Y30 Dueling Tournament

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Bethany Zanders

apparation & portkey regulation committee | surfer
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Curved 13 Inch Swishy Vine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
9/2029 (24)
The Dueling Tournament is back! Sign ups will take place in this thread and last until March 23rd at midnight CST. The dueling forum is here where you can read up on the rules and points system, as well as familiarize yourself with how dueling works through previous duels as examples.

In order to sign up for the Student Defence Association all you have to do is post your picture here but keep in mind that is not the same as signing up for the tournament itself (which should be done in this thread). Please note that only second years and up may join, no first years at all, no exceptions, because first years do not know enough magic.

Matches will begin on Sunday, March 25th and all threads will be posted here, so keep an eye on this topic. All matches have a 24 hour window before they will be closed. The duelist that posted last will be the winner but if no one posts within the 24 hours the match was posted, then there will be no winner. Matches will not last longer than 7 days; if there is no winner by the final day, a winner will be chosen at random by a random draw generator. Winners will receive 25 points, the champion will receive 50 points! All other participants will receive 5 points.

If there are an odd number of pairs, then we will look at the amount of duels per person and decide which character will be moving forward based on house points earned. We want to avoid having RPers duel themselves, for the RPers sake. So anyway, post your characters and their year below and don't forget to post in the Accio! thread as well!
Second YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years[/td]
Cassander HowardStella FinchXena DragonslayerRose ThornhillBethany ZandersRome Savage
Frankie TillingtonGideon ZelinskyAurora NightMerrill PiperMarisol WoodsJames Cade
Simon VanitySara BenivieniJerara TapsellHayden LavishLeo BenivieniAri Desai
Chante AtearaGilly GillespieTristan CollinsZoe Katsaros- -Peyton Baird
Neven LurkenPhoebe HollandOdette HarperHunter Baird- -- -
Alexis Sage KramerApril WardSyrus Stilinski- -- -- -
- -Geovanna VoltClara Hayes- -- -- -
- -- -- -- -- -- -
[th colspan="6"]Sign Up List[/th] [th]
Rose Thornhill - Fifth Year
Gideon Zelinsky - Third Year
Xena Dragonslayer - Fourth Year
Sara Benivieni - Third Year
Leo Benivieni - Sixth Year
Rome Savage - 7th Year
Jerara Tapsell - 4th Year
Gilly Gillespie - 3rd year
Simon Vanity - 2nd year
James Cade - 7th Year
Hayden Lavish - 5th Year
Tristan Collins - 4th Year
Odette Harper - 4th Year
Phoebe Holland - 3rd Year
April Ward - 3rd Year
Ari Desai - 7th Year
Syrus Stilinski - 4th Year
Chante Ateara - 2nd Year
Hunter Baird - Fifth year
Peyton Baird - Seventh year
Alexis Sage Kramer - 2nd year
<FONT font="monaco"><COLOR color="black">
24 hours left to sign up!!
Sign ups are now closed!! The first round of matches will begin on Sunday, March 25th so stay tuned for the links!!
Here are the first round of matches! Proctors, when you have posted your duels, please post them here so I can update the table! :)

Because of the odd number of pairings, some might have to wait until the next round. Remember once a match is posted, players have 24 hours to post otherwise they forfeit.
StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]</TH>
Frankie Tillington vs. Alexis Sage KramerProfessor Kennedy PrattHereFrankie TillingtonMatch #1
Cassander Howard vs. Simon VanityProfessor Kalif StyxHereCassander HowardMatch #2
Chante Ateara vs. Neven LurkenProfessor Jonathan PhillipsHereChante AtearaMatch #3
[th colspan="5"]Second Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Stella Finch vs. Phoebe HollandProfessor Jonathan PhillipsHereStella FinchMatch #4
Gilly Gillespie vs. Geovanna VoltProfessor Kalif StyxHereGilly GillespieMatch #5
Sara Benivieni vs. Gideon ZelinskyProfessor Kennedy PrattHereGideon ZelinskyMatch #6
[th colspan="5"]Third Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Aurora Night vs. Jerara TapsellProfessor Kalif StyxHereJerara TapsellMatch #7
Tristan Collins vs. Xena DragonslayerProfessor Kennedy PrattHereTristan CollinsMatch #8
Syrus Stilinski vs. Clara HayesProfessor Jonathan PhillipsHereClara HayesMatch #9
[th colspan="5"]Fourth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Hayden Lavish vs. Rose ThornhillProfessor Kalif StyxHereRose ThornhillMatch #10
Hunter Baird vs. Merrill PiperProfessor Kennedy PrattHereMerrill PiperMatch #11
[th colspan="5"]Fifth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Leo Benivieni vs. Marisol WoodsProfessor Jonathan PhillipsHereLeo BenivieniMatch #12
[th colspan="5"]Sixth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Rome Savage vs. Peyton BairdProfessor Kennedy PrattHereRome SavageMatch #13
Ari Desai vs. James CadeProfessor Jonathan PhillipsHereAri DesaiMatch #14
[th colspan="5"]Seventh Years[/th] <TH> [th]
Due to the site being down today, all current duels will have an extra 12 hours from this post right now to post their replies. If no one posts within the 12 hours, the last poster is the winner.

