Temper... Temper...

Dorothy Howard

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
After a while enjoying the quiet time in the public park, someone bothered Dorothy. Of course she got into a fight, and she did hurt herself, she had a bruise on her cheek from the boy's punch. He was taller than her, and older but the girl was a little nuts to have the guts to fight with him. She glared at him coldly and left him, no, she couldn't fight any longer. She walked home and kicked the gate. She could see the house elf running toward the gate, opening it. She stormed into the manor with her eyes filled with tear. "DONAVON!!!!" She yelled as hard as she could not caring if other people were asleep or not."WHERE IS HE!?" She shouted at the house elf and screamed, slamming herself on the couch and cried as hard as she could. "I want him! I want him!" The brat cried and start throwing the pillows to the ground, losing her temper.

The young girl stormed and walk up to the stairs, still screaming. Of course her parents weren't there, they were never there when she needed them and if they were there they wouldn't care and would be crossed at Dorothy for not behaving. They could be worse than Hayley's father when they were mad, they were short- tempered as well.
"DANCEL!" She shouted as she opened his room and walked toward him, grabbing him by the hand roughly pulling him downstairs. "We have to kill him! We have to show him who's boss!" She was stupid for wanting to go back and beat up the boy in the park. Surely he could kill her in a heartbeat but the girl didn't care.
Dancel was happily enjoying himself by reading some sort of a bokk concerned with dark arts as well as defensive spells when he had heard a scream just downstairs. And by that, he instantly knew that he sister was home, and probably, her day had not been as good as she had wanted it to be. Even so, he decided not to pay any attention to her at all, after all, if she needed him, she'll just go and barge into his room without any further ado.

Closing the books and hiding it underneath his bed, Dancel prepared himself for the loud footsteps of his sister as well as the now coming slamming of his door. "One.. two.. three...here she goes." He muttered as he smirk when he saw his sister enter his room, grabbing his arm, and now, pulling him downstairs with her. He's bored actually, and so, he thought that whatever it was that his sister must planning, it would somehow give him the entertainment that he wanted. he'll find yet another toy then. "Now Dorothy, explain everything to me." He said to her, smirking as he placed his arm around his sister's shoulder, no one would dare to cross their path, after all, they always stick to one another. Smirking further as he tried to think up of ways to show whoever it was that he shouldn't mess with their family, Dancel waited till his sister spill everything out, every information that he would need.
Unlike Dorothy's cousin who was too proud of themselves and not spill out their problems to other people, Dorothy was the other way around. She couldn't control herself if anyone crossed her, especially if they hurt her like this. "Don't even think about playing the role of an older brother" She hit Dancel's arm and moved so that his arms were no longer on her shoulder. Not that she dislike being hugged but she was too mad, too upset and her the bruise was worse. She could feel it stinging. "Do you not see this?" The girl pointed on the bruise. Obviously, she got into another fight, and whoever knew her could predict what happened. She was being rude to someone and started attacking them physically and then she was attacked.

Dorothy was obviously being childish and arrogant, she was the contrast of her cousins.
"Where is Donavon? I thought he's coming home today" She said coldly and flatly not looking at her brother but at the family's picture that was taken not too long ago that was placed above the fireplace. "Where are the professors? Why are they not here?" Again she asked flatly as if she showed no interest. She dislike having them around, and yet her parents wanted her to learn as much as she could. She would learn all of that in Hogwarts later on, why couldn't they wait for a little longer and let her rest for a while? "How can those robots stay in a room with a professor tutoring them all day long?" She sighed referring to her cousins.
Devlin was what one would consider, an enemy that one wouldn't dare to cross path with.

At first glance, due to his aloof and detached aura, he would just seem like just a quiet man who prefers to stay in the sidelines, but in reality, he is not. For the truth was, under that apathetic, emotionless and quiet exterior, was a dangerous predator ready to come out when provoked. "What was that noise?" He muttered irritatedly as he rolled on his bed, he was currently staying at their manor, having just gone out for a break from his studies. Being smart and a quick learner, he founds the school to be rather boring, often finding amusement there by bullying others and thinking that he was superior to them, that way, he won't get the idea of ditching his classes, which he assumed that if he did, his father would then surely reprimand him, and surely, that would be like meeting his doom, which he didn't particularly like.

