Temper... Temper...

Danielle raised her eyebrows at the passing conversation between Devlin and Donavon. She would normally stick up for Donavon, but in this case, she agreed with Devlin and thought Donavon was being big-headed. Shaking her head slightly, she hoped that nothing big would come from it as she wouldn't interfere and stick up for Devlin. No, her and Devlin were mutual siblings, yes, but to say that they were close was pushing it. Danielle didn't have a problem with Devlin like she did with Dakota, but still, he annoyed her and she wasn't sure where he viewed her in his life. So no, she would stay out of the problem until it got personal and possibly involved her. Fighting wasn't her way of doing things, Danielle would prefer to do things with words and spells, rather than get dirty and risk breaking a nail.

Looking down at her nails to check them as the thought passed through her mind, she jolted her head up when she heard Devlin sticking up for her again. Narrowing her eyes, she looked around the room, trying to work out what was different. Something was, and it wasn't that Devlin was being vaguely nice to her again, it was something else. With her other siblings being quite quiet, she wondered whether she could leave now, and go back to her studies, or whether she should stay. Danielle had never viewed herself as the peacemaker, in fact, quite the opposite, she preferred to be in the thick of the argument, not getting hurt, but stirring the trouble up. Perhaps that was the reason why now she looked around, wondering what was going on. Hearing herself resorted to as a punk, she jumped back into her normal self in the blink of an eye and raised an eyebrow at her brother, questioning the use of the term 'punk'.
Danton had given up trying to reason with these people. He sat down and smiled as Danielle entered-this could get interesting . "Hello Dani." he smiled, he loved Danielle-she was his twin. He saw Devlin insult his siter and got angry. "Don't you Dare!" he yelled, punching Devlin in the jaw. He walked away from him, making sure not to turn his back. "This mob is meant to be a family, so why don't we try acting like one?" he yelled, over all the din. "You are behaving like children, now stop!" he shouted, he walked over to Donavon, "You are the eldest-take control." he whispered, sitting back down.
Of course the younger siblings of Donavon complained about him trying to order them around, bossing them. They were far too arrogant to be bossed around. But Donavon didn't care, what he wanted was pride, authority, and more cr@p. He opened another firewhiskey and drank the whole bottle of it and put it on the side as he walked over the living room, pointing his wand to the fireplace and warming the whole room. It was pretty freezing at this time and he wasn't sure why the fire was out and why none of them froze. "You'll talk to me like that and I'll throw you to the fireplace, Elle" He said pointing his wand to her and then put it in his pocket. "And why... Do I not care?" The main reason why Donavon acted like he didn't care was because he was too arrogant to show them that he loved them and beside they were getting into his nerves so why should he care if they cross him all the time? Well alright, that's a reason why He thought.

What annoyed Donavon was the twin of Danielle's, Danton, trying to be in his position. "Oh shut up Danton" He looked down at him, pushing him to the side. He was the eldest and he get to choose what to do next and he wasn't stopping the debate session of theirs. "Let them, if one of them got killed then it'll make my job easier." Of course he didn't want any dead body lying on the floor. He wouldn't want to clean it up and he didn't want to be responsible of it and since he was the eldest, his parents would want a logical explanation from him and they expect him to take care of the younger siblings but yet he was never home and rarely look after them. He had too many things to do, the missions, quidditch, and more.
Danielle smiled at her twin, Danton. Sometimes, it seemed that only Danton understood her. But other-times, he just jumped into beating someone up, and didn't talk it out with Danielle. No matter how strong he was, everyone always got hurt sometime and she would have to go out after the b@stard who dared to fight her brother. And that would be that. She loved him and all of that, but didn't always agree with him. It was obvious that he was protective of her, and however lovely this was, it didn't give her the opportunity to have a say in things. But still, she would rather have it that way than any other way. Rolling her eyes as he hit out at Devlin, she ignored the situation, expecting it to become a bigger fight.

Raising her eyebrows at his next statement, she shrugged and looked around the room. There was no way that this mess could act like family, unless some mudblood insulted one of them. Yes, that would be the only time probably when the whole family would unite as one. And in her vision, Danielle saw herself at the front, Danton and the others, slightly behind her, ready to strike on her every command. But that wouldn't happen yet, and Danielle pushed the dream to the back of her mind, for now.

