The Arrow Game

^seems like a pretty cool person
<finds sometimes apologies are harder to take that the wrong
V should RP with me sometime
^is correct, because Queen is awesome
< is now listening to Don't Stop Me Now
V secretly loves Michael Jackson
^ Is wrong about my taste in music
< Is dreading Wednesday but is oddly excited o.o
V Also starts school soon?
^ has an awesome animated avatar.
< has school every day - I'm a teacher at an academy that doesn't have holidays :(
V doesn't know the definition of thylakoid
^ is correct

< Is wondering what that T word means (no seriously)

V Will RP with me sometime! :D
^ Has just learned that thylakoid is a folded membrane (folded to increase surface area and therefore have more reactions) within the chloroplasts of plant cells. It helps/is vital in the process of photosynthesis.
< Has a purpley username! :D
V Has hair that looks like this
^ Knows my hair would look like this if I put it up.

< Is much more awesome than the admin above

V Will give me a birthday hug tomorrow
^ Is in denial. [Both of his lack of awesomeness, and the lack of a birthday hug]
< Will give his mom a birthday hug tomorrow. ;)
V Wishes my mommy a happy birthday tomorrow. ^_^ :p
^ is a silly person.
< is dreading her own birthday (for school will be in session then)
v is very very random person listening to a random song.
^ is also a silly person for dreading it and thinks im random which is true
< can't wait till her own birthday, and is happy birthday to beth for tomorow
v will have to be listening to a random song for me to like them
^ must LOVE me because I'm listening to Nice weather for ducks by Lemon Jelly see it on YouTube.
< can't wait to go back to New Zealand come December.
V should go to the Hill of Crosses next time they're in Lithuania. It's amazing.
^ Thinks I'd ever make it to Lithuania.
< Is tired and hungry :(
V Wears socks with sandals. :-0
^ Is completely wrong about the socks with sandals thing

< Is looking forward to the tournament! GO BRO!

V Wants to marry a donkey!
^ Is mistaking me for someone who loves a donkey
< Is upset with the art teachers for sending homework in the post over the summer holidays!!!
v Is laughing at my homework load.
^is not actually as i have a lit of homework i need to do
<is fed up with being ignored
V wants to randomly burst into song at any moment
^ Should not be ignored, because that's just not nice, and she is lovely (as far as I know)
< Is going to socialize in real life now...
V Is not allowed to reply until they've done 6 push-ups and written a poem about it

(edit - of course, you must post the poem here for us to see)
arms bending
arms burning
floor nearing
toes hurting
arms sreeching
body lifting
now blame jessame for making me do this

^made me write a poem which does not quite rhyme
<did not actualty do six push ups just
V should do the push ups for me
^ Did the push up, for the kind lady, with one arm
< Is the master of push ups
V Wish they could do push ups like me
^ Is completely incorrect

< Is bored and lazy!

V Will say something nice about their mother's, aunt's, uncle!
^ should find something to do that doesn't involve energy usage
< Will say nothing nice about anyone
v will own some green clothing or will have to buy some green clothes before posting here.
^ should know that "if ya can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!"
< is a liar because she always says mean things and also has a green shirt that she just put away
V has an unsorted. :-0
^ Somehow knows about my unsorted (stalker!)

< Has the coolest unsorted ever!!!

V Should lay off the sugar before they explode in millions of pieces of confettie!
^ somehow knows about my sugar addiction

< just exploded. Oops.

V hasn't tidied their room in over a month

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