That Awkward Moment When...

ooc/ic that awkward moment when you want to give a student 10 points extra credit but think it may look like favouritism but the class they did was basically two classes of work together.
Is it me :r

OOC: That awkward moment where you're going to a party tonight but only you and the person who's birthday it is are single...and she keeps saying there's sexual tension between the two of you :U
yes it was :r

that awkward moment when you have picked the (school age) pb for a charrie before they were even born.
that awkward moment when you realise that that said pb is older than the pb their mother has.
OOC/IC: When you know a character OOC as you lurk the site but your character does not know them and you have to make introductions and make your character ask all the questions whose answers you already know :doh:
OOC(possibly IC): That awkward moment where you sleep through your alarm and wake up after your class for the day has started. Oops! :lol:
OOC: that awkward moment when you want to reply to a RP with one account but also want to continue conversing over pm's with different people on another.
OOC: The awkward moment when your dog steps on all the tv remotes and does something to the tv that you can't work out :/ and then you are stuck staring at a grey screen, trying to get hold of your dad. Clever animals :tut:
OOC: That awkward moment where you revive an old character and make her a Beauxbatons Professor only to find out that we're not supposed to have any of those D: /fail
OOC, that awkward moment lecturers repply to your email at 9:30pm xD
And to make that worse, the lecturer replied again saying he was 'off to bed now' *shudders*
That awkward moment when you get a new haircut and you think it's bad, then you just awkwardly stand there because the people around you are just complimenting you over and over again.
OOC: That awkward moment when you get finished with your lunch and clock back in and you have a severe allergic reaction while at work and have to be escorted down the hall to the ER. Gotta love Tuesdays xD
that awkward moment when you unexpectedly burp into your straw and the person you're skyping with thinks you farted <_<
we're never speaking of this moment again.
OOC: That awkward moment when your lecturer walks in wearing a duck suit xD
IC: That awkward moment when you run into your ex and she looks 10 times better than you do, and you can't say a word to get her back.
OOC- The awkward moment when your cat has the reflexes of a snail and the balance of an elephant on a wire. :tut:
IC: That awkward moment when you're crushing on the guy your sister beat up
OOC: the awkward moment when you get scared by a pillow
OOC: When you walk into a fridge, and apologise to the fridge for walking into it, in French.
OOC: That awkward moment when you realise you are going to have to ditch Uni, to go to the early preview of Thor 2
OOC: The awkward moment when you hope your teacher is away so you don't have to go to your extension class - and it turns out he went home because his house might burn in the fire storm... :erm:

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