Open Spin The Bottle!

Raawhiti Te Rangi

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (18)
It wasn't like Rāwhiti hero-worshipped his captain or anything, he just tended to think that anything Louis had done in the past seemed like a pretty good idea. Just generally. In a normal way. And there was something a bit exciting about the idea of spin the bottle, a fun way to bond with his schoolmates. He had been a little disappointed not to invite Dahlia's year, but he didn't think it would be all that appropriate when there were going to be fifth years playing as well. He couldn't help noticing his teammate during practices and games though, and a little voice in the back of his head thought that if he ever did act on that interest, it'd be nice to have a bit of experience and know how to kiss already.

So here he was, arranging cushions in a circle with an empty butterbeer bottle in the middle, unable to keep the nervous grin off his face as he waited for his schoolmates to arrive, wondering idly if all of his pestering had been enough to bully Emery into showing up. Maybe if Savannah was planning on coming too that would change his mind...

OOCOut of Character:
It's been a hot minute since we had a game, so let's bring back spin the bottle and get SMOOCHY! Arrivals only for now, we'll start the game up for real in about a week, though late arrivals are always welcome.

Some ground rules:
  • Please only post with 4th-5th year students to avoid any awkward age differences.
  • Please only join if you're sure you can stay active in the thread if you're spun. I also encourage keeping things OSW style to keep things moving and fun for everyone.
  • I'll be using RNG to determine who the bottle lands on for my posts, but feel free to pick your target however you'd like. Just make sure you make it clear who your char is interacting with, even if IC they do not know their name. I recommend @-ing them to make sure they see it!
  • To avoid accidental godmodding, please either leave room for other people's characters to back out of a kiss or discuss the outcome with the RPer OOC if possible. A kiss on the cheek is fine as well.
  • For extra fun or just to get an idea of the flow, check out the previous games run by Daph and Kris! (Big thanks to Daph for coming up with the idea, and credit to both her and Kris for putting together this list of rules!)
With her new duties, Aine was trying to keep an eye on things that were going on around the school without being excessively nosy. After all, it wasn't really her business what people did as long as it wasn't going to hurt anyone. Or possibly be a huge break of the rules that would get everyone busted. She wasn't sure if a spin the bottle game counted as the latter, but she didn't really think it was. Her motivation for wanting to attend was far more selfish, anyway - now she was literally sweet sixteen and never been kissed.

