The Lynx Boys

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
Linden stepped out of the showers. his yellow towel wrapped around his waist. it had been an intense practice and he had been grateful for the heat of the shower on his back. he knew that compared to most of his teammates he was in good condition. keeping wasn't a particularly demanding job but that didn't save him from the drills. and being keeper tended to save you from most of the bludgers but he still had one bruise coming up on his arm from where one lucky, or unlucky, hit had glanced off him. he didn't know how the other players like the seekers did it, they were flying targets.
he reached his stuff and used the t-shirt he had trained in to dry the water from his back and shoulders doing his best to keep his focus on the wall the hooks and the bag in front of him and not look at the other boys in various stages of changing. he wasn't going to embarrass himself.
he reached into his bag to get his deodorant only to realise that the distinct metal cylinder was nowhere to be found. he turned around "hey does anyone have a spray I can use" he said. Surely someone would have some he could use.

OOCOut of Character:
open to the boys on the Hufflepuff boys team. for some male team bonding or whatever ends up happening. no real plans. credit to @Ainsley Lynch for the Title inspiration
Jordie was the weirdest mixture of pumped and drained. He was fit, well toned for a twelve year old. He ran twice a day and he worked out regularly for the team. He was almost thirteen, after all. He was quick to shower, not wanting to mess up his hair too much. He had quickly dried and gotten dressed, and was stationed in front of the mirror he kept in his locker. He was fussing with his hair, trying to make sure it was pretty, when he heard someone else ask for some spray. Jordie peeked over to see Linden. "I've got three, you have a preference?" He asked, turning to look at his different scents. Jordie couldn't help it; he liked to have lots of pretty smells to choose from.
Practice had been fun and Lucas was kind of sad it was over. He had been trying his best to distract himself as much as possible from things he didn't want to worry about, and Quidditch was the perfect distraction for him. He was trying to fix his hair into something decent, trying to put one stray curl into place, when he heard Linden and Jordie talk. He frowned and looked up, distracted. "You have three?" He asked the younger boy, confused. "Why?"
As much as Connor loved sports, he had never been especially fond of the aftermath. After giving his all on the pitch it was difficult to get up the energy for the shower he badly needed, but the alternative of sitting around caked in his own sweat was infinitely less appealing. So he had dragged himself into the shower and out again, and was now in the process of getting his things together to head back up to the castle. He looked up from his bag when Linden asked about spray, having just reached for his own can. "Oh, hold up." Connor picked up the can and blasted himself with what he hoped was enough body spray to cover any residual sweat, and a little extra for good measure. He knew Nikko would understand, the Gryffindor being an athlete as well, but he still felt like he should be more cautious than usual now that he had a boyfriend. "I've got, uh, Lynx Australia if that's good?" He asked, holding the can out for Linden now that he was finished. He felt a bit stereotypical, but picking a scent that was named after his home made him feel almost like he was back there. He couldn't imagine why Jordan needed three options, but having one already to hand he figured he may as well offer it.
Linden was not expecting the responce he got. it seemed like everyone had some that they would offer him and if not it seemed like Jordie had some to spare. "Three? what do you have" he asked echoing Lucas's surprise. he was curious did they smell the same or were there a choice. was it one that was almost empty and a backup. part of him wanted to know.
then another voice came up and he looked towards Connor "They make a lynx Australia?" he asked. how did he not know about that? "could I have a try mate? it sounds cool" he said. unconsciously slipping into a slightly more Australian accent as he spoke to the other aussie.
Jordie chuckled, taking half a moment to fight a stubborn curl before turning to wink at one of the other boys. He wasn't fussed that Linden had gone for Connor's spray instead. "I got three because I like pretty smells," he replied simply. "It's like styling your hair different or wearing different outfits. I have moods." He explained like it was the simplest thing ever.
Lucas wasn't surprised Connor had some cool scent, he always smelled nice. Nikko probably thought so too. He bitterly pushed the thought away and turned his attention to his hair again. He snorted at Jordie's explanation, not entirely kindly. But then he felt bad. "Guess it's smart to have options." He said lightly.
Connor couldn't help a small laugh at Linden's surprise, allowing a little more Aussie to slip back into his accent as he responded. "Go for it, mate." He smiled, tossing the can carefully for Linden to catch. He listened as Jordan explained his preferences, supposing that it made sense to have a variety if your mood changed. He had never really bothered paying that much attention to things relating to his appearance, but maybe it wasn't a bad idea.
René always felt awkward in changing rooms. Growth spurts in the past few years made all his clothes fit funny and his arms always felt too long compared to everyone else. At least on the Quidditch teams, there were older students who didn't make René feel so tall, but it was a close thing.