She smiled sarcastically and mockingly at Donavon as he threatened to throw her in the fireplace. "Ill talk to you how i want. And from what i see, no you don't care. No one here does. Its just pure nosiness really." She said, giving a cold stare around the room as she caught eye contact with everyone. She disliked her family, not strongly because they were pure-blooded, but they acted wildly and let her down. Rolling her eyes for the second time in minutes as Donavon basically told someone to get killed, she knew that this wouldn't happen. No, Donavon wouldn't let that happen. He couldn't live with the consequences and their parents. If only everyone would just shut up, the Danielle could return to her room, doing the things that she wanted to. If only.
Hayley hadn't had enough sleep last night, all thanks to the tutor who came late and she had to finish up all her work that night, because she didn't want to wait until the next day. And beside, her father gave her an extra work and she had to do it. It was pretty much her hobby, learning, writing, reading, doing homework, and things like that. She was proud of her family, they were all intelligent and was far from lousy or filthy. What she meant by her family was her parents and her siblings, yes just them, not her cousins or her grandparents. First of all, she didn't get to meet her grandparents that often and secondly, her cousins never behave. They were the contrast of Hayley, there was only one thing that they shared in common. They hated muggleborns, but honestly Hayley didn't hate muggleborns that much, she was forced to hate them and was currently pretending to hate them.

Listening to all the screaming, shouting from the manor across, Hayley couldn't help but to leave her room, her comfort zone. She walked down to the living room, taking her coat and tidy herself before she left the manor. Of course she wanted to look perfect, she didn't want to look like those poor beggars, especially in front of her cousins. As she walked out of the manor, she met her younger sibling, Heather who just got out from the Howards manor "Why are you not studying?" She glared at her and left her, entering the main gate of the manor and waited until the house elf of hers opened the door. She looked at her cousins who were all gathering and she looked at the broken glass, and all the mess in there and the house elves were cleaning it. "What on earth" She muttered and walked toward them with her head held high. "Explain" She ordered the younger cousins of hers as she glared at all of them coldly. Hayley was as bossy as her cousins and as arrogant as them but not as violent as them.

OOCOut of Character:

The player of Casper said that Casper's going to come and meet these devils... So I guess Hayley can too :r
Finally! It's vacation!... Or something like that. Casper was really glad that they were given this time to at least rest from the forever given homework. Casper could finally leave the castle even for just a few days. He had to admit. Even with a guy like him, it's pretty hard to get used to dungeons and mossy surroundings. So when vacation was finally announced, he didn't waste his time and quickly packed his things to go to the Howards. He didn't know where Hayley was, though. Casper was too excited that he forgot all about his sister.

When he arrived at the estate, Casper was a bit surprised to see that some ruckus was happening. Was this place always like this? He couldn't remember. Well, whatever. As long as it's vacation.

"Greetings, my dear relatives!" he exclaimed with a very attractive grin. He looked around and realized that he couldn't remember any of these faces. "I'm--err--Casper. I hope you didn't forget about me..."
Right after Heather left the manor, she walked to the gate and kicked it, feeling extremely mad because of the noise that she heard. "Do they not know how to shut up!?" She yelled talking to herself. She took a few steps forward and met the eldest in the family, Hayley. "I was, but they were making loud noises. Are you on your way to complain? Well if you are, then good luck with that" She said as she button her coat, looking at Hayley who was now glaring at her. At first Heather thought that Hayley was going to leave the Howards alone but she was wrong, Hayley left her all alone and went to the manor.

f course Heather had to come with her, at least she got more protection with Hayley there and she could talk a little more. If anything happen to them, father would be very mad anyway, so the Howards will have to play by the rule. As soon as she reach the front door, she pushed the door and stood beside Hayley and saw Casper in there.
"Cousins" She said and rolled here eyes, standing beside Casper. "What are you doing here?" Heather was sure that she hadn't seen him last night. Where were he? And she hadn't seen Hayley as well last night, so probably they were together?
There were more arguing after this, Dorothy had no interest in seeing or listening to her older siblings arguing, she had to agree with Dancel this time, it was boring. What they did was slam something and broke it but it wasn't as fun as her fight with Devlin. And today's fight wasn't fair as well, Dancel should have helped but but instead he shut up and left her all alone with the devil. "Donavon, stop playing the role of father, it's not going to happen. And who the h3ll are you ordering us around?!" He had gone too far, this wasn't only his territory. It was hers as well.

