Closed Truth or Dare #2

Demi Zephyr

Make me your villain ɪɴqᴜᴇꜱᴛɪɢᴀᴛᴏʀ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Straight 18 Inch Flexible Pear Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
09/2050 (13)
Last year things had been a complete mess after Tori's game of Truth or Dare. In fact, some things were still a mess, and therefore in the spirit of trying to resolve things, Demi had in passing one morning earlier in the week told Tori to host the session again in order to reverse it. The Gryffindor however had told her in less than pleasant words to go away and that if she wanted another session she'd better do it herself. Therefore, the second year found herself in the student lounge a few days later, waiting for the rest of those who'd joined last year to return, and to hopefully unravel some of the knots they'd started. She had no idea who, if anyone, would join, but what was the worst that could happen? "Different rules this time round. If you answer a question correctly, you can ask someone for a truth or dare. Otherwise move on!" Maybe it would make people more inclined to get an answer right.

OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to round two!
Everyone from the previous game has been invited, and if any other second-years would like to join, feel free!
On the floor in the middle of the circle are some question cards. Take it in turns to answer the question and if you're correct, you can ask someone truth or dare.
As this is supposed to be a study session, the questions are based on first and second year class knowledge.
Good luck!

@Victoria de Lacey @Felix Layton-King @Eoghan Blyth @Lumos Walden-Cade @Jonah Edogawa @Kiera Potter-Cade @William Potter-Cade @Nox Walden-Cade @Ondine Physwick @Esme Styx-Cade @Susie Lagowski @Lilith Ilves @Amory Raven @Eurydice Nightray

Godmod approved
Felix knew hosting another Truth or Dare study session was going to go down as well as a chocolate cake on fire, but that was precisely why he was here. In fact, he'd even brought snacks to watch the show. Taking a seat on one of the cushions around the edge of the circle, he waited to see if other students would turn up at all for the afternoon of entertainment.
Eoghan wasn't sure whether Lili would have joined for another game, especially given her friendship with Demi. In truth Eoghan didn't want to see Demi either, but he also knew that the rest of his friends were likely all in the same room and maybe it was the place to be if dispelling rumors was something he wanted to do. If anyone still had any inclinations that what Demi said was true, then it was time to put a stop to it.
Lumos had heard from Demi that they were doing another Study session and honestly he was a little surprised after what had happened last time. Since he was her best friend though, he knew he had to at least show up to be able to support her. As he headed into the room with Jonah trailing behind him, he winked at Demi, before dropping into a seat beside her. "So?" He had no idea why they were doing this again, but he was also surprised that Tori wasn't hosting it.

@Jonah Edogawa
Jonah was entirely skeptical about a repeat of the study session from last year. While it had gone mostly well on his part at the time, that was just about the time he and Lumos kind of sort of met, he was pretty sure it hadn't quite gone well with the rest. Still, he couldn't exactly turn down Lumos' invitation, especially since he was pretty sure Felix was gonna be there too. And besides, Jonah needed to study anyway. His grades weren't exactly the best. And so he trailed behind Lumos, keeping his head down before sitting down besides him. He spotted Felix nearby and he contemplated sitting with him instead since surely Lumos wanted to sit with both Nox and Demi. But he was pretty sure Felix wanted to sit with his girlfriend. He supposed, as long as he wasn't sitting next to the Ravenclaws, this was fine for now. He could always move over to Felix later, but he did give his best friend a wave and a small smile.

@Felix Layton-King @Lumos Walden-Cade
Jasper had been invited to Truth or Dare by Tori and was happy to tag along to it if she wanted him there. But when he stepped into the room, he hesitated, considering walking out again. Tori wasn't there and he wasn’t really friends with anyone here, he knew Felix from the dorms but otherwise it was an unfamiliar crowd that felt a little intimidating. He decided to stick with it and plopped down onto a cushion, crossing his legs. He stared mostly at his shoes feeling uncomfortable and really hoping Tori would show up soon to make this all less awkward for him.
Nox had no idea why they were hosting another study session given what happened last time they'd done. Half of them didn't even speak to each other any more. Demi was an interesting choice to host given she seemed to be one of the main culprits when it came to people falling out, she and Tori didn't get along last he checked so to see Demi organising the event was even stranger. Nox waited in the lounge with the others, not really talking to anyone, Lumos was busy with Demi and Jonah and Tori hadn't arrived yet, so he would just wait.
Tori had been surprised to learn they were doing another study session, especially considering how the last one had gone and especially considering when Demi had told her to do another one, and Tori had told her flippantly to basically f#ck off, since she didn’t want to have to deal with it. She hadn’t expected that Demi would actually do it. She was more surprised than she felt like she had any right to be. She basically hadn’t spoken to her since then and really she didn’t know Demi outside of what the girl had done to her best friend in that time. Causing problems for Lili and Eoghan like that and then doubling down was not her idea of a good thing. She’d invited Jasper along, since he hadn’t been there last year, and she hoped it would be nice to spend some more time with his since the Yule ball. She’d been thinking about it alot, and how he’d been so nice to show up early and everything, and he’d said he liked her dress. That probably meant he liked her right? She noticed him immediately and moved to sit beside him, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Hi Jasper, you came.” She hadn’t been sure he would, but it was nice to have all of her friends in one place for once. She was really happy he'd decided to come though. "Hey Nox," she said, patting her other side to see if he would take a seat.

