What the HELL is a Hufflepuff?

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Maria Madison

understanding | counsellor adoptive mother of 4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Sexual Orientation
Holly/Ebony Wand, 12 1/2 inches, Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2011 (52)
So, Maria's pretty angry that she wound up in her mother's house, which, in her opinion, is full of sissies and suckups. So she's out to do some major house sabotage. We're talking pranks, spreading rumours, acting badly to lose the house points, the works. And she's looking for some allies in her war on niceness. If your character hates Hufflepuff, and can put up with a tiny, prissy person bossing them around (or could perhaps show Maria a thing or two) they're absolutely welcome to join her cause. Or, if your character's on the side of the 'puffs, Maria always, ALWAYS needs enemies and rivals.

Anyone interested?

(PS; no, I couldn't resist the Very Potter Musical quote in the title x) Man I love that play.)
Hehe... Clover could be a welcome ally of Maria's cause :) And Ashley could be a terrific rival - older people opposing her might make Maria think more carefully about her plans.
What the HELL is a Hufflepuff, indeed! JR thinks everything to do with magic is dumb, and while she doesn't hate Hufflepuff specifically, she will enjoy helping her lower morale by losing the House points and generally trying to show the authorities that putting a whole bunch of kids in a school and trying to teach them magic is a bad idea.

They can room together - I think Mackenna Matthews already started a thread in one of the Hufflepuff dorms. I was gonna post but I thought you should post first, as I think you're the Maria she is referring to in her post. If you are then, we can make all those sissies feel miserable. If you're not and it's a different Maria, then we should take our own dorm and be angry and sulky together and scare everyone else away.

Of course, Jessame Rose is a bit of a sissy too, so Maria will be able to boss her around, until JR reaches breaking point and then she can teach Maria a lesson (I think I remember you mentioning that Maria hates mubloods) about respect.

Hmm.. that's all for now. I shouldn't be on here, I'm at work. Oops.
I can offer Sam as an enemy of the quest, if you want. You seem to have quite a few supporters xD. Sam loves Hufflepuff already, but he's quite vicious in his loyalty to whatever/whomever he chooses. So he'd be active in defending Hufflepuff.

Just drop me a line on either Sam or Art if you're interested in setting up a scene. I'm available most hours of the day. :)

I have Lily/Livia, who's going to try to be proving herself as a Slytherin.
She really likes fashion too and I think might make a good ally.
She doesn't like Hogwarts at the moment and would enjoy breaking a few rules and sabotaging the Hufflepuff's.
Well I'll offer Sam up as an enemy type person. Hes very 'Team Hufflepuff' :cool:
Sam's all for having a bit of fun and mischief but when it causes his house to lose out on points he will get mad :lawlz:
I can offer up Violet Bellamy, who's a 5th year Hufflepuff prefect. She is very much on the side of her house. She'll see dissenters, especially people trying to lose points, and you can bet she'll try and sort it out. :p
Oh my god! So many replies :D I'm gobsmacked.

@Joyce: Could you start it? I'm a teeny bit swamped atm XD Preparing for a musical in December x)

@Emma: Sounds fantastic ^__^ I missed that thread though o_O she didn't tell me she was starting one XD Oh well, guess I'll go reply now x) JR and Maria rooming together would be excellent, I fully agree with them being angry and moody together :lol: they can go around glaring at people.

@Artemis: Sam would be a welcome enemy :) Having some enemies her own age to actually face will be awesome for Maria.

@Luciano: Brilliant :D Allies always help. (And can I just say your playby is GORGEOUS!)

@Imogen: Terrific! I think Livia and Maria have already met actually, moooonths ago. They could run into each other back at school and team up x)

@Sam: Sweet ^__^ Pro-Puff enemies are brilliant.

@Charlotte: Cool :) I think I actually PMed you awhile ago because you replied to another character of mine's relationship thread :/ Did you ever get a PM from Gabriel Blume?
Aah, it's cool x) Was just kinda curious XD I kept meaning to PM again but I got swamped with work and looking after my brother :lol:
If you still want an enemy, I have Leia Evans who's very much Pro-Puff! She's a really nice girl so she won't be your typical enemy, she'll try to get you to see the good things in Hufflepuff at first but then their inability to see eye to eye can just escalate from there or something? I kinda want Leia to have an enemy because she doesn't really, and she wouldn't really know what to do in the situation. :lol:
Just a suggestion if you're up for it, but otherwise it's okay as you seem to have quite a few eager people to RP with. :)

Okay, sounds good.
Would you like to start a topic or shall I?
@Isabella: Absolutely keen :) I know of Leia; one of my other characters met her when she was still unsorted :] She seems like exactly the kind of person Maria loathes most.

@Lily: Could you do it? I'm about to go away, and I probably won't be back on until Tuesdayish, so it might take me a while to reply. Thanks ^_^
snaps @melita i an be on the enemy side (using on screen keyboard sozzages about spelling mistakes eek)
@Lita: Oh, Maria is takin' you down :p

@Aroha: Could you tell me a bit more about your character?
@Maria suck up, teachers pet, loyal to her house, likes the colour pink, really nice but a bit quiet, brave, a klutz, has already been in hospital wing once and I don't care if she is again! and a drama queen (just like me in RL! ish...) also I have 3 other characters (all unsorted but will be sorted soon) that might be able to join in, currently they are having a little evil adventure of their own so I'll be a bit busy with them.

Yay for house colours!

Sorry for butting in;

@Aroha - Sorting finished aaages ago >.<

Sephora: DOWN WITH MARIA! >=)
(Well not literally, but nothing says friendly like a friendly competition :p)
Aroha: Cool, Aroha could be a good enemy. Your new characters won't be sorted until December though, which means they'll be in Maria's brother's year XD

But secretly Rowan supports Sephora :p
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