Just then the Hubertas started coming, first it was one of the princess and now, Dorothy's worst nightmare came. "None of your blo0dy business Hayley" She spatted, she hated that girl, she was too perfect and well organized. She was so much worse than Donavon when it came to authority. But then the boy came and of course the little princess came back. "What the h3ll" She said flatly as she looked at her cousins. "Why are they here?" Now she wanted an explanation, it was their manor not the Hubertas. Why were the Hubertas doing in the devil's lair?
Everything was happening so fast, and for Devlin, it wasn't good. Honestly, it was getting rather boring what with everyone doing something else, and he, on the other hand, got nothing better to do. Just as he was about to leave and get back to his room though, Danton, the annoying b@st@rd had had to actually punch him straight to the face, and honestly, he didn't like that, in fact, he hated it. "What the h3ll Danton!" He said as he pushed his brother back rather strongly. D@mn, he didn't care if he got hurt, for at the moment, he was in rage. How could he just punch him like that? He'll get even soon.

He was about to do something else when all of a sudden, those annoying and pretentious Hubertas had had to enter the scene. Why were they there anyways? What? Are they going to stop them now? As if they could do that, just they wished. "What are you doing here?" He sneered, glaring at those three, h3ck, he was with Dorothy this time, cause when it comes down to it, they shared the same hatred and they both despised those cousin of theirs.
Donavon opened a bottle of firewhiskey and poured it to the glass, he wasn't listening at his younger siblings at all. He didn't even care if they rejected listening to him, he was going to order them around either they liked it or not because that was just him. He wasn't in the mood of hurting any of them since his head hurt so bad and they were unbelievably noisy. "And do whatever you want I'll still make you my little slave" He looked back to Danielle, narrowing his eyes. He didn't even care if she would talk back to him or not.

Now just as Donavon thought, their cousin came. "Greetings cousins" He said to the boy and then to the girls, Donavon didn't hate them, they were his cousins anyway. Beside, to impress his uncle, he had to have a good relationship with his children, right? "Now what did I say about you being noisy" He glared at them all, telling them to behave in front of the cousins of theirs. He was definitely not comfortable having them around the manor but he couldn't just cast them away. He turned himself to the other direction, leaving them all. He was heading to the kitchen and was planning to stay there for a while, drinking. "Dakota come if you want" He said not looking at her, he was going to drink even more and Dakota would love that.
This kind of behavior was definitely unaccepted in the manor of the Hubertas. Hayley hated them for acting like this, they could have been politer to him. And even the youngest was rude, actually she was the worse, that little brat. Later Hayley would tell her uncle what happened when they were away. At least if they wanted to fight, do it somewhere else, not in the manor, destroying expensive items. "Don't you dare talk to me like that!" She looked at Dorothy, staring at her coldly, this famous stare could make the second years cry. Hayley only stare at other people like this when she was annoyed. She dislike being disrespected and Casper knew that very well. She wasn't even sure if Casper liked the way their cousins treated them. Who on earth did they think they were? Of course, Hayley placed her family above these Howards.