Sure, she didn't exactly have any desire to kiss anyone, and she was sure nobody in the year level had any desire to kiss her, but at least she could just get it over with and not feel like she was so far behind everyone else. Bonus if there weren't any weird feelings involved. Quick and painless, like getting her ears pierced. Maybe not the best analogy, but she didn't have a lot to work with on this. She casually nodded at the Gryffindor boy who'd set it up - their seeker on the Quidditch team, if she wasn't mistaken - before deliberately unpinning her badge and slipping it into her pocket. "If anyone asks, I didn't see anything but if I did, it's under control."
Michael couldn't help but be excited at the prospect of playing spin the bottle. Okay, it was a little summer camp, and sure, a little embarrassing, but there were plenty of pretty girls in his year, and probably more in the fifth year - which would be easier to work with, because if he was a terrible kisser then he didn't have to see them in class. He was pretty early to arrive, so he gave Rāwhiti a small wave and hoped the Gryffindor boy didn't harbour any hard feelings from Quidditch. "Hey man, awesome idea."
This was stupid, and Ngawaiata had no idea how Rāwhiti had talked her into coming. Her first kiss wasn't something she had thought about much, but Ngawaiata definitely hadn't imagined it coming from some random classmate in a game of spin the bottle. It was only when he had said she could just kiss people on the cheek that Ngawaiata had finally relented, though the more she thought about it the more that almost felt worse. It would feel like chickening out in front of half the school. Ugh. So it was with folded arms and a dismal attitude that she entered the classroom, mood souring ever more as she caught sight of Aine. She didn't have any personal beef with the Hufflepuff, but she would always be on Cameron's side of any dispute. Ngawaiata shot Rāwhiti a filthy look as she sat down, silently cursing him in her head.
Rāwhiti felt his heart stop for a second when the first person to walk in was a Prefect, hoping his decidedly uncomfortable smile could convince her not to snitch. Relief washed over him as she spoke, his grin quickly turning genuine. "Cheers, Aine." He said sincerely, worries abated. He had told Ngawaiata she could come if she wanted, but he knew his cousin well enough to know she was putting exactly no stock into her role as a Prefect. His smile slipped a little as Michael walked in, and Rāwhiti summoned every bit of strength he could not to kick the Ravenclaw right back out. His ribs still ached from the Quidditch match, whether it was a lingering injury or just psychosomatic, and one way or another he was still beyond gutted by their loss. But this wasn't about Quidditch, not everything could be, he reminded himself as he greeted Michael. "Chur, bro. Good game." He added, hoping none of the bitterness made it to his voice. He was pleasantly surprised that Ngawaiata had actually decided to show up, ignoring his cousin's stinkface and greeting her with a grin and a wave.
Blanche had been going back and forth with herself ever since she heard about the game of spin the bottle. It was silly and childish, really, hardly something she should think about seriously. She didn't even care if she ever kissed anybody. But in three and a quarter years, she somehow hadn't managed to make a single proper friend at school. At first she had been too busy being angry to make friends, but now she was just lonely, and everyone else had already grouped up. Maybe this would be a way to bridge some of those gaps. So she had put her scorn aside and decided to show up, hoping she wouldn't be kicked right back out by the popular Quidditch boy who was running it - and it was probably a sign she should be here that she didn't even remember his name. The room was uncomfortably empty when she arrived, and she resented the lack of a crowd to hide in. Seeing no other options, Blanche took a seat near-ish another girl who was sat apart from the rest and stewed in silence, thinking about how bad this idea had been.
The closer she got to the unused classroom, the sicker Daria felt. This was all a huge, huge mistake. She had barely started feeling comfortable about having managed to make friends at school, the idea that she could just go kiss people, people she didn't even know... it was all overwhelming. But she had been invited, gotten a real proper invitation to an event with her classmates, and the idea of flaking on the first big thing she had ever been invited to was too much. And... just maybe, Emmanuel might be there. Her heart fluttered just at the thought, before sinking. She knew all too well that Penny liked him too, and she was so much nicer and prettier, she knew if it came down to it which girl he would choose. But maybe if he was here, just maybe she would get to kiss him once, if nothing else. So she pulled herself together and entered the room, ducking behind her long curtain of hair as she looked around. She didn't know any of the people here really, she had classes with a few of them and recognised the older girls as prefects, but that was it. She stayed hidden behind her hair as she took a seat, desperately wishing Marnie were here to help her feel at home.
Senna had been thrilled when she had heard about a game of spin the bottle. It definitely would be an interesting way to see what was going on with her classmates. She didn't think she was interested in kissing anyone in particular but she also didn't care much about who she would end up kissing. It was just a game after all and she knew it was bound to be fun. Sen walked into the room with a confident strut in her step, offering a general wave to everyone already there and dropping down onto one of the cushions.
Kiara wasn't entirely sure why she was heading towards the abandoned classroom after hearing about a game of spin the bottle and yet here she was. Would this even be a good idea? Or would it reflect poorly on her now that she was a prefect? Would that tiny bit of confidence she had gained disappear the second she walked through that door or would she be able to keep up her act? She genuinely had no idea, which made it both nerve-wrecking and a little exciting at the same time. Kiara was glad to see some other prefects there when she entered, making her at least feel less worried about that specific question. She offered a small smile to whoever looked her way and sat down on one of the cushions, wondering if more fifth years would show up since she was certain the majority of the kids there right now weren't in her classes.
Emmanuel was a chronic, let me take part, sort of person. He was always keen to have a go at things, but this seemed like quite something. He hadn't even had a first kiss yet and was opting to quite possibly have it at random. Perhaps that was easier. He arrived and spotted a couple of people he knew. He waved to Daria but sat down next to Senna. "A little birdie told me you have an unofficial quidditch club," he whispered to her.
Newt nervous walked here and he wanted first time enyoi spin the bootle. He was five year and he can go there. What Naomi didn't know that she won't get hurt. "Hello, can i join?" He asked warm smile.
Joshua had been curious when he had heard that there was a spin a bottle and wasn't going to turn down the party or idea. Though he hadn't really kissed anyone before. Josh quickly made his way to the abandoned classroom where the game was held. When he arrived, he had spotted only a couple of people he knew. He waved excitedly at Senna when he saw her, as well as Emmanuel who had sat beside her. Josh decided to sit on the other side of Senna, not really hearing the conversation they were having.
Evie didn't know what she was doing. Why was she even here? But she'd been wanting to be more social- and what could be more social than this? She was fifteen, and it didn't look like she'd ever kiss anyone anytime soon- if ever. So, she'd gotten dressed in something she thought was cute, and hurried down to the room. She didn't slow down, rushing in and taking a seat before she could lose her nerve. She tucked her legs under her, her face burning. This was a bad idea... no, this was a good idea. She could do this, couldn't she?
Emery idd not want to be here. He did not. But for some reason, he just couldn't say no to Rāwhiti's stupid ideas. Also, the idea of Rāwhiti doing this dumb game without him there was a strangely distressing one, so here he was, against his will. He quietly entered the room, then lingered near the door. He was ready to bolt if this became too weird,. Maybe it was enough that he showed his face. He didn't sit down yet, glancing at Rāwhiti. Had he noticed he was here?
This spin the bottle game was definitely something Isadora would've joined in a heartbeat before last year. Now, she couldn't really muster the energy for it. But that only made her more determined to join, as she needed to be her old self again. Maybe if she forced it enough, it would work. A quick glance around told her it was mostly fourth years, and to her relief Cameron was nowhere to be seen. She spotted Kiara and headed over to her, smiling at her friend as she sawt down on one of the cushions next to her. "Hey." She said. "Sounds fun, right?"

