Valentine's Day Floral Deliveries

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Kylie Ortiz

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Bi-ro & Heterosexual
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Mermaid Scale Core.
So with the Valentine's Day dance coming up I spoke with Donna about an idea I had and she was keen so we're going to do this. Basically this is a flower delivery service in the spirit of Valentine's Day. There are three rose colour options, graciously provided by those at The Wild Patch that can be delivered. They may be given with a note or without, it is up to your discretion what your character would do. Following this there will be an IC delivery of this flower (in a OSW style (suggested only, you can go longer if you want) role-played thread) between the deliverer and the recipient where the flower will be given along with the note. I encourage interaction in these threads so characters that might not meet will get a chance to and so people who might not thread together do as well. It's pretty simple and should be loads of fun!

Roses: Red (love), yellow (friendship) and pink (admiration aka crushes).

To have a rose delivered please pm me on Kylie Ortiz's account ASAP in this format:

Dear Recipient Name,


Name or leave blank.

Please don't forget to state which coloured rose you would like sent as well. You can also do multiple roses.

For your character to be a delivery person please post here. If you wish to have your character deliver roses I will PM you with further details.

Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li] Archie Renner
[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
PS. It should also be obvious that IC the sender would have to pay a small price for the flower. Perhaps the funds can go to something in the student interest. (Rock Garden in Avie's memory? lol) You do not actually have to pay Kylie for this though, I imagine we can just pretend that this is happening.
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li] Archie Renner
[li] Asaiah Murphy
[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
Kylie Ortiz said:
(Rock Garden in Avie's memory?)
Esme could tear out that rosebush to make space :r
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy

[font=Arial][color=Black][small][b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy

[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow <LI>[li][/li][/ul]

[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow [*][/list]
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson<LI>[li][/li][/ul]

[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow 
[*]Amber Wilson
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken

[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow 
[*]Amber Wilson
[*]Orwell Brocken
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken
<LI>[li]Clementine Pratt[/li][/ul]
[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow 
[*]Amber Wilson
[*]Orwell Brocken
[*]Clementine Pratt[/list]
I would love more sign ups so we aren't having at least five deliveries per person!

Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken
[li]Clementine Pratt
<LI>[li]Veronica Boneheart[/li][/ul]
[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow 
[*]Amber Wilson
[*]Orwell Brocken
[*]Clementine Pratt
[*]Veronica Boneheart[/list]
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken
[li]Clementine Pratt
[li]Veronica Boneheart
[li]Lizzie Taylor

[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow 
[*]Amber Wilson
[*]Orwell Brocken
[*]Clementine Pratt
[*]Veronica Boneheart
[*]Lizzie Taylor
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken
[li]Clementine Pratt
[li]Veronica Boneheart
[li]Lizzie Taylor
<LI>[li]Daisy Parker[/li][/ul]

[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow 
[*]Amber Wilson
[*]Orwell Brocken
[*]Clementine Pratt
[*]Veronica Boneheart
[*]Lizzie Taylor
[*]Daisy Parker
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner</LI>
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken
[li]Clementine Pratt
[li]Veronica Boneheart
[li]Lizzie Taylor
[li]Daisy Parker
[li]Elizabeth Wespurt
Code: said:
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul]<LI>[li]Kylie Ortiz
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken
[li]Clementine Pratt
[li]Veronica Boneheart
[li]Lizzie Taylor
[li]Daisy Parker
[li]Elizabeth Wespurt
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken
[li]Clementine Pratt
[li]Veronica Boneheart
[li]Lizzie Taylor
[li]Daisy Parker
[li]Elizabeth Wespurt
[li]Alaska Waterhouse

[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow 
[*]Amber Wilson
[*]Orwell Brocken
[*]Clementine Pratt
[*]Veronica Boneheart
[*]Lizzie Taylor
[*]Daisy Parker
[*]Elizabeth Wespurt
[*]Alaska Waterhouse
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken
[li]Clementine Pratt
[li]Veronica Boneheart
[li]Lizzie Taylor
[li]Daisy Parker
[li]Elizabeth Wespurt
[li]Alaska Waterhouse
[li]Christopher Firn

[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow 
[*]Amber Wilson
[*]Orwell Brocken
[*]Clementine Pratt
[*]Veronica Boneheart
[*]Lizzie Taylor
[*]Daisy Parker
[*]Elizabeth Wespurt
[*]Alaska Waterhouse
[*]Christopher Firn
I just wanted everyone to know that on Wednesday no more roses will be accepted and the delivery process will begin. Please get your roses sent in!
Delivery Sign Up:
[ul][li]Kylie Ortiz</LI>
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Raymond Mandy
[li]Jean Snow
[li]Amber Wilson
[li]Orwell Brocken
[li]Clementine Pratt
[li]Veronica Boneheart
[li]Lizzie Taylor
[li]Daisy Parker
[li]Elizabeth Wespurt
[li]Alaska Waterhouse
[li]Christopher Firn
[li]Lyra Potter

[b][big]Delivery Sign Up:[/big][/b]
[list][*]Kylie Ortiz
[*]Archie Renner
[*]Asaiah Murphy
[*]Raymond Mandy
[*]Jean Snow 
[*]Amber Wilson
[*]Orwell Brocken
[*]Clementine Pratt
[*]Veronica Boneheart
[*]Lizzie Taylor
[*]Daisy Parker
[*]Elizabeth Wespurt
[*]Alaska Waterhouse
[*]Christopher Firn
[*]Lyra Potter
Okay everybody should be getting a PM shortly if they signed up to deliver. We are no longer accepting anymore roses!

Thanks so much for this.
Maybe this will become a regular thing?!
I'm in such awe at all the topics! And it's such great fun. A great job well done, Alexis! ^_^ Thank you!
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