@Jasper Beese
When Lilith had been invited to the study session part two her knee-jerk reaction had been to not go, to absolutely avoid it at all costs. However then she had realized that would seem like she was hiding and scared and she refused to hide any longer, she had done that for long enough last semester. As she entered the already packed room she gave a warm smile to everyone and skipped next to Eoghan. "Hi," the second year said to him then turned to look for Tori. "Hi Tori," Lilith said as she spotted her best friend, not missing the boy next to her.
Truth or dare study session part 2 was not on Amory's bingo card but as soon as he'd been invited he had asked @Rose Edogawa to join him. To his delight she had agreed so they entered the room together. "Just take it easy and don't feel pressured to do anything you aren't comfortable with." The Slytherin spoke gently to the girl while pulling her to sit with him by the hand, not wanting her to feel like he was ditching her. Amory sat next to Felix and gave a short hi before turning his attention back to Rose.
Rose clung to Amory's hand, already dreading the amount of people in the room. She did spot her brother and gave him a quick smile and a small wave before being pulled along by Amory and sitting next to him, tucking her feet up under her like she was used to, though she wasn't used to sitting on a pillow actually. She could see the cards in the middle of the floor, but she didn't think she would do very well here, as she wasn't a very good student, but she figured she should probably at least try, since she was here after all. As soon as they sat down, Rose kept her hand in Amory's appreciating the fact that he was showing he had her back by physically supporting her. She liked that about him. He understood that sometimes, she just needed someone to hold her nerves physically at bay, and she'd never even had to say a word to him. "The room feels a little tense," she whispered softly into his ear.​
Jonah knew he had been... quite... distant... with everyone for months. Most days, he didn't want to be in the presence of most people, his family most of all. It had become second nature to avoid everybody unless absolutely needed; for the most part, he'd been left alone in his room during the holidays. And well, it was a lot easier in school since... he wasn't in the same house as Rose or Elijah. Sayuri too. When they'd left the house this semester, he didn't feel that all-consuming need to remove his presence from the room when his siblings were around. Even now, when he saw Amory walk in with Rose of all people. He'd heard that she'd attended the Ball with him, but now that he's seeing both of them, it was weird. Jonah gave back a small wave and an unsure smile, but he couldn't help how it turned into a small frown as Rose took a seat beside Amory and away from Jonah, and he stared at their hands, frown deepening. Things were so different now. He shook his head, not really able to take the tension anymore, so he reached over and grabbed a card. "Incantation for disarming an opponent," he read out. He bit his lip, he was pretty sure it was that next spell he and Lumos would be practicing. Spell something. No, that sounded stupid. "Spellia-no, it's uh... Expelliarmus?" he turned to Lumos, unsure.

@Lumos Walden-Cade @Amory Raven @Rose Edogawa
Demi was shocked but delighted at the turn out for Truth or Dare. There were a couple of extra Gryffindors which she'd figured was Tori's doing (perhaps she needed the back up if another fight broke out) and while not everyone had returned yet from the previous year, there was still a good number. Jonah was quick to start them off with their first question, and the Ravenclaw nodded. "Yep! You get to choose someone to ask now." She instructed, glad to see him take the initial leap to get the ball rolling.

@Jonah Edogawa
Jonah turned his attention from Lumos to Demi, looking at her just a little suspiciously. He didn't know Demi much, aside from them joking around about him possibly getting expelled last year and that she was Lumos' best friend. He waited a beat for if she was going to make fun of his little slip, but he relaxed minutely when she didn't. "Truth or dare," he nodded towards her.

@Demi Zephyr
Demi was watching to see who Jonah would choose, although she blinked at him for a second when he picked her. "Truth then," she replied, not wanting to dip a toe into the water of dares. Perhaps it would have been a good time to do that since William wasn't here, but she'd learned from last year that maybe some truths were in order.

@Jonah Edogawa
Jonah bit his lip. He probably should have thought about this more because Demi was Lumos' best friend. And he'd only heard it from his dad in passing - more like he'd heard his dad muttering about it when Jonah almost went to talk to him. "I... Why are you fighting with her?" she asked gesturing to Tori, because in the last game, the two of them seemed to get on well enough. And Lumos was sort of stressed about the fight too, so maybe it'll be good try to figure it all out now.