Looking at the third oldest in the Howard, Hayley began to continue talking "What else? We can hear your voice clearly. And you are disturbing us" She said and looked back to Casper, looking at him and then back to his cousins. "Father is looking forward on seeing you, you'd better go to his room soon." She said flatly, she was extremely jealous of him being able to be father's favorite kid but again, she still loved him, unlike Heather who didn't get along with her twin, Hayley was different. "I'm wondering why you're here Casper" The same question as Heather. Well of course, why would Casper waste his time here? He was someone important for the family, and what Hayley knew was Casper would rather waste his time doing whatever he wanted than stick around these people. But again, she had no idea what was in his mind, he could probably be mixed up or had changed his mind about getting along with the Howards.
Danton smiled at his brother smugly, as Devlin was distracted. He smiled to himself, knowing Devlin wouldn't dare hurt him now. He smiled when Hayley arrived. "Hello Hayley." he smiled, widely-Hayley was one of the few people that he actually liked-she was his best friend-ever since they were children. "It's wonderful to see you." he grinned, then whispering in her ear he added. "Things have been getting slightly immature and irrational around here." he smiled, turning toward his family, he sat back down, then Casper arrived. His face turned slightly sour when his cousin entered-he was a blood-traitor, someone who had no right to be a wizard. He hid it well though, because he knew Hayley doted upon her brother. "Of course we haven't forgotten you Casper, I'm Danton-by the way." he smiled, broadly. Idiot-who forgets their own cousins name? He turned away, already deciding to ignore him.
Danielle frowned at Donavon. "You won't think of doing such a thing." She began, about to start the threats coming out. But before she could get the words out of her mouth, Hayley appeared. Narrowing her eyes suspiciously at her cousin, the same age as Danielle but completely different. Smiling coldly at the girl, she sighed. "Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. Oh im sorry, poor cat, why would it go near such... rubbish." She taunted, her eyes in slits and a cold smile plastered on her face. Looking in horror at the girl standing in front of her, she wondered why on earth this girl was in their house and what she was doing.

A small hiss escaped Danielle's lips as she heard Hayley address Dorothy. "Oh shut the $ucking h3ell up. Don't tell Dorothy what to do. She's miles better than you." She said, feeling a surge of protection over her younger sister. Ok, so they didn't get on so well, but Dorothy was her only sane sister and Danielle didn't appreciate her being spoken to in such a rude way. Especially not by a Huberta. As she was busy feeling angry towards Hayley, Casper arrived. Danielle didn't mind Casper much, more despised him. After all, he was in Gryffindor. "Casper."' She greeted, her tone plain and bored. Sighing with annoyance, she rolled her eyes at him. Narrowing them again at him, she tried to work out whether she liked him much. He was a shame to the family, but he wasn't as rude to her as Hayley was. So, unsure of where he stood in her opinion, she payed him no attention, deciding to turn to the newest member of the group.

Heather Huberta. Danielle again didn't really have a strong opinion of the girl in front of her. She was the same as Dorothy. Small, annoying and to put it plainly - a brat. Smirking at her, she attempted a smile. The girl wasn't as bad as some, but she still wasn't good enough to deserve a good opinion from Danielle. Thinking about it now, no one she had met yet had a good enough personality to impress Danielle. Especially not any of her family. Raising her eyebrows as Donavon left the room, she wondered what was going on and why the eldest members were leaving. That wasn't a good sign. Why then? Why would they leave?
At first Hayley didn't notice Danton in the room since he was so quiet but then he started talking and the girl glanced at him nodded her head in an agreement. "I agree" She and Danton got along very well since they were little even though she dislike his cousin, Danielle. But even though there were a huge class between the Hubertas and the Howards if someone messed with one of them, they always protected each other even though they would fight against each other right after that. Telling each other who's better. "Forgive my brother, he had been through too much lately." Not sure if it was true or not but Hayley knew that her brother wasn't failing in school.

Right after Hayley talked to the twins of hers about their father, Danielle started talking. She talked too much, Hayley hated people who talked too much but since she was her cousin, she had to not hate her. "She's acting like a fool" She muttered to Casper and listened to what Danielle had to say, glaring at her blankly showing no emotion at all. She was pretty tired listening to her yapping and she didn't want more. Well if it was Heather being offended, she would kick her in a minute but since it was Hayley, she wont waste her time kicking other people's @ss. Well why should she? She had better things to do. Ignore... That was what she was going to do to these brats. "Are you done?" She said flatly looking at her cousin wanting to yawn so bad but that would be too rude. She did used to be one of those who would make a big deal when someone offended Hayley. But lately, Hayley had become an ignorant and she didn't care unless what they said was logical. And in this case, Danielle was being illogical just like the rest of the Slytherin, there was no fact that Dorothy was better than Hayley. She was just saying it because she thought so. This explained why Hayley kept her mouth shut instead of talking back to her.

