Wanting to tlak to anyone who is willing to talk.

"Its me! Pez Elizabeth Rolin!!!"Pez shouted.
"Well, MR Pez, there is no reason AT ALL that you should EVER punch a girl. EVER! I see by your, ahem, clothes, that you are a Slytherin. I highly doubt that this behavior is how a Slytherin should behave. I will be reporting this to your Head of House." Professor Weiss turned to the girl. "First off, what is your name please? And do you need to be taken to the Hospital wing?"
Belle had to hold back a chuckle. "Did you not check what you were eating?" she asked with a quizzical look. "Even so, that is no excuse to fight with your housemate. I would like you to report immediately to Professor Manteia's office. I will be informing him of your actions. He is your Head of House, and he will decide how to deal with you."
Athene raised an eyebrow at Pez.
"I didn't know what it did, I thought it was ordinary fudge," she lied, speaking loud enough for the teachers to hear.
Professor Weiss's eyes opened in surprise. "The two of you have been in trouble before? Well, I do believe then you will need to also report to Professor Manteia's office immediately after you have been seen by the nurse. This is not acceptable behavior from anyone at this school."
"Oh come on now," Athene mocked, "You can't be so young that your still afraid of people of the opposite sex."
Professor Weiss wanted to laugh, but had herself experienced the drama of gender fudge in the past. "You will report immediately to Professor Manteia's office. I will follow you to make sure you are not beating on each other any further." She turned to the other girl. "Now, I am asking you again, what is your name?"
"Alright, Ms. Perthro. Do you need the hospital wing, or are you able to report directly to Professor Manteia's office?" Professor Weiss was annoyed by these girls at this point and wanted to get them to their head of house as soon as possible.
"I'm fine," said Athene, a little more gruffly than she had intended. She didn't want to give Pez the satisfaction.
"Nothings broken," she added.
"Good," Professor Weiss replied plainly. "Follow me then, BOTH of you." She turned on her heel and quickly began to walk back to the castle, expecting the girls to follow her back to the dungeons.
Kasey was just in her day dreams hearing evruthing from one ear but when she saw the professor come and take them she felt bad for Pez,How could Athene do such a thing?she thought.If i ever get that Athene i will curse her.
[color=cc66ff]Lemina had been a bit glazed without any of her peers noticing. She suddenly came to and saw one of the new professors being followed by Athene and Pez. "D..Did Athene and Pez just have a fight?" she asked Kasey who was beside her. She remembered Athene giving Pez gender fudge which started a fight, but it might have been a dream.[/color]

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