False: I have straight teeth-don't see the point if I don't need them.

TPBM is finally on top of things.
False... I am always one step behind

TPBM is always late!
For some reasons, I find this a little bit true.

TPBM has been elected as a school councilor before.
False: i have been twice in different schools but both times because the person in the post, quit or left.
TPBM: has eaten/wants to eat Kangaroo.
Ick, false. I'm more of the; Save The Kangaroos campaign. ;)

TPBM is sorted into the Slytherin house in Pottermore
False, I'm a Badger!

TPBM likes Kiwi
if you mean kiwi fruit yes (especially the golden ones), Kiwi people, depends on the person, kiwi bird, i have never seen one.
TPBM thinks turquoise is an awesome colour.
Well, I just realized that I do. Thanks for pointing out.

TPBM would love to be a singer instead of an actress/actor.
False. I would prefer to do neither, but if forced to choose I would much rather act than sing.

TPBM reads his or her horoscope every day.
so true.
TPBM wants some of the hobnobs that are sitting in the kitchen in front of me.
No idea if that is true or false. Don't know what they are. :p
TPBM should be sleeping right now.
Hadan Hensel said:
No idea if that is true or false. Don't know what they are. :p
TPBM should be sleeping right now.
Hobnobs are biscuits
False, it is 4:05pm, however i really should tidy up a little before dad gets home form work
TPBM reads a news paper in the morning with breakfast.
FALSE. :correct: I'm more of the type that just watches the news.

TPBM just yawned a few minutes ago. Probably five or ten minutes. :r
False, but now i am thinking about it i want to yawn.
TPBM: likes the big bang theory (the TV show)
True :doh: but since its comin up to Christmas I wouldn't start being healthy now :r
TPBM loves Christmas songs
False - My sister says I don't.
TPBM Plays the accordion.
False. I only play guitar and piano, but I would like to learn how to play lyre.

TPBM always watches news.
False- when I do it just depresses me especially with a budget coming up on Monday :doh:
TPBM- plays the violin
False - I don't play any instrument really :(

TPBM lives in Europe.
False. I lived in the United States.

TPBM likes to play video games.

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