twitching his eyebrows in irritation as more and more noise was heard from downstairs, Devlin put on a white loose shirt and proceeded to go down, check out what was causing the disturbing noise and do whatever it takes to shut it up. As he reached the last steps of the stairs, a frown appeared on his face, surely, why did he even wonder? Who would be making that noise other than his youngest sister after all? "What are you being so noisy about?" He asked, irritation evident in his voice as he leaned sideways on the handrails of the stairs, rubbing his temples as he did so. "If that was something trivial, then do yourself a favor and just shut up."
Donavon had some work to do late night, so in conclusion he got home early in the morning at about five when the sun wasn't up in the sky. It had been a week since he got to meet his siblings, he was too busy and he wanted to get away from them for a while. His younger siblings were just too much especially when they were together, not that he wasn't acting like them but he sometimes couldn't stand him self because he too was as arrogant, selfish as the rest. Even though he was the oldest, he wasn't afraid of hurting the youngest or even yell at her until she cried for hours and this was the time when the second oldest who had been acting like a mother to the family stop the rest from killing each other. It was really not their fault that they couldn't behave, after all their parents were never around, they were to blame, not only the kids. Beside, the family behave really well when their parents were around.

After sleeping for a while, Donavon was awaken by the sound of someone shouting and crying. Who else if it wasn't the brat of the family, Dorothy? His head was pounding, it felt like it was about to explode. The short tempered Donavon stood up from his bed, groaning and left his room, slamming his door. He left his wand in his room, he wasn't planning on attacking her with his wand especially not when he wasn't feeling well, he could kill her if he lost control. "What is wrong with you Dorothy!?" He said yelling as he stood beside the third oldest, Devlin. "Yeah man, shut up! People are trying to sleep up there!" He said with a New York accent and glared at his sister coldly and then to Dancel beside her. "What did you do to her?" He sat on the sofa, leaning back to it while massaging his head. "Dear Merlin kill me now" He said as he lied on the sofa, placing a pillow behind his head.
Dancel smirked as he felt his hand being swat away by his sister, he had already expected that reaction from her, he just wanted to try how annoyed she was then at the moment, for if she was not that mad, then she wouldn't give a care to what he was doing to her. "I'm not planning to, being an older brother stinks." He said, his eyes drifting to the bruises that she had just shown him. The sight of those were enough to keep his blood boiling, no one, and he meant no one, would be allowed to lay even a finger even to the end of his sister's hair, no one would ever be allowed to do something to his family. "Whoever caused that thing did not make a very good job, if he had expected to keep his life, then he should have not let you be here." He said, his voice cold and his eyes sharp, he's getting quite irritated now, just as he was about to speak and add something more, his attention was caught by the sound of footsteps coming from the floor above them, just another thing that could add up to his already annoyed self. "If I did something to her, do you think that she would even have the time to stand up and talk to me?" He shouted back to their older brother, he was rarely home anyways, so what does he know about their family?
Devlin turned his head a little to look at their oldest brother, it seemed to him that he was getting too tired the past few days, that was extremely evident with his mod swings and his constantly heated up behavior. Not that he cared actually, for these sort of things do happen to their family quite a lot, especially if their parents where not around. That's how they function, as calm and tame little lambs when on the watch of either parents, then a ferocious tiger once they're gone. He finds it to be rather amusing actually, for in all sense, that made them much more interesting than the family of their cousins', they were just too uptight for his liking.

He had to smirk when he heard Dancel's response to Donavon, respect and politeness doesn't seem to run in their nerves when there was no one around, he guessed. "Shut up Dancel, you're just making matters to be worst, and you Dorothy, stop being a cry baby. . you look awful." He said, a smug look crossing his face as he began to settle himself down to the sofa nearest to Donavon. "Merlin won't be able to do that Donavon, but I'll gladly take the offer, too bad that I cannot perform magic out of school, but how about, we do it that traditional way huh? Like sticking a knife in your body?" He told his brother, smirking even wider as he placed another pillow on top of his brother's face, giving the impression that he had wanted to suffocate him.
As Dorothy saw her older siblings coming down, telling her to shut up, her eyes began teary, worse than it used to. "YOU shut up Devlin!" She said rudely walking up to her brother pushing him forcefully. She was small, much smaller than Devlin and obviously much weaker. But the girl didn't care, if she cared, she wouldn't have to get the bruise on her eye from other people, she was obviously unwise. "Do you not see what is wrong with me, Donavon?" She pointed at the bruise on her eye, it did hurt but not that much. She was obviously wanting an attention from her older siblings that she never really had before.

