
Analei Westwick

Mother of Two | Bobcat | Auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual (Edmund)
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Continued from Potions Lesson Six

Analei tensed slightly in surprise as she felt an arm wrap around her, but only for a second, as she realized it was Zennon. She let herself be squeezed, a small smile on her face, relief settling into her stomach. He wasn't angry with her! Analei felt the tiniest pin prick of tears come to her eyes, but she looked up, forcing them away. Who knew one could cry because they were happy? Analei tore off a piece of paper, scribbling a quick note to Zennon.
You don't hate me?
Zennon was glad that Analei hadn't pushed him off her. He wasn't sure what he would have done if she didn't want to be his friend anymore. Zennon heard her tear off a piece of paper and frowned looking over at her only to see that she was writing him a note. He looked over it and shook his head quickly.
You don't hate me?
No, of course not! I could never, I thought you hated me!
Analei sent Zennon a confused look as she received the note back, quickly scribbling her reply before going back over her notes.
You don't hate me?
No, of course not! I could never, I thought you hated me!
Why would I hate you?
Zennon looked at her over his quill as he scribbled his note.
You don't hate me?
No, of course not! I could never, I thought you hated me!
Why would I hate you?
I thought you were mad when you saw me with Jake...
Analei took in a deep breath when she read the note back. He must've seen her leave the Hall or something. She flicked her eyes up to the Professor to make sure he wasn't watching, before leaning in closer to Zennon. "I could never hate you." She whispered quietly to him. "You're my best friend."

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