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Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Amber’s hands were shaking slightly even as Ainsley held one of them. The Yule Ball had been a very special event for her over the past two years, and now it would be tough for her to go to her final one. It was strange to consider that two years ago, she wasn’t dating Ainsley yet as they headed inside. It still made her blush to remember how she had kissed the other girl in the middle of the dance floor, but it made her smile as well. She glanced sideways at Ainsley, giving her a small smile. “Ready?” She asked her as they paused outside the great hall. “Let’s make this night wonderful.” She added, as she stepped inside.

The great hall was decorated beautifully as always, and Amber looked around with delight. She loved the winter theme Professor Alicastell always arranged for the ball, even though she had always grown up with Christmas in the summer months. Her eye was immediately drawn to a few of the dresses around her, as she always loved seeing what everyone was wearing. Her own dress this year was a simple, classic affair. A little black dress was never a bad choice, and Amber thought the one she was wearing right now was particularly cute. She turned to Ainsley with a bright grin. “Let’s dance?”
Ainsley didn't tend to think much about the passage of time until she looked up and realised a lot of it had gone by all at once. That was the feeling she was experiencing as she walked into the Great Hall hand in hand with Amber for their last Yule Ball as students. It had been two years now since their first kiss, two years since their friendship had become much more, and the time seemed agonisingly short before they would be saying goodbye to Hogwarts forever, stepping out into the world together as adults and trying to figure out a brand new adventure together once more. The thought terrified Ainsley, but tonight wasn't about the future. Tonight was about having a good time with her girlfriend, here and now, celebrating their anniversary and enjoying each other's company. "Dancing sounds perfect." Ainsley said happily, following Amber out onto the dancefloor and resting her hands lightly on the other girl's waist. "Two years..." She said softly, trusting Amber to know what she meant.
It pleased her that Ainsley matched her a little, and she was sure they looked nice together in black and white dresses. She glanced up at Ainsley with a small smile, glad that the girl agreed to go dancing. She led her girlfriend onto the dance floor and turned to face her, putting her hands on her shoulders after brushing some of her red hair back. "You look beautiful, you know?" She said softly as they swayed to the music. Then Ainsley reminded her of the yule ball two years ago, and Amber nodded with a small smile. "Two years since this." She said, leaning up to kiss Ainsley softly. "It both feels very far away, and not that far away at all. Does that make sense?" She asked, blushing slightly as she pulled back. "I wonder where we will be in two more years..." She trailed off, trying to imagine it.
Ainsley began to sway gently to the music, hands resting lightly on Amber's waist. A smile lit up her face as Amber spoke, cheeks flushing slightly. "You look beautiful too." She said softly. "You always look beautiful." It was the truth. Amber seemed to fill any room she entered with light, and Ainsley didn't think she would ever get enough of the other girl's smile. She returned Amber's kiss gently, thinking back to the nerves that had filled her that Yule Ball so long ago, when she and Amber had kissed for the first time. It struck Ainsley how much she had changed since then, how much more confident and happier she had become. She nodded when Amber spoke, thinking about how strange the passage of time felt. "I know exactly what you mean." She said gently, pondering how recent and distant the moment felt all at once. Amber's next comment surprised Ainsley but she nodded, thinking about it. "I have no idea." She said uncertainly. The future was a scary thing, and Ainsley didn't much like to think about it. "Wherever we wind up, we'll do it together." She added softly. Whatever adulthood held, Ainsley was sure she could handle it with Amber at her side.
Amber smiled brightly at her girlfriend, finding the way her cheeks turned pink very cute. "Thank you." She said softly, staring into her eyes. "So do you." She was a little shy about kissing at such a public place, but she had done it two years ago and it was a nice way to remind them both of that night. She had been brave then, and it had worked out in her favor. Amber couldn't imagine what her life would be like now if she hadn't taken that step. The progression from best friends to girlfriends had been a natural one, but that first step had to be taken, and she was glad that she had done it. It reassured her to hear that Ainsley understood what she meant, and she was glad to see the talk about their future didn't upset Ainsley. She knew that it was difficult for both of them to imagine life after graduation, but Amber knew it was coming up quickly. "Definitely." She said firmly, giving Ainsley's shoulders a squeeze. "We'll be together, and it will be wonderful." She could almost imagine it, living with Ainsley in some small place that wasn't perfect but it was theirs. Both of them working at their current jobs, at least for a few more years. For the first time, Amber actually felt a little excited for life after Hogwarts, because she knew Ainsley would be by her side. "I'll miss the dances, though." Amber said softly.
Ainsley smiled brightly, reassured by Amber's assertion. That was true. The future seemed less scary when she looked at it in terms of their lives together. Ainsley didn't really know what kind of career she wanted to have yet, or where she wanted to live, or who she wanted to be as an adult, but she knew that with Amber alongside her, she would be able to clear whatever hurdles lay ahead. "It will be." She echoed gently, and pressed a small, soft kiss to Amber's eyebrow. She knew Amber didn't much enjoy public displays of affection, but it was hard to resist sometimes, and surely today, at a dance on their anniversary, was the time for them, if no other. She laughed softly at Amber's next comment, nodding. "Definitely. How come adults don't get to go to dances anymore?"
Amber could tell Ainsley was a little more at ease because of her words, and that made her glad as it had been her intention. She laughed softly as Ainsley kissed her eyebrow, though she also glanced around to see who was around. She didn't want to stand out too much for kissing in public, as she knew she had a role as an example as head girl. As Ainsley talked about adults not getting to go to dances anymore, Amber grinned. "What if we organize our own? A dance, I mean." She said, laughing. "Though I guess that's just a party when you're an adult." She added, pondering it. She was quiet for a moment. "We should, though. Organize things for our friends and old classmates. I don't want to... lose touch." She sighed softly. "I'm not afraid of losing touch with you, obviously, but ... Flavio, November... Evelyn, Noemie. Everyone will be going their own ways soon." She leaned on Ainsley a little, looking to the side for a moment. "It's scary." She murmured. Amber didn't want to ruin the ball with her fears, but she couldn't help talking about them as they surfaced.
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