Dorothy stood still beside Dancel, being around him made her feel safe somehow, probably because she could attack him back if he attacked her? "We'll have to make him pay somehow, I don't care how long it takes, if a sister or a brother of his turned out to be in the same school as us, I'm going to show them who's boss" She said being to confident not realizing the risk and everything else. But then again, the devil started to talk which annoyed Dorothy.
"What do you think about me hurting you? And then we'll see if you wont complain as much as me, Devlin" She gave him a death glare. Not that she wasn't a cry baby, she was worse than that, in fact she was a drama queen who exaggerate everything.
Right after seeing Dorothy yelling back at Devlin, Donavon knew that there was going to be a trouble. "Enough" He said softly but the girl didn't care, in fact she was about to push Devlin, Donavon stood up glaring at her "ENOUGH I said!" He yelled at her, he was tired and if he had to listen to his sister babbling about nonsense, he would blast tin a minute. Donavon held her so that she couldn't push Devlin and made hi mad, no one could stop each of them from killing each other except if one of them was sane and so far Donavon was still sane. He grabbed her by the wrist, holding it tightly not caring if a bruise would appear or not.

The oldest of the triplets, Dancel was different. Donavon smirked as he listened to him speaking "Touche" He said flatly and finally letting Dorothy go. "Well I'm sorry to inform you that I don't fight like muggles, I'd like you to kill me using your own wand, and that is IF you're smart enough to cast the spell" Donavon was smart, he was sure Devlin was too but then looking down to other people was something wasn't something new. "Dorothy stop being over dramatic, go tell the house elf and ask them for a bottle of potion or whatever, or get yourself killed so you don't have to suffer any longer" He said pushing her, it wasn't a hard push that would make her fall but obviously he want her out of his sight. "And Dancel why are you wasting your time here? Do you not have a class to attend?" Back then Donavon was different, he had to learn too much since he was a kid along with the two other siblings of his, but since the twins were born everything had changed. Back then he didn't dare do do whatever that could displease his parents but now they were hypocrites, behaving when they were around only.
Right after being pushed and yelled at by their youngest sister, Devlin stood frozen in his spot, not that he was offended by such action, but rather, he was starting to get really heated up as well. No one, and he meant NO ONE would dare to do such thing to him, be it his siblings or not. He was about to push and hit her back when he saw Donavon stopped her. It seemed to him that Donavon was the only sane sibling that he had, at least, if you can still call him sane. "Don't you DARE treat me that way, you hear me, huh Dorothy?" He said, leaning down into eye level as his sister, his hands at either side of her shoulder, restraining any further actions that she can take. His eyes were cold as well, and sharp, too sharp that anyone who would look at it would get lost and scoot off away from him. "I'm warning you." He then added, whispering into her ears, smirking as he waited for her reaction.

Looking at Dancel had however, made him smirk wider, Dancel was pretty much different from Dorothy, he seemed calm most of the times, and he treated everyone as his toys, everyone aside from the triplets it seemed. He knew that Dancel would have a violent reaction to what it was that he and Donavon had done to Dorothy, Dancel had seemed to be quite protective of her it seemed. "Cat got you tongue?" He told him, his tone too arrogant for anyone's liking, he then turned his attention to his older brother. "I will Donavon, I will, you just have to wait until I get out of school then.. sadly but that was the case." He said, raising an eyebrow as he did so.
Of course Dorothy made Devlin mad, she was rude at him and he wouldn't take such an action from anyone. She almost got herself killed last time she was in fight, if her sister didn't stop them, she would probably die. "Boo hoo! I can always tell father or worse, mother" She spatted wanting to slap his face so bad but the grip on her hand was too tight and it hurt her. "Ouch Donavon, stop it!" She hit his arm as hard as she could and began crying. Yes, the cry baby cried again and it was all her fault. She was the one who tried to mess with her older brothers and this was a big risk for her. But again, the girl didn't care, she wasn't afraid of anything, not even her older siblings or death. "I'll rip your smirk someday, Devlin. Mark my words" She glared at him with her eyes filled with tears.

