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Demetrius Wagner

Magiconservationist Intern | Rich kid
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Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Hey guys. Some of you may have noticed that I've been getting slower and slower at doing replies. I keep trying, but my mental health has taken a turn. It hasn't been good for a while, but I've kept trucking on, basically hoping that the medication changes I'm doing will eventually 'click' into place and I'll be good again. It hasn't worked out that way yet. Adding to this, I'm coming up to the last month or so of university and my priorities have to lie there.

Basically, I've decided in light of how things are to take a sort of break. I'll still uphold my site responsibilities (eg my professor role) but when it comes to RPing I'm taking a step back. I'll probably still do lessons for a couple of my characters because I find that a bit less pressure personally. Apologies for plans that have fallen through, or threads I've left hanging. Week by week, I keep expecting to get better, and then nothing really happens. I'm hoping by next IC year things will have turned around.

Side note: if I've recently started a thread with you, I'll try and keep that up but that'll be all I do for the time being. I might try some valentines' dance threads when the time comes but that'll be it for me until next IC year.
Take all the time you need! I hope everything goes okay for you! The site will still be here when you’re ready to be fully back :) please take care of urself!!
RL always comes first. Take good care of your mental state and your last run for the university.

If you need anything, you can reach out to me anytime!
No stress about threads, I know the feeling well! Take care of yourself, health is always priority 1!
Best of luck with everything and take care!
Aw Sarah, no worries. Sometimes you need a break. Your health is important! I hope you feel better soon, take care of yourself!

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