@Kiara Thompson
For all his bullying, Rāwhiti hadn't held out all that much hope that Emery would actually come. So when he spotted his best friend in the doorway his face lit up at once, greeting him with a bright smile and a wave. "Emery, come on mate!" He said brightly, patting the cushion next to him. "Saved you a space!"
@Emery Mettlestone
Senna watched more students walking in, curious to see which of her classmates would show up. She was glad to also see at least some of her friends show up, smiling when Emmanuel sat down next to her. "What can I say? I got inspired by a friend." She whispered back, giving him a soft nudge with her shoulder. Sen also happily waved back at Josh when he entered, not too surprised he sat down on the other side of her. @Emmanuel Okoye
With each student that entered the room Kiara was starting to think this was a bad idea. Saying she felt comfortable in the room at the moment would be a huge understatement and yet getting up and leaving would be even worse. She'd be fine. Totally. It was just a silly game. And yet she couldn't help but to feel a little relieved when Isadora sat down next to her, glad she'd now have someone to talk to. "Hi." Kiara smiled. "Uh, yeah. Totally." @Isadora Novak
Silas had heard rumblings of a social event hidden away in one of the classrooms. He wasn't sure what all spin the bottle would entail, but seeing as he had never kissed anyone or dated, it seemed like a good starting point. But as he entered the room, he saw Blanche, and things started to feel a little awkward. Did siblings usually attend these things together? She was a little bit distanced from the others, and Silas gave an awkward wave before making his way over towards a window sill, leaning against it as he waited to see who was in charge of this whole thing.
Lorenzo wasn't exactly sure why he was continuing to take steps towards the abandoned classroom. The whole thing seemed a little improper and silly, but Tempest had caught wind and made him promise to attend. He knew all his sister wanted was gossip, something he didn't really partake in, but with everything going on in their lives, doing something a little out of character seemed like an okay decision. He had made sure to put on a nice shirt and comb his curls out of his face, quickly realizing that maybe no one else cared about that. As he found himself crossing the threshold of the room, he saw that it was already filled with quite a few familiar faces, but not that he was particularly close to. Friendships were not his strong point, as he had particularly high standards for someone to be officially classified as such. He took a seat on an empty space, next to a girl he recognized but wasn't sure he'd spoken to. "Hi, I'm Lorenzo," he said, holding out his hand. @Isadora Novak
Veronique was very excited about the spin the bottle game she was told was happening. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to find some boys that might be interested in her. She thought the fact that she was 14 and hadn't kissed anyone was embarassing, and it was great that she was going to be able to fix that. The Hufflepuff walked in and realized there were not in fact many people from her house there, and she didn't see any of her roommates. Awkwardly, she sat down next to Daria, who she didn't know too well but at least recognized from some classes, and waited for the game to start.
The light that filled Daria's heart as Emmanuel arrived and waved to her was quickly snuffed out as he made a beeline for Senna. Of course. There was always someone prettier, more outgoing, more interesting. She lowered her eyes and tried not to cry, wondering if it would be too obvious to just get up and leave. This whole thing had been a silly mistake after all.
Rāwhiti smiled and greeted his schoolmates as they filtered in, pleasantly surprised at how many people had turned up. While he was quietly holding out hope that maybe a few more people would show up and lower his chances of having to kiss his cousin on the cheek in front of everyone, this seemed like a good number to actually start the game.