The grip was loosen, then Donavon was no longer holding Dorothy's wrist. She pouted as she was being pushed by him and crossed her arms as she stood beside Dancel. The house elf came running toward Dorothy telling her that she had a class later at noon.
"But I don't want to! Tell him that I'm not feeling very well and I don't want to attend the class!" She said stomping her feet to the ground and walked toward the house elf. "I... DONT... WANT TO!" She yelled and screamed making a loud noise which obviously could annoy everyone in there since most of them were short tempered. Dorothy wasn't lying, her eyes hurt so bad but she was exaggerating.

OOCOut of Character:
:r I'm sorry I know that u feel like killing her or is it just me o_O
Donavon felt a little sorry for his younger sister who was being a brat. At least Donavon got to spend time with his parents a little when he was little, this explained why his behavior was so much better than hers. "Wow" He scoffed in a mocking tone as he listened to Devlin and Dorothy threatening at each other. As for Devlin, Donavon was sure that he could do anything but as for Dorothy, she was just making a fool out of herself. "You can tell mother next month when they're home and Devlin can kill you this night if he wants to" Donavon rolled his eyes "Without magic" He added. He wasn't defending any of them but at least he wasn't as insane as them, not yet. If he was then both of them might be in a huge trouble, since none of them could use magic outside school. But Donavon was on his legal age, so he could just cast a spell at them anytime he wanted.

After listening to Devlin's reply about killing him, Donavon smirked, he was satisfied that they were so much alike. But then, Donavon was irritated by the brat who was losing her temper, screaming at the house elf. "No, she will be attending" He commanded and signaled the house elf to go before he got himself killed. Donavon dig into his pocket trying to find a wand to mute Dorothy but he couldn't find it `Dang` He thought and glared at her. "Make her stop" He commanded at his brothers, he had too much and he was tired yet he had to listen to his sister screaming. "DEAR MERLIN DOROTHY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?" He shouted back at his sister who was acting like a maniac.
Devlin had had to laughed cynically at his sister's attitude, he's quite interested at what she could possibly do to him actually. He was much taller and stronger anyway, so whatever it was, he knew that she could not hurt him physically. "Well, if I did kill you today, would you be able to wipe this smirk off?" He said, smirking much wider than before, that smug look of his never leaving his face, which he knew,would somehow annoy his sister more than ever, not that he cared actually, for it was making him rather amused. "But since I'm being kind, I'll let you chose how you want to die now." He added, patting his sister on the head mockingly, showing that he was so much superior than she is.

"You make her stop Dancel, or else, I'll drag both of you by the collar just so you'll attend your classes." He commanded one of the triplets with a wave of his hand, he can stand Dancel's attitude, but not Dorothy's she can get on his nerves quite easily after all. "Bloody hell Dorothy, don't you know how to shut up?" he remarked, with British accent and all. "You're gonna make us bleed to death by all your shouting...your scream is worse than a merman's."
Dancel cannot help but to smirk as he watched his siblings fought against each other, he finds them to be rather amusing, some sort of entertainment for him. Everyone was just like his toys, and he was enjoying watching each and everyone of them trying to threaten each other and such, he didn't even care even if his older brothers had told him to shut up, he was just too much engrossed in watching his sister struggle against the tower like stature of Devlin. Unlike Dorothy, he wouldn't dare to mess with Devlin, at least, not now, he knew that he'd stand no chance against him, for not only was it that Devlin is way older, he's also stronger and much more knowledgeable than they were. "You're all acting like children." He commented, shrugging to himself as he proceeded to sat down on the sofa, one leg brought up closer to his body. "Dorothy, you can plot your revenge for Devlin later, but , don't you have someone else that you want to have some revenge to?" He then inquired, his tone that one of being bored. Unlike his brothers, he is used to his sister yelling so loud.

"I don't want to attend classes as well.... let that useless tutor wait for nothing.." He answered back to Donavon, he's quite tired of all those nonsense talking of their tutor, he even bet that he could do much better than he is, that he knew much better than what he knew as well. "Devlin, you shut up as well..."
Deep inside, Dorothy liked being the center of the attention even though she had to be hurt by other people. She rarely meet her other siblings beside Dancel so she definitely wanted them to be there and payed attention to her. "Well that's good! I'd like to see your ears bleed, I'll be so proud of myself for being able to make you suffer" She spatted, looking at him with a rude tone while speaking. "You're not better than me Devlin" She hit his hand as he patted her on the head. The brat faced her oldest brother, Donavon and glared at him, trying to push him hard with all her strength she got "Well YOU go learn with those idiots, I'm not spending my day locked up learning about nonsense, and anyway we'll be learning about these stuff in school so tell me Donavon, why the hell should I spend another minute learning about something that I'm about to learn?" She said rudely not caring if she offended him, obviously she would offend him.

