Up to mischief

Kat hopped up and then directing her question to one of the available professors, she asked in a slightly less than polite tone, though not really rude, "Seeing as how we aren't allowed to go into the Great Hall, due to the, urm, apparent massacre....could someone at least hand me a glass so that I may get her some water." Kat shuddered as she thought about blood covering the Great Hall. She felt as though she might be sick, but took a deep breathe in and then the feeling subsided.
"Girls please," Freya said trying to calm them. She conjured a glass of cold water and handed it to Katalina. She then turned to the lone boy of the group. "Mr. Cold, I believe. Can you watch the situation out here while I go in and see what's going on? I may need you once I find out what's happened inside."
Professor Weiss heard the voice in the hall asking for a glass for water. She quickly gathered one from the table that had now been set for breakfast, and poured some water and took it to the hallway. "Professor Heimdahl, what a morning we are having, huh?" She motioned for her to follow her inside to converse, keeping her glass with her since Professor Heimdahl had already taken care of the request.
Kat watched as one of the professors motioned for the other to follow her inside the hall. Kat turned to Courtney, Lily, and Crispin and muttered, "There is no situation out here. It's all in there. There's nothing to watch out for here." Looking back at the closed doors and then back to her friends she said, "Should we wait here and see what's going on? Do you think they'll even tell us anything?" Kat was feeling very confused and didn't know what to do.
Once inside Freya took in the situation. "Sweet Merlin...What on earth?" Was all she managed to get out. Looking around she saw Bellatrix sitting at the Hufflepuff table and figured she was the cause of things. Looking to the wall behind the head table she saw the scrawl of latin and quickly translated. "Prejudice..." she muttered. "Belladonna, how can I help?" she said turning to her collegue.
Professor Weiss looked at the wall. "Darnit! I thought I had it all. Bellatrix and Athene decided it would be a fun time to paint on the wall with blood last night. If you want Freya, you could take a stab at ridding the wall permanently of the writing." she said with a strained smile. She was tired, and it was starting to show.
Courtney let out a large sigh and stared at the doors to the Great Hall. "You're right, there is nothing going on out here, Katalina. If I wasn't so worried about people being hurt on the inside, I would probably head back to the common room."

She turned her attention to the prefect badge sitting on her sweater. "Maybe we should just keep out of things. I mean, I fully trust the Professors to know what they're doing."
Freya went to the wall to help clean it up. And then it occured to her, "Did anyone alert Manteia? I'm sure he'd love to know what Bellatrix has been up to and I'm sure he would want to be involved in the punishment." Freya continued to work.
Katalina caught a glimpse of Courtney looking at the prefect badge that she was wearing. She too hoped to wear that badge someday and knew that Courtney was right, though she wouldn't admit it out loud. "It's not that I don't trust the professors because I do. I trust them with my life. I just want to know why there is blood all in the great hall. Aren't you just the least bit curious?" Kat pondered for a moment and then added, "Maybe we could just sit here. Not cause anymore problems and then maybe we'll get something that will clue us in."
"Yes. I have alerted him. I have not heard anything from him yet though," Belladonna replied. She then stretched and yawned. "Wow. This has been a wild night." She sent a glare over to Bellatrix, still sitting silent and bound at the Hufflepuff table. "So I have been trying to think over a proper punishment for these darlings, and have come up with the idea that they need to get to know the other houses around here. Starting with Hufflepuff. I do believe they will be having their meals with Hufflepuff first term, then how about Ravenclaw second term. Then Gryffindor if they have not reformed. Plus whatever punishments Headmistress Barker and Professor Manteia feel they deserve."

(((NP Freya. I will be leaving myself. And I did sent Manteia a PM to inform him of what is going on, encouraging him to read the thread. I am leaving it up to him to decide to join us or not. :) )))
Lily took the glass of water and drank. She then stood up, and finally spoke. "I want to know why there was so much blood all over the place. And what on earth was Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor written on the wall in it?"
(((I have been updated, and now I am going to assume the doors of the hall are shut. If I am incorrect simply point out such a fact.)))