"Alright, we're gonna start!" He said cheerfully, cutting through the chatter. "The rules are simple - one person spins the bottle, and they have to kiss whoever it lands on. You can choose to kiss them on the lips or the cheek, and don't be weird about it! Nobody has to do anything they don't wanna." He said firmly. "If you're family you can just high-five or whatever." He added with a quick glance to Ngawaiata. That'd be better than the possibility of a cheek kiss, and he was pretty sure they weren't the only relatives here. "Whoever the bottle lands on takes the next turn to spin." He finished off, before reaching for the bottle. "I'll get us started!" He added, giving a quick, confident spin. After a few rotations the bottle landed on the newest arrival, a girl he recognised from classes but didn't think he had ever spoken to before. He moved closer to Veronique, suddenly nervous in a way he hadn't expected to be. "Uh, lips or cheek?" He asked, immediately self-conscious about the uncertainty that showed in his voice. His first kiss hadn't felt like a big deal until right this second, and he wondered if the older group his brother had played this game with had felt this way.
@Veronique Chatelain

OOCOut of Character:
The game is now underway, but latecomers are still welcome to join in, just add your name to the list below for those using a random number generator!

1. Rāwhiti Te Rangi
2. Aine Thompson
3. Michael Watson
4. Ngawaiata Martin
5. Blanche Broomhead
6. Daria Bright-Root
7. Senna Overby
8. Kiara Thompson
9. Emmanuel Okoye
10. Newt Stewart
11. Joshua Lynch
12. Evangeline Moss
13. Emery Mettlestone
14. Isadora Novak
15. Silas Broomhead
16. Lorenzo Vero
18. Veronique Chatelain
Veronique was surprised when the game started so quickly after she arrived, but there were already a good amount of people there. She listened to Rāwhiti explain the rules and felt her stomach dance with excitement as she waited to see who would be the first to partake in the game, and to Veronique's surprise, it was her. The Hufflepuff looked up at everyone and then to Rāwhiti, realizing how awkward this was that everyone in this room was going to see her first kiss. At least he was cute.

She straightened up as Rāwhiti came closer to her and thought for a brief moment before answering his question. "We're playing spin the bottle so why not go all in?" she asked, her French accent shining through as she leaned forward, planting a kiss on the Gryffindor's lips for just a moment before pulling back, hoping he had been just as impressed with the experience as she had. Smiling confidently, Veronique gave the bottle a spin and was surprised when it landed on Aine. Somehow, Veronique had forgotten that girls would also be apart of the game as contenders. But she didn't want anyone to judge her for hesistating. She just had really hoped she'd get to kiss another cute boy, because there really were quite a few here.

"Hi," she said to Aine, moving over towards the prefect. "Lips or cheek?" she asked, keeping with the question Rāwhiti had started with. @Raawhiti Te Rangi @Aine Thompson
Despite attending the event, Aine hadn't really thought about what would happen next. There were certainly more girls than boys, it seemed, and Aine was pretty sure she preferred boys. She'd kind of hoped her first kiss would be from a guy, anyway. But, even if she wasn't a Gryffindor, she wasn't a coward. @Veronique Chatelain was pretty, and seemed nice enough, so, it could be worse - and she was a fourth year so even though they were in the same house it wasn't like she was in the same dorm. At least it wasn't Margo (who wasn't here, but still), that would've been incredibly awkward. "Oh, uh...lips I guess?" She shrugged, giving Veronique an apologetic look. It would look bad if she was the first to chicken out, though she did go for more of a quick and awkward peck on the lips more than an actual kiss. She wasn't that brave.

Aine spun the bottle afterwards, watching as it landed on @Emmanuel Okoye . Well, he was a boy, but they still interacted through the History Club, so she hoped this wouldn't be too awkward. It was part of the game, after all. And she couldn't help but feel some sort of ill feeling towards her as she moved over to him with another apologetic smile. That was probably just her own anxiety talking, right? "So, uh, lips or cheek?"

i woke up and chose violence today

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