He'd been listening to the other's talk about Lynx as he got changed, glad to be out of the sun, before glancing down the stick deodorant he had in his bag and then back at Connor and Linden. "Hey, can I try some too?" He asked. It'd probably be easier to ask Jordie for one of his three cans, but René couldn't help but think it'd be cooler to copy the older boys more.
Lin nodded an agreement as jordan explained why he had three cans. "Fair enough, what mood are you in today?" he said a little bit curious as to what the scents were. and the moods they were associated with. he supposed he technically did have four cans on the go. one at home, one in the dorm. one that was 'meant' to be with his quidditch gear. and then one that he had accidentally left at his kunsi's house when he had been there over the holiday. but he had never thought of having different scents for different moods.
Linden caught the can as connor threw it to him before fumbling and dropping it on the floor. if anyone asked it would have been on. purpose to get some of the attention of Jordan who was maybe getting more stick than he had anticipated for his three cans. but in reality, he had just fumbled. obviously, he was a great keeper. he picked it up and had a spray. that doesn't smell half bad thanks" he said. he was just about to throw it back to him when Rene. asked if he could have some he glanced at connor for his response making sure not to let his eyes wander before passing the can to the next destination.
Jordie looked over his cans, debating what he felt like. "I feel like a bit of lavender vanilla today," he decided, pulling out that can and spritzing a touch on himself. It was a more subtle scent, but sweet. He liked it. He set the can back down in his locker. Finished with the spray he returned to fussing with his curls. They were always so finicky after he showered.
It didn't escape Lucas' notice that everyone except for Jordie seemed to want to smell like Connor, and he tried to push his jealousy down. Connor had always seemed like an older, cooler version of himself. It was no wonder Nikko preferred him. Lucas pulled a shirt over his head and sighed. "Can I try that, Jordie?" He asked, mostly to do something different than the rest.
Connor smiled when Rene asked to try his spray, nodding when Linden went to toss it to the younger boy. "Sure, go ahead!" He said cheerfully. He glanced at Jordie as the boy explained what he felt like, giving a slightly quizzical look. Connor couldn't really imagine caring that much about how he looked and smelled, but he supposed some people thought that sort of thing was important. He mussed up his hair as Lucas asked to try Jordie's scent, glancing in a mirror and wondering if he should pay more attention to his looks. Where were you even supposed to start, though?
René fumbled the lynx can when Linden tossed it over, feeling quietly pleased that Connor had agreed he could borrow it too. He waited till the others were talking to take a quick sniff, wrinkling his nose when the concentrated smell made his eyes water. It certainly didn’t smell like flowers or whatever Jordie had mentioned using instead.

Not wanting to take took long, René quickly raised his arms, spraying two quick spurts before tossing the can back to Connor, glad his throw had been better than his catch. “Doesn’t your hair get in your eyes when you’re playing?” He asked Connor, watching the other boy muss his hair in the mirror, though really all the boys on the team had longer hair. The girls too. René kept his own pretty short, mostly because he didn’t know what to do with it, but he did like all the longer hair the others on the team had too.
Jordie looked up at Lucas and smiled, pulling the can back out and offering it to the other boy easily. "Yeah, sure, I have plenty," he tossed it to Lucas, chuckling softly and pushing a stubborn curl back in place. He only half paid attention to the conversation the others were having, stepping away and starting to stretch. He liked to try and stay loose after a practice like this.

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