As usual, Dancel was acting as if he was a grown up, not that he wasn't mature but Dorothy found it annoying seeing that she was the contrast of Dancel.
"Honestly Dancel, you're playing the older brother role again. You know how much I hate it! Stop acting as if you're so mature" Of course Dorothy wanted him to be less mature so that he could act more like her, but then again, Dancel chose not to be childish and no matter how hard she tried to make him similar to her, she couldn't do it."Guess what Dancel? I lost my interest in killing that boy in the park, in fact Devlin is worse than him" Again, she glared at her older brother and made faces, mocking him in a childish way. "I don't want to attend any class, not until next month. Grant my wish and I'll shut up" She said and smirked at her older brother trying to show him who's boss which would lead her to a bigger problem.
Donavon had no idea how on earth Dancel could spend hours even days with Dorothy. He ordered the house elf to take his wand and in a minute, his wand was there, he pointed it at his sister's head, ignoring her wish and threaten her "You do that one more time, I'll mute you and I'll lock you outside without a coat, and you do not want me to do that to you, Dorothy" He said flatly as if he had no interest in her, well at least he was trying his best not to hurt her or did anything that would made her life in danger. But he couldn't stand her any longer, if she was going to continue behaving like a brat then hen would either leave the house for a while for good or lock her sister out for a day without a coat. And she would be forced to either stay out or in their cousin's manor which was more like a nightmare to them.

Donavon then put his wand in his pocket and stretched his arms to the air, followed by him yawning. "Father sent me a letter, and he said that our cousins are going to stay with us for a week since their manor is going to be used by their parents for an unspecified reason." Donavon didn't mind having his cousins around, they were very discipline and quiet but what he mind was the dramas and fights between the Hubertas and Howards, even he couldn't stand the brat, Dorothy. How on earth should his cousins got use to listening her screaming and yelling every single day? "Now you! Have to behave" He pushed Dorothy using his wand not caring if he hurt her, after all she had offended him. "And you, try not to get your self killed, Dancel" Donavon said flatly.
Honestly speaking, Devlin doesn't care whether he had annoyed his sister too much for him to wish him dead. He finds it to be quite funny actually, after all, he knew that she couldn't really do such thing. "I am looking forward to the day that you can get your revenge on me Dorothy, that is, if you can still survive tonight." He said, venom dripping in his every words as he started to play with his sister's hair, he's being rather sadistic with her at the moment, he give no care on it, he was entertained by her reactions, no matter how loud she was, her retorts were priceless.

He then turned his attention to Dancel, one of the triplets, honestly, he respected how the said boy could put up with Dorothy, he's tolerable it seemed, "Dancel, you shouldn't really act like that, should you? I thought that you value your life?" He remarked, throwing a smirk on his brother's way, they were pretty much alike though, so he knew that he mus have some witty remark on his statement.

Hearing Donavon's statement about the Hubertas coming had brought another smirk on his face, he knew that his siblings wouldn't like that, and neither would he, but at least, he can watch his younger siblings suffer in the presence of his cousins, he can at least pretend that he didn't care, but her knew that the triplets, much less, Dorothy, wouldn't. "Oh, that's quite some news Donavon, got to lock up my room now, I guess.."
As soon as Dorothy saw Donavon with a wand, she stopped and pouted "Not fair" She said crossing her arms feeling like crying. She couldn't do anything as long as he had a wand on his hand. "It's not fair!" She complained after hearing the news. Of course Dorothy dislike having them around, last time she was reported to her uncle because she was screaming around the manor. She thought it was unfair for her that she had to follow their rule instead of hers. "They're welcome to the devil's lair" She muttered as she looked at the ground stomping her feet nudging Dancel before whispering to him "I don't want them around" Hoping that he would take care of it and probably make them leave sooner.