@Demi Zephyr @Victoria de Lacey
Eoghan's stomach fell out as Jonah asked Demi why she'd been fighting with Tori. He said nothing but shot Demi a piercing glare, hand moving slowly to rest on Lilith's knee as she sat silently beside him, and willed the Ravenclaw not to expose them. He realised then that it didn't matter whether they'd come to this game or not, these questions could have been asked even if they'd not been in the room, but at least this way they'd have an idea of what was being said.
Lumos had been about to tell Jonah he was correct when Demi beat him to it and he grinned at her, nudging Jonah's shoulder with his own. He was glad how much is friend was growing and learning and they were getting somewhere with his studies. Maybe Lumos wasn't the best studier, but he knew a thing or two about charms and he could toss up a decent defensive shield. It would have been a bit slack if he couldn't even do at least that much given both of his parents were aurors. He turned to look at Jonah in a bit of a shock since he hadn't expected him to ask about that. To be honest though, he was also kind of interested in the answer and he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Tori looked really uncomfortable about this particular line of questioning.​
Lilith's eyes widened and she looked toward Tori with alarms ringing in her ears and then she felt Eoghan's reassuring touch on her knee. Only that did very little to calm her beating heart that was threatening to leap out of her chest. Swallowing past the heavy lump in her throat the Ravenclaw anxiously waited for a response from her former friend, fighting against the need to space out to escape the uncomfortable situation.
It probably wasn't a good idea to go back to another study session with the same group given everything that had happened last time, and it probably wasn't a good idea to invite Eury, but he couldn't believe she hadn't been invited since she had been there the first time. It might risk blowing up a slightly repaired relationship with Demi, but he didn't want to have to explain to Eury why he hadn't invited her, because he really didn't have a good reason not to. He made his way into the lounge with Eury and after she spotted her cousin Rose she kissed his cheek and went to sit with her while he went off and sat between Jonah and Eoghan.
Demi paused, looking between Jonah and Tori and trying to ignore the look she was getting from Eoghan as she thought about her answer. Maybe it was good to finally put the record straight to those who had only heard the rumors. "I.. wasn't fighting with her, she was fighting with me." she began, letting it known that she wasn't the one to start it. She glanced back to Eoghan, figuring that he didn't want to be made out to be a cheater if by some mistake she had seen the wrong thing. The room was practically silent as they waited for her to explain. "Tori was defending Lilith and Eoghan," she continued, "I thought I had seen something I shouldn't have, so I told Lilith. But I think I was probably wrong." Would that be enough to convince them that Eoghan hadn't specifically done anything bad? At least, nothing Demi had actually seen. She was about to explain herself more when she spotted William in her peripherals, and decided she had nothing more to say.
Tori was not satisfied with the answer in the slightest, though she tried not to let that show on her face. She was fighting with me, I was probably wrong? Way to make it sound like this hadn't been something going on for weeks. Demi just hadn't known when to leave well enough alone and if Tori hadn't punched her twice she probably wouldn't even have said this much threatening to out her friends like that? Trying to cause problems between her and Eoghan and Lilith? Acting as though she had been doing the right thing when she was hurting everyone around her? Tori knew there was a reason she hadn't liked her when they'd met last year, and she'd only gone on to prove it. She didn't know if she believed this act now, it was probably more like Demi realised she was outnumbered by people that were more likely on Tori's side of this whole thing, rather than anything else. She should have probably invited Asher, but she didn't think this was his scene, he would have been here to defend her, she trusted him. Instead, she looked away from both Eoghan and Lilith, turning her whole body almost to try and keep her face as neutral as possible. Demi was nothing more than a dirty liar and she hadn't said anything to make Tori think otherwise.​
Amory let out a little hum to what Rose had just whispered to his ear and nodded. "Who knows who here has their knickers twisted today," he mumbled looking around, it could be anyone of them by the looks of it. When a question was asked Amory brought his eyes back to the situation, having a faint memory of his dormmate mentioning this fight. He was now fully invested and was not expecting what was said. His eyes shot to the two Ravenclaws, one of whom was someone he'd spoke to before, Lilith. She was looking rather uncomfortable and like she was about to throw up and pass out.
Eurydice was both surprised and not surprised when William invited her to join another study session that involved the group from last year. Surprised because that group was still a thing, especially after rumours and just general dislike going on in the group. Not surprised that she wasn't invited because apparently Demi organized it and the girl had it out for her. As soon as she and William arrived, her hand on his arm as their usual, she spotted Rose and immediately lit up. She quickly told William that she'll be sitting with Rose for a bit - the seating arrangement was bound to get messed up at some point anyway - and kissed him on the cheek before running off to squeeze herself in between Jasper and Rose. "Hey," she told her cousin, grinning. "And hey Amory," she greeted the Slytherin, "What'd I miss?" she asked her cousin. "You're new," she also commented to their classmate that she was sure wasn't here the previous year.

@Jasper Beese @Rose Edogawa @Amory Raven
Demi - Lumos - Jonah - William - Eoghan - Lilith - Tori - Jasper - Eurydice - Rose - Amory - Felix -
Felix didn't really know much about the fight that had taken place last semester, only that the Ravenclaw had come to class with a broken nose for a few weeks. The Gryffindor was looking between Eoghan Lilith and Tori, with a suspicious glance in Amory's direction when his best friend seemed to notice something. "What did you see?" he thought out loud, oblivious to Lilith's discomfort. "Are you and Eoghan an item?" He asked the Gryffindor, surely that was why Tori was involved in the first place. Spotting Eoghan's hand on Lilith's knee however, he let out a silent oh.
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