Closed Started With A Feeling

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (32)
Summer's warmth always drew Ainsley outside as often as possible, and with the garden in no immediate need of care, Ainsley would take just about any reason to go outside and enjoy the sunlight. And today she had, in her opinion, the best reason of all. Going on dates was difficult, living in a boarding school with limited access to the outside world, but she and Amber had found a few ways to make time together special, and one of Ainsley's favourites was picnics. They had set up a blanket in a cosy corner of the lawn, with a few snacks obtained by asking the house elves nicely, and now there was nothing to do this afternoon but enjoy the time together. Ainsley had brought a few flowers with her, and was taking a break from eating to put a new skill into practice. Ainsley had always been clumsy at braiding as a child, but with Amber's guidance she had been getting better and better recently, and she was now carefully braiding Amber's hair into a crown, weaving flowers into it carefully as she went. "This looks so pretty..." Ainsley said cheerfully as she worked, pleased with the result of her efforts.
Seventh year was a stressful time for Amber, but she still wanted to do everything in her power to enjoy it. It would be her final year at Hogwarts, and that meant she had to appreciate what she had here before she lost it. Spending time with Ainsley was one of the things Amber never got tired of, and she was happy with every special moment the two managed to have together. The picnic they were on today was certainly relaxing, and Amber almost managed not to think about the NEWTs at all while she was here with Ainsley. It was relaxing, letting Ainsley braid her hair for her. She had really gotten good at braiding hair, and she managed to put weave flowers in better than Amber ever could. She smiled as Ainsley said it looked pretty. "Can I see?" She asked, taking a hand mirror out of her bag. "Or do you want to finish your masterpiece first?" She asked teasingly.
Ainsley giggled softly at Amber's question, picking up the last flower sitting on her skirt. "Hold on, just one more..." Ainsley leaned in to focus for a moment, weaving the flower's stem into Amber's braid carefully, and finally secure the entire thing with a hairtie. "Alright, you can look now." Ainsley smiled, sitting back to admire her work. "You look like a faerie princess."
Amber waited patiently while Ainsley added the last flower to her hair, enjoying the nearness of the other girl in this quiet moment. There was something intimate about doing each other's hair, and Amber really enjoyed it. She grinned when Ainsley said she could look, and quickly opened the mirror to look at herself. She held it at arm's length so she could admire the whole thing. "Wow, you should make a job out of this." She said, admiring herself. Then she angled the mirror so that she could see Ainsley behind her as well. "I only see one faerie princess here, though. And it's not me." She said, making eye contact with her girlfriend in the mirror.
Ainsley watched Amber's expression in the mirror as she examined the hairstyle, pleased to see her girlfriend so happy. She giggled at Amber's comment, shaking her head. "I don't think that would pay very well." Ainsley teased. She worried a bit, sometimes, about paying the bills after graduation, since Ollivanders was such a seasonal job, but today wasn't the time to think about that. Ainsley giggled at Amber's next comment, wrapping her arms around her waist cheerfully. "Well, I see two." She teased, leaning around to kiss Amber on the cheek.
Amber smiled a little as Ainsley teased her back, leaning back against her a little. "Well, it should." She said, gingerly touching the braid. "It's really well done, you've done things I don't know how to do." She said with a small smile. She laughed as Ainsley wrapped her arms around her, and she turned her head to look at her after the girl kissed her cheek. "Can I do your hair now? I'm thinking I'll braid some of it, and leave the other part down. It'll make you look beautiful." She grinned. "You already look beautiful, though."
Ainsley smiled, face flushed as she listened to Amber's compliments. Ainsley had never had much of a way with hair, certainly never known what to do with her own, but she enjoyed styling Amber's hair, and was glad to hear that Amber enjoyed it as well. When Amber turned to face her, Ainsley met her eyes for a moment, smiling warmly, then looked away quickly when Amber offered to do her hair. "Yeah!" Ainsley said happily, letting go and turning around so Amber could access her hair. "That sounds so nice..." Ainsley laughed lightly at the compliment, her face flushing slightly.
It was a little sad to let Ainsley go, but she really did like playing around with her long red hair. She settled behind the taller girl and got out a brush. She always enjoyed brushing out Ainsley's hair, and started to do so now. "Your hair looks beautiful in the sunlight." She told Ainsley, pressing a small kiss to her shoulder before continuing. Once she had brushed it enough, Amber started gathering some of the hair to braid. She had in mind how she wanted this to look, but wasn't entirely sure if she would be able to pull it off. "Too bad I don't have any flowers." She said as she started to braid part of Ainsley's hair. "But I do have nice hairclips."
Ainsley settled down and closed her eyes, relaxing as she felt Amber's gentle hands in her hair. There was something so soothing about Amber's presence next to her, warming and calming. Whatever was going on, Ainsley always felt like everythign was alright when Amber was near. It reminded her of how they had first become friends, Amber soothing her fears about being alone so far from home. She laughed softly at Amber's compliment, grinning brightly. "It's always best when it's fluffiest. I love it when I'm like a big walking puffskein." Ainsley giggled slightly. She smiled when Amber said she wished she had flowers. "Your hair clips and things are always so nice though! They're so pretty, I love them!"
Amber laughed softly but had to shake her head slightly. "I like it when it's smooth and easy to braid." She said gently, running her fingers through the red locks. "You do look adorable when you look like a puffskein, but I think you look even more adorable when you look like a human girl." She teased her slightly, continuing to braid her hair. She smiled when Ainsley said she liked the hair clips and things, and clipped a butterfly to the end of her braid. "I'm almost done." She told her girlfriend gently. "I hope you'll like it."

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