Two very special bunches of roses.

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
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Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
unless you have been sleeping under a rock for the last two weeks you can't have missed the abundance of rose threads that have been posted with students (and staff) sending roses to each other. here are the last roses.

To Rowan and Daphne.
Thank you very much for all your work in organising and coordinating the Delivery of the roses. The event was so much fun to be part of sending, delivering and receiving them. I am looking forward to being part of it in future years. Thank you also for the comprehensive rose directory it made it so easy to track down roses sent and watch the reaction.
please take a bunch of roses each in thanks.


Dibs on the second, it comes with a basket!

No but Mia, thank you so much for this! It was a lot of fun to organize the roses this year and we should be the ones thanking you all for picking up so many of them to deliver. It fell right into kind of a busy time for me, and without all the people volunteering to deliver them it wouldn't have been possible.

omgomg Mia this is so lovely :wub: :hug: thank you so much! Thank you for all your help too, and thanks everyone who helped deliver, this has been so much fun! (And thanks Daph for taking the lead and letting me help!! :wub: )

(I'm definitely stealing the top bunch of roses, it has purple ones, so mysterious, what does a purple rose mean????? next year we introduce a new rose colour.... what does it mean... people you hate? people you respect? people you just think have really good fashion? the possiblities are endless )
next year we introduce a new rose colour.... what does it mean... people you hate? people you respect? people you just think have really good fashion? the possiblities are endless )

I feel like people you hate would be a surprisingly popular choice.
Aawhhh this is so sweet :wub:

Yass, thanks Daphne and Rowan for organising!! And everyone who delivered! I always love this time of year, so much fun ^_^
Yass!! Thank you guys for organising this :wub:
Dibs on the second, it comes with a basket!
I was trying to find two with baskets but couldn't find a nice second bunch so it was a bunch but then I found one in a vase.
(I'm definitely stealing the top bunch of roses, it has purple ones, so mysterious, what does a purple rose mean????? next year we introduce a new rose colour.... what does it mean... people you hate? people you respect? people you just think have really good fashion? the possiblities are endless )

I feel like a thank you rose would be used a lot. and I am glad there was no argument over who got which one.

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