Regardless, ALL duels should end by tomorrow (my Saturday) which leaves approximately 24 hours left!!!
If there is no winner in 24 hours, the winner will be chosen by random draw, and the tables will be updated here accordingly!
The second round of duels will continue the following day!
All duels should end in 12 hours!!

If not, the results of the random draws will be posted here! :)
Round 2 will begin now!!

[ul][li]Someone must post within 24 hours that the proctor has posted the duel, otherwise the match is forfeited.</LI>
[li]Once the duel is underway, you must post within 24 hours of the last post otherwise you lose.
[li]All duels should last no longer than a week!! If not, winners will be chosen by random draw!
<LI>[li]Because of the odd number of players, some will have to wait until the next round to duel.[/li][/ul]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]</TH>
Cassander Howard vs. Chante AtearaProfessor Jonathan PhillipsHereCassander HowardMatch #15
[th colspan="5"]Second Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Stella Finch vs. Gilly GillespieProfessor Kalif StyxHereStella FinchMatch #16
April Ward vs. Gideon ZelinskyProfessor Kennedy PrattHereGideon ZelinskyMatch #17
[th colspan="5"]Third Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Tristan Collins vs. Clara HayesProfessor Kennedy PrattHereTristan CollinsMatch #18
Odette Harper vs. Jerara TapsellProfessor Kalif StyxHereOdette HarperMatch #19
[th colspan="5"]Fourth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Zoe Katsaros vs. Merrill PiperProfessor Jonathan PhillipsHereMerrill PiperMatch #20
[th colspan="5"]Fifth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Bethany Zanders vs. Leo BenivieniProfessor Kalif StyxHereBethany ZandersMatch #21
[th colspan="5"]Sixth Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Rome Savage vs. Ari DesaiProfessor Kennedy PrattHereAri DesaiMatch #22
[th colspan="5"]Seventh Years[/th] <TH> [th]

Students waiting for the next round:
Frankie Tillington, 2nd year
Rose Thornhill, 5th year

This table will be updated as the proctors begin to post the duels! :)
All duels in round 2 have now ended!!! Now we're down to the final round!!!! :D
All duels will start as soon as the proctors have posted the matches and duels should last no longer than a week!
StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]</TH>
Frankie Tillington vs. Cassander HowardProfessor Kalif StyxHereFrankie TillingtonMatch #23
[th colspan="5"]Second Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Gideon Zelinsky vs. Stella FinchProfessor Jonathon PhillipsHereGideon ZelinskyMatch #24
[th colspan="5"]Third Years[/th] [th]

StudentsProctorLinkVictorMatch Number[/td]
Merrill Piper vs. Rose ThornhillProfessor Kennedy PrattHereMerrill PiperMatch #25
[th colspan="5"]Fifth Years[/th] <TH> [th]
All duels should end in approximately 10 hours!! If no winner has been declared by then, winners will be chosen by random draw! :)
The duels are all over now! I will be distributing points soon, congrats to all!! ^_^
StudentRound 1Round 2Final RoundTotal[/td]</TH>
Cassander Howard2525- -50
Frankie Tillington25- -5075
Simon Vanity5- -- -5
Chante Ateara25- -- -25
Neven Lurken5- -- -5
Alexis Sage Kramer5- -- -5
[th colspan="5"]Second Years[/th] [th]

StudentRound 1Round 2Final RoundTotal[/td]
Stella Finch2525- -50
Gideon Zelinsky252550100
Sara Benivieni5- -- -5
Gilly Gillespie25- -- -25
Phoebe Holland5- -- -5
April Ward- -5- -5
Geovanna Volt5- -- -5
[th colspan="5"]Third Years[/th] [th]

StudentRound 1Round 2Final RoundTotal[/td]
Xena Dragonslayer5- -- -5
Aurora Night5- -- -5
Jerara Tapsell25- -- -25
Tristan Collins2550- -75
Odette Harper- -25- -25
Syrus Stilinski5- -- -5
Clara Hayes25- -- -25
[th colspan="5"]Fourth Years[/th] [th]

StudentRound 1Round 2Final RoundTotal[/td]
Rose Thornhill25- -- -25
Merrill Piper252550100
Hayden Lavish5- -- -5
Zoe Katsaros- -5- -5
Hunter Baird5- -- -5
[th colspan="5"]Fifth Years[/th] [th]

StudentRound 1Round 2Final RoundTotal[/td]
Bethany Zanders- -50- -50
Marisol Woods5- -- -5
Leo Benivieni25- -- -25
[th colspan="5"]Sixth Years[/th] [th]

StudentRound 1Round 2Final RoundTotal[/td]
Rome Savage25- -- -25
James Cade5- -- -5
Ari Desai2550- -75
Peyton Baird5- -- -5
[th colspan="5"]Seventh Years[/th] <TH> [th]
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