Dorothy grabbed Devlin by the hand and dug her nail on his skin
"Don't touch me, Devlin" She tried to hurt him and bit him hard for four seconds and let go. She moved back in case there was a sudden attack from him like what he used to do. Her eyes were still on Devlin's, she was trying to figure out what he was going to do to her, either to ignore her or attack or yelled? She was going to run if he choked her like Donavon did last week. "You'll be spending time with them, the blood traitors but I, I will be up in my room and I'm sure that you guys have to take care of them since they're younger than you. So good luck with that" She scoffed looking at both Devlin and Donavon.
Seeing people fighting like fools was tiring for Donavon. He didn't even care if both Dorothy and Devlin were going to kill each other. Why should he? He could always tell his parents that they lost control and die of probably they drank the wrong potion which turned out to be a poison. He could always lie to them and made up. No, he wasn't going to stop them from killing each other. "That means that you have to behave, especially you Dorothy." He said as he walked away from them with his hands on his back as he looked at the family picture that was hung above the fireplace. "No screaming, no yelling, and knowing that they're classes are a lot more than yours, you will have to attend all of your classes and not ruin our parent's reputation" He said without looking at his younger siblings. "And Dancel, you know the drill if any of your younger siblings misbehave or even the twins" He could always count on Dancel. Even though he was so much younger than him, he was mature and of course since he wasn't in school yet, he didn't know what being a bully felt like so Donavon considered him as innocent.

Donavon turned himself to the other way around to face Dorothy and listened to her commenting. "Honestly Dorothy, do you not think that I like them better than you? Guess what, I don't even care if they're around. They'll probably be in their rooms or the library, not like you screaming around like a brainless maniac." No, he wasn't trying to defend his cousins but they were so much different than his younger siblings, he wouldn't even know if they were around because they were so discipline and quiet. And was always on their best behavior, even Donavon couldn't do that. At least if he was in front of people like them he could but not when he was all alone or with his siblings.
Devlin didn't like what it was that Dorothy had done, thus, in an impulse, he slammed her in the nearest wall, not minding if he had overdone it, not even minding if his sister had broken a bone, no, he's just to irritated to mind even if he had killed his sister. Cornering her, holding both of her hands at either side of her head, Devlin brought his face closer to hers, "You have a death wish, don't you." He sneered, eyes getting red in extreme anger as if there was a monster waiting to be unleashed once provoked more. "I don't care if you scream, Donavon wouldn't even care, and the little shrimp wouldn't be able to do anything against me." He added, voice becoming colder and more vicious as time passes. He wouldn't give any care of what would happen then, cause at the moment, he was just too angry to mind anything.

Devlin didn't let go of Dorothy even if Donavon had told them to behave in front of their cousins, told them to preserve and protect their parents' reputation, but honestly, he could care no less. He could simply live his life pretending that he's not related to the Hubertas, and he can definitely pretend that they were not even staying at their house. "Maybe we should lock this rascal in her room, not give her any food, then probably, life would be much quieter." He said, eyes still fixed at his sister's, he didn't even notice what was Dancel's reaction to what he was doing, not that he would care any way. Dancel is probably intelligent enough not to involve himself in his brother's wrath.
Just as Dorothy thought, she was now slammed on the wall, hitting her head on the wall as her vision got blurry. It was quite hard, Devlin was much stronger and bigger than her and he could do anything to her. "D@mn you!" She shouted at him and stood up, trying to push him away from her but she couldn't. "I'll tell father and you will have to care. He'll see my bruises and I wont drink the potions, because it tastes nasty. And I'm blaming it all to you" She tried to threaten him. She kicked him with her feet as hard as she could, trying to get away from him. "Stoop!" She finally burst into tears still trying to push him away from her. She wasn't scared, she was too mad and she was too weak to get away from him.

The little girl then stopped shoveling him away, she started to looked up to her left and right, ignoring the stares from her brother. She was trying to find something to hurt him but she couldn't spot anything. Dorothy then looked back to her angry brother and hit her head on his and spat on his face. Yes, she was crazy for doing it, she didn't even care what her brother would do to her next.
"Oops I didn't mean that" She said flatly still staring at her brother coldly. She took a deep breath before screaming in a high pitch one more time. "STOP!" She demanded.
Devlin had just scoffed as he listened to what it was that his sister had to to say. Honestly, she's trying to scare him off, but she's failing at it miserably. Devlin fears no one, not his sister, not even his parents, though in their presence, he's much more tolerable than he is now. "Do you think that they'll believe you? I doubt it, a punk like you wouldn't even have the chance Dorothy, you wouldn't." He said mockingly, holding some strands of her hair and twirling it in his finger, he's face was still too close for comfort, yet he didn't care, it makes him more intimidating, it seemed. A smirk appeared on his face as he saw his sister burst into tears once more, for honestly, it brought some sort of a pleasure in him, he loves seeing his sister suffer. "Pathetic.."

When Dorothy hit him on the head and spat on him, Devlin's smirk dropped and was replaced by hatred, his lips tensed, his eyebrows pulled down and together, Devlin choked his sister, not minding whether she'll suffocate to death, she had had her last straw, and no, she won't be forgiven even if she cried blood. "You welp, you are so going to get it." He said, pushing her further into the wall if that was even possible. "i don't care if I kill you right here and then, our parents wouldn't even mid it as well, in fact, I think I'll do them a favor." He spat, his grip on her hand tightening as well as his hand on her neck, any moment now, he's going to explode, and he'll be really happy to do his sister in.
Dorothy's brother wasn't making any sense, being the youngest means that she was spoiled by her parents "Of course Devlin, of course. They ALWAYS believe me, not you." What she said was true but sometimes her parents wouldn't believe her because they thought she was lying, but again she could always drink the truth serum to tell them that she's not lying. "Get your filthy face out of my sight!" She tried to push him again and backed off a little. She definitely wasn't comfortable seeing his face a few centimeters away from her.

Trying to hurt Devlin even more was definitely a wrong thing to do, but Dorothy didn't care. What she cared was how to get his hands around her Neck. She shut her eyes tight as tears began rolling on her cheek. She couldn't say a thing, it hurt so bad. It was getting harder for her to breathe. She placed her fingers on his hands and dig her nails on his skin, her nails were long and sharp. She scratched his face and kicked him on the stomach with her feet. Her vision started to blur as she looked at her brother and her face was pale. If he was going to stay in the same position, she would pass out for sure. `Stop` She mouthed. Dorothy had been in a worse situation with her eldest brother, this was one of the reason why she wouldn't cross the line too much when he was around. If he couldn't stop her by attacking her physically, he could always use magic. But Devlin, he wasn't even on his legal age to perform magic outside school.
"Oh really, then this would be the first time that they'll believe me, and besides, you don't think that you could still live to see the daylights tomorrow, will you?" Devlin said sarcasm evident in his voice now. He knew that Dorothy, being the youngest, was able to get what it was that she wanted, yet, him, being one of the oldest, had been one to take charge of the family whenever Donavon or their older sister wasn't around, thus, he knew that he could still come up of ways at which he could make their parents believe that it was him that was telling the truth. "I'll choke you to death before they would even know it."

A triumphant smirk crossed Devlin's face as he watched his sister's worthless struggles to get him off her, no, she's just too weak to push him off, and of course, that makes him feel more superior than ever. Even when she had dug her nails on his skins, and even when she had scratched his face, he made no further effort to release her, in fact, that had only provoked him to tighten his grip., He didn't care if she passed out of suffocation, that would probably make him happier than ever, there would be no Dorothy who would scream like a banshee then. "I wouldn't..." He said as he read her lips asking him to stop, "I wouldn't let go even if you beg.."
Donavon sat still, not moving an inch as he saw both of his younger siblings fighting, obviously, Devlin was just too stubborn, too arrogant to let Dorothy go. And hearing his sister apologize especially to Devlin was like making the dark lord into an auror. He smirked as he saw his sister struggling, she did need to be taught a lesson. He did choked her worse than Devlin last week since she crossed him and he was so much worse than Devlin not just because he could use magic but he was much stronger than him, he had a lot of training going on lately since he played quidditch professionally. "Look at them" He said flatly and scoffed as he talked to Dancel.

Seeing Dorothy's face became paler, Donavon walked toward them, grabbing Devlin by the collar and pushed him away from her, slamming him to the wall, lifting them by the neck. "Now you two, will have to kill each other when I am not around" He glared at them two and held them by the neck pushing them to the wall. "I don't care what the hell your problem is with her and your problem with him, if you're trying to kill each other, do it in the Knockturn Alley so no one will know. But as long as I'm here you're not choking her to death because I will do the honor of killing her" His grip started to tighten much stronger as his eyes turned red. Yes, he was mad, it was too much for him, he was tired and expected them to behave which was impossible. "And you, I'll make sure you get killed if you keep acting like this" He tighten up the grip, getting more mad and finally let go of them, dropping both on the ground and walked away from them. "Dinner sir" The house elf said, Donavon walked toward the dining room and sat on a seat. "I said, dinner" He said flatly and loudly, ordering his younger siblings to eat.

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