Y37 Beauxbatons Quidditch Try-Outs

Mualla Avar

Beater & Captain | Feisty | Beauxbatons 6th Year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking) (Homosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Dogwood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
8/2036 (16)
While it hadn't exactly been a surprise to Mualla that she would be captaining the Quidditch team from now on until she'd graduate herself, Nadine and Orélie had told her so last year, it was still such a surreal thing every time she thought about it. One the one hand, she was kind of excited to get to pretty much build an entirely new team this year. One the other hand, the fact that all of the good players had now graduated and would no longer be a part of the team made her very, very nervous. It would be her duty as the captain to get a team together and work towards their end goal, which was the international championship. But would she be able to get that far with a completely new team? Surely they would be doomed this season? No. She could not have such thoughts right now, it would only bring down the mood of today's try-outs and Mualla had been trying to avoid that all day long. ''Listen up, everyone,'' she said loudly to get everyone's attention. ''Welcome to this year's Quidditch try-outs. I'm Mualla and I will be your captain for the next two years,'' the girl added, hoping to Allah that no one could notice how nervous she actually was about this. ''We have got a lot of vacant positions this year so I will be looking for the best of the best today,'' she said, looking around at the new and old faces. ''Show me all you've got and don't hold back, we might have an almost entirely new team but that doesn't mean that we are bad. Let's show the other school's that Beauxbatons is not a school to mess with, yeah?'' Mualla told them encouragingly. ''Alright, for those of you who want to try out, please step forward and tell me your name and what position you wish to try out for.'' She then motioned for those who wanted to try to come forward so that they could officially start the try-outs. Hopefully, all would go well.

Mualla Avar (Captain)Beater
Sophia CorelliSeeker

OOCOut of Character:
Firstly, returning players are guaranteed their current spots as long as they post attendance in this thread before the try-outs are over. If you were an alternate on last year's team, you must try out again.

Secondly, first years must PM me first if they want to try out for the Quidditch team. No first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students.
Élise was ready for the try outs, she had been dreaming of this moment for a while now. She had brought a broom and a bat and was going to try out for beater. She had practised a lot over the break, there was nothing to be done anymore the try outs were here. She walked over to the pitch and listened to the captain. ‘’Hello, I am Élise a second year trying out for beater’’ she said while out her bat. After that she mounted her broom and looked around for the bludgers. She knew beaters did two things; one was protecting the seekers against the harm the other was trying to get a bludger into the enemy’s seeker. At first she tried to wing the seeker and made sure she was protected. She stayed close and shadowed the seeker while on its search for the snitch.

She spotted a bludger coming towards her and she gave it a good wack. She knew these were training bludgers and would hurt a lot less. After the first bludger she wacked of a couple of other ones and then it was time for the second bit. She flew around actively on the search for bludgers. Showing some manoeuvres here and there. Élise spotted a bludger and she gave it a good wack, she made sure to not hurt other people on purpose. She just barely missed showing the captain she could perform, but she didn’t want to hurt people that were trying their best to grab a position. Élise showed every skill she had and when the time was called, she flew back to the ground. She dismounted her broom and walked over to the captain to thank her for the try out. Soon she would heard if she would have made the team or not.
At some point, Aramis had gotten bored of always waiting for Hugo to finish his quidditch practices to hang out. He figured if he was going to put in the time hanging around, he might as well be on the pitch rather than hanging out after it. Showing up for the tryouts, Aramis listened as the new captain gave her speech, leaning on his broom for a bit until she'd finished up. He knew Beaux had managed the championship a few years ago, but last year hadn't gone very well and now like 80% of the team was gone. That had to be a hard position to start from.

Swinging his broom down, Aramis eventually stepped forward, giving the captain, Mualla, a little wave hello and trying to ignore Hugo so he didn't get distracted. "Hey, I'm Aramis, trying out for Keeper," He said, swinging a leg onto his broom and kicking off. Aramis didn't know if he was the best flier out there, but he could be patient and observant, so he figured keeper would be the best chance for him making the team. He circled the pitch a bit to warm up before taking a spot in front of the hoops, trying to bat away the quaffles from the new chasers trying out. The first shot went through no problem when Aramis over-estimated it and shot straight past it. Blowing a lock of hair out of his face, Aramis centered himself back over the center hoop, willing himself to focus. He just had to watch the chaser's closely to guess which hoop they were gonna go for and he'd have it. Turning his broom at the last second, Aramis was able to knock away the second shot, grinning at the satisfaction. Try-outs continued and Aramis managed a few more saves, just slightly more than what he'd blocked, and while his arms were aching from reaching for the quaffle he was feeling pretty pleased with himself.
Gemma had been looking forward to quidditch try outs all summer, after some discussion with her friends she had decided to go out for beater. She had played some tennis as a kid and she knew her swing was good. She had dressed for the occasion and wore a white headband too keep her hair out of her face as she flew and soon it was her turn to show off what she was capable off. "Hi, my name is Gemma Throne and I'm trying out for beater." she said with a bright smile.