Professor King had been busying himself with cleaning and the likes, attempting to ignore the hysteria that he knew was going to ensue. As Freya appeared and the number of students continued to increase he grew more and more impatient. After turning over one last chair and cleaning the blood off of it too he closed to the door with the very confused children on the opposite side. He knew they had a right to be confused, he would be too, but he could prefer their confusion be shown in a more productive manner. He aimed his wand at the door and cast two charms, one locking it and the second muffling all noise from passing through either side of the door. "I hope you don't mind that, but if we need to leave or another Professor needs to enter apparation is still an obvious option." he called out to his colleagues.

(((In canon, Hogwarts does not allow anybody to apparate in or out of (or to other places within) the school. However, within HNZ canon (through past role plays) it has been established that Hogwarts New Zealand is "uber" magical in the fact that it allows employees of the school to apparate in and out.)))
Bellatrix sneered as she heard the continuious talking of the students and Professors. Contact Manteia....he won't do sh1t.... she thought. There is nothng that any of you can do to stop me, I shall once more follow your pitiful plans to reform me, fool you, and stab you in the back once more.
Freya turned from her job of scourgifying the wall and exclaimed "What about that lot outside. Perhaps once things are cleaned up we can bring them in and explain what happened and force on them the severity of the situation and that such prejudice will not be tolerated. They are going to talk about what they saw or didn't see. Better they should be spreading more truth then rumor."
Cecily considered it before nodding. "Freya has a point, the need for truth is important," she said, rubbing her temples. Her head felt like it was about to burst. She wasn't so sure she should be the one to do it. Her head felt fuzzy and that weird niggling in the back of her mind was still there, only becoming more painful.
Freya nodded at Cecily spoke. While watching her though Freya noted that Cecily didn't look to well. "Cecily, are you okay? Why don't you sit down, you don't look well." She exclaimed with concern on her face.
Belladonna noticed how Cecily was rubbing her temples. "I agree. Cecily you need to take a seat. We don't want to have you pass out like that student did." She looked at her with concern. "Don't worry, we can handle the rest of this. Just take a break for a bit."
Cecily sat down indian style on the floor. Her shaky legs wouldn't support her to get a chair. "I'm sure I'll be fine in a minute," she said reassuringly.
Freya turned her attention to the clean up. "Well, we seem to be almost finished." She looked at Belladonna and Nicholas. "So what's the verdict on the students outside? Shall we bring them in and display Miss Green as a bad example or how do you want to handle." Freya looked toward Bellatrix again. She had never been so disappointed in anyone. All that help she gave to Caysi was basically for nothing and it was apparent she was a helpless case. Such potential for greatness, but she chose the gutter instead. "Sad..." she said under her breath.
"This is not my decision." Professor King replied, who had finished cleaning half of the hall with spuratic help from others whenever they had a moment to. "I agree that the students need the truth, though they did not need to see the hall how it was. I figure a mass gathering where somebody can explain and then Ms. Green and Ms. Perthro can be made an example of may be the best scenario."
Cecily sat in silence. She felt awful for those girls, those misguided teenagers. Their minds corrupted by their parents or guardians.

She spoke up once she got a handle on her dizziness. "It should be up to their head of house," she rasped, her throat dry. She conjured a glass of water and drank from it.

"The rest can be handled by one of us,"she said, agreeing with Nicholas. "For now, I must leave and get a potion. I'll be back."

Taking the care not to go through the doors and repeat her mistake, she stood up and apparated to her office.
"Well, I am still relatively new here and will follow what the rest of you agree to. And I'm sure Professor Manteia can come up with an extremely suitable punishment."

((Can we assume the place is cleaned up now?))
(((as long as other people role play their portions of the hall as clean it sounds good :p )))

Professor King nodded, "I just hope he realises a talk may not be enough this time." he knew it was a viable solution at times, but this did not seem the time at all.
"Well, Belle, Nick. If you no longer need me, I have an important appointment to get to. I'll leave you two to it." Freya smiled and then apparated herself back to her room to get ready.

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