Up to mischief

Oh yes, make me a model of a bad student....give me the praise and glory that I shall get.... she thought darkly, twisting what she heard into what she wanted to hear.
Professor Manteia had been roused by a Patronus indicating a disturbance in the Great Hall. He had not been scheduled for patrol duty on this particular night and had confidence in those who had been to deal with the situation effectively. However, given the apparent urgency of the message and its early morning arrival, he had opted to rise and attend to the matter personally.

As Professor Manteia approached the Great Hall, he noticed a small collection of students gathered outside the main doors. Not wishing to alert them to his presence he swiftly drew his wand and envisioned himself appearing within the hall itself. There was an almost inaudible 'pop' and the Slytherin Head materialized within the hall to find several of his colleagues moving around and Bellatrix immobilized at a nearby table. He glared at her momentarily and then turned his attention to those in the room worthy of having a voice.

"Good morning.", he said with a hint of irony. "Dare I inquire as to what trouble Miss Green has managed to get herself into this time?". Professor Manteia did not look in the girl's direction, partially as he did not want to give her the impression that he might still care about her pitiful existence and more importantly, for fear of what he might do to her when he found out how she had managed to disgrace the House of Slytherin this time. Whatever the transgression, explulsion from the school would be a more enviable consequence.
Bellatrix's mind began to panic as she saw the arrival of the Head of House. Are you kidding me?! she thought in disbelief, soon growing to anger. They obviously are too stupid to handle a mere unimportant situation by them selves and call upon a know it all jerk for assistance...pitiful....
Professor King looked up as Arithmos entered the room, "Morning Arithmos" he stated with a nod in Arithmos' direction. He then took a seat in one of the chairs he had just finished fixing, leaving all explanations to those who had called the hunt together.
Belladonna looked up at the pop and noticed that Professor Manteia had arrived. "Good Morning Professor. And yes, I shall be glad to inform you of what has happened here overnight." She walked over and stood next to the Professor. "This was not all Miss Green's fault. She had paired up with Miss Perthro for this endeavor. This all started with the Perthro girl being busted out of her house past curfew with a pair of Gryffindors. Then Miss Green decided to join. She unwillingly went back to the house with Miss Perthro. I then charmed the door to alert me if they decided to sneak out again. Well, they did. I searched the dungeons and they were no where to be found. At that point I employed the help of Professors King, Rambolt and Lloyd to help search the castle. We found the girls here, writing on the wall with their own blood. The writing was in Latin, and roughly translated meant Ravenclaws go home, Hufflepuffs go home, Gryffindors go home. Better to die than to dishonor. The snakes venom/posion always kills. All who are snake born will rule the filthy mud-blood infested world."
She looked at Bellatrix, and then back to Professor Manteia. "When the girls were discovered, Miss Green had possession of Miss Perthro's wand and attempted to attack those of us that were stopping her. Miss Perthro lost a lot of blood and has been taken to the hospital wing where Professor Lloyd is watching over her. She was unconscious. Miss Green has remained here, a silencing charm placed on her for the time being."
Arithmos listened to each and every word of Professor Weiss' explanation of the evening's events with a grim expression. He was not surprised that Bellatrix had Athene as an accomplice, but was struck by the ignorant nature of their combined actions. He had seen firsthand the damage caused by prejudice and had no tolerance for it, in any form.

Arithmos considered each detail meticulously and his intended course of action crystalized within the deep recesses of his mind. Better to die than dishonor. The two girls would learn the irony contained within those words. The temporary pain that they had experienced through their self-inflicted wounds would pale in comparison with what he had in store for them.

"I am deeply troubled by what has occurred and offer apologies on behalf of my house for the actions of the two girls involved. I assume that the headmistress has been notified already?", Arithmos enquired.
Bellatrix locked eyes with Belle but the Professor had soon turned away. Then listening into teh explanation she cackled on the inside, proud of her works. Take that Manteia! she thought, wanting to prove that she was not to be thought of lightly as he so often seemed to think of her.