Hayley and her siblings were so much different than the Howards. They got along very well and never fight even though jealousy grew between them but they manage to cover it up and were used to it. Hayley didn't even dare to break anything in her house and the Howards tossed them around as if it was unbreakable rubber. "Danton I'll see you in school soon then" She was pretty excited with Danton coming to school. Seeing the records of the Howards, Danton had a high chance of being sorted into Slytherin and beside he was a Slytherin in Hogwarts Scotland.
Caroline was glad that she was on a break. Be it a small Christmas break but she was glad to be seeing her family once again. The first three months at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic had been awesome and she loved every bit of her school but being with family was like nothing else. She was really thankful for all those dozen lessons her father made her and Heather do on languages and such because both the twins were pretty famous and social at the school due to their ability to converse in several languages including French.

She was dressed in a decent dress, one of her favorites which she had got from one of the French Stores. She was not sure exactly why they were going to see their cousins and why it was not the other way around because mostly it would be the Howard family visiting the Hubertas but it was all good as long as she got to see them.As usual her cousins were arguing on something when she entered the room after having visited the house elfs and greeting her aunt and uncle.

"Hey guys" she said with a big smile as she gave a hug to Danielle, Danton and Donavon. "I missed you all" she said as she looked at her elder sister Hayley who too seemed the part of the argument that was going on. She sipped the pumpkin juice she had been served and then asked "What's the argument about?"She wondered if Heather too was going to join them or not.
Casper only smiled patiently as his sisters and his cousins asked and wondered why he was there. Even though it has been years since he last saw the cousins, Casper could get the impression that they weren't a happy family. Not happy at all. When it seemed that everyone was done talking, he decided to talk himself. "Oh. Is the argument finished?" he asked with a rather sarcastic tone, raising his eyebrows as though he was a bit surprised. "Well, first of, I'm looking forward to staying with all of you relatives in this short vacation of ours." he said and grinned, ignoring everyone's equally sarcastic faces. Of course he knew that the relatives' impression of him wasn't good. Casper was, after all, a 'blood traitor'--or so they think. "But seriously, though! Let's be peaceful and stop all the fighting." he exclaimed, not losing his smile.

This time, Casper faced his twin. "Aww, Hayley. I can't believe father's still looking for me here. He's like a stalker." Casper had to chuckle with that. But father does act like a stalker sometimes. "And what's with the 'gone through a lot'? Of course I did not. I've been enjoying the school year all this time. Unlike you, my Always-So-Serious sister." And then he looked at the younger sisters. It had been a long time, too, since he last saw them. They grew up to be as pretty and as mean as their sister, it seems. He sighed. Why don't they look up to him as a role model for a change? "Yo. Been good girls the past few years?" Casper didn't wait for any answer. They're that sort of people anyway, his sisters.

And, remembering something, Casper brought out the pack of candies from his bag and threw it to Danton. Again, Casper didn't wait to see if his cousin caught it or not. He smiled at everyone and carried his bag. "That's my only present. It's sweet and delicious, I'm sure you'll love it." he ended and this time waited for everyone's reaction.
Everything was happening to fast for Dancel's entertainment, honestly, he was not enjoying anymore. Everyone has their own business already, and it was really no fun to watch. Danton's and the other's arguments were not that entertaining as well, the fight between Devlin and Dorothy was much more his type of entertainment, and now that the others had gone down and had also included themselves, everything turned out to be rather boring. "Let's get out later eh Dorothy? This was becoming tiring." He commented, as once again, he laid himself down into the couch, taking a pillow to cover his head from the noise. He might look like he was being apathetic and all, but honestly speaking, he gives no care to what was happening around now, it was just too plain and common for him that it doesn't really deserve his attention.