With the bat in her right hand she kicked off into the air and started to watch for bludgers. She didn't have to wait long before one came flying at her and she knocked it away easily. Gemma kept up her speed as she looked for another to hit, she found one and the bat made contact but it flew wide and didn't end up near anyone. She let out a frustrated sigh and kept going, until she hit another. She let out a triumphant shout as the bludger made contact with one of the other students trying out. She only felt a little guilty afterward when they shot her a sour look, that that she really cared. She was able to keep up her pace for the rest of try-outs blocking and landing a few more bludger hits before it was all over. In the end she was out of breath and but felt confident in her performance.
Ares admittedly hadn't thought about trying out for quidditch at all until he saw the notice about quidditch try-outs. He thought that it would be a good way to make friends and hopefully discover a newfound hobby that he really enjoyed, and there was no harm done in trying out and not making it. The boy made his way down to the quidditch pitch where it seemed a lot of other people were prepared to try out. Most of the team last year were Seventh Years and so now there were a lot of vacant spots available, which meant a lot of people were eager to get them. He listened as their potential captain introduced herself and debriefed them. Looking at the vacancy list, he thought he would get a better chance if he tried out for chaser, and so when it was his turn to step up and introduce himself, he made sure to do just that. "Ares Kuya-Tine, trying out for chaser." With that, Ares mounted the broom he had and set off into the sky.

As the quaffle came towards Ares, he caught it swiftly, racing to the other side of the pitch to get to the hoops. He dodged the bludgers that came his way, almost got knocked out at one point, and pushed as fast as he could to get there. He wanted to show the captain that he was fast enough and capable, and when he made it to the other side of the pitch he paused and took a deep breath before throwing the quaffle into the middle hoop, watching as it went straight through. Beaming, Ares kept an eye out for another quaffle he could take, and when he found one he headed to the other side with it tucked neatly under his arm, once again dodging the bludgers and making another perfect shot in the far right hoop. He did this for the whole of the tryouts, managing to get most of them perfectly in and somehow managing to not get hit by any of the numerous bludgers coming from every direction. It was definitely a workout and Ares felt very tired by the end of it. He thanked the captain before leaving and heading back to his dormitory to clean himself up.
Édelie made her way to the pitch, excited that school was back in session. She had done okay on her OWLs last year which meant her parents had agreed to let her try out for the team. A lot of students had graduated, and she was hoping that she had an okay chance of making the team. She had been practicing, but she wasn't one to enjoy the violent nature of the sport. However, she missed doing something outside of academics. She was surprised to see how many younger students were there already and felt a little out of place. Thankfully, the captain was in her year so she was familiar with someone. "Édelie de la Mora. Chaser," she announced when it was her turn. She gave a swift kick off, getting her broom into the air quick and following the boy who had control of the quaffle. She passed it to other chaser hopefuls until a bludger came out of no where and hit her in the side. She looked up and noticed the girl who it had came from, giving her a soft wave hidden behind a painful smile. She pushed through and grabbed the quaffle, managing to shoot it through the goal twice before it was blocked by one of the keepers. She wanted to showcase how she could work as a team player more than someone who just kept scoring, making sure to pass the ball around, especially to younger students. The pain in her side eventually dulled, and she scored a few more goals during practice while managing to not get hit again. At the end of tryouts, she felt satisfied with her performance and took her broom back up to her dorm where she would also be laying on her bed to rest.
Daithi arrived at the quidditch pitch. He had been rather looking forward to this. He'd watched the games in the year before and now finally he'd get an opportunity to actually do it for himself. The beaux student had a new broom in hand and was listening along to what the captain, one of them was saying. He felt he could play any position but he wasn't sure which of them he really actually wanted to play. He would have to decide before the try-out started. Finally when others had gone before him he stepped forward and said, "Daithi Dawley, for a chaser position, but I'd make a fair beater too," he told her and gave a fake salute.
Daithi got onto the broom and shot up into the air, he wobbled a little clearly not as comfortable on a broom as perhaps others were, but that did seem to fade away as time went on. He steadied, became better at it and was just flying better. Daithi pushed forward and into action. He grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown to him at one point and was quick to fly the length of the pitch with it before tossing it to someone else to score. He did the same a few times. He just knew that he wouldn't manage to get it in from the angles he was at, so he passed it. He did try to score a couple of times and managed to get it in the hoop a few times, not as many times as other people trying out but he was young would need more time to practice. He flew well, passed and caught well enough. When the tryout was ended he felt rather proud of his preformance.
Gaby had been watching quidditch for three years now, always intruiged by it, always loving it but never trying out. She wasn't exactly sure why she hadn't tried out yet but it likely had something to with how happy she got watching other students join the team and enjoying the sport. This year, however, she realized that she'd be just as happy playing herself as she was watching others own it. Having travelled around with her mother's team and being raised with the sport she knew she should be able to do it, wanted nothing more than to be as good as she could be. Her mom would be so proud of her as well, which was a huge incentive for her trying out as well. Confident in her own abilities the fourth year made her way onto the pitch, joining the others in listening to the captain before introducing herself when it was her turn. "Hi! I'm Gabrielle, Gaby, and I'll be trying out for chaser." She smiled at the older girl, bouncing on the balls of her feet for a second as she did.

