Walk me home?

Cecily looked up at him then, his words comforting her. "Thank you," she said softly. "It's not the memory that will be hard...it's just that, well, he's her cousin. He helped her open this school. I know now he did it out of his own selfish reasons, whatever they may be, but to break it to her....to tell her how much of a monster he is."
Professor King nodded. She had a point, though he had never thought of it that way. "Well, I suppose you have two choices, you can tell her about the presence and not the memory, allow her to live in blissful ignorance, or tell her it all and hope for the best." he started, knowing that if Cecily left out any portion of the story Alicia would feel very untrusted.
"Maybe I could pensieve things for her?" she said, thinking out loud. She knew it would be too hard to tell Alicia everything. If she could show her, it would make things a lot easier. "I don't want her to think I don't trust her...," a thought came to her then. "I should show her the memories I have and let her make her own judgement,"she said slowly, looking up at him.
Professor King had not been aware that there was a pensive at all in Hogwarts, though as there had not yet been a need for him to know of it this seemed understandable. "The only thing I would be careful of is the fact that if you go through the pensive every detail is open for her to see, and you won't be able to interject explanations."
Cecily nodded, leaning forward with her elbows on the table. She suddenly felt overwhelmingly tired. The night's events hit her hard and she rose shakily. "I have to go to bed," she said, putting a hand to her forehead. "I'm sorry, Nicolas. Will you make it back to the castle alright?"she asked with concern in her green eyes.
"Yes, I believe I will." Professor King said with a smile as he finished his tea and stood. "Thank you again." he stated as he moved towards where his cloak had been hung and threw it over his shoulders.
Cecily walked over to stand by him while he got his cloak on and to walk him to the door. Once they were there, she opened it and looked up at him. "Good night Nicolas," she said softly.
Professor King followed Cecily to the door in silence, when she bad him good night he spoke again, "Good night m'lady." he said as he crossed the threshold of the greenhouse.
Cecily watched him go, she leaned back against the doorframe and fidgeted with her fingers. With a sigh, she closed the door and put her wards back up. She went back to the table and picked up her tea cup, carrying it with her to watch his retreating back from the window.
professor King walked at a moderate pace towards the castle again, heaving a sigh of relief once he was out of ear-shot of the greenhouses. It had been a long night.
(true dat :p Thanks for the fun RP. :D )

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