Three First Years

Henry Lamoril

Let’s do this.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (Too Young)
Sexual Orientation
Too Young
Straight 15 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Hello, RPers of Hogwarts New Zealand! I am still new to this site and would love some friends to RP with. I have three little sorted first years in need of some friends, or possibly rivals. (My little chromebook can't handle gifs so I'll have to make do with images to introduce them!) First up we have...

Silas Secunda - Ravenclaw

My orphan baby wizard of unknown descent, Silas is rife with trust issues. Intelligent, shy, and a little rebellious, Silas would love to make some friends about his own age, particularly in his House. He loves video games and old movies, hobbies which are really no good in the wizarding world. He needs some socialization and some new hobbies!

November Adelar - Slytherin

Pureblood status pending--November was raised by magical parents and has two little sisters she'd do anything for. She isn't exactly a blood status supremacist but doesn't quite understand muggle-borns or how they fit into her world. She's proud to be a Slytherin and would be happy to make new friends. Mostly, November is naive and young and doesn't know much about how the world works. Her views could probably be persuaded by someone convincing.

Hanry Lamoril - Slytherin

A muggle-born in Slytherin, Henry is definitely open to some rivalries. He is a natural leader and could also use some friends who want to follow him around or look up to him. Sarcastic but friendly, Henry loves sports and being active, and is looking forward to learning various charms and hexes once classes begin.

I am super open to plotting, just reply or message me and we can get started! I am new to this site but have been RPing for over a decade so I have plenty of experience and would love to get things going here.
Hi Quinn!

I could offer my first year Chase for Silas. I don't know how well they'd get along but it seems like the most interesting combination since I'm not sure how Chase would be with the other two. Chase loves videogames as well so there might be the odd chance that they could bond over that but just like Silas he has some (minor) trust issues so it might be fun to see how that plays out!
Hi Marijke! Thanks for responding to my post!
I could definitely see Chase and Silas getting along. Henry definitely needs some hobbies that aren't video gaming, things that he can do at the school, and he doesn't really know a lot about how the wizarding world works. Maybe the pair meet at the library or something?
Hi Quinn! I can offer my girl Dahlia for any of your firsties but I could mostly see her as a (friendly?) rival to Henry or someone to challenge November? She's muggleborn and very proud of that fact, loves sports (especially netball and Aussie rules, because Melbourne), a bit stuck up at times but not unfriendly. She's not the type to be a follower more a collaborative leader lol. Up to you if you think anything could work, if not that's okay!
*waddle ins shyly and waves* hiiiiii

Soooo I can offer my firstie, Conan, to any of your firsties! Though I think he may get along more with Slias. They're in the same house and such. Conan loves to cause mischief and stuff, so if Slias is into any sort of mischief we can totally do something with that - Or Silas could introduce or talk about video games and such. Conan has grown up in a magical home, so he doesn't really know the muggle world technology.

lmk what u think hehe!
Hi Quinn! I could offer my 4th year Axel here for Silas. He was pretty absent last year but I'm hoping for at least a few RPs with him this year. I think having grown up in the magical world his whole life himself, hed be intrigued by Silas. I can't say he'll be the nicest of people or not possibly give Silas incorrect info about the magical world because he'd fine it funny, but... maybe if Silas catches him on a good day :p
Let me know if you're interested!
Hi Quinn! I can offer my girl Dahlia for any of your firsties but I could mostly see her as a (friendly?) rival to Henry or someone to challenge November? She's muggleborn and very proud of that fact, loves sports (especially netball and Aussie rules, because Melbourne), a bit stuck up at times but not unfriendly. She's not the type to be a follower more a collaborative leader lol. Up to you if you think anything could work, if not that's okay!
Hi Camilla! I would love to RP her with either one, maybe November because I haven't gotten a chance to RP with her yet? I'm sure they would have a class together where they could meet, or maybe Dahlia tries to recruit November to a spontaneous netball game?

*waddle ins shyly and waves* hiiiiii

Soooo I can offer my firstie, Conan, to any of your firsties! Though I think he may get along more with Slias. They're in the same house and such. Conan loves to cause mischief and stuff, so if Slias is into any sort of mischief we can totally do something with that - Or Silas could introduce or talk about video games and such. Conan has grown up in a magical home, so he doesn't really know the muggle world technology.

lmk what u think hehe!
Hi Maria! It would be so cool for Silas to meet someone in his own house. He might introduce himself to Conan while they're checking out the dorm room or something like that.
Hi Quinn! I could offer my 4th year Axel here for Silas. He was pretty absent last year but I'm hoping for at least a few RPs with him this year. I think having grown up in the magical world his whole life himself, hed be intrigued by Silas. I can't say he'll be the nicest of people or not possibly give Silas incorrect info about the magical world because he'd fine it funny, but... maybe if Silas catches him on a good day :p
Let me know if you're interested!
Hi Cyndi! As long as you think Axel would be down to talking to a first year, it would be great to get to know an older student in his House! Maybe he gets stuck outside the Common Room and asks Axel for help?

Anyone feel free to continue the thread or message me for plots :D
Hi Maria! It would be so cool for Silas to meet someone in his own house. He might introduce himself to Conan while they're checking out the dorm room or something like that.
Oooo yes! That sounds good! I have an open thread for the first year Ravenclaw boys here if you wanna join! Otherwise, if you want a fresh thread too, that's all good too!
Hi Marijke! Thanks for responding to my post!
I could definitely see Chase and Silas getting along. Henry definitely needs some hobbies that aren't video gaming, things that he can do at the school, and he doesn't really know a lot about how the wizarding world works. Maybe the pair meet at the library or something?

Sounds good! Do you want to start it or would you like me to?
Hi Cyndi! As long as you think Axel would be down to talking to a first year, it would be great to get to know an older student in his House! Maybe he gets stuck outside the Common Room and asks Axel for help?
That would work! Would you like to start the roleplay or would you prefer that I start it?
Oooo yes! That sounds good! I have an open thread for the first year Ravenclaw boys here if you wanna join! Otherwise, if you want a fresh thread too, that's all good too!
I replied ^_^
Sounds good! Do you want to start it or would you like me to?
I started a thread here!
That would work! Would you like to start the roleplay or would you prefer that I start it?
I started it here!
Hi Quinn! Welcome to HNZ!

I have two firsties, but they're both in different houses than your kids haha. I could offer Ezra as a friend to either of your boys, but he also likes sports so maybe he's a good match for Henry? Ezra is a friendly kid who plays guitar and mostly just wants to make a lot of friends, he's a bit of a people-pleaser so he would probably be drawn to someone who is more of a leader.
Hey Quinn! Welcome to site!

I can offer Akira to any of your kids? She's a Slytherin first year, girly girl, however, friendly, and pretty much open to communicate with everyone! Let me know what you think!
Hey Quinn! Welcome to site!

I can offer Akira to any of your kids? She's a Slytherin first year, girly girl, however, friendly, and pretty much open to communicate with everyone! Let me know what you think!
Hi! It sounds like she might get along with November, maybe they can meet in their dorm?
Hi! It sounds like she might get along with November, maybe they can meet in their dorm?
That sounds amazing to me! Are you willing to start the thread or i should?

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