After introducing herself Gaby hopped onto her broom, shooting into the air with a gentle push. She enjoyed the wind on her face for a second before straightening her back and focussing on the task ahead. Gaby followed suit as one of the other students caught the quaffle, sticking close to them in case they wanted to pass. She barely dodged a bludger on her way but managed to keep her balance and catch the quaffle when the other student passed it to her when they got close to the hoops, almost immediately throwing it towards the left one while she was still at a good angle to do so. She smiled proudly when the quaffle sailed through before quickly turning around and watching as one of the other students caught it when it was thrown back into play. Gaby went on passing back and forth with the others, dodging bludgers and other players every now and then as she made her way around the pitch. She managed to get the quaffle through the hoops a few more times, though also not making the shot a couple of times as well. At the end of tryouts she made her way back down to the ground, happy with how she had done and how some of them had managed to work together as chasers when they weren't even a team yet.
Vivi was completely heartbroken after the girls from last year's Quidditch team had graduated. It was so unfair that they had to leave, and now she had to find someone else to idolise during the school year. It was a tragic situation, but there was only one solution that Vivi could think of: she'd have to join the Beauxbatons team and become an icon herself. "Hi! I'm Vivienne Hoshino, and I'm trying out for the role of team stylist! Because you all need one," she said cheerfully, eyeing the assembled crowd critically. "Or, beater, I guess." Vivi added, with a tad less enthusiasm.

People liked Quidditch players, and Vivi loved hitting things, so being on the team would suit Vivi's goals just fine. She skipped over to her broom like an excited pixie and shot into the sky. The beater's bat was heavier than she would have liked, but Vivi was stronger than she looked and managed to keep a tight grip as she scanned for bludgers. She spotted one heading towards one of the students trying out, and zipped around to smack it. Vivi giggled as her bat connected, and the ball narrowly missed someone else. She continued weaving around players and hitting bludgers as she saw them until the end of try-outs. A few of her swings had missed entirely and Vivi had nearly been knocked clean off her broom twice, but Vivi thought she'd still done okay. She was really more concerned with making sure her hair hadn't gotten too messed up from the wind.
Amelie had been waiting for this day for a very long time. She skipped onto the field, her heart thundering in her chest. She stood with the others, smiling brightly when it was her turn. "My name is Amelie Derouin and I'm here to try for the position of Chaser!" She announced happily. Jamie would be so proud of her if she got this. As an only child, Amelie had always looked to her cousins for companionship, even if they were all older than she was.