He was just about to fall asleep once again when all of a sudden, their cousins arrived, all with dignity and pride it seemed, they were probably alarmed by all the shouting that they had actually decided to go and see what was happening. Feeling rather interested with what was going to happen, he proceeded into a sitting position. He knew how much his siblings hated those Huberta, and probably, this one would be more interesting than his siblings arguments. He just listened and didn't say a word at all, feeling the tension building up between the two family, well, he tried to stay quiet until he saw Casper threw some pack of candies towards Danton, it was pretty amusing really. "I'm sure that you'll enjoy that Danton.." He commented sarcastically as he laughed, knowing all too well that his brother would become annoyed after such a reaction from him, but really, who could help it? Who would dare to give Danton those pack of candies aside from Casper, it was really funny in his opinion.
Heather was obviously annoyed seeing her cousins acting so rude to them, what were they thinking? If her father was here, then they would all be lectured by him. She was getting sick and tired listening to the nonsense but Hayley was doing a pretty great job. If they weren't her cousin, then Heather would probably attack them, but since she was related to these brats then she had to behave. "Casper you sound so happy" She rolled her eyes and looked at her brother for several seconds and smiled at him. She liked Casper very much, he was so fun and carefree, sometimes too carefree. He and Caroline shared the same way of thinking while Heather with Hayley think about almost everything the same way. They both were scared of crossing their father and listened to everything that he had to say, obeying every single words.

Just then Caroline came, and she was acting almost the same as Casper. What were they thinking? Going to the Howards just because they wanted to see them? If it was Heather, she wished that she had no cousins
"Caroline" She said, surprised seeing her here. She thought Caroline was in Spanish class, or did she got the wrong information. Heather didn't like the idea of calling Caroline; Candy. She was jealous everytime Caroline was called by her special nickname because she was as sweet as Candy and Heather had none. In fact, she was jealous of everyone, she felt like her father hated her because he was harsh to her but Heather had tried as hard as she could to imitate him, yet he never cared.
Caroline stood there looking at her cousins and her siblings. She could feel the heat that both the sides were emitting. "I agree with Casper" she said looked at the Howard children. She couldn't understand why they were always annoyed of them and nor did she understand why Hayley and Heather were being rude. If they acted nicely she was sure that her cousins would soon let go their anger. "It's not like we see each other everyday, so lets leave the anger in the trash and have fun" she suggested with a grin. A game of Qudditch perhaps would be fun if everyone agreed to play. After she had started school flying had emerged as one of her other talents and she liked the idea of playing the game with her cousins if they agreed.