((OoC: Will Athene's parents, ie, Leonardo and I, be informed of Athene's misbehaving? We need to know for our roleplay in the Summer Holidays.))
[Out of character - I am awaiting to hear back from Headmistress Barker on a proposed set of consequences. I would expect that Athene's parents will be notified and it is possible that Athene will be asked to return to school early, if Athene and Bellatrix are welcome back at all, that is. Feel free to PM me if you require more details.]
"You would be correct in your assumption." Professor King confirmed, "She should be here anytime, especially as we must open the hall. Students need breakfast and all that." He really wasn't sure what to think of this whole situation now. The act was disgusting, yes, but the people who did it were no big surprise. Bellatrix always seemed to fall back into her ways; he had almost given up on her and now he desired to just forget about her completely, condemn her to her ways. Then, Athene, though he didn't know much about her the way she wrote her essays etc. just seemed to confirm that she had many of the same values as Bellatrix. Athene could still be changed, he hoped, but Bellatrix was a lost cause to him.
Cecily apparated back into the great hall with a small pop. She saw that Arithmos was there already and looked to be well informed, if the grim look on his face told the tale. "Hello Arithmos,"she said apologetically. She wondered how rough it must be to have someone from his house acting up all the time.
Arithmos turned to Cecily as she entered and offered a quiet greeting before turning back to Professor Weiss and Professor King. "I think it would be best if I remove Miss Green from the Great Hall before the others are allowed in. She has already made enough of a spectacle of herself and doesn't warrant any additional attention. I will be taking her with me to the Hospital Wing so that I can inform her and Miss Perthro of their immediate consequences. Perhaps you could inform the headmistress that I will be coming to speak with her directly once I have my two embarassments secured?".

Professor Manteia wheeled around on Bellatrix and spoke in a tone devoid of all emotion, enunciating every syllable so that there was no chance for her to misinterpret him. "Do you wish to make your way to the hospital wing under your own volition? A simple nod will suffice, otherwise I will see to it that you make the journey under my direction.", he said plainly.
((HAHA =)) "Up to mischief
By: Professor Arithmos Manteia" how ironic :D)))

Professor King listened to Manteia and nodded, hoping his punishment was actually appropriate this time around.
Professor Nicolas King said:
((HAHA =)) "Up to mischief
By: Professor Arithmos Manteia" how ironic :D)))

Professor King listened to Manteia and nodded, hoping his punishment was actually appropriate this time around.
[Professor King, Feel free to let me know when you would like to try your hand as the Head of Slytherin. I would be interested to see how you might structure your punishments, particularly as you have such limited experience in the area dealing with all of the hardcore criminals that make up Gryffindor. PM]
Bellatrix glared at him darkly. b@st@rd... she thought. She then nodded slyly thinking that if he would let her go, she could run. Already formulating a plan of her escape.
Professor Manteia gave Bellatrix a look of sheer contempt. Did she actually believe that he was going to allow her any freedom after her recent exploits? Did she actually believe that he cared what her wishes were? The game was now about control and despite their egocentric natures, Bellatrix and Athene were about to learn precisely about who would speak for Slytherin at this school.

With a deft flick of his wand, Professor Manteia levitated the girl and directed her out a secondary entrance that led into an auxillary hallway. With swift precision, Professor Manteia guided Bellatrix up a series of staircases and arrived at the Hospital Wing without incident, relieved to have not met up with any other students.

[My apologies for the god mod, but I need to get you to the Hospital Wing thread so that I can advise you and Athene of your punishments so that we may proceed to the summer holidays]
ooc: Its okay. :D

As her brilliant thought bubble was popped she suddenly realized that she was now floating in the air and being levitated off. This made her furious and the first chance she would get, she vowed to injure Manteia in some way.
Cecily watched them leave, saddened. How could two such bright girls go so wrong? She shook her head. "Well, the hall looks good now. I'll open the doors so breakfast can be served. I have to get back to finish marking some papers." With a small grin, she disapparated to her greenhouse.

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