Up to mischief

Courtney's eyes widened at Crispin's actions. She didn't want to disobey Professor Rambolt, but she was curious to see what was going on. She tried to take a peek at what was in the Great Hall as Crispin pushed past the Herbology professor.

When Courtney heard Lily scream, she backed away. "What the heck is what?"
Kat jumped slightly with Professor Rambolt's tone that she took with the students. She then watched as Cripsin tried to weasel his way past her into the Great Hall. "Something bad has had to have happend. Professor Rambolt never acts like that. Oh my goodness! What on earth can it be?" Kat said to no one in particular. She half wanted to stay and let her curiosity get the better of her, but then the other half wanted to just leave and do as she was told.

Kat turned sheet white when she heard Lily scream out. "Wh...What is what Lily?" She was almost afraid to find out.
Professor Weiss looked up as the students pushed past Cecily into the hall. They had noticed the writing and, not waiting any longer, she waved her wand at the wall and yelled "Scourgify!" She had been hoping that Alicia would arrive before this, but they no longer had a choice. It was erase the wall or let the whole school see what happened.
"Bloody hell!" Cecily screeched. "Get back, all of you, or your houses will lose so many points your heads will spin!" She couldn't believe the audacity of Mr. Cold. She'd make sure to talk to his head of house. She watched Belle erase the writing on the wall, although she knew the children had seen it well enough.
Crispin scowled. He didn't care about house points. He glanced over at Lily and the others. "I don't care! Take them! What's going on? What the hell happened to Bella?"
Kat looked on in shock. She couldn't believe what she was actually seeing. She walked over to Crispin and grabbed his arm whispering to him, "Crispin! Please try to calm down. Just....just come stand over here with us! Don't get yourself in trouble." She was almost pleading with him, having a gut feeling that it wouldn't work at all.
Lily started to back away and as she did, she suddenly felt faint, then the world went black around her as she crumpled to the ground.

(((I am off to eat dinner. Feel free to godmod me a bit if needed)))
"LILY!" Courtney shouted as she saw her friend fall to the ground. Courtney rushed over to where Lily fell, and angrily glared around at all of the others. "What has happened to her?"
Crispin felt Kat grab his arm. He felt cold all over and his heart beat in his chest too fast. He barely heard what she said before he watched Lily faint beside him. She fell toward the ground as if in slow motion. He dove for her managing to catch her shoulders before her head hit the stone floor. He lowered her down and saw Courtney beside her.

"I don't know!" He glared at the professors. He still wanted answers.
Kat heard Courtney scream and then watched as Crispin jerked free from her grip and tried to catch Lily as she slumped to the ground. Kat felt a mixutre of anger, fear and helplessness flood over her, but the anger overtook everything else she was feeling.

She ran to Lily's side next to Courtney and Crispin. What in the name of Merlin is going on here? They can't keep this from us. Surely not! We've seen too much. With tears now filling her eyes Kat looked from Courtney to Cripsin and then back to Courtney. "What do we do now? Someone has got to explain something to us. I mean my God we have one here who's already passed out."

She pulled off her jacket and placed it under Lily's head.
Cecily looked to the other professors for help. She didn't feel she had the best grasp on her emotions. She pulled herself together long enough to go and kneel beside Miss Potter and check her pulse. "She's fine. She just fainted."
"Just fainted? JUST fainted?" Courtney cried, worried about the safety of her friend. She looked over at Professor Rambolt and crossed her arms. "I have no idea what is going on here, and don't really care to know any longer. I just want to make sure Lily is safe. Should she be taken to the hospital wing?"
(I'll be back on later. Head is pounding. :( )
Kat sat there wide-eyed, tears still streaming down her face, not really knowing what else to say. She of course wanted to know what was going on, but her first concern was Lily at the moment. She looked to Professor Rambolt to answer Courtney's question, though she thought she already knew the answer. She looked to Courtney and said in a hushed tone, "Maybe we should take her to the hospital wing. She'd be alot better off there then in this cold hallway."
Professor Weiss finished cleaning the wall of it's markings and then turned as she heard a scream and a commotion outside. "What is going on out there?" she yelled to Professor Rambolt. "Do you need help?"
"Miss Potter has fainted!" she called out to Belle. "Ennervate!" She cast the spell on Lily, hoping the girl would wake up and calm her friends.
Lily slowly heard voices around her. She opened her eyes slowly, the light paining them. "What happened?" she asked feebly.
Freya came downstairs early to leave the castle for a meeting. Seeing a commotion outside the Great Hall she headed over. At once she saw the doors ajar and several students gathered around another student who appeared to be lying on the floor. She rushed over and looked to Professor Rambolt. "What's going on? what's happened?" Not waiting for an answer she knelt down to Lily Potter and placed her hand on her head. Smoothing the hair from her face she looked at Courtney and asked the same questions, "Whats going on here?"
"Miss Potter fainted but I think she's alright now. Miss Potter? Lily? Are you alright?" she asked Lily. She turned her head to Freya. "We've had an...incident." She wasn't sure what she could say in front of the students.

(Couch calls. Be on later. Feel free to godmode me, speech and all. )
"We don't know! No one will tell us anything!" Kat said hatefully in reply to the questions that were being asked. She felt her face growing red hot with anger, though the tears had now subsided leaving her face streaked.
"Thank goodness you're okay Lily!" Courtney said while sighing with relief. She looked over at Professor Heimdall. "I'm afraid I have no idea what is going on, Professor. But I do believe whatever is in the great hall has caused Lily to faint."
Lily slowly came back to reality, not quite understanding how to explain what happened. She tried to sit up, her head joining in the pain from her eyes. "What was that on the wall? Blood? There was alot of blood all over." She looked at Professor Rambolt and then to her friends. "I think I will be fine, just need a drink of water I think."
Sensing all was fine with Lily, Freya stood and looked toward the Great Hall doors. Looking a Cecily and seeing her face, she knew something inside was not right. "Cecily, I assume you are off to find Alicia." Freya approached the doors, and speaking to the students gathered near she said, "Now you lot stay here. Let me find out what's going on first and then we'll let you know." Freya hoped that her calm demeanor and voice would pacify them somewhat until she could see what was going on.
Courtney gaped at Lily, shocked at what she had said. Blood all over? "What?" Courtney hissed at Lily. "Blood all over? Is somebody hurt in there?" She said and pointed towards the Great Hall.

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