"Father said my Spanish was more than better so it didn't matter if I didn't do the class today" she told Heather with a grin. "So I used the floo network and came here" she explained her twin. Leaving the room for a moment she came back with a small bucket which was rainbow striped and had all kinds of wizarding candies in it including Every Flavoured Beans, Chewingum, chocolate frogs. "We can all share these, I didn't have more pocket money to get a separate one for each of us" she said as she took the bucket to the youngest of her cousins so that they could grab a few of their favorites first.
Danton smiled, fakely at Casper as he threw him the sweets. "Thanks cousin." he smiled. Then the Huberta's left. He was sorry that Hayley was gone-he could've had some civilised conversation, but he was glad Casper was gone. He tossed the sweets to Dancel. "Here you go-throw a party." he then stalked out of the room, sitting in the kitchen and taking out a book from a shelf. He sat and began to read, losing all intrest in what was going on in the other room.
Danielle frowned at the sight of sweets despite herself. Having never been a sweet person, she didn't like the sugar lumps. No, Danielle had better things to do rather than sitting around all day eating candy. Standing up as Danton threw the sweets away, she narrowed her eyes at her cousins and stalked out of the room. Finding herself in the hallway, she watched as Danton also left the room and headed into the kitchen. Following him in there, she frowned at the sight of the book. They had things they needed to talk about, plans to make for the coming year and he was reading a book!? This was madness. Sitting down next to him, she crossed her legs and removed the book. "We need to talk." She stated, her tone blank and cold. But, if her twin knew anything, it would be that she didn't really mean to be harsh, she was just stressed and upset at the current moment. However, to everyone else, she would seem cold and harsh. This was her cover, her disguise, her way to try and get rid of the feelings that she had.
"Hello Dani." Danton smiled, as Danielle took away his book. He didn't mind-it had just been a distraction. "They've upset you haven't they." he said, straight-forward and plain, and he knew it was true, their siblings were such idiots. "They have always been like that-they always will be, but they could be useful some day." he commented. He pulled out the chair opposite him and said; "Now, what do you want to talk about?" he asked, leaning back in his chair, and staring his sister straight in the eye. This could be an interesting conversation. "We will be starting Hogwarts New Zealand next year, I fully expect that both of us will be in Slytherin, but we have to get our priorities right-we must study, because we need the respect of our peers, but we must also be social. Hayley, I think can help in this regard. She knows we will be enrolling, and her and I are close, so that should be alright, but Dani-we need a plan." he spoke slowly, and deliberately, weighing each word as he spoke it.
Dani raised her eyebrows at her brother. She hadn't ever really seen him as the talker of the pair, but then she remembered that when they were together, he had always been the planner. Dan, calm down. Its all in hand. You wonder what i've been doing all holiday!" She glanced around at the kitchen, but there was no one else in ear shot other than Danton. So, leaning forward slightly she smiled an evil smile. "I smuggled a book out of Bleak Street. It has everything you could ever learn about the dark arts. Thats what i've been doing. Once i've finished reading it, i can lend it to you if you want. Basically, it contains everything we wouldn't have learnt in Hogwarts Scotland. If we had gone to Durmstrang though, we might have learnt a little more. But don't worry, there's things in there that we wouldn't have learnt anywhere." She finished, another evil smile playing on her face. "You can talk to Hayley. Im not though." She added, pouting slightly at the mention of Danton and Hayley being close. She hated that girl and didn't like the idea that they were close. No, she needed to do something, and soon. "We somehow need our reputation to transfer from HS to HNZ right." Danielle questioned, wondering how this would work. It was a necessity, but the question was how.
"Avoiding our crazy family-I thought." Danton chuckled, quietly. His smile broadened at her next statement. "Wonderful, but you shouldn't have gone without me Dani, bleak street is dangerous." he said sternly, but his eyes sparkled and his smile was wide. "If we are to use these skills in Hogwarts though, we must be subtle, and to be honest Dani-it's dangerous. We need to be careful." he whispered, his head bowed forward, so that only Danielle could hear. "Why not? Though it doesn't matter, she is one of my best friends though, I intend to talk to her." Danton replied, unsure why she didn't like their cousin, he knew Hayley was slightly more lax about associating herself with mudbloods, but even Danton could tolerate the filth as a means to an end. "Yes, now what we need to do is make friends with those who are influential in HNZ, I have heard from Hayley about a family called The Mayfair, very rich, and snobby, but there is one flaw-they're mudbloods-I think we might have to tolerate them, we need to get into higher social standing there, and we need to do it fast." Danton said, quickly and quietly, so their siblings couldn't hear.
Danielle smiled at her brother's joke - one of the rare opportunities where a pleasant look passed over her pretty face. She never normally smiled much, not really finding things that amusing. But now, when she was around family and she could relax slightly, she found herself enjoying her twin's company - especially if he kept making nice comments. "Im fine on my own you know." She retorted, but knowing inside that she wasn't fine. After all, bleak street was full of advanced wizards and all she could do was give her name. Unable to do magic out of school, Danielle found that sometimes, having her brother around was helpful. "Is little Danton afraid of a bit of danger?" She taunted, her tone mocking but friendly at the same time. "Because she's a Huberta. She thinks she's so perfect. Honestly Danton, im not going to go into it, just please don't mention her to me." Danielle narrowed her eyes, disgusted at the way she had to talk so quietly in her own house because of the others around. Frowning again at the mention of mud-bloods, Danielle pondered for a second. "That is fair enough then. But we must get Hayley to help a little. We need power and influence in Slytherin. Perhaps, i could talk to Casper as well. I mean, he is a blood-traitor and all, but he might have some influence in Gryffindor and the first main part is to have a place in the year. It might kill us to become closer to all of the filth, but i believe it will help in the long run. What do you say?" She asked, raising her eyebrows for a response from her brother.

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