She took off into the air with the others, glad she had practiced with Jamie over the break. She flew along with the others, passing the ball as often as she took it, wanting to show her good sportsmanship. She made all but two of her ten throws; the keeper stopped her twice. She liked to think she did well. She was quick, her aim was perfect, she had a good arm, and she was a good team player. Still, she would be happy even if she only made it on as an alternate.
Hugo had already been a part of the Quidditch team, but only as an alternate. And that had been when his cousin had been in charge. Now he would have to prove himself to a stranger, and hopefully make it as a real member. He waited impatiently, and when he could go he stepped forward. "I'm Hugo De Rosier, and I'm going for seeker." He said with a grin. He then got on his broom and kicked off into the air. He started flying laps around the pitch, keeping his eye out for the snitch. He had to dodge out of the way of a bludger, which startled him a bit. He tried to shake it off, flying a bit more to the side. He glanced around again, still not seeing a sign of the snitch. He hoped that he would find it before tryouts were over, he had to prove himself a bit. He weaved through the other players, looking around with increasingly more anxiety. But then, there! He spotted it out of the corner of his eye, turning around in the air to go after it. It took him a while to catch it, but when he did he held it up in the air proudly. "YES!" He called, glad it had gone well.
Sophia, now a seventh year, meaning her final year at the academy, showed up for the quidditch tryouts with Mualla as captain. Sophia gave a friendly wave in the captain's direction. She mounted her broom, made sure the light gear she was wearing was on her right. After a quick inspection, Sophia took off towards the skies. The seventh year dash around the pitch, getting two laps in. She then went onto assist in this tryouts. After losing the game against the Hogwarts sister school, she wanted to come across more serious. A little less commentating about the games, and a lot more focus on her role as a seeker.
Atala was so excited to be trying out for beater again. She'd had so much fun last year that she wanted to do it as many times as she could! She'd gotten a bit of a later start, that much was true, but she'd enjoyed the camaraderie she'd felt with the others on her team, so of course she wanted to try again. And if she got to smack some heads in, well, all the better. She'd been in a bit of a foul mood all week, after she'd learned that her brother wouldn't be coming to school with her, it just wasn't fair! Homeschooling? Why didn't she get to be homeschooled too? Though that would have made her tryouts a little more difficult if she was honest and she definitely didn't want that, no way. Still, she wanted to be with her brother and not being allowed to be with him was upsetting and annoying and a bunch of other big words she didn’t care to focus on right now.​
With a lollypop in hand and her broom in the other, Atala made her way confidently to join the others. She hoped desperately that she would be picked again, but since she’d only been an alternate she knew that she could be over looked this time and that she was not guaranteed a spot, even if she really, really wanted it. She took a deep breath and looked at everyone else as she listened to Mualla. She liked Mualla, she was a good beater Atala thought. She would be happy to be Captained by her, definitely. “Hey Mualla, Atala,” she said, though it was mostly for the other hopefuls as she knew Mualla already, “I’m trying for Beater again this year!” She was still in a sour mood, but she hoped it wasn’t obvious as she mounted her broom and took off into the sky, much smoother this time than at last years tryouts. She’d definitely gotten more confident on a broom and she was sure that was a plus, right?​
Spotting her first bludger, and using the anger she felt bubbling below the surface, Atala took a swing at it and hit is as far as she could to the other side. It was a bit less controlled than she would have liked, but it went mostly in the direction she wanted and she quickly looked around for another, deftly swiping it from another beater hopeful before they managed to hit it. She hoped that showcased a bit of her ability with the broom and the bat, that she could defend her team by stealing the bludgers from the other side. She caught another bludger that was speeding toward one of the other tryouts before having to dodge one of her own. Merlin, that one nearly took her out, she had to be more careful.​
By the time the end was called, she’d missed a couple, but managed to hit more or less all of the ones she’d been trying to, she just hoped it was enough. “Thanks Mualla,” she said as it all ended. She only hoped she got another shot at a position, she really, really, wanted to be on the team again this year.​
Want to have someone on the Beauxbatons Quidditch team? You have one more day to participate in try-outs, as they will close tomorrow!
Once Mualla was sure that she had seen all of the everyone's tryout, she blew on her whistle and motioned for all players still in the air to come back down to the ground. They had done well today, some more than others, but still well and she was happy about it. It could have all been a lot worse. ''Great job, everyone,'' she started, nodding and looking around at the new and old faces that had come to try out for a spot on their Quidditch team. ''In a moment I will have the new teamsheet ready for you, but before I do, I just want to thank all of you for trying out today. If you didn't make the team this year, definitely come and try out again next year. We'll always need good talent.'' She was proud of the team she had put together, each and every one of them had shown her what they could do, but it was hard not to compare them to the previous players on the team. All that mattered now was the match against Ilvermorny.

Mualla Avar (Captain)Beater
Élise MoreauBeater
Sophia CorelliSeeker
Aramis FaroeKeeper
Édelie de la MoraChaser
Daithi DawleyChaser
Gabrielle PerraultChaser
Hugo de RosierAlternate Seeker
Gemma ThorneAlternate Beater
Ares Kuya-TineAlternate Chaser

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