Werewolf: HNZ Birthday edition šŸŗ


I swear, if Verity's been playing us this whole time =))

Omg I wish, but no! I'll tell you what though, if you do turn out to be the wolf, Claire, in some triple plot twist then fair play you can win.

I think Steven is the final wolf, we've got three in a row now and there is a lot of evidence there to say it's him. If it's not Steven then Danny probably is, but I kind of want to wait to see what Danny says before casting any votes.

EDIT: Grammar fix, I'm posting from my phone
(posting from phones ughhh itā€™s a pain)

Iā€™m gonna go ahead and vote to lynch Danny too.
Omg I wish, but no! I'll tell you what though, if you do turn out to be the wolf, Claire, in some triple plot twist then fair play you can win.

I think Steven is the final wolf, we've got three in a row now and there is a lot of evidence there to say it's him. If it's not Steven then Danny probably is, but I kind of want to wait to see what Danny says before casting any votes.

EDIT: Grammar fix, I'm posting from my phone

The thing is, I'm really not the final wolf, I'm just a villager who has been saying a lot of stuff that makes him sound a little suspicious.

For what it's worth, I did vote for Donna and Soho, even make a pretty strong case about why I thought Soho would probably be a wolf too.
Steven, because youā€™re active and I donā€™t see any harm in it.. Iā€™m changing my vote to Danny. If Dannyā€™s not the wolf, then the ghost will hopefully get you tonight. At this rate though, I think weā€™ve narrowed it down to the final two possibilities, and itā€™s a 50/50 chance that weā€™ll end the game with this vote.
okay hi i just woke up HAHAHAHA

so yall wanna lynch me huh? sure go ahead and lynch me because i am SO confident that you guys will regret it. im a villager yall, but at this point in the game it makes sense to sus me because 1.) i legit voted only twice 2.) im not that active even though i say i will be and 3.) im just not contributing much to the convo

right now im definitely suspicious of steven but like i always say, its a gut feeling HAHAHA but you know what, since this will most likely be my last day of living, ill vote to lynch stan/steven
Let's hope Danny is a werewolf, otherwise some of you have played this very, very well.

My vote goes to Danny
I still think Steven is just hoping we won't kill him after Danny turns out to be a villager :lol:
We'll see :glare:
As a villager, Claire, of course I am hoping that because that would mean that we've all been played by someone. But we'll see what happens today and tomorrow, I guess šŸ¤·
I'm not surprised both claim villager, but imagine if neither Danny or Steven are the wolves, the game goes on and we're all being played! =)) It's got to be between the too and I vote for Danny/Kard Thomas.
We still have three confirmed innocents, so even if we lose one to a wolf tonight and Steven and Danny both AREN'T wolves we'll have narrowed it down so much that I don't think the wolves can win anymore. (Famous last words though)
What are the votes like currently, most for Danny right?
With any luck, there'd still be a ball,
They'd dance for the birthday of the town in the hall.
That being said, there weren't left many guests,
And with Kard on the lynch, there'd be few at best.

He'd done what he could to help all his friends,
But with his death they were yet at an end.
Another villager death and another grave to dig,
They crawled back to their houses where the town folk hid.

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The ghost had been lingering all through the night,
Drifting and thinking, who to remove from the fight.
By the time the sun broke, Stanislaw was dead,
Died in their sleep the coroner said.

Was that now it? Was it now over?
Were the town free to receive some glad closure?
Unfortunately not, for there'd been a mistake,
A villager he was, and it caused some heart break.

That meant the wolf was free to press on,
Victory in sight, they'd run the marathon.
Amy was the woman who was now just a target,
But her help to the town they wouldn't forget.

She'd tried to escape her house during the flee,
And now lay face down by her front garden tree.
Horror was met as the town soon discovered,
The villager was dead and they'd started to blubber.

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Hoooooowww omg WHO IS IT


  • Monty Pendleton - villager
  • Penny Wills - villager
  • Sarah Keith - village
  • Amber Chou Wilson - villager
  • James Cade - drunk
Oh god I don't know who to trust anymore at all, Claire it better not be you after all this!!!!
I literally swear on my life OMG =))
I ..guess... Mel is most suspicious to me? I don't know!
Uuuuurrrggghhhh what the hell!? How are we still playing this game!? Honestly I am not the wolf!!!!
There was a day when the votes were Donna-3, Claire-1, Verity-2. Soho voted for Verity, creating a tie between Verity and Donna. If Verity were a wolf I feel like Soho would have voted for me instead and hoped people jumped on it

I'm still reading back I'll let you know what else I find :zombie: this is awful because both of them have done things which make them look innocent

(I guess I have to include myself, all 3 of us have done things which make us look innocent)
At the moment, the people Iā€™m most suspicious of are Soho, Annabelle and Danny. Like others said, yesterdayā€™s vote created a divide - which I find interesting. So, I vote to lynch Saira/Soho.
But then again, Mel has said multiple times she finds Soho and Annabelle suspicious, and she also voted Soho, Donna, and Annabelle off

But then again, Mel has said multiple times she finds Soho and Annabelle suspicious, and she also voted Soho, Donna, and Annabelle off


The thing is it's literally between me, you and Mel and we've all voted for wolves. I feel like if the wolf is prepared to vote for one of their own, then why not all three to look innocent?

Imagine if the plot twist is it's Daphne mistakenly checked off as innocent x_x
I think we have to narrow it down by looking at when you all voted for wolves. If you were important to breaking a tie or something.

But I'm also starting to wonder if we don't have a rogue wolf trying to just be the last person left with the drunk.
Since there are already too many votes for Zach, if Verity is a wolf she could have voted for Donna even if Donna is a wolf, with the excuse that she doesn't see Zach as a wolf because no one came to his defence. If Zach turns out to be a villager, then that will make me even more sus of Verity.
Clara said this like, day 3? I dismissed it at the time, but it's a good point. Yeah, Verity has consistently voted for Donna, but never when it actually put Donna at risk

We can also be pretty sure the wolves had some kind of agreement to vote for/lynch Donna off, so maybe Verity constantly voting for Donna on nothing more than a gut instinct makes her more suspicious since it now looks like a serious effort to appear innocent?

I can't get over Mel mentioning multiple times that her biggest suspects were Soho, Annabelle, and (in at least one post) Verity. Unless Mel's strategy was just 'lynch off all the other wolves and win alone' - which is possible, but not super likely? - I'm most suspicious of Verity right now.

Also, when Mel and I switched to Annabelle that day, Verity threw a late vote in for Soho instead. Daphne I think you mentioned at one point that a wolf probably wouldn't have voted for Annabelle because it'd be drawing attention to the fact both of them are sus. HmMMmmmm

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