Werewolf: Episode II

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Two wolves hunted the town and a ghost haunted the town as the remaining villagers fell in to their cautious slumbers. It seemed to be a completely silent night, and a relieved village exited their homes only to find two of their compatriots were, indeed, missing. Investigating the issue, they found Danielle Warbeck, a villager dead in her home - apparently her last expression being one of complete terror. Perhaps she had seen the ghost? At the next house, the home of Lucinda Buckley, a seer, a wolf-sized disaster zone was in their view. Everything in the house broken and a bloody trail leading back toward the forest.

6 villagers remain. 2 are wolves.

It is day.
Posting as Maddiie LeMour;
Oh my gosh! ><; two deaths. Again I cast my vote to lynch Kiera Potter, at this point it can be anyone, even if you say your a villager Kait ( :p ) the number just keeps dwindling down !
That's alright Maddiie but I am a villager.

I am going to vote for Crystal Storm. She agreed with whatever Pat said and she seems to be rather quiet. She never votes for anyone other than the majority except when it was to protect Pat. I'm just suspicious of her.
Well...damn. So, I mistakenly suspected Kalani of being a wolf instead of going after someone I've been suspicious of for a while... I vote to lynch Alyssa Chevalier. She and Pat seemed to be in agreement with things and I got the sense that they were working together, perhaps because they are both wolves :r
Derp, totally didn't realize I was still even in the game. xD

Anyways, I vote to lynch Professor Cyndi Kingsley. She seemed very eager to get rid of Kalani yesterday even though she stated that she was a ghost. You think one would at least try to consider maybe changing their vote. But nope, she just voted and went with it. Likely behavior from what I think would be a wolf.

I'm just a villager however. I never really ever agreed with Pat either, normally she agreed with my reasoning.
Alyssa Chevalier said:
Derp, totally didn't realize I was still even in the game. xD

Anyways, I vote to lynch Professor Cyndi Kingsley. She seemed very eager to get rid of Kalani yesterday even though she stated that she was a ghost. You think one would at least try to consider maybe changing their vote. But nope, she just voted and went with it. Likely behavior from what I think would be a wolf.

I'm just a villager however. I never really ever agreed with Pat either, normally she agreed with my reasoning.
I haven't changed any of my votes. If I'm going to lynch someone, I'm going to stick to my decision unless I have a good reason to change it. Alexis stating that she was a ghost was unfortunately not enough to convince me.
I'm still new to this game so I'm still a little confused about it. I don't really have much to say since I'm new. But anyway, going to the majority again, I vote to lynch Alyssa Chevalier.
Desperate to kill a wolf, the remaining villagers turn to accuse each other and, remembering the history of one villager in particular, move in for the lynch.
Alyssa Chevalier, a villager has been killed.

It is night.[note]After tonight, there will possibly be 2 wolves and 2 villagers. Possibly they will split the vote between them and have a tie in voting. In ties, I use a random number generator or something to determine the death. Should a wolf die, it's possible for the village to make it out alive (barely) if that wolf kills another villager, then the 2 remaining players vote for each other and the random generator kills the wolf again. Unlikely, but possible. However, if in the next day cycle a villager is lynched the game will conclude with a wolf victory.[note]
The wolves could taste victory on the air as they prowled the night for the few remaining villagers. After this town was decimated, they would have to find a new village home and settle themselves in, unsuspecting of other villagers, before they could start their destructive habits again. That was a trouble to worry about at a later time, though. After their kill, though, they had to make sure they made it out of the village alive - and lynching one more villager would ensure they had the numbers to do so.
The villagers woke from its much needed rest to find the body of Professor Cyndi Kingsley half eaten in in the public square. Wincing as they moved past it, the four remaining of the populous gathered to accuse each other of wrongdoing - perhaps for the final time.

It is day
Whose left?
Dannii Merrythought
Kiera Potter
Maddiie LeMour
Crystal Storm
That is correct. :)
Okay so I am going to vote for Maddiie Lemor.

My reasoning is that she is always accusing me of being a wolf for the reason that I am "flying under the radar" well....I think she is doing the same thing. Obviously, I am a villager. The two wolves will vote on the same side and we villagers must stick together. If the other villager gives me any reason to change my vote. I will do so. :p
Well no ones been picking them that good,
So I'll vote for Kiera Potter and hope that my vote won't be ignored this time :p
I vote for Kiera Potter.
That is a very good point...
But somehow not good enough. o_O

Kiera Potter, a Villager has been lynched. The werewolves win.

Game Roles
Werewolves: Maddiie LeMour, Crystal Storm, Patricia Styx[sup]*[/sup]
Traitor: Alyssa Chevalier
Cupid: Riley Sparkles
Seer: Alyss Summers
Fool: Lucinda Buckley
Ghost: Kalani Mauven
Angel: Briar Rowan
Guardian: Hadan Hensel[sup]*[/sup]
Villagers: Danielle Warbeck, Professor Cyndi Kingsley, Kiera Potter, Justin Cliffeton, Dannii Merrythought, Evelyn Mosca, Eden Koshiba
[sup]*[/sup] signifies the lovers

Feel free to discuss the game openly now. :)
wow all three of the hunches i had from the beginning were right,
1) pat is a wolf
2) Maddiie is a wolf
3) Pat and Haden were the lovers

it took me a few days longer until i was able to guess the last wolf.
You miss one werewolf Mia :r
I'm wondering why Sammy didn't change her vote before this last day phase was up.
I even outlined that the villager's only real chance was having a tie this day phase. And she just helped the wolves out. @_@
So Hadan guarded Pat? Not knowing Pat was the werewolf xD Now I get what she meant
And when the guardian guards a wolf, the wolves abandon their planned kill and kill the guardian.
But, they being lovers and all, Pat died as a result too.
Pretty classy. xD
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