
Alex smiled but it fell slightly as he felt the heat move from his hand. He put on a smile anyway and looked left. 'Right. Off we go. Madame, c'est choix bien'he said smiling
Nina smiled and walked with Alex, Nina wanted today to last forever but knew something bad was bound to happen, she was probably going to mention his family by accident or tell him how she really felt. Nina swollowed harshly then gave a nervous smile to Alex.
Alex smiled and walked along just making sure to watch everyone of his steps so he didn't trip over a rock or anything which was probably bound to happen anyway. He looked at Nina and noticed she looked nervous anyway. He laughed before he could stop himself. He bit his lip. 'Sorry, my fault,'he said hoping he hadn't upset her. 'Like jokes then?'he asked which was a pretty stupid question.
Nina blushed making her turn a deep red. "What?" Nina asked puzzled why he laughed at her. Nina bit her lip nervously hoping she hadn't done something bad.
Nina simply nodded at Alex's misplaced question, it had been 4 years since they new eachother her should know at least that by now.
Alex smiled. 'Yeah, right anyway here's one.'he said grinning. He had found this on the back sheet of one of the letters Haden had sent him 2 days ago. No one had heard it yet so he knew it must be ok . 'Knock, knock,'
"Who's there?" Nina asked with a nervous smile, Alex still hadn't told her why he had laughed at her.
'Anna'Alex said smiling and putting on a cockney accent which was pretty realistic.
"Anna who?" Nina asked with a smile.
Alex grinned. 'Anna one,'he said taking a step closer. 'Anna two..'he continued. 'Anna three,'he said before liflting her up and spinning her round once and placing her back down smiling widly. 'Good joke, huh?'he asked avoiding the actual fact of what he just did.
Nina giggled as Alex spun her around in the air and when he set her down she smiled brightly and said, "Yeah, that was fun."
'Exactly.'he joked smiling. 'I am the master of jokes after all,'Alex joked pinting his thumbs at him self. 'Joking but yeah, it was a good joke,'he said smiling. 'So you got any good ones?'he asked smiling.
"Hmm I guess so." Nina said then scaned her mind for a joke and then she got one and she said, "What does Sushie A say to Sushie B?"
Alex thought. He had heard a joke like that before. 'Wassa B'he guessed smiling.
"Oh you know it already, darn that was the only one I had." Nina said with a smile.
Alex laughed. 'Ach well.You can use my one now on your little bro,'he said smiling.
Nina smiled and said, "Good idea."
Alex smiled. 'Really? Umm, ok, if you say so,'he said, a bit surprised she had agreed with him but there you go. He walked a bit more thinking of what to say next. 'What kind of card games have you played then, apart from snap and clock?'he asked jsut curious.
"Whats snap and clock?" Nina asked curiously, she didn't really play games much, she had always been to busy but the one game she had picked up was poker she actually was good at it. "I am a decent poker player." Nina said softly.
'Good for you. I'm keepign that in mind then. Never playing poker with you'Alex joked . 'Do you like Bolivia?'he asked wondering. 'Snap and clock? Well, umm there umm games, obviously. Kind of hard to explain actually. SImple though,'he said smiling.
Nina giggled and said, "Bolivia is another game right?" Nina then nodded to show she understood Alex.
'Yeah. Like Canasta actually except a bit easier,'he said smiling.
"Canasta?" Nina asked, she had never played any of the games he was naming. Nina smiled weakly and said, "I wasn't exactly allowed to play games 'there a waste of time'." Nina quoted her Mother with disgust.
'Whoa. You have been missing out tons on life then. No wonder you're much more serious than me,'Alex said surprised at the start but joking at the end.
Nina looked down, she knew it was true then giggled at Alex's obvious joke and said, "Yup I am really serious eh?"
'Well, let me put it this way. you study a lot to be prepared, you don't go about annoying people on purpose, you don't relax a lot, you worry way to much, need i go on?'Alex said smiling.

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