Wanting to tlak to anyone who is willing to talk.

"Oh it really didn't bother me for getting mad at you, I'm sorry but you deserved it."Pez said and finished chewing the fudge.
Athene snorted, very loudly. She just couldn't keep it in any longer. She stood up and doubled over, shrieking with laughter and pointing at Pez.

Between breathes, she said, "You .... do live up to... to the superlative voting... then." She took a deep breath. "You really are pathetically gullible."

Her eyes were wet from laughing so hard.
Still giggly, Athene waved the bag of fudge and sweets from the Weasley's Skiving Snackbox, which was still in her hand.

"That piece of Fudge you just ate was a piece of 'Gender Fudge'. They sell it at that joke store in Hogsmead." She spoke slowly, to make sure that Pez would understand, and also to mock her stupidity. "You will change into a boy for a few hours. There is nothing you can do about it."

She grinned evilly. This was going to be priceless. She noted that Pez's hair already seemed a little shorter.
Athene laughed harder.
"Go one then!" She dared."You can't change it. You'll just have to live with being a boy for a few hours."
Athene fell to the ground. She had bitten her own tongue, and was bleeding. Pez had formed a bit of muscle, and now strongly resembled a little red haired boy,but in girls uniform.
Athene stood up angrily.

"Is that the best you can do?" she taunted, trying to laugh and raising her own fists.
(((That is a godmod. You can say "Swung another opunch at her" or something, but you cannot role play hitting her Pez as technically she can dodge.)))
((eh, don't worry about it Nick. Athene can play just as dirty))

Athene swore loudly as the fist collided with her face, again. This time, however, she was a little more ready. She got to her feet quickly and sent a hard kick into Pez's flat chest.
Athene raised her eyebrows.

"You look prettier as a guy," she mocked, wiping the blood on her sleeve and looking Pez up and down. She couldn't help grinning. Pez really looked ridiculous as a boy in a skirt.
Athene's grin widened at this.

"Well, lucky for me, i'm not stupid enough to eat some Gender Fudge."
Professor Weiss had been out for a walk when she heard raised voices. She turned and saw pair of students that were fighting with each other. She grabbed out her wand and ran in the direction of the pair. "What are you DOING? STOP that at ONCE!" she exclaimed as she neared them.
(((You may cut any mention of me from your role plays :) Professor Weiss is back :D (clearly :) ) )))
Cecily breath puffed out in front of her as she raced after Nick. She watched the scene in front of her in disbelief. "Miss Rolin?"she asked incredulously.

(haha Nick! cut me out too...go Belle! woot)

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