smart," he laughed brightly, jotting down a few things she had already mentioned. @Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Lena felt completely unorganized as she brought herself, her tea, and a large bag to the courtyard. Seeing a few professors set up, she pulled out a few charts and a nice cloth to put on the table. Knowing that Arithmancy wasn't a very popular elective choice, probably because it involved math, she placed a bowl of sweets in the center of the table, hoping to lure some unknowing second years with candy. She told Quinn that she'd take over the fair this time, but Lena made sure there was an extra chair in case her fellow Arithmancy professor decided to join her.

OOC: Feel free to tag @Professor Lena Williams if you want to chat about Arithmancy!
Juno wanted to see all the electives and get all the details on them before he even thought about committing to anything. He milled around the fair in the hopes that something would jump out at him - not literally, because that would be terrifying, but he hoped there'd be at least one subject that didn't sound completely boring. Electives just sounded like more homework, and Juno wasn't sure he was okay with that. He decided to start with the more obscure sounding classes, and approached Professor Williams at her table. "Hey, professor, what's Arithmancy? It sounds like evil math," Juno asked, suspiciously.

@Professor Lena Williams
Lena had just seated herself when a young boy approached the table. "Evil math might actually be a rather fun class, in my opinion," she laughed. "But really, it's just another form of discovering things about yourself. We use very basic masic," she added cautiously, "like adding one or two digit numbers, and then we looking at what those numbers mean. That's really it - it can be a lot of fun!" Lena wasn't sure if she was pitching Arithmancy well, but she hoped the boy might be at least slightly interested. @Juno Belgrave
Warren had never been to an electives fair before, well not since he was a student. He had only been teaching at Hogwarts for a short time, but he had to admit he was excited to meet some second year students with a love for muggle studies. It was not a class that everyone appreciated, but the Professor hoped that some would understand it's importance.

Warren entered the courtyard as he found a table to set up. He placed some items that they discussed in muggle studies on the table such as Old School Muggle Videogame consoles (that did not work obviously), some muggle magazines, as well as a muggle skateboard (that he would keep a close eye on during the elective fair). The professor also set out some packets that contained some syllabi of what the students would learn. Of course Professor Warren only taught the older students, fifth through seventh, but he was excited to meet the younger students that would hopefully make their way up to his final year classes.
Professor Kingsley smiled as she listened to the additional questions. She disagreed with his personal assessment. He seemed quite bright. "There's no official tutoring but I would certainly be willing to meet with a student who needed some additional assistance, and I'm fairly certain Professor Josephs would as well though you'd have to ask her when she returns. She teaches the OWL level on up of the course, and I teach the first two years. It's a challenging subject because it's different from what you learn in your classes where you use your wand."

@Jordan Harris
Jordie nodded, his pen scribbling furiously as she spoke. After a moment, he finished writing and smiled, offering out his hand. "My name is Jordan Harris, but I go by Jordie," he told her. "I am curious though, what do Runes do? Could you show me?" He asked, not stopping to think he might be asking too many questions.

@Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Yvonne had enjoyed going to the Elective's fair last year and was happy to be doing it again. She loved to share her excitement for the topic and answer questions to the best of her ability. There was a healthy bit of skepticism surrounding Divination and she couldn't blame students who had questions, especially those who didn't grow up around magic the way a lot of students did. When she arrived in the courtyard she was relieved to Elvera already there with the table all set up, and of course with treats in hand. "Hope I didn't miss anything." she said with a smile as she came up beside her fellow Divination professor. @Professor Elvera Le Fey
Branson wasn't sure what he wanted to do when he left school. There were so many options open to him and they would come down to what he picked to study. He could be a healer like Uncle Ty and his wife. But he didn't want that, Aunt Lydia was a quidditch player which seemed cool. Aunt Sara was an Auror. There were around him a lot of people who did good things and he didn't know what he wanted. He knew he'd be taking Divination, he was quite excited to have Professor Le Fey as a professor. He didn't think muggle studies was for him because he knew muggles well enough. He spotted Jordie speaking to the ancient runes professor but he wasn't sure ancient runes was for him either. He didn't know. branson was wandering around the different tables, looking at what they were offering but not yet asking any questions.
Pixie had long since wanted to change up her timetable. It wasn't that she didn't like her classes, they just weren't witchy enough for her so far. Some of the theory ones were boring and she wanted to do things that would actually be cool. it seemed immediately that all the classes she could now take up would be very cool. Ancient runes with actual runes, divination, arithmancy, those things were all classes she wanted to do, and though she had mostly settled it seemed like still a good idea to go to the electives fair and see if she might gleam something off the classes she hadn't considered.
Elara couldn't believe she was already old enough to attend the electives fair and figure out what electives she would be taking the rest of her time at Hogwarts. Her dads had given some advice, but seeing as she wanted to run the circus eventually, she tried to think what would be the most helpful. Having been engrossed in the magical world, she actually didn't know much about muggles because her dads wouldn't let her go do any muggle activities when they were touring. She walked up to the table labeled "Muggle Studies" and stared at the video game console. "Ooooooh, what's that?" she asked the professor. @Professor Warren Spencer
"Some people use Runes as amulets like those over there" she pointed to the bracelets with rune symbols hanging off of them. "And some people etch them into their cauldrons or wands, but they're also used for readings." The professor gestured to the extra seat she had. "You can take a seat and ask me a question you'd like some advice for " the professor prompted the student as she shook her rune bag.

@Jordan Harris
Natalia headed out to the courtyard a bit warily, looking around at the other students milling around. Natalia didn't really know what electives she wanted to pick, what actually had her interest. Natalia pulled a face as she passed the muggle studies table, she knew that was one elective she would never choose. Natalia lingered near a few of the other tables, listening to the professors explain things to students who actually asked questions. Maybe she would ask for some information later, but not yet.
Jordie's eyes widened as he saw the amulets. "You can etch runes into your wands?" He asked, incredulous. He smiled as the woman told him to sit and ask a question. He did so, scribbling away furiously before thinking over what he wanted to ask. "Okay, ummmm..." He bit his lip, thinking it over. "Would I do well in class if I take Ancient Runes?" He asked, deciding a more basic question would be best to start with. He looked to the Professor eagerly.

@Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Eoin didn't really enjoy the idea of adding on more classes to his workload, especially if they would include even more magic. But he supposed he didn't get much of a choice in the matter, sighing as he turned up to the electives fair, glancing around at the different Professors for just a moment. The only subject which really interested him was Care of Magical Creatures, but that was only if they studied water creatures as well, if they didn't, then he probably wouldn't take it. He supposed he would have to ask, but for now, he simply walked around with his hands in his pockets to take a look at the other subjects on offer.
Warren was glancing around at all the second year students. Many looked confused; others excited. Electives were certainly a huge step in their Hogwarts education. Warren remembered trying to help his oldest daughter pick out her electives last year. It is certainly a lot to consider, but the elective fair was a great way, in his mind, to help the students figure it out. His thoughts were brought back to his own Muggle Studies table, when he heard a young girl speak pointing at an old video game console he had laying on the table. He wished they would work. Certainly more exciting that way. At least it drew someone's attention He thought happily as he smiled at the student.

"That is a Muggle Video Game Console. You are free to pick it up if you'd like. That one is called a Gameboy. Very old school. Sadly it no longer works even if we were not in Hogwarts. But we learn about some of the newer versions in class as well." He spoke to the girl. Hoping he was not rambling on too much. Warren often got excited about the topics he loved.

@Elara Chatelain
The professor chuckled at the question. "Let's see" she smirked as she shook her bag. "I'll do a simple one rune draw for this." The professor reached in, took out a rune, and placed it face up on the table. Her eyebrows raised. "Thurisaz. This rune does signify an important decision, one that can be life altering. But it's also often an indicator of difficulties, challenges, chaos even so it may not be an easy class for you. The rune suggests that you should really think deeply about whether or not to take the class." That wasn't the best reading to encourage the course, but it was what the rune was saying.

@Jordan Harris
Jordie sat there, watching eagerly as she dug a rune from her bag. His eyes widened at what she said. He bit his lip, thinking it over. "Alright... Thank you," He gave her his best smile. "I'll talk to the twins and see what they think." He scribbled down a few more notes and stood, offering out his hand. "Thank you for your time," He told her brightly. @Professor